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Combined Cardinal and Lateral System
(Red to port in Region A and red to starboard in Region B)



Notices to Mariners (Annual , Permanent, Preliminary and Temporary) ; ADMIRALTY Information Overlay
(AIO); Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts (NP5011) ; ADMIRALTY Guide
to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS (NP5012); The Mariner's Handbook (NP100, especially Chapters 1 and
2 on the use, accuracy and limitations of charts); Sailing Directions (Pilots) ; List of Lights and
Fog Signals; List of Radio Signals and Tide Tables (or their digital equivalents).


© Crown Copyright 2018

This document is protected by international copyright law. No part of this document may be reproduced , stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise without the prior written permission of the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton,
Somerset, TA1 2DN, United Kingdom (


Introduction and description

Introduction {1.1) ..... .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . ........... ... ... . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . . . .. .. ... . .. . . .. . . .
Description of the system (1 .4) .... ... .. . .. .. .. . ... ..... ... . .. .. .. ....... ... .. . . . . .. .. . . ... ... ... . . ... . . 3
General schemes of buoyage (1 .5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Lateral marks ... . . ..... . . . .... . .. . .. . . . .... . . . .. . . ... . .. . ... . ... . . . .. . ... . ... .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . 7

Cardinal marks ... . . . .. . ... . .. . .... . . .. ... ........... ... .. . ............. . ...... . .. . ....... . .. ....... .... 12

Isolated danger marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Safe water marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Special marks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Marking New Dangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Charting ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Certificate of Authenticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Last page




General information was made by the Technical Comm ittee of the

1.1 International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (now
The severest test of a buoyage system occurs International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation
when the mariner is confronted unexpectedly by night and Lighthouse Au t horities (IALA)) . IALA is a
or in low visibility by lights marking an uncharted non-governmen tal body wh ich brings together
danger, such as a recent wreck; immediately he must representatives from the aids to navigation services in
instinctively, positively and correctly decide what he order to exchange informat ion and recommend
must do. improvements to aids to navigation based on the latest
2 In the Dover Strait in 1971 , MV Brandenburg struck technology.
the wreckage of MV Texaco Caribbean and sank, 6 IALA decided that agreement could not be achieved
though the wreckage was appropriately marked. A few immed iate ly, but concluded that the use of only two
weeks later the wreckage , despite being marked by a alternative systems was practicable by dividing the
wreck-mark ing vessel and many buoys , was struck by world into two Regions. It proposed a system allowing
MV Niki, which also sank. A total of 51 lives was lost. the use of both Card inal and Lateral systems in each
It was this disaster which gave rise to the Reg ion , but whereas in Reg ion A the colour red of the
development and implementation of the IALA Maritime Lateral system is used to mark the port side of
Buoyage System. channels and the colour green the starboard side, in
3 The wreck of MV Tricolor in the Dover Strait in Region B the colours are reversed .
2002 high lighted once again the need to mark new The boundaries of the two Buoyage Regions are
dangers quickly and resulted in the introduction, shown in Diag ram 1.2.
initially on a trial basis, of the Emergency Wreck
Marking Buoy. For full details, see Chapter 7.
Development 1.3
1.2 In 1980, at a con ference convened with the
The beginn ings of a uniform system of buoyage assistance of the Inter-Governmental Mari t ime
emerged in 1889, when certain countries agreed to Consu ltative Organ isat ion (IMCO) (now the
mark the port side of channels with black can buoys International Maritime Organ isation (IMO)) and the
and the starboard side with red conical buoys . International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO), the
2 Unfortunately when lights for buoys were introduced, lighthouse authorit ies from 50 countries and the
some European coun tries placed red lights on the representatives of nine international organisations
black port hand buoys to conform with the red lights concerned with aids to navigation, agreed to adopt the
marking the port side of harbour entrances, wh ilst ru les of the new combined system , and reached
throughout North America red lights were placed on decisions on the buoyage Regions.
the red starboard hand buoys . 2 The IALA System has now been implemented
3 Thereafter various conferences sought a single throughout much of the world. In some parts, however,
buoyage system, but without success, until 1936 when conversion to the new system is still incomp lete .
a system was drawn up under The League of Nations In certain areas, such as North America and the
at Geneva . It established a Cardinal system, and a inland waterways of Western Europe, the IALA system
Lateral system with the principle that red buoys should is used with modifications wh ich are described in
be used to port and black buoys to starboard. But ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions.
several coun t ries were not signatories to this 3 However, al t hough most major alterat ions of
Convention and continued to develop the ir original, buoyage to the IALA System have now been
and oppos ite systems. completed, there are still some places where the
4 After World War 11 (1939-45) buoyage systems buoyage does not confo rm to that System. Some ports
were re-established in NW Europe based on the will convert their buoyage piecemeal and only when
system devised by the 1936 Geneva Convention, but other buoyage changes make it convenient; others
wide differences in interpretation of that system have yet to announce plans to conform to the IALA
resulted in nine different systems com ing into use in System .
those waters. Progress towards completion of the change to the
5 In 1973, observing the need for urgency, a further IALA System is, therefore, likely to be gradual, and
attempt to find a single world-wide system of buoyage notice of change, if given, is likely to be short.


Scope Can , conical and spherical buoys indicate by their

1.4 shape the correct side to pass.
The System applies to all fixed and floating marks, 2 Marks which do not re ly on their shape for
other than lighthouses, sector lights, leading lights and identification carry the appropriate topmark whenever
marks , certain large light floats , and light vessels. It practicable. However, in some parts of the world,
serves to ind icate: light-buoys have identical shapes on both port and
Sides and centreli nes of navigable channels . starboard sides of Laterally-marked channels, and are
Navigable channe ls under fixed br idges not fitted with topmarks.
(see 2.10). 3 In US waters , a buoy with a conical or truncated
2 Natural dangers and other obstructions such as con ical top, known as a nun buoy, is used to mark the
wrecks (which are described as "New starboard side of the channel
Dangers " when new ly discovered and Additionally, it will often be found in Baltic waters
uncharted) . that topmarks are not used on buoyage as a
Areas in wh ich navigation may be subject to consequence of their frag ility in inclement weather.
Other features of importance to the mariner. Topmarks
1.5 Can , conical , spherical , X-shaped and +-shaped
Six types of mark are provided by the System: topmarks are the on ly ones used .
Lateral, Cardinal , Isolated Danger, Safe Water, Special On pillar and spar buoys and on beacons the use
marks and Emergency Wreck Marking Buoys. They of topmarks is particu larly important as the shape of
may be used in any combination. The way in wh ich all the buoy or beacon has no meaning, although ice or
these types of marks can be combined is illustrated in severe weather may sometimes prevent their use or
the General Scheme of Buoyage diagrams at 1 .5.1 - 4. damage them beyond recognition.
Each type of mark is described in greater detail in
Chapters 2 - 7 . Lights
2 Most lighted and unlighted beacons , other than 1.9
leading marks , are included in the System. In general, Where IALA System marks are lighted , red and
beacon topmarks have the same shapes and colours green lights are reserved for Lateral marks and yellow
as those used on buoys. Because of the variety of lights for Special marks. Alternating blue and yellow
beacon structures , the diagrams in these chapters flashing lights are used for Emergency Wreck Marking
show mainly buoy shapes. Buoys.
3 Until 2006 , permanent and sem i-permanent wrecks White lights, distinguished one from another by their
were marked in the same way as other dangers; no rhythm , are used for other types of mark.
unique type of mark was reserved for them in the 2 It is possib le that some shore lights, specifically
IALA System . However the Emergency Wreck Marking excluded from the IALA System , may by coincidence
Buoy was introduced on a trial basis in 2006 , and have similar characteristics to those of the buoyage
formally adopted in 2010 . For fu rther details see 7.4 . system. Care is needed on sightin g such lights that
they are not misinterpreted.
1.6 Retroreflectors
Red and green are reserved for Lateral marks , and 1.10
yellow for Special marks. Black and yellow or black Two codes , the Standard Code and the
and red bands , or red and white or blue and yellow Comprehens ive Code , are used for distinguishing
stri pes are used for other types of marks as described unlighted marks at night by securing to them, in
later. particular patterns , retro reflective material to reflect
back light. In any specifi ed area on ly one of the codes
Buoy Shapes is used. The code in use will, if known , be mentioned
1.7 in ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions.
Five basic shapes were defined when the System 2 Standard Code uses the follow in g markings:
was devised: Can , Conical, Pillar, Spherical and Spar. Red Lateral marks: One red band or red shape
Light floats and buoyant beacons are also used. i.e. a square in Buoyage
Reg ion A or a triangle in
Buoyage Region B.
Green Lateral marks: One green band or green
shape i.e. a triangle in
Buoyage Region A or a
square in Buoyage Region B.
Preferred channe l As for red or green Lateral
Can Con ical Pil lar Spherical Spar marks: marks, depending on the
dominant co lour of the mark.
Buoyage - Shapes (1.7) Special marks: One yellow band, yellow X or
yellow symbol.
Variations in the basic shapes may be common for
a number of years after the introduction of the !ALA Cardinal , One or more wh ite bands ,
System to a particu lar locality since much existing Isolated Danger and letters, numerals or symbols.
equipment will continue in use. Safe Water marks:

General Scheme of Buoyage (Region A)

~ Preferred Channels
+-- Secondary Channels
The Lateral Buoyage marking the channels
is Red to Port, related to the Conven tional
Direction of Buoyage. Off the coast, the
direction of buoyage in this area is from N

east to west; within the estuary, it is the
direction taken by the mariner when
approaching from seaward.

NOTE (see Note)

The SE wreck is a New Danger, too recen t
to have been charted. See 1.11.

Examples of Buoyage (1 .5.1)

For symbols and abbreviations.
see NP5011 .

I Spoil \
Fl. Y.5sif- I
\ Ground /
"- /
J;;:, Fl.R.3s
Outer Fairway

,.:+ "

Fl. Y.5sJ

Fl(2)R.10s ./;;:,. ~
~"--- - ~
Representation on charts (1.5.2)

General Scheme of Buoyage (Region B)


~ Preferred Channels
..__ Secondary Channels
The Lateral Buoyage marking the channels
is Red to Starboard, related to the
Conventional Direction of Buoyage. Off the
coast, the direction of buoyage in th is area
[l N

is from east to west; within the estuary, it is
the direction taken by the mariner when
approaching from seaward.

NOTE (see Note)

The SE wreck is a New Danger, too recen t
to have been cha rted. See 1.11 .

- ~-


Examples of Buoyage (1.5.3)



'* •

For symbols and abbreviations,
see NP50 11 .

/ ..,,,_
I Spoil \
Fl.Y.5sT J

\ Ground / lso.10s i::JR

'- - .....-
• Fl.G.3s
Outer Fairway

~ RRSst\
~ R~

J VO Fl. Y.Ssll
ll • y

Q(9)15s J~ V0(3)5s
Lil ( s~ 1/
--~ t va~ +
vav \ . -
F1(2)G. 10s.
~ a -__
'--10 --Jl-

Representation on charts (1.5.4)


3 Comprehensive Code uses the same markings for used to represent a line, area, position or other form
Lateral and Special marks, but separate markings for that may be displayed graphically. The information,
distinguishing Cardinal. Isolated Danger and Safe including geographic position, carried by virtual AtoN
Water marks, which are given later in the descriptions may be fixed or may change over time (dynam ic),
of those marks. depending on the intended purpose. There are two
applications of virtu al AtoN , temporary and permanent.
Virtual aids to Navigation 3 Virtual AtoN is particularly useful in time-critical
1.11 situations and in marking/delineating dynamic areas
A virtual aid to navigation (AtoN) does not where navigational conditions change frequently or in
physically exist but is a digital information object applications where the use of phys ical aids is not
promulgated by an authorised service provider (such practical or possible.
as AIS) that may be presented on navigational For example:
systems for a specified location. A nearby base station it may be appropriate to create a virtual AtoN to
or AtoN station could broadcast this as an AIS mark new hazards to navigation on a
message. The AIS message will clearly identify this as temporary basis until a more permanent AtoN
a virtual AIS AtoN. The information from virtu al AtoN can be establ ished ;
should be considered as the same as an equ ivalent virtual AtoN may be estab li shed to mark
real AtoN. situat ions (such as channel boundaries,
2 Virtual AtoN can be used to inform the mariner overhead clearance , ice, water levels) where
about dangers to navigation as well as safe navigation conditions change frequently and
waterways , areas in wh ich extra caution may be would requ ire dynamic marking.
necessary and areas to be avoided. They may be 4 For charting of virtual AtoN, see Chapter 8.

Use Preferred Channels
2 .1 2.3
Lateral marks are generally used for well-defined When proceed ing in the Conventional Direction of
channels in conjunction with a Conventional Direction Buoyage, at the point where a channel divides , the
of Buoyage. They indicate the port and starboard Preferred Channel may be indicated by a modified
sides of the route to be followed. See diagrams 2.1.1 Lateral mark.
and 2. 1.2 . on pages 10-11 . Note: a bifurcation may also be marked by a
Cardinal mark, see diagrams 1.5 .1-4 and paragraph
Conventional Direction of Buoyage 3.2.
The Co nventional Direction of Buoyage is defined in Colours
one of two ways: 2.4
Local Direction of Buoyage. The direction taken Red and green are the colours reserved for Lateral
by the mariner when approaching a harbour, marks.
river, estuary, or other waterway from seaward.
2 General Direction of Buoyage. The direction 2.5
determin ed by the buoyage authorities, based
The System dictates that when buoys other than
wherever possible on the principle of follow in g pillar or spar buoys are used to mark the lateral extent
a clockwise direction around continents. It is of a channel , Can Buoys shall be used to mark the
usually described in ADMIRALTY Sailing
port side, and Con ical Buoys to mark the starboard
Directions and, if necessary, ind icated on side.
charts by the appropriate symbol. Diagram 2.2
illustrates how General Direction gives way to Top marks
Local Direction at the outer limit of the Thames 2.6
Estuary. When fitted, port-hand marks carry can-shaped
3 Around the British Isles the General Direction of topmarks, and starboard-hand marks carry conical
Buoyage runs N along the W coast and through the topmarks. These topmarks are particularly important
Irish Sea, E through the English Channel and N when used on pillar or spar buoys, as they mirror the
th rough the North Sea. designated buoy shapes (see 2 .5 above) .


• Oostende

Dove r

• Dunkerque

Newhaven 1. Symbols shown are for multicoloured
charts (See 8.3) . Magenta symbols will
continue to be used on some charts.
2. This diagram is representative for Region
A. In Region B, the coloured dots are
reversed .

Local and General Direction of Lateral Buoyage (Dover

7 Strait and Thames Estuary) (Region A) (2.2)

Lights Special marks
2.7 2.9
When exhibited, red and green lights are used for Yellow coloured can and cone shapes may be used
Lateral marks . as Special marks in conjunction with Lateral marks for
Lateral marks for certain purposes have specified spec ial types of channel marking . See 6.1.
Composite Group Flashing (2+ 1) for Preferred
Marking of fixed bridges over navigable waters
Channel marks.
Quick Flashing or Very Quick Flashing for New 2.10
Danger marks. Best point of passage is the most appropriate
Other Lateral marks may have lights of any rhythm. point to pass under a bridge, and is determined by the
If appropriate , synchronized lights (all flash at the competent authority taking into account all re levant
same time) or sequential lights (flash one after factors such as:
another) or a combination of both may be used. Maximum availab le headroom.
Water depth under the bridge, particularly where
Sequence it is not uniform.
2.8 Protection of bridge piers and other obstructions.
If marks at the sides of a channel are numbered or The need to have one or two way traffic.
lettered, the sequence follows the conventional 2 Visual marks. The extent of the navigable channel
direction of buoyage. is marked as follows (See diagram 2.10):

Buoyage Region A

l======LI:===l• I==== = ====- I l=== =====l • l====Ll:::====I

Red White Green
(Occulting lsophase or Morse 'A')
(Rhythmic) (Rhythmic)
Best point
I of passage
:~ - - - - - - - - - - - - Navigable Channel - - - - - - - - - - - - ~:

Buoyage Region B

l======LI:===l • l======~ 1 1========l • l===Ll:====I

Green White Red
(Occulting lsophase or Morse 'A ')
(Rhythmic) (Rhythmic)
Best point
of passage
:~ - - ------- --- Navigable Channel - - ----- --- --~:

Marking of fixed bridges over navigable waters (2 .10)

In Buoyage Region A: to port, a panel showing a described above may be floodlit. If the navigable
solid red square ; to starboard , a panel channel occupies the full width of a span , some
showing a solid green equilateral triangle , point authorities may flood light the bridge piers alone.
upwards The best point of passage is indicated by a white
In Buoyage Region B: to port, a panel showing a light or lights located under the span and exhibiting a
solid green square; to starboard, a panel safe water mark character (5.1) .
showing a solid red equilateral triang le, point 5 Sound signals. One or more sound signals of any
upwards. type may be used to warn the mariner of the presence
In both Reg ions , the best point of passage is of a bridge. If a number of such signals are placed at
marked by a circular pane l with red and white different points on the bridge , their character should be
vertical stripes. different from one another.
3 Note. Bridge spans other than those marked by the 6 Racons. A short range racon may be used to mark
red and green lateral marks described above (e .g. the best point of passage under a bridge. Where two
spans to be used by very small craft) may be racons are used to mark either side of a bridge span
indicated by Special marks (6 .1). they are coded:
4 By night, red or green rhythmic navigation lights Port: Morse Code B (-.. .)
may be used to mark the extent of the navigable Starboard: Morse Code T (- )
channe l, although in some cases the daymarks

This diagram is schematic and in the case of pillar buoys in particular, the ir features wil l vary with the individual design
of the buoys in use.
Colour: Red. Colour: Green.
Shape: Can, pillar or spar. Shape: Con ical , pillar or spar.
Topmark (when fitted): Single red can . Topmark (when fitted): Single green cone point upward .
Retroreflector : Red band or square. Retroreflector : Green band or triangle.


LIGHTS, when fitted , may have any rhythm other than composite group flash ing (2+ 1), which are used on modified Lateral
marks to indicate a preferred channel. Examples are:

Red light Green light

Q.R Continuous-quick light O.G
Fl.R Single-flashing light Fl.G
LFl.R Long-flashing light LFl.G
F/(2)R Group-flashing light II II F/(2)G

The lateral colours of red or green are frequently used for minor shore lights, such as those marking pierh eads and the
extremities of jetties.

At the point where a channel divides, when proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel is
indicated by a modified port or starboard hand mark:

Preferred channel to starboard Preferred channel to port

Colour: Red with one broad green horizontal band. Colour: Green with one broad red horizontal band.
Shape: Can, pillar or spar. Shape: Conical, pillar or spar.
Topmark (when fitted): Sing le red can. Topmark (when fitted): Single green cone po int upward.
Retroreflector: Red band or square. Retroreflector: Green band or triangle.


Red light Green li ght

F/(2+1)R • • • • • •• • Composite group flashing (2+ 1) light II I II I F/(2+1)G

Where port or starboard marks do not rely on can or conical buoy shapes for identification , they carry the appropriate
topmark where practicable.
If marks at the sides of a channe l are numbered or lettered, the numbering or lettering fo llows the conventional direction of
buoyage .
Special marks with can and conical shapes but painted yellow, may be used in conjunction with the standard Lateral marks
for special types of channel marking; see 2.9. 10
Lateral Marks - Region A (2.1.1)

·- ·- - - - - - -- - - - - -- -

This diagram is schematic and in the case of pillar buoys in particular, their features will vary with the individual design
of the buoys in use.
Colour : Green . Colour: Red.
Shape: Can , pillar or spar. Shape: Conical, pillar or spar.
Topmark (when fitted): Single green can. Topmark (when fitted): Sing le red cone point upward .
Retroreflector : Green band or square . Retroreflector: Red band or triangle .

I 0

LIGHTS , when fitted , may have any rhythm other than composite group flashing (2+ 1), which are used on mod ified Lateral
marks to indicate a preferred channel. Examples are :

Green light Red light

Q.G Continuous-quick light Q.R
Fl.G Single-flash ing light Fl.R
LFl.G Long-flashing light LFl.R
F/(2)G II II Group-flashing light F/(2)R

The lateral colours of red or green are frequently used for minor shore lights, such as those marking pierheads and the
extrem ities of jetties.

At the point where a channe l divides, when proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a preferred channel is
ind icated by a modified port or starboard hand mark:

Preferred channel to starboard Preferred channel to port

Colour: Green with one broad red horizontal band . Colour: Red with one broad green horizontal band .
Shape: Can , pillar or spar. Shape: Conical, pi llar or spar.
Topmark (when fitted): Single green can . Topmark (when fitted) : Single red cone point upward .
Retroreflector : Green band or square. Retroreflector: Red band or triangle.


Green light Red light

F/(2+1)G II I II I Composite group flashing (2+ 1) light F/(2+1)R

Where port or starboard marks do not rely on can or con ical buoy shapes for identification , they carry the appropriate
topmark where practicable.
If marks at the sides of a channel are numbered or lettered , the numbering or lettering follows the conventional direction of
Special marks with can and conical shapes but painted yel low, may be used in conjunction with the standard Latera l marks
for special types of channel marking; see 2.9.
Lateral Marks - Region B (2.1.2)

---- - - -- ---------



System description Shape

3.1 3.5
Cardinal marks are used to indicate where the Cardinal marks do not have a distinctive shape, but
mariner may find the best navigable water, relative to if they are buoys, will normally be either pillar or spar.
a point of interest. They are placed in one of the four
quadrants (N , E, S, W) defined as:
N Between NW and NE. Lights
E Between NE and SE. 3.6
If Cardinal marks are lit, they will exhibit white
S Between SE and SW. lights . They are characterised by a group of quick or
W Between SW and NW. very quick flashes, wh ich distinguish them as Cardinal
marks, and indicate their quadrant as follows:
Cardinal marks take their name from the quadrant
in wh ich they are placed. See Diagram 3.1. N Uninterrupted
2 The mariner is safe if he passes N of a North mark, E 3 flashes in a group
E of an East mark, S of a South mark and W of a
West mark. S 6 flashes in a group followed by a long flash .
The long flash (of not less than 2 seconds
duration) is to ensure that 6 flashes cannot be
Uses mistaken for 3 or 9.
Cardinal marks may be used to : W 9 flashes in a group
Indicate that the deepest water in an area is on
2 To aid the memory, the number of flashes in each
the named side of the mark.
group can be associated with the clock face , thus:
Indicate the safe side on which to pass a danger.
Draw attention to a feature in a channel such as 3 o'clock East
a bend , junction, bifurcation , or end of a shoal. 6 o'clock South
9 o'clock West
3.3 3 Period. The periods of the East, South and West
Black double-cone topmarks are a very important lights are , respectively, 10, 15, and 15 seconds if a
feature of Cardinal marks; they are carried whenever quick light, and 5, 10, and 10 seconds if a very quick
practicable , with the cones as large as possible and light.
clearly separated . Rate. Quick lights flash at a rate of between 50 and
The arrangement of the cones must be memorised . 79 flashes per minute, usually either 50 or 60. Very
More difficult to remember than North (i) and South quick lights flash at a rate of between 80 and
(;) are East (t) and West (I) topmarks ; "W for 159 flashes per minute, usually eith er 100 or 120.
Wineglass" may help.

Colours Retro reflectors

3.4 3.7
Black and yellow bands are the colours used for One or more white bands, letters, numerals or
Cardinal marks. symbols of retroreflective material are used in the
The position of the black band, or bands, is related Standard Code to distinguish un lighted Cardinal marks.
to the points of the black topmark , thus; Blue and yellow bands on the black and yellow
N Points up Black band above yellow band . parts of the mark are used in the Comprehensive
Code, thus:
E Points outward Black bands above and below
yellow band . N Blue on the black part and yellow on the yellow part

S Points down Black band below yellow band. E Two blue on the upper black part

W Points inward Black band with yellow bands S Ye llow on the yellow part and blue on the black part
above and below. W Two yellow on the upper yellow part


Colour: Black and Yell ow
Shape: Pil lar or spar (if a buoy)
Topmark: Two black cones
Retroreflector: Blue and/or Yel low


Retroreflector t

0(9) or V0(9) 0(3) or V0(3)

'"''"'' "'"''' N
T T POINT .... ....T
.... .... Retroreflector t
w OF
Retroreflector t

s ~ J
Retroreflector t

0(6)+LFI. or V0(6)+LFI.
Lights (when fitted) are white , Qu ick or Very
Quick; a South mark a lso has a Long F lash
immed iate ly fo llowing the quick flashes.


t Retroflectors illustrated are those of the Th is diagram is schematic and in the case
Comprehensive Code. In the Standard Code of pi ll ar buoys in part icular, the ir features
these marks are distinguished by one or wil l vary with the individual design of the
more white bands, letters, numerals or buoys in use.

Cardinal Marks (3.1)



Use 4.4
4.1 No sign ificance is attached to the shape of Isolated
Isolated Danger marks are erected on , or moored Danger marks, but in the case of buoys , pillar or spar
on or above, isolated dangers of limited extent which buoys are used.
have navigable water all round them. The extent of Light
the surrounding navigable water is immaterial: such a 4.5
mark can, for example, indicate either a shoal which is An Iso lated Danger mark exhibits a white fl ashin g
well offshore, or an islet separated from the coast by a light showing a group of two flashes. The association
narrow channe l. of two flashes and two spheres of the topmark may
Top mark help in remembering these characteristics .
Black double-sphere topmarks, disposed vertically, Retro reflectors
are a very important feature of Isolated Danger marks 4.6
and are carried whenever practicable . On e or more white bands, letters, numerals or
symbols of retrorefl ective material are used for
Colours unlighted Isolated Danger marks in the Standard
4.3 Code.
Isolated Danger marks are black with one or more One or more pairs of blue above red bands are
red bands. used in the Comprehens ive Code.

Colour: Black and Red

Shape: Pillar or spar (if a buoy)
Topmark: Two black spheres
Retro reflector: Blue and Red

•• • Retrore flec t or t

I I I I F/(2)
L ight (when fitted) : White .Group-flash i ng (2).

t Retroflectors ill ustrated are those of the This diagra m is schemat ic and in the case
Comprehens ive Code. In the Standard Code of pillar buoys in particular, the ir features
t hese marks are distingu ished by one or wi ll vary with t he ind iv idual des ign of the
more wh ite bands, letters, numerals or buoys in use .
symbols .

Isolated Danger Marks (4.1)



Use Spherical, pillar or spar buoys are used as Safe
5.1 Water marks.
Safe Water marks are used to indicate that there is
navigable water all round a mark. Such a mark may Lights
be used as a centreline, mid-channel or landfall buoy, 5.5
or to indicate the best point of passage under a fi xed When lit, a white light, occu lting , isophase, showing
bridge (See also 2 .10) . a sin gle long flash or Morse code (A) is used for Safe
Water marks.
Topmark If a long flash (i.e. a flash of not less than
5.2 2 seconds) is used, the per iod of the light is
A red spherical topmark is a very important feature , 10 seconds.
particularly if the buoy is not spherical. It is fitted
whenever practicab le. Retro reflectors
Colours One or more wh ite bands, letters, numerals, or
5.3 symbols of retroreflective material are used for unlit
Red and white stripes are used for Safe Water Safe Water marks under the Standard Code .
marks , and distingu ish them from the black-banded Red and wh ite stripes or bands are used in the
danger-marking marks. Comprehens ive Code.

Co lour: Red and White

Shape: Pillar or spar
Topmark: Red sphere
Retroreflector: Red and White

• • Retro reflector



• • /so
• I Oc
II Mo(A)
Light (when fitted) : White, lsophase, or Occulting , or
Long-Flash ing every 1O seconds , or Morse Code (A)

t Retroflectors illustrated are those of the This d iagram is schematic and in the case
Comprehensive Code . In the Standard Code of pillar buoys in particular, their features
these marks are distinguished by one or wil l vary with the individual design of the
more white bands, letters, numerals or buoys in use .
symbols .

Safe Water15Marks (5.1)


Use deep-draught vesse ls in a wide estuary, where the
6.1 limits of the channel for normal navigation are marked
Special marks may be used to indicate to the by red and green Lateral buoys, may have th e
mariner a special area or feature , the nature of which boundaries of the deep channe l indicated by yellow
is apparent from reference to a chart, Sai li ng buoys of the approp ri ate Late ral shapes, or its
Directions or Notices to Mariners. Special marks may centreline mark ed by yellow spherical buoys.
be lettered to indicate their purpose.
Uses include, but are not limited to , the marking of: Topmark
Ocean Data Acqu isition System (ODAS) buoys . 6.2
2 Traffic Separation Schemes where use of A single yellow X is the form of topmark used for a
conventional channel marking might cause Special mark, when one is carried .
confusion, though many schemes are marked Colour
by Lateral and Safe Water marks. 6.3
Spo il grounds. Ye llow is the colour for Spec ial marks.
Mi litary exercise areas.
Cab les or pipe lin es (including outfall pipes, Shape
although many of these are marked by Lateral 6.4
Marks). The shape of Special buoys is optional but must
Recreation zones. not confli ct with that used for a Lateral or Safe Water
3 Another function of Special marks is to define a mark. For example, an outfall buoy on the port side of
channel within a channel. For example a channel for a channel could be can-shaped but not con ical.

Colour: Yel low

Shape: Optional
Topmark : Ye ll ow ~ - optional
Retroreflector: Ye llow

Retroreflec t or t

1111 1111 F/(4)Y
Light (when fitted): Yel low, and may have
any rhythm not used for white lights

t Retroflectors illustrated are those of the Th is diagram is schematic and in the case
Comprehensive Code. In the Standa rd Code of pilla r buoys i n particular , their features
these marks are distingu i shed by one o r w i ll vary w ith the i ndividual design of the
more ye llow bands, an 'X' or a symbo l. buoys in use.

16Marks (6.1)
Lights Composite group flashing.
6.5 Morse code letters, other than Morse Code (A),
When lit, a yellow light is exhibited from a Special (D) or (U) .
mark. The rhythm may be any, other than those used 2 In the case of ODAS buoys , the rhythm is group
for the white light of Cardinal, Isolated Danger and flashing with a group of 5 flashes every 20 seconds.
Safe Water marks. The following are permitted
examples: Retro reflectors
Group occulting. 6.6
Flashing. Under the Standard Code , one yellow band , an X,
Group flashing with a group of 4, 5 or or a symbol are used tor retroretlectors to distinguish
(exceptionally) 6 flashes. unlit Special marks.


Introduction The danger has been fully surveyed and exact
7.1 details such as position and least depth above
The sinking of MV Tricolor in the Dover Strait in the danger are known .
2002, the wreck of which was struck by two further A permanent form of marking of the danger has
ships in the days following her loss, brought into sharp been carried out.
focus the effectiveness of responses designed to
adequately and quickly mark such new dangers and Colour : Yellow and blue stripes
prevent coll isions. (minimum 4, maximum 8)
A new wreck can be very dangerous for shipping ,
not only when its exact position is unknown , but even Shape: Pillar or spar
when the position is known and the wreck properly

Until 2006, new dangers were generally marked by
Cardinal or Lateral buoys, but weather conditions , sea
state and unknown facts about the danger can all
hamper timely marking.
In addition, the volume of traffic, background
lighting , and the proliferation of other aids to navigation
in the area may make the deployment of Cardinal or
Lateral marks difficult for Mariners to quickly identify a
new danger in the early stages of an incident.

New dangers: marking options

7.2 • • I Al.Oc.BuY3s (Bu1.0s+0.5s+Y1.0s+0.5s)
The term 'New Danger' is used to describe new Light: Blue and yellow alternate flash ing.
hazards not yet shown in nautical documents. New
dangers include naturally occurring features such as Emergency wreck marking buoy (7.3)
newly created or moved sandbanks and newly
discovered rocks and man - made dangers such as
wrecks. Topmark
2 New dangers should be marked using Lateral , 7.4
Cardinal , Isolated Danger marks or by the 'Emergency If fitted, the top mark is a standing or upright ye llow
Wreck Marking Buoy ' (EWMB). If the Authority cross .
considers the risk to navigation to be especial ly high , Colour
at least one of the marks may be duplicated. 7.5
3 A lateral lighted mark should have a Q or VO light. The Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy is co loured in
Any duplicate mark should be identical to its partner in equal number and dimensions of blue and yellow
all respects, but may additionally be marked by a vertica l stripes (m ini mum of 4 and max imum of
Racon, coded Morse 'D', and/or other electronic 8 stripes).
means such as an AIS transm itter. Virtual Aids to
Navigation (see 1 .11) may be deployed solely or in Shape
addition to physical aids. 7.6
The Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy is a pillar or
spar buoy, with size dependant on location.

Use of the Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy Lights

The Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy exh ibits an
The Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy (EWMB) was
introduced by IMO on the recommendation of IALA in alternating blue and ye llow flashing light with a
nom inal range of 4 nautical miles (auth orities are
2006 (on a trial basis until confirmed in 2010). It may
be used to mark any new danger; the word 'WRECK' authorised to alter the range depending on local
cond ition s) where the blue and yellow 1 second
may not be on the buoy. The EWMB is designed to
provide a highly conspicuous visual and radio aid to fl ashes are alternated with an interval of 0·5 seconds,
navigation .
Bu1 ·Os + 0·5s + Y1 ·Os + 0·5s = 3·0s
2 It will be be placed as close to the danger as
If mu ltiple buoys are deployed then the lights may
possible, or in a pattern around the danger, and within
be synchronised.
any other marks that may be subsequently dep loyed .
3 The Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy will be Other aids to navigation
maintained in position until : 7.8
The danger is well known and has been The Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy may be fitted
promulgated in nautical publications e.g . by with a racon Morse Code "D" and / or an AIS
Notices to Mariners . transceiver.





Introduction Safe Water and Emergency Wreck Marking buoys.
8 .1 See NP5011 02-5.
Chart symbols and abbreviations for IALA marks 2 The abbreviated description of the colour, or
are given in NP5011 - Symbols and Abbreviations colours, of a buoy is usually given under the symbol.
used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts . Sections P, Q Where a buoy is co loured in bands, the colours are
and S, espec ia ll y Q 130 Symbo ls on Electron ic indicated in sequence from the top, e.g. E Cardinal
Navigational charts are similar to those on paper buoy - Black with a yellow band - BYB. If the
charts. sequence of the bands is not known, or if the buoy is
striped, the colours are indicated with the darker
Multicoloured charts co lour first e.g. Safe Water buoy - Red and wh ite
8.2 stripes - RW.
The UKHO began a programme of converting its
metric charts from the traditional 4-colour scheme to a Topmarks
multico loured format for all New Charts and New 8.5
Ed itions from 2010. Representations of how Topmarks are shown boldly, in solid black except
multicoloured charts look are at diagrams 1 .5.2 and when the topmark is red, when it is in outline only.
1.5.4 on pages 4 and 5. See NP5011 09-11 .
This conversion affects the way buoyage is charted Shapes
as follows : 8.6
2 Flares. The magenta flare is replaced by a flare The symbol for a spar buoy is also used to indicate
representative of the colour of the light. In the a spindl e buoy. The symbol will be sloped to
case of white , ye llow, amber and orange lights, distinguish it from a beacon symbol which is upright.
the charted flare is yellow. The magenta fl are Buoyant beacons are charted as light beacons . See
will continue to be used for the rare occasions NP5011 PS .
where the mark exhib its a violet light, or if If the shape of a buoy in the IALA System is not
more than one co lour of light is exh ibited from known, the symbol for a pillar buoy is used . See
the same mark. NP5011 020-30 and 080 - 83.
3 Conventional direction of buoyage arrows.
The magenta arrow symbol remains Isolated danger marks
unchanged, but the spots now show red to 8.7
port and green to starboard (Region A) and The position of a danger is the centre of the symbol
green to port, red to starboard (Reg ion B) . or sound ing ind icating that danger. The symbol
Mariners should note that the chart conversion indicating the Isolated Danger buoy will inevitably be
programme will take some years to complete. slightly displaced.

Conventional direction of buoyage Radar reflectors and Retroreflectors

8.3 8.8
On ADMIRALTY charts, the Conventional Direction On the introduction of the System , it was decided
of Buoyage may be ind icated by magenta arrow not to chart radar reflectors on buoys and buoyant
symbols , w ith appropriate ly coloured dots on beacons. It can be assumed that most major buoys
multicoloured charts. See NP5011 0130.2 . are fitted with radar reflectors .
In some straits (e.g . Menai Strait and The So lent) Retroreflectors are not charted.
and in the open sea (e.g . off the Irish coast at Mali n Virtual Aids to Navigation
Head), where the direction changes, attention is drawn 8.9
to its reversal by arrow symbols confronting each Symbols for virtual aids to navigation are charted
other. entirely in magenta, with a central 'fixed point' symbol
2 On many coasts and in some straits world-wide, surmounted by a topmark symbol to indicate its IALA
buoyage authorities have not yet established or function, surrounded by a 'rad io circle' with the legend
promulgated a General Direction of Buoyage, so it is 'V- AIS', in upright type (as, unlike a buoy, it wil l not
not possible to chart the arrow symbol. This could be move with the tide or weather conditions) , adjacent to
hazardous if a New Danger were to be marked by the rad io circle. See NP5011 S18.
Lateral buoys.
Updating charts
Colours 8.10
8.4 When a system of buoyage is changed , updates to
The shading of buoy symbols to ind icate the charts will be promulgated by the most appropriate
colours of buoys is no longer used . A black means , either by Notices to Mariners or by issuing
(i .e. filled- in) symbol is used for predominantly green New Editions of affected charts . Exceptionally, where
marks and for all spar buoys and beacons; an open the changes are comp lex, two editions of the chart
symbol is used for all buoys and beacon towers of may be made availab le showing the old and new
other colours , but with a vertical line to indicate striped 19 systems , until the change has been implemented.


Combined Cardinal and Lateral System
(Red to port in Region A and red to starboard in Region B)



Notices to Mariners (Annual, Permanent, Preliminary and Temporary); ADMIRALTY Information Overlay
(AIO); Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALTY Paper Charts (NP5011); ADMIRALTY Guide
to ENC Symbols used in ECDIS (NP5012); The Mariner's Handbook (NP100, especially Chapters 1 and
2 on the use, accuracy and limitations of charts); Sailing Directions (Pilots); List of Lights and
Fog Signals; List of Radio Signals and Tide Tables (or their digital equivalents) .


© Crown Copyright 2018

This document is protected by international copyright law. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in
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or otherwise without the prior written permission of the UK Hydrographic Office, Admiralty Way, Taunton ,
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