(Eng) Marlisa Tenggara - My Detailed Eczema Natural Healing

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Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

This e-book is written with love and by grace to help people in sickness
especially to those who suffers Eczema and other skin diseases. After
some seasons battling with severe eczema, antibiotics, steroids, creams
etc and finally healed by Jesus’s grace through natural healing, topical
steroid withdrawal and herbal detox, i decided to publish my personal site
about my journey through it all and now to publish this e-book to be able
to help all eczema suferer easier.

Everything written on this e-book are written with lots of prayers with
hopes and faith so that all readers will find the source of Healer and get
healed completely! That is my vision writing this e-book. So, everything
written inside are based on my personal experiences, everything i
suggested inside this e-book have been tried and done by me.

But let me say that this e-book is not intended to be used as legal medical
advice and is not a subsitute for medical services. The statements made
regarding the products i used are based on my experiences and have not
been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA / BPOM). But i
assure you that all products and ingredients inside are safe and have been
registrated legally. So, do consult with a health care professional as you

If there is any information in this e-book that is misused or

misunderstanding, the author of “My Detailed Eczema Natural Healing”,
Marlisa Tenggara is very sorry for that damages and would like to be
informed about it. The author and anyone or any business associated with
www.marlisatenggara.com does not assume any liability for the misuse of
Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
the information contained in this e-book and will not be held accountable
for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any
suggestions or procedures described in this e-book, whether it be direct,
indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages.

You do not have the permissions to change this content in anyway

without permision of the Author. But please do share it to everybody that
you think might need it. As i have received such grace for free and i think
everybody should have it for free too. So, let’s get in deeper in this, and
i’m sure everyone of you will find your way to your source of Healer then
your healing. Jesus loves you 

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

Before we start our treatment plan, i want to share you my story battling
with severe eczema first. I want to show you that there is indeed HOPE to
keep you hoping!

Life is a journey, we all know that and walking it until now. When i say the
view is great, it is great – but sometimes we just can’t see it, that happens
to me around the end of 2014. As i said before that i was diagnosed with a
lot of diagnoses and until today i can’t hardly decide which diagnose i
actually had. I was diagnose with Scabies, Pityriasis Lichenoides, and
Dermatitis Eczema.

End of 2014

Here is what i looked like couple months after i got a really weak body for
couple of weeks (fever, lost apetite, influenza, cough).

It was from tiny blisters (like insect bites)

to these- spread almost all my body –
except hand, face and neck. It’s all itchy
and some of them (on feet) are oozing.

I went to some dermatologist, they gave

me antibiotics and creams, nothing really
works- after i’m done with all meds, the
symptoms keep coming worse. I broke
down. I felt not perfect and disable. Hid from the outside world because i

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
felt so not confident about myself. Scratching also became my habit
everywhere i go. No more normal life, no more going out with ease, no
more sleeping without an itch and bath without an oozing wound. I
prayed to God asking for help! Hoping that everything will be gone soon.

May 2015

After a long journey, surviving every single

day, this was what i got for my prayer.

A worse body. Worse wounds.

After visiting some derms at Indonesia

didn’t work i decided to visit derms at
Penang, Malaysia (you can read my
medical journey in Malaysia here). Went there with all my hope to God.
Every single step i walked with hope on my heart that God will bless this
way and heal me. So, the doctor gave me oral steroids and cream. When i
was on it, it all were flawless, no itch, no oozing. But when i ran out my
steroids, my darkest nightmare came. You can see it through my picture.

I wasn’t broke down this time, i was crying my heart out, kneeling down,
and reaching to a hand that could help me because i felt so helpless,
hopeless and death was once seems like my best option.

Physically at this condition, my wounds had spread almost all over my

body from face to my toe, i had them on my hand, face, neck and even my

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
breast now. I remember i had to put tissues inside my bra everyday
because of the oozing.

I was ruined. My body was losing everything that it has.

At this point, the itch were so severe, because it was all oozing
everywhere- no more sleeps at night, maybe just couple of hours to close
my eyes then woke up by the itch. I had to bring tissues everywhere
because the oozing just wouldn’t stop. No more open clothes or dresses,
no more bath. I couldn’t sits, sleep, walk or do anything at ease- because
of the scars were everywhere, i couldn’t turn my body over to the left or
right, i slept on the wooden bed then, because sleeping on the mattress
gave me more itch.

I blamed God once. Because of the answers i got from my prayer were all
worsen body. I was in anger. But i know i was wrong that way.

June 2015

So in the middle of those mess, God lead me to find some blogs about
Eczema healing success and there they followed an elimination diet with
some supplement.

So i decided to follow their steps, i was too on an elimination Diet. At this

time, i learned to surrender everything i has onto His feet, i know that His
love for me is unfailing. After a month on the elimination diet, healing
kept taking places, the wounds kept drying but still itchy.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
I can never imagine how i could go through
another month, even another day without
God’s presence. When i was blaming Him,
He never once left me hanging, He again
took my hand and said that He loves me, He
has seen my sadness, my tears and told me
to be strong.

So one day, God has spoken that He will heal me. I took it with all my faith
that’s left, and trust Him. At that day i slept with all my faith on Him,
trusting that He is God the creator of the world and this body, He is the
only One who is able and that His kind heart never changes. He will help

The next morning, amazingly my wounds are all so much dry from before.
I even remembered to have open the dead flakes of the wounds and
amazed by how fast it dries, as just last night all the wounds were still so
oozing and impossible to get this dry in just over the night. Thanks God.

But it still 50% of healing, my miracle is not yet done! I believe He always
completes what He has started. The itching was still unbearable,
sometimes i would have to scratch until it bleeds. And it hurts me, how
could i break my own skin while i was so eager to have it healed! So, one
night i shouted to the Lord asking for His help for the itch because it was
so unbearable, i cried asking His mercy to take on the itchy.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
And He did. The next morning, the itchy has decreased so much so that i
could bear not to scratch it. Thanks God.

July 2015

About half of a year God processed me through this sickness, and how i
am giving thanks for it !!! There are a lot of miracles after miracles that He
has given me, even this page couldn’t hold it all.

“But He said to me : “For my grace is sufficient for you; for My power is

made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12 : 9)

All these times, i have lived in such an arrogant life, that i thought my life
is my life. I forgot who is the one who have this life. We have no rights for
our life nor our 5 minutes ahead. We’ll never know what will happen in
front of us. Never live your life like you are the one holding it.

Sometimes God let things that we don’t understand to happen. We may

not like it, but sometimes those things will happen. And when it happens,
where would you turn?

All these times, God has drawn me nearer to His presence, to know Him
better, to realize that He is God, i am not, He is God, and i am human. For
the power is in His hand and not mine, For He is so good, for His unfailing
love, He didn’t just heal me completely but saved me and for me that is
the biggest miracle of all! That i am once again saved under His arms. That
i can feel His presence, and His heart, be drawn nearer to Him.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
So, on June 2015, after a month of elimination diet, i got better in all part
of my body except my feet, you can see that my feet were back to worse.
At that time, there were friends of mine who suggested to see a “Sinshe”
on Bandengan, Jakarta. I took it on my prayer for a week before deciding,
because i knew that God is able to heal me without men, but also i
wanted to surrender to His way of healing.

After a week, i got a stronger will through His words to go there, so i

decided to go to Sinshe Franky.

And miracles happens (AGAIN)! Went there and had him check through
my palm, and said nothing big just some not serious issue (he hasn’t seen
my skin), then i show him my skin and he was shocked a little and even
took pictures of it (the June pictures).

He then showed me some other patients who has severe psoriasis that
are healed. So he gave me some chinese medicine that i have to boil and
drink 3 times a day for a week, and herbal cream. Everything is herbal
here. The concept is to detox your inner organs just like the elimination
diet, but with this herbal, your detox process will
be a lot faster.

I prayed for the medicines and cream, and take it

for only 4 days to see miracle happens!!! About 4
days after having the medicines, my wounds
were all goes under the skin!!! Just like the

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

So after a week i got back to Sinshe to have a check up again, and

amazingly he was shocked!!! and ask “How come, this fast???” “We
haven’t really cured it, the medicines i gave you fro just opening the cells
inside your body.”

I smiled and know that My God is working! Thanks God.

Today i am completely healed! Not yet have my whole skin regenerated,

still have a little brownish left scars, buttttt Gooodd i am so thankful for
every little things that i can do now :

 I am now having my bath twice a day

 I am now working out and sweating
 I am now having my quality sleep on a mattress and even turn over to
left and right wherever i want and everytime i go to sleep at night i am
thankful to feel the comfort of my blanket and bed, how it feels so
 I am now able to wear any fabric and dresses i want
 I am now ITCH FREE, my nails has even grown longer because of it ^^
 My skin are way softer than before now. The brownish scars has gone
amazingly – no longer there on my face, neck and hands.. just left a very
few on my feet and stomach, but for me it just proves that God heals.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

From my experience i could say that Eczema is my body crying out for
help! I used to surfed all over the net to find out as many as i could about
eczema. Because i knew that to heal it, i first have to know about it. Try to
accept your eczema and get to know it more, don’t hide because there is
nothing you can do if you hide from it.

Eczema is a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and

inflamed, with blisters that cause itching and bleeding, sometimes
resulting from a reaction to irritation (eczematous dermatitis) but more
typically having no obvious external cause.

Just like you plant something that is not thriving. You probably would say
to yourself that your plant is not “doing well”. You would first consider
whether you have failed to give the plant something it requires to floursih
and then wonder if the plant might be exposed to something that did not
agree with it.

We, as human beings, are more complex than plants. We need a greater
variety of nutrients and are subject to a greater variety of germs and
toxins. But there is also a great variety among us, that’s why each one of
us is different from everyone else. Dealing with your eczema, i know that
maybe you have dwelled with a lot of questions everyday, like :

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
1. What did i eat that make it flare up now?
2. What did i just use ? Is it safe for me?
3. Can i eat this now? Can i use this product? Etc.

These questions always haunted me everyday, especially when i saw my

skin worse than before. So these are the causes of Eczema from what i
have gone through :

Something is out of balance

The body is producing too many or too few hormones. In the case of
eczema low thyroid function can be a major cause of eczema. When the
thyroid function is low, circulation is reduced. In advanced cases of
hypothyroidism, the skin, in fact, may receive as little as one-fourth to
one-fifth the normal blood supply.

With reduced ciculation, the nourishment supplied by blood is reduced

and at the same time, waste products are not removed promptly and
completely since blood is the primary remover. The result is a skin which
is not normally healthy and the development of itching, swelling,
blistering, oozing, and scaling of the skin. (Barnes, pp. 112-114)

Something is wrong with digestion

Do you know that our gut contains 100 trillion microorganisms, it means
that our gut contains 10 times more bacteria than all the human cells in
the entire body. If the gut is not healthy, neither is the rest of the body

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
including the skin. In the stomach, nutrients are made usable as fuel for
running the body. So your immune system is really hang on to this.

If the immune system has to get up every day and fight germs (harmful
bacteria, yeast, parasites, etc) it is not surprising that it may become
cranky and overly reactive to environmental stimuli. A cause of eczema is
the immune system becoming over reactive and hyper responsive to
normal stimuli. In chinese medicine they describe this condition by saying
that a person has too much “heat”.

Infections from the growth of Candida Albicans is common among eczema

patients. For example, in my case, my face was swollen and full of red
hives and looked like it had fungus growing on it. Candida Albicans is a
type of yeast-like fungus that can cause weakening of the immune system
and infection known as candidiasis. Candidiasis is the result of eating
processed foods (white sugar, white flour, white rice, carbohydrate, etc),
using antibiotics and different medical drugs. If you are under antibiotics
for a long period, the antibiotics would kill the good and bad bacterias all
at once but it won’t kill the Candida. So once you stop using it, the
candida will grow uncontrolled.

Exposure to toxins
There are 3 primary ways that toxins enter the blood stream :
1. Through the digestive system (eaten)
2. Through the respiratory sysyem (breathed in)
3. And through the skin (absorbed)

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
Exposure to toxins can overload kidney and liver and when that happens
they become congested. As a result, the burden of daily detoxification can
fall on the skin since it is the biggest elimination organ, thus leading to
skin problems such as eczema.

A stressful lifestyle can affect the intenstine greatly. When one is faced
with emotional or psylogical stress on a daily basis, the body produces
cortisol (a hormone) which affects the intestinal tract by destroying
friendly bacteria. The digestive system becomes impaired. Most people
under stress will say that they feel pain in their stomach. Long term stress
can cause ulcers as the body continues to secret cortisol. Stress can also
stimulate the adrenal glands and exhaust them, causing them to
malfunction. A chain reaction can lead to a whole host of diseases
including that if eczema.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

Before i started any of my treatment plans, i always brought it up to my

prayers because i know that there is only one Healer. He is our Lord, Jesus
Christ. He has died for us at the cross so we could have hopes to be freed,
to be healed and to be saved. Any of these will not work out if it’s not by
His grace. Miracles do exist, trust the Creator of Miracles which is God. Go
back to natural really reminds me to go back to the source of healing.
Personally it’s like calling me back and drawing me nearer to my source of

Start to trust your source of Healer, when you only trust the healing
treatments you will get dissapointed if it takes too long or if it fails. But
when you decide to trust the source of Healer, you’ll know that He will
show you the way to your healing and He will take your hands to go
through it. Faith is taking a risk in hope but i’ll say : keep hoping! Because
keep hoping in Jesus will never fails, and that is His promise in the bible.
He is God that never fails on His words – keep your faith, be strong and
courageous. Jesus loves you! Go back to the source of Healer no matter
how far you’ve lost.

Natural healing always takes time, be patient and keep your faith. Give
thanks for every changes no matter how small it is, give thanks for it as we
never deserve any of this healing. Keep knocking the heaven’s door with
prayers and you’ll see the Holy Spirit will guide you to your perfect

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
healing. With God’s grace i don’t have to wait for years in this natural
treatments to get healed – He could just heal me completely i know but i
give thanks for He healed me by time, because then i could see His love,
His tenderness, His heart and His purpose for my life.

And after i knew the causes of eczema, i changed my lifestyle. And before
i started my natural healing journey, there are some natural starters for
you. These are the things that included on my daily diet, on the next
pages i will show you my Elimination Diet list. So here goes :

1. Yes, Turmeric
Turmeric is your best friend. Turmeric contains an anti-inflammatory
substance that is the same with meds like Mortin, Hydrocortisone or
Phenybultazone. You can have 1 glass of warm turmeric water without
sugar daily. Avoid sugar as best as you could! As sugar will cause you
itch and ooze more.
2. More Lemon!
Start your day with a glass of warm squeezed lemon water. Cut your
lemon in half and squeezed them to a glass of warm water. Drink it 30
minutes before your breakfast to cleanse your inside organs from
toxic. And not just that, lemon contains a really high Vitamin C that is
very good to boost your immune system.
3. Coconut Oil and Coconut Water
I used to apply Coconut Oil when my skin was so oozing and severe. It
contains anti-bacteria and anti-infection susbtance. So when i wasn’t
able to take a bath for 2-3 months, i applied the Coconut Oil twice a

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
day. You can also drink 3tbs/day of the Coconut Oil to boost your
immune system.

While Coconut Water, especially from green coconut is very good in

detoxing the toxic from your body. So, if you are under Topical Steroid
Withdrawal (you can have a read about TSW here), you should drink
green coconut water more often to make the detox runs faster.
4. Omega 3
You’ll need to consume omega 3 to keep your immune system
healthy, reduce the inflammation and moisture your skin from inside
out. Foods like Chia Seeds, Fish and Walnut contains a high omega 3.
You can also buy omega 3 pills on the store if you don’t have enough
omega 3 from your daily meals.
5. Prebiotic
As i said before that a healthy gut is really important for your immune
system. Prebiotics could build up your good bacteria in your gut to
prevent all kind of virus and toxic. You can have Prebiotics within
fermented foods and supplement. In my case i used Nature’s Plus
Acipdophilus Supplement.
6. Smoothies & Juices
Start to drink fruit smoothies or juices daily. As when you are on diet,
you’ll need more vitamins and nutrition to keep your energy and
health. Fruits like Avocado, Watermelon, Melon, Apple, etc are very
good for you (you can check the detail on my diet list between the
next page). Avoid Citrus fruits like Oranges, etc because it will cause
your skin cells more difficult to regenerate.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

Do you know that 80% of your immune system is affected by a good

digest system? If you have a healthy digestion then it means you have a
healthy gut. Your gut is an organ that determines which nutrition to
absorb and which toxic / allergens to throw and avoid.

Keep your gut healthy by eat right! Chew your food until it’s pulverized
then swallow it. Don’t drink while eating, just drink a sip after meal, then
drink again to your needs an hour after your meal. Drinking while eating
will push your un-digested food straight from your gut. And it won’t be
good for your gut and your immune system.

Eating in a rush could make your gut work harder and it won’t be good for
your immune system.

Unsweetened fresh or frozen Oranges, orange juice,
Fruits whole fruits, fresh sqeezed fruit grapefruit, strawberries,
juices grapes, banana
Almost all fresh raw, steamed, Corn, creamed vegetables,
Vegetables sauteed, or roasted vegetables, nightshades (tomatoes,
sea vegetables (seaweeds) potatoes, egglpants, peppers)
Non-Gluten Brown rice, millet, quinoa, Wheat, corn, barley, splet,
Grains & Starch amaranth, buckwheat kamut, rye, couscous, oats
Soybean products (soy sauce,
Vegetable Split peas, lentils, legumes, soy bean oil in processed
Protein beans foods, tempeh, tofu, soy milk,
soy yogurt)
Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
Walnuts, sesame, pumpkin,
sunflower, hazelnuts, almonds,
Nut and seeds cashews, brazil nut, nut and Peanuts, peanut butter
seed butters (such as almond
and tahini)
fresh or water-packed cold
Pork (bacon), beef, veal,
water fish (e.g. Trout, salmon,
sausage, cold cuts, canned
Meat and fish tuna), wild game (e.g rabbit),
meats, hot dogs, shellfish, raw
lamb, duck, organic chicken and
meats and raw fish
Milk, cheese, cottage cheese,
Dairy products
Unsweetened rice milk, almond cream, yogurt, butter, ice
and milk
milk, coconut milk cream, non-dairy creamers,
Cold pressed olive, coconut, Butter, margarin, shortening
flax, sesame, almond, procesed oils, canola oil, salad
Fats & Oils
sunflower, pumpkin, walnut, dressings, mayonnaise,
coconut spreads
Filtered water, spring water,
Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated
green tea, herbal teas, seltzer or
Drinks beverages, soda pop,
mineral water, yerba mate,
coconut water
Chocolate, ketchup, relish,
Spices and Vinegar, all spices, sea salt, chutney, soy sauce, barbecue
condiments dried pepper, carob, raw cacao sauce, teriyaki, other
Refined sugar, white/brown
Stevia, xylitol, coconut nectar, sugars, honey, maple syrup,
Sweeteners whole/fresh fruit (in high fructose corn syrup,
moderation) evaporated cane juice, brown
rice syrup, agave nectar

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
Change your diet to anti-inflammatory foods like it listed on the table
above, be patient and see changes on your skin.

Gluten, Yeast and Sugar free

As i told you before about Candida and that it lives from carbohydrate,
yeast and sugar. That’s why, you need to avoid these three things as best
as you could. Try to subtitute them in your diet. For example, i used to eat
White Rice but since the Elimination Diet, i subtitute them to Brown Rice
which has lower carbohydrate. (because it is very hard to find quinoa, etc
in Indonesia).

My daily menu

Morning : Warm Lemon Water + Fruits

Afternoon : Vegetable Salad + Fish or Brown Rice + Sauted Vegetables

Supper : Fruits

Night : Fruit Juices – Brown Rice + Vegetables

You should subtitue rice with vegetable / nut more actually, but as an
Asian and live in Indonesia, i found it so hard to live without rice as we are
all so depend on rice in here. We have been eating rice since forever. So, i
rather subtitute it to brown rice.

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com


(*Gluten, Dairy, Yeast, Sugar Free)

 2 large Sweet Potatoes
 1/2 Onion Ring
 1 Egg
 Leek
 1 tsp Salt
 1 tsp Pepper

1. Peel off your sweet potatoes skins, then chop the peeled
sweet potatoes to small pieces and boil them.
2. While waiting for the boiled sweet potato, mince the onion
ring and the leek.
3. Once the sweet potatoes are done, mashed them.
4. Add the minced onion ring, leek, the egg and the seasoning to
the mashed sweet potatoes. Mix them altogether.
5. Make an oval form from it and put it on the fridge for about
15 – 30 min.
6. Then fry them up on your frying pan. Use a little vegetable oil
or coconut oil on your pan so it won’t stick.
7. Fry them up until it’s brown and voila! You can serve them up
with chili sauce

for more recipes visit :

LaFons Cook Book
Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

When my eczema got so worse, i almost gone crazy. I am a christian so i

know well that i can not have suicide as i will straight go to hell, but i pray
for my death – and i think well that is just exact the same thing, right?! I
was so hopeless waking up everyday with the same wounds, the same
itch and worsen oozing. Facing everyday that i couldn’t do anything i want
– i couldn’t take a bath, couldn’t eat what i want, couldn’t go to malls
freely, it was killing me and my self esteem.

The only thing that keeps me going is His words and that Jesus never once
leaves me. He is always there with me. He gives me family, and my
husband (still my boyfriend at that time) that support me always to this
very day. They never lose hope on me, always encourage me – cry with
me – looking for way out together in Him. His grace is the only thing that
saves me and healed me. And i know that Jesus didn’t heal me just for
me, He loves me and He loves you all so He healed me to send you the
same messages He gave me :

“I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue
you.” (Isaiah 46:4)

“Wait for the Lord. Be strong & let your heart take courage.” (Psalm

“Be still and know that I’m with you.” (Psalm 46:11)

“I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I
called you. I said, ‘You are my servant. I have chosen you and have not
rejected you. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I
Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com
am your God; I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my
righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:9-10)

“The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s
coming.” (Romans 8:18)

“The Lord your God is with you; The Mighty one will save you. He will
rejoice over you. You will rest in His love; He will sing and be joyful about
you.” (Zephaniah 3:17)

“you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish
what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

“Be strong and very courageous.” (Joshua 1:7)

“For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of
yourselves; It is the gift of God not of works lest anyone should boast.”
(Ephesians 2:8-9)

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has
to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” (1
John 4:18)

“Be careful for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving. Let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians

“Keep on knocking.” (Matthew 7:7)

God says “Prepare yourself. I’m about to take you to another level in your

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

Hi, I’m Marlisa Tenggara (March 1990), Jesus’s beloved daughter and a
wife to my lovely one and only husband.

I am born Indonesian. Love to travel and write. I have published my

personal website by the grace of the Lord to encourage people who are in
So happy to be able to publish this e-book. The
Holy Spirit really helps me through all the
process of writing this e-book. Always put all my
readers around the globe on my prayers. I know
that God has lead me to this step for a purpose
and that is to call all His beloved children back
to the source of Healer, Jesus Christ.

At last, i hope you not only get the treatment plans i have written but also
could grow your faith and hope to the Lord. I ask all readers to trust again
and never doubt His love as i know He yerns to heal you very much, that is
why i am writing this here. You are chosen, you are special and you are
called to be set free. Visit my Book of Faith and be ready for your miracle!

We speak healing in the name of Jesus for you and awaiting your
miraculous story! 

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made
perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my
weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

marlisa tenggara

Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com






Find me at :
Instagram : @marlisathen
Website : marlisatenggara.com
Email : marlisatenggara@gmail.com

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