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Topics Covered

1. The Science of Color

2. The Color Wheel (History)
3. Primary Colors
4. Secondary Colors
5. Tertiary Colors
6. Properties of Color
7. Color Systems
8. Color Schemes
9. Creating a Custom Color Scheme
10. Idiosyncrasies of Color
11. Color Psychology
12. The Social & Cultural Symbolism of Colors
13. Color Coding
14. Perceptual Disabilities
15. The Gender Connotations of Colors
16. Examples of Good Color Schemes
#1. The Science of Color
O Color doesn’t exist!

O Color is created only when

our brain tries to make
sense from light signals it
receives from the outer
world. In other words, it’s all
in your head.

O Without that, our world is a

monochromatic place
bathing in electromagnetic Deprived of color, our world would probably
radiation of varied intensity look like a scene from Matrix.
and wavelengths. Nothing
fun about that, unless you’re
into physics.
#1. The Science of Color
O Color is a property of light. Our eyes see only a small
part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
#1. The Science of Color
O White light can be divided into it's component parts by passing it
through a prism. The light is separated by wavelength and a
spectrum is formed.

O Sir Isaac Newton was the first to discover this phenomenon in the
seventeenth century and he named the colors of the spectrum.
#1. The Science of Color
O If the ends of the spectrum are bent around and joined a
color circle (color wheel) is formed with purple at the
meeting place.

  

The Color
#2. The Color Wheel
O The original color wheel is credited to Sir Isaac Newton who joined
the red and violet ends of the visual spectrum into a circle.

Do you remember this School Project?

#2. The Color Wheel
O This is what the Modern Day Color Wheel looks like:
#3. Primary Colors
O The primary colors are Red, Yellow and
These colors cannot be mixed
from any other colors. The triangle
they form on the color wheel is
called the
primary triad.
#4. Secondary Colors
O The three secondary colors (Green, Orange and
Purple) are created by mixing two primary colors.

Red + Yellow =
Red + Blue = Purple
Yellow + Blue =
#5. Tertiary Colors
O When a primary color is mixed with a secondary color
tertiary colors are made

Yellow + Green = Lime Green

Green + Blue = Turquoise
Blue +Purple = Violet
Purple + Red = Magenta
Red + Orange = Vermillion
Orange + Yellow = Light
#6. Properties of Color
O Color has three distinct properties: Hue, Value and Saturation. To
understand color you must understand how these three properties relate
to each other.

O Hue: When someone is talking about hue they are talking about the
actual color of an object. Green is a hue as are red, yellow, blue, purple,

O Value/Brightness: Is a measure of how light or dark a hue is. Adding

white to a hue makes it lighter and increases its value or brightness.
Consequently adding black makes it darker and lowers the value or

O Saturation: is the degree of purity of a hue. Pure hues are highly

saturated. When gray is added the color becomes de-saturated.
#5. Properties of Color
Hue, Value and
Saturation using
the Adobe
Photoshop Color
Saturation Picker

Value / Brightness

Try this out yourself to understand the difference between Value &
#6. Properties of Color
O Shade: The result of adding black to a hue to
produce a darker hue


Value / Brightness

O Tint: The result of adding white to a hue to

produce a lighter hue

• Decreasing the Brightness of the hue results

in a different “Shade” of the hue O Tone: A color tone is the result of adding gray
to a hue.
• Increasing the Brightness of the hue results
in a different “Tint” of the hue

• Increasing or Decreasing the Saturation of

the hue results in a different “Tone” of the
#7. Color Systems
O There are two types of Color Systems OR Color Models that are commonly
used for color creation:

O When producing physical colors as in paint a Subtractive System (CMYK) is

used and when producing colors digitally as on a computer an Additive
System (RGB) is used.
#7. Color Systems
O Subtractive Colors (CMYK): When we
see colors in physical objects we’re
seeing reflective light. When we see
red it’s because all the other
wavelengths of light have been
absorbed and only the red is reflected.
This is a subtractive system, because
to produce color we’re removing all the
wavelengths of light who’s color we
don’t want to see.

O Subtractive systems start with white

and continue to add color until the
result is black.
(White = C0+M0+Y0+K0)
#7. Color Systems
O Additive Colors (RGB): To create colors
on a computer screen we have to add
light since the light source comes from
within instead of reflecting the light
coming from outside the system. When
there is no light we see black (Black =
R0+G0+B0) and we as we add more
color we move toward white.
(White = R255+G255+B255)
#7. Color Systems
O The Pantone Color Matching System is
largely a standardized color reproduction
system. By standardizing the colors, different
manufacturers in different locations can all
refer to the Pantone system to make sure
colors match without direct contact with one

O There is a special subset of Pantone colors

that can be reproduced using CMYK .
However, most of the Pantone system’s 1,114
spot colors cannot be simulated with CMYK
but with 13 base pigments (15 including white
and black) mixed in specified amounts.

O The Pantone system also allows for many

special colors to be produced, such as
metallics and fluorescents.
#8. Color Schemes
Achromatic Color Scheme
O Any color that lacks strong chromatic content is said to be unsaturated,
achromatic, or neutral. Pure achromatic colors include black, white and all

Adobe Illustrator Color

Window displaying Pure
Achromatic Colors

Jesus preaching, known as The hundred Guilder Print

Rembrandt van Rijn
#8. Color Schemes
Chromatic Grays
O Also known as near neutral colors… these are almost like achromatic
colors with a hint of color and brightness

Interior Design

The Magpie
Claude Monet
#8. Color Schemes
Warm & Cool Colors
The color circle can be divided into warm and cool colors
based on the Color Temperature

Warm Colors Cool Colors

O The colors on the red – orange - O The colors on the green - blue –
yellow side of the wheel are said purple side of the wheel are said
to be warm because they are to be cool because they are
associated with warm phenomena. associated with cool phenomena.
e.g. Sunlight, Fire etc. e.g. Water, Ice, Sky etc.

O Warm colors are vivid and O Cool colors give an impression of

energetic, and tend to advance in calm, and are said to recede --
space. they appear farther from the
#8. Color Schemes
Warm & Cool Colors
O Can you tell apart the compositions using Warm or Cool Color Schemes?

A Girl Asleep at Table Femme Couchée Lisant

Johannes Vermeer Pablo Picasso
#8. Color Schemes
Monochromatic Colors
O Monochromatic color schemes are made up of different tones, shades and tints within a
specific hue. These are the simplest color schemes to create, as they’re all taken from the
same hue, making it harder to create a jarring or ugly scheme (though both are still possible).

Schemes can be
represented by a
single spoke of the
color wheel


Interiors following a
Monochromatic Color Scheme
#8. Color Schemes
Analogous Colors
O Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the
color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable
O Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious
and pleasing to the eye.
O Make sure you have enough contrast when choosing an analogous color


Interiors following a Analogous Color

#8. Color Schemes
Complementary Colors
O Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel are considered to be
complementary colors.
O The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look especially when
used at full saturation. This color scheme must be managed well so it is not jarring.
O Complementary color schemes are tricky to use in large doses, but work well when
you want something to stand out.
O Complementary colors are really bad for text.


Interiors following a Complementary Color

#8. Color Schemes
Split-Complementary Colors
O The split-complementary color scheme is a variation of
the complementary color scheme. In addition to the base
color, it uses the two colors adjacent to its complement.
O This color scheme has the same strong visual contrast
as the complementary color scheme, but has less
O The split-complimentary color scheme is often a good
choice for beginners, because it is difficult to mess up.


Interiors following a Split-Complementary Scheme Photography

#8. Color Schemes
Triadic Colors
O A triadic color scheme uses colors that
are evenly spaced around the color
O Triadic color schemes tend to be quite
vibrant, even if you use pale or
unsaturated versions of your hues.
O To use a triadic harmony successfully,
the colors should be carefully balanced -
let one color dominate and use the two
others for accent.

A Triadic Color Scheme

can be created by
drawing an Equilateral Interiors following a Triadic Color
Triangle on the Color Scheme
#8. Color Schemes
Double Complementary (Tetradic) Colors
O The rectangle or tetradic color scheme uses four colors arranged into two
complementary pairs.
O This rich color scheme offers plenty of possibilities for variation.
O Tetradic color schemes works best if you let one color be dominant.
O You should also pay attention to the balance between warm and cool colors in your

This painting
uses red as the
dominate color
with blue, yellow
A Double Complementary and green as
Color Scheme can be accents.
created by drawing a
Rectangle on the Color
#8. Color Schemes
The square color scheme is similar to the
Double Complementary, but with all four
colors spaced evenly around the color circle.
O Square color schemes works best if you
let one color be dominant.
O You should also pay attention to the
balance between warm and cool colors
in your design.


A Square Tetrad Color

Scheme can be created Interiors following a Square Color
by drawing a Square on
the Color Wheel
#8. Color Schemes
O Can you Identify the Color Schemes used in the following visuals?

Use the Color

for reference
#9. Creating a Custom Color
O Custom color schemes are the hardest to create. Instead of following the
predefined color schemes discussed above, a custom scheme isn’t
based on any formal rules. Keep in mind things like Hue / Chroma, value,
and saturation when creating these kinds of color schemes.

There are several online tools available

The colors here all have similar Hue and to create your own custom color
saturation levels. schemes:

Using one color with a high Chroma /

Hue among other colors with lower
chromas is another effective method (the Click on the logos to jump to the respective URLs
higher Chroma color can act as an accent).
#10. Idiosyncrasies of Color
Light colors appear larger than
dark colors on the same

The same color looks clearer

against a dark background than it
does against a light background.

Any color appears more dynamic

when it is displayed against a
background of gray.
#10. Idiosyncrasies of Color
The purple squares, although identical
seem to vary in color and size on different
colored backgrounds.

A brilliant, vibrant color will not show

much change despite different

The gray sample appears to be different

against different backgrounds
#10. Idiosyncrasies of Color
The same color will appear to change in
value, depending upon the surrounding
color. Green on white appears to be
brighter than the green on black.

The Green Hue appears to be different in

both these samples.
#11. Color Psychology
O "Warm colors" (yellow, orange, red) evoke pleasant, often dynamic,

O "Cool colors" (green, blue, purple) evoke a quieter mood, and are
considered less outgoing than the warm
#11. Color Psychology
O Colors can have different effects on people and can even hold different
cultural meanings beyond what may be naturally intuitive.
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
O Understand the Social & Cultural Symbolism of Colors. Colors carry a strong emotional
weight for most people, due to the social connotations that are often associated with them.

Red By Geography
Australian Aboriginals: Land, Earth
China: Good Luck, Celebration, Summoning
Israel: Sacrifice, Sin
India: Purity
South Africa: Color Of Mourning
Russia: Bolsheviks And Communism
Eastern: Worn By Brides, Happiness And Prosperity
Western: Excitement, Danger, Love, Passion, Stop, Christmas (With Green),
Valentine’s Day

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Gemini
Feng Shui: Yang, Fire, Good Luck, Money, Respect, Recognition, Vitality
Psychology: Stimulates Brain Wave Activity, Increases Heart Rate,
Increases Blood Pressure
Roses: Love, Respect — Red And Yellow Together Means Gaiety, Joviality.
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
By Geography
Pink Korea: Trust
Eastern: Marriage
Western: Love, Babies, Especially Female Babies, Valentine’s Day

Other Symbolism
Feng Shui: Yin, Love
Psychology: Used In Diet Therapy As An Appetite Suppressant, Relaxes
Muscles, Soothing
Roses: Gratitude And Appreciation (Deep Pink) Or Admiration & Sympathy (Light

By Geography
Orange Ireland: Religious (Protestants)
Netherlands: House Of Orange
Western: Halloween (With Black), Creativity, Autumn

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Sagittarius
Feng Shui: Yang, Earth, Strengthens Conversation, Purpose, Organization
Psychology: Energizes, Stimulates Appetite
Roses: Enthusiasm, Desire
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
Gold By Geography
Eastern: Wealth, Strength
Western: Wealth

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Leo (Golden Yellow/Orange)
Feng Shui: Yang, Metal, God Consciousness

By Geography
Thailand: Mourning, Widows
Eastern: Wealth Western: Royalty

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Gemini, Sagittarius, And Pisces
Feng Shui: Yin, Spiritual Awareness, Physical And Mental Healing
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
Yellow By Geography
China: Nourishing, Royalty
Egypt: Mourning
India: Merchants
Japan: Courage
Eastern: Proof Against Evil, For The Dead, Sacred, Imperial
Western: Hope, Hazards, Coward, Weakness, Taxis

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Taurus
Feng Shui: Yang, Earth, Auspicious, Sun Beams, Warmth, Motion
Psychology: Energizes, Relieves Depression, Improves Memory, Stimulates
Appetite Roses: Sociability, Friendship, Joy, Gladness

Baby By Geography
Blue Western: Babies, Especially Male Babies

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Virgo
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
By Geography
Green China: Green Hats Imply A Man’s Wife Is Cheating On Him, Exorcism
India: Islam
Ireland: Symbol Of The Entire Country, Religious (Catholics)
Islam: Perfect Faith
Japan: Life
Eastern: Eternity, Family, Health, Prosperity, Peace
Western: Spring, New Birth, Go, Money, Saint Patrick’s Day, Christmas (With

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Cancer (Bright Green)
Feng Shui: Yin, Wood, Growing Energy, Nurturing, Balancing, Healing, Health,
Calming Psychology: Soothing, Relaxing Mentally And Physically, Helps With
Depression, Anxiety And Nervousness

By Geography
Gray Eastern: Helpers, Travel
Western: Boring, Dull, Plain, Sad

Other Symbolism
Feng Shui: Yin, Metal, Dead, Dull, Indefinite
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
By Geography
Blue China: Immortality
Iran: Color Of Heaven And Spirituality, Mourning
Eastern: Wealth, Self-cultivation
Western: Depression, Sadness, Conservative, Corporate, "Something Blue"
Bridal Tradition

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Capricorn And Aquarius (Dark Blue)
Feng Shui: Yin, Water, Calm, Love, Healing, Relaxing, Peace, Trust, Adventure,
Psychology: Calming, Lowers Blood Pressure, Decreases Respiration

By Geography
Brown Australian Aboriginals: Color Of The Land
Western: Wholesome, Earthy, Dependable, Steadfast, Health

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Capricorn And Scorpio (Reddish Brown)
Feng Shui: Yang, Earth, Industry, Grounded
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
White By Geography
China: Death, Mourning
India: Unhappiness, Mourning, Peace
Japan: White Carnation Symbolizes Death
Eastern: Funerals, Helpful People, Children, Marriage, Mourning, Peace, Travel
Western: Brides, Angels, Good Guys, Hospitals, Doctors, Peace (White Dove)

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Aries And Pisces
Feng Shui: Yang, Metal, Death, Mourning, Spirits, Ghosts, Poise, Confidence
Roses: Reverence, Humility, Truce

Other Symbolism
Astrology: Virgo And Libra
Psychology: Suppresses Appetite, Peaceful Environment, Good For Migraines
#12. The Social & Cultural
Symbolism of Colors
Black By Geography
Australian Aboriginals: Color Of The People
China: Color For Young Boys
Thailand: Bad Luck, Unhappiness, Evil
Eastern: Career, Evil, Knowledge, Mourning, Penance
Western: Funerals, Death, Halloween (With Orange), Bad Guys, Rebellion

Other Symbolism
Feng Shui: Yin, Water, Money, Income, Career Success, Emotional Protection,
Power, Stability, Bruises, Evil
Psychology: Self-confidence, Strength, Power

Other Symbolism
Western: Stylish, Money
Feng Shui: Yin, Metal, Trust, Romance
#13. Color Coding
O Use Color Codes to Denote Relationships & Hierarchy
#14. Perceptual Disabilities
O Never Rely on Color Alone. Consider Perceptual Disabilities such as color
blindness. Males are ten times more likely to be color blind than females. The
disability is especially pronounced among male Caucasians: 8% suffer some
form of color blindness.

Imagine a color blind

person operating these
switches without the
“Start / Stop” Labels

Ishihara Test for color vision

problems. Someone with a red-
green color deficiency may not
see the red number in this
#15. The Gender Connotations
of Colors
O Be Aware of the Gender Connotations of Colors

O In general, women are more

sensitive to color than men.

O Men are ten times as likely to be

color blind

O Studies also show gender

differences in color memories and
color preferences.

O Preferentially, women list shades of

red first; men list shades of blue. The
social associations of pink and blue
may be largely responsible.
#16. Examples of Good Color
Traditional Art Interior Decor

Analogous, Warm Analogous, Cool

#16. Examples of Good Color
Logo Design Fashion Design Jewelry Design

Triadic Monochromatic

Split Complementary
#16. Examples of Good Color

Monochromatic Achromatic
#16. Examples of Good Color

Complementary Analogous

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