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Undertake project work


Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
◻ I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with
any other student(s).
◻ I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me
according to the process explained to me.
◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment
◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Student name

Student ID number
Student signature Date

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Task Number

Table of Contents

Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................2
Assessment Information.............................................................................................................................3
Assessment Instructions............................................................................................................................6
Student Assessment Agreement................................................................................................................7
Assessment Task 1: Define project and project plan...............................................................................12
Assessment Task 2: Administer and monitor project...............................................................................15
Assessment Task 3: Finalise and review project.....................................................................................17
Final Results.............................................................................................................................................47

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Assessment Instructions
You are advised to commence work on your assessment from week 1 and must submit all the tasks by their
due dates.
Written work
The assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of the
unit of competency. When answering please ensure you address each criteria and sub point, demonstrate
your research of each of the questions and cover the topic in a logical and structured manner.
Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is completing all
tasks on time.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your
own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a course. When you have any
doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor.
The following list outlines some of the activities for which a student can be accused of plagiarism:
• Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally
• Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
• Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work
• Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including
assessments taken totally or in part from the Internet
We are treating plagiarism seriously. We may use Turnitin to check your submitted work.

You must be careful when copying the work of others. The owner of the material may take legal action against
you if the owner's copyright has been infringed. You are allowed to do a certain amount of copying for
research or study purposes. Generally, 10% or one chapter of a book is acceptable, where the participant is
studying with, or employed by, an educational institution.
Competency Outcomes
Each activity in this assessment tasks will be marked as either Complete or Incomplete.
If your work is marked as Incomplete, you will be provided with feedback from your assessor. You will be
required to make changes to your submission according to the feedback and re-submit during the term,
ensuring your assessor will have at least 7 days to re-mark the work.
Do not leave assessment submissions for the last day. This will increase your chances for being marked as
Incomplete. Re-submissions after the term will incur additional fees.
Please note you will not be able to gain competency if any of your tasks are not fully complete

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Reasonable Adjustment
Students with career responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an additional language,
disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
The Academic Manager and student’s Trainer/Assessor must be notified if any reasonable adjustments are
required. All evidence and supplementary documentation required for reasonable adjustments must be
emailed to your Trainer or Academic Manager in Sydney or Melbourne campus.
Recognition of Prior Learning
If a you wish to apply for RPL, you must consult with the Academic Manager who will provide you with
information on RPL process and the type of evidence required in order to be assessed.
You will be requested to complete an application form for RPL with accompanying evidence and pay the
required fees.

You will also be notified prior to acceptance of any payment that shortening of the course may result in the
requirement to make an adjustment to the student’s CoE in PRISMS to indicate the shorter study period and/or
earlier completion date.

Applications for RPL must be submitted 21 days prior to the commencement of the course

For further information, please visit the following links:

RPL Application Form is available on our website

Re- assessment
You are eligible for a re-assessment at the discretion of the Academic Manager and/or Assistant Academic
Manager and/or Trainer/ of Greenwich Management College
If a you have attempted the assessment, but deemed as ‘Not Yet Competent’ (NYC), you are entitled to a
In this case, a re-assessment fee of $100 per unit must be paid (in full) prior to the submission due date of a

If a you have not attempted the assessments during the term when the unit was offered, you must pay a re-
assessment fee of $250 per unit.

You can choose to do a re-assessment within twelve (12) weeks of receiving your final result. Once you have
filled out the re-assessment form and have made the payment, you have seven (7) days to complete re-
assessment and submit it via email to your trainer.
For further information on reassessment policies and procedure please visit the following links:

Terms and conditions of re-assessment

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For reassessment forms and applications

Learning support
If you require further assistance in your learning, GMC encourages you to reach out to your Trainer to discuss
the areas that you believe you need further assistance with. If you require further support after consulting your
trainer, please see a Student Services Officer who can arrange a time to discuss your concerns with the VET
Academic department.
Appeals against assessment decision
If you do not agree with the assessment decision or believe that you have been unfairly treated, you can
appeal the decision. You must discuss this with your assessor who has marked your assessment first. If you
still do not agree with the assessment outcome, you may request for a re-assessment.
If you wish to lodge an appeal and request re-assessment, you must request this in writing to Greenwich
Management College. For further information, please visit the following link:
Course Credits
If you have been deemed competent in particular unit as part of a prior qualification, you may be eligible for
credit transfer. To apply for Credit Transfer, you must submit the following documentation to Greenwich
Management College:
• Credit Transfer Application Form -available on our website
• Certified copies of your transcripts.
For further information on credit procedures please visit the following link:

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Assessment Guide

You are advised to commence work on your assessment from week 1 and all tasks must be submitted by the
due date.
1. All assessments must be completed and delivered individually. Where an assessment involves group
discussions, you should consider the input of your group but submit an individual assessment to GOALS
2. Please read all instructions on completing each assessment. Instructions for completion are provided at
the beginning of each assessment.
3. All written answers must be typed in a word document using Arial font, 12 size and single spacing if similar
instructions are not provided in the assessment.
4. Your trainer will not be able to assist you in answering questions. However, your trainer will address any
issues concerning questions requiring further explanation.
5. You may refer to your student workbook or any other relevant resources when completing your
6. Assessments are due for submission as specified in the assessment schedule. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved by your trainer prior to the due date for submission.
7. You have access to computers, which are equipped with 2010 Microsoft suite of products or any other
relevant software such as MS office and printing facility.
8. Use assessment templates if provided, to complete relevant sections of the assessment.
9. You must achieve a satisfactory result for all tasks to achieve competency in this unit.
10. All assessment answers should be submitted to the trainer in required format (soft or hard copy) as per
trainer instructions with completed assessment cover sheet.

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Written answer question guidance
The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell
you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you to provide the type of
response expected.
Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.
Analyse – when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and identify important
points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or more things
are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences. Generally, you are expected to
write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or more things are
different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally, you are expected to write a
response one or two paragraphs long.
Discuss – when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out important issues or
features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or
two paragraphs long.
Describe – when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most noticeable qualities or
features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.
Evaluate – when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward arguments for and
against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Examine – when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”, where you should
provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical analysis. Generally, you are
expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why something
happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.
Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to briefly describe
the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three sentences long.
List – when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly state information in
a list format.
Outline – when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points; Generally,
you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.
Summarise – when a question asks you to summarize something, this means (like “outline”) only giving the
main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

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Overview – BSBPMG522
Defining and scoping the project
You Only Live Twice in Havana
Your new role is a Marketing Manager in WORK company. Your team consist of 5 people. You and your team have an
interesting project to work on. Famed Australian/Cuban entertainer, George Smilovici is developing a documentary You
Only Live Twice in Havana.

George had a mission and clear objectives when he travelled back to Cuba to trace his roots and there, discovered a
passion for the music. Music is life in Cuba. This is the story of a controversial and legendary stand-up comedian who is
“coming out”… as a composer, a musician who assembles an incongruent band of talented Cuban players to record an
album of original Latin music he is determined to produce.

The project goals

You and your team will work on developing an integrated marketing plan for the documentary - You Only Live Twice in
Havana. The over arching goal of this project is to create a ‘buzz’ and interest in the documentary to interest possible
investors for this groundbreaking Australian Story.

Undertake the project

The project requires definition: what is the scope? Who are the stakeholders? Is there a relationship to other projects?
Who has authority over the project? What resources are required? What is the budget?

Developing the project plan

The scoping of the project allows the creative teams to develop and finalise a project plan; Implement the project: the
team roles; the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS); Team communication and project management tools. Identifying and
controlling any risks around the project.

Administering, monitoring and finalising the project

Once the plan is in place – it’s time to administer and develop processes around the project reporting mechanisms and
project deliverables. When it’s finalised the documentation may need sign off and the team disbanded to be re-deployed.
The project review focuses on what was achieved and if there were any lessons learned.

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Project scope and other relevant documentation

CLIENT INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPT – Assessment 1. Part 2 = Client interview for team meeting role
play and identified criteria

George was interviewed regarding his project and the marketing communication requirements. Below is a table of the
questions and his responses to be discussed in a team meeting.

Criteria: Questions for George Marketing communication requirements:

Responses from George
What exactly has the client confirmed as the INTERVIEWER: Hi George,

marketing communication purpose and Thanks for taking part in this client interview regarding
objectives for the You only Live Twice in your exciting project.

Havana project? GEORGE: My pleasure.

INTERVIEWER: So first, what is the purpose of the

marketing communications?

GEORGE: Juan and I created this ‘sizzle reel’ for the

documentary and we are looking for producers.

INTERVIEWER: What’s a sizzle reel?

GEORGE: A sizzle reel is a taste of the film. A sample

to show producers or funding bodies.

INTERVIEWER: Oh OK. Like you don’t buy the steak

… you buy the sizzle?


It’s an amazing story even though it’s mine.

INTERVIEWER: So your main objective is to find a


GEORGE: Well we want to build some groundswell …

enough interest to show there is an audience.

INTERVIEWER: OK thanks George.

In regards to the You only Live Twice in INTERVIEWER: The case study has given the
marketers a lot of information about the project George.
Havana project, what comprehensive
Is there anything else that you want them to understand
product/client information has the client been
about the project?

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able to provide? GEORGE: The case study is quite comprehensive but
to reiterate, the project is not just about a documentary.
This is also about culture, lifestyles, politics and music -
which is my passion. It’s about a life-changing journey
from one end of the world to another. And to Cuba! It’s
almost a land that has been preserved in a time

What previous marketing communication has INTERVIEWER: Have you done any previous
marketing for this project George?
the client provided information on, regarding
the You only Live Twice in Havana project? GEORGE: Not really in the sense of pure marketing. I
have spoken to some funding bodies but apart from the
sizzle reel, no.

What is the budget allocation for the INTERVIEWER: What’s the budget George?

marketing communications of You only Live GEORGE: My budget is $10,000.00 for the marketing.
Twice in Havana project? Obviously there won’t be any major campaigns for the
documentary. Not at this stage. I’m thinking more about
social media and maybe an event.

Task 1: Define project and project plan

Performance objective
You will demonstrate the ability, knowledge and skills required to undertake a straightforward project or a
section of a larger project. It covers developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project,
finalizing the project and reviewing the project to identify lessons learned for application to future projects.

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Determine project management tools, such as Microsoft Word, MS Excel, MS Project or Gantt Project and
templates, and develop your project plan.

Assessment description

This assessment is in 3 parts:

In response to the You Only Live Twice in Havana case study and the project described, you will need to
define the project by:

 Scoping the project: Using the templates provided, provide information regarding an overview of the
project + relevant documentation on who the project stakeholders and delegating authorities around
project parameters are.

 Identifying limits of your responsibility and reporting requirements to various stakeholders, in particular
your team.

 Clarifying the relationship to other projects and organizational objectives.

 Determining available resources to undertake the project.

Note: you are advised to use software tools or use or adapt the templates provided.

Plan the project: Using the template provided, identify and access project management and consultation tools;
methods of gaining approvals for project to commence.

Hold a project team meeting to discuss the defined project and the elements of the project plan.


1. Read You Only Live Twice in Havana case study and other relevant documentation (Appendices)
to familiarize yourselves with the case study.

2. Research and access a suitable project management application for collaboration and
communication (i.e.: Slack.)

3. Setup the collaboration and communication tool with your team.

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4. Use all templates provided (for both Part A & B) to scope and plan the project.

5. Develop an agenda to discuss both defined project and the project plan.

6. Conduct the meeting and take minutes’/meeting notes.

7. During the meeting, seek clarification on issues related to project and project parameters.
8. Set up the folder to store completed templates (both Part A & B) and completed agenda and
minutes. Take a screen shot of the folder you have created and files and submit to GOALS.


You must deliver:

 participate in the team meeting

You must submit the following completed templates:

PART A = Project Scope
 Overview of the project (Case study)
 Defining the project stakeholders
 Identifying the delegating authorities
 Limits of your responsibility in regards to your team (what will you do within your project team?)
 Clarify the relationship of project to other projects
 Determine and access available resources
 Reporting formats and requirements
 Project scope document

PART B = Project Plan

 The Project Team
 Team members and support mechanisms
 Project objectives
 Project budget and approval mechanism
 Project management and consultation tools
 Project risk management plan

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 Risk register
 Risk assessment form
 Method of gaining approvals for project to commence

PART C = Meeting agenda and minutes

 The defined Project
 The project plan
 Completed agenda and minutes
 Signed and dated Observation checklist
 Screen Shot of the folder and files (Procedure 8)

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of the following foundation skills:
 Leadership skills to lead teams.
 Collaboration and communication skills to work in teams
 Reading skills to source, analyse and interpret information, including technical data, in the context of
the case study.
 Writing skills to provide report
 Digital workplace skills to conduct online research

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Task 2: Administer and monitor project
Performance objective

You will demonstrate knowledge and skills required to implement and monitor plans for managing project
finances, resources and quality around the You Only Live Twice in Havana project.

Assessment description

In task 1 you have defined the project scope and developed a project plan for You Only Live Twice in Havana
project. In task 2, you and your team will collaborate to implement and monitor plans for managing project
finances, resources and quality. To accomplish this, you will use the Part C template, Quality management
plan and Status update report provided.

You will conduct a role-play meeting (your assessor will play the role of the delegating authority) to implement
and monitor plans for managing project finances, resources and quality

During the meeting, you will undertake the following activities:

 implement plans for managing project finances, resources and quality

 conduct risk management as required to ensure project outcomes are met

o Ensure that you include Work Health and Safety in your Risk Management plan

 monitor plans for managing project finances, resources and quality

 provide support for project team members, especially with regard to specific needs, to ensure that the
quality of the expected outcomes of the project and time lines are met.

 Achieve project deliverables


1. Read through You Only Live Twice in Havana case study to familiarize yourselves with the scenario.

2. Collaborate and communicate within your project team.

3. Participate in the Role-play with assessor and team members to implement and monitor plans for
managing project finances, resources and quality

4. During the role play, use the following completed templates:

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 Part C template

 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

 Project risk management plan

 Risk register

 Risk assessment form

 Quality management plan

 Status update report

5. Based on feedback received during the meeting, update the following documents:

 Part C template

 Quality management plan

 Status update report

6. Send an email to the relevant stakeholders and attach updated templates/reports.

7. Update the folder created in task 1, and save the following documents in the folder:

a) updated Part C template

b) updated Quality management plan

c) updated Status update report

Take a screen shot of the folder you have created and files and submit to GOALS


You must deliver

 Participate in the role-play with assessor and team members

You must submit:

a) Part C template

b) Quality management plan

c) Status update report

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d) Signed and dated observation checklist
e) Updated project reports
f) an email to the relevant stakeholders with updated project reports attached
g) Screen Shot of the folder and files (Procedure 7)

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of the following foundation skills:

● Writing and design skills to develop a project implementation schedule

● Oral communication and team skills to undertake the project

● Collaboration and communication skills to work in teams

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Task 3: Finalise and review project
Performance objective

You will demonstrate knowledge and skills to administer and develop processes around the You Only Live
Twice in Havana project, the reporting mechanisms and project deliverables. The project finalization and
review focuses on what was achieved and if there were any lessons learned.

Assessment description

Following on from Assessment 2, where your project team had implemented monitored plans for managing
project finances, resources and quality, you will now look at the project finalization and review for the You Only
Live Twice in Havana project. You will do this by using the templates provided.


Complete the following templates:

 Part D template including:

o The financial recordkeeping and methods of checking for accuracy

o Transition of team members

o Project documentation

o Project outcomes and processes

o Project review

o Lessons learned

 Handover report

 Post-project review report

 Update the folder created in task 1, and save the following documents:

o Part D Templates

o Handover report

o Post-project review report

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Take a screen shot of the folder you have created and files and submit a copy of this to GOALS

You must complete the following templates:

1. Part D Templates

2. Handover report

3. Post-project review report

You must submit:

1. Part D templates

2. Handover report

3. Post-project review report

4. Screen Shot of the folder and files

Your assessor will be looking for evidence of the following foundation skills:

● Writing skills to create agenda and minutes.

● Oral communication and team skills to hold a meeting.

● Workplace navigation skills to monitor adherence to organisational policies and legal requirements

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WORK business plan FY 2018/19

About WORK business

WORK was founded in 2010. The company currently employs approximately 100 people.

● to achieve the highest returns for our clients and to deliver a client experience that is second to none in
the industry.

● to establish, within five years, the WORK brand — the highest ethical standards with best-in-breed
performance for clients.


● integrity
● client-focus
● active encouragement of excellence, innovation and continuous improvement
● teamwork
● recognition of the diversity and expertise of WORK employees.

Strategic directions:
The strategic context in which WORK will achieve its mission and vision is through:

● engaging with customers and clients

● building goodwill and reputation for integrity
● supporting innovative thinking, management and leadership skills.
● creating a high-performing, highly profitable organisation.

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WORK Operational plan

WORK operational plan (summary) FY 2018/19

Objectives: Performance measures Tasks:

1 Engage with ● Percentage of brand ● Project to raise awareness of anti-discrimination, WHS and
customers/build ethical recognition in sought-after other legislation/codes of conduct among employees and clients
profile: categories in periodic customer ● Conduct of quarterly surveys: clients and employees
● raise organisational surveys.
● Training needs analysis and training of employees.
profile by 20% ● Percentage of customers with
● Development of ethical charter, including principles all
● Improve client positive view of organisational
employees must follow.
satisfaction responsiveness, innovation,
performance by 25%. quality.
● Number of client complaints.

2 Increase revenues by 20% ● Total income. ● Investigate resourcing needs: personnel; office equipment, etc.
within the third quarter. ● Investment income. ● Fulfil resourcing needs in accordance with policies and

3 Reduce direct and indirect ● General ledger accounts; ● Management engagement with employees to achieve greater
costs of operations by financial statements: employee support of organisational goals.
10%. ○ wages ● Include explanation of how activities work with organisational
○ wastage and associated strategic goals in all communications to internal personnel.
expenses. ● Greater use by managers of budgets to encourage restraint.
● Greater focus on budget restraint in management of projects.

4 Engage workers with ● Percentage completion of ● Management engagement with employees to achieve greater
strategic goals of business performance plans and buy in of organisational goals.
and support professional performance management ● Include explanation of how activities work with organisational
development in line with process. strategic goals in all communications to internal personnel.
strategic goals. ● Numbers of operational – ● Training needs analysis and training.
related training programs
● Strategic goals included in induction program for estate agents.
● Employee incentives for performance in all areas relevant to
operational and strategic goals.

5 Improve health of ● Numbers of injuries (Target = ● Training need analysis and training on WHS and implementation
employees (range of 0). of recently launched WORK WHS management system.
specific areas). ● Numbers of absentees ● Research incentives for: safe work achievement and healthy
(Target = <3% of total hours). lifestyle.

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Marketing and Communications
Policies and Procedure
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of media
for marketing and advertising purposes is carried out
consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with the
business requirements.

Scope The scope of this policy covers the media for marketing and
advertising purposes by employees and contractors of WORK.

Resources Specific principles for the implementation of this policy are

available below.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with

employees and management of WORK with responsibility for
purchasing media.

Relevant legislation etc. WORK will adhere and comply with:

Code of practice:
 Australian Association of National Advertisers Code
of Ethics
 Australian Direct Marketing Code of Practice
 Australian Communications and Media Authority
(ACMA) Australian eMarketing Code of Practice
Legislation around intellectual property, including:
 Copyright Act
 Designs Act
 Patents Act
 Trade Marks Act
Relevant legislation
 Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)
 Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Queensland)
 Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Act 2001 (Cwlth)
 Corporations Act 2001 (Cwlth)
 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax

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Administration) Act 1999 (Cwlth)
 A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act
1999 (Cwlth)
 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cwlth)
 Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwlth).
Sources of information and advice
 Australian Communication and Media Authority
 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
 Australian Legal Information Institute (AustLII)
 Australian Marketing Institute (AMI)
 Commonwealth of Australia Law (ComLaw)
 IP Australia

Updated/ WORK Directors 2018


Principles governing procurement of media process

1. Probity and ethical behavior
The principle of probity and ethical behavior governs the conduct of all procurement activities. Employees who
have authority to procure goods and services must comply with the standards of integrity, probity, professional
conduct and ethical behavior. Employees or directors must not seek to benefit from supplier practices that may
be dishonest or unethical.
2. Value for money
Value for money is the core principle underpinning procurement. Contracted organizations must be cost
effective and efficient in the use of resources whilst upholding the highest standards of probity and integrity. In
general, a competitive process carried out in an open, objective and transparent manner can achieve best
value for money in procurement.
3. Non-discrimination
This procurement policy is non-discriminatory. All potential contracted suppliers should have the same
opportunities to compete for business and must be treated equitably based on their suitability for the intended

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4. Risk management
Risk management involves the systematic identification, analysis, treatment and, where possible, the
implementation of appropriate risk mitigation strategies. It is integral to efficiency and effectiveness to
proactively identify, evaluate, and manage risks arising out of procurement related activities. The risks
associated with media procurement activity must be managed in accordance with the organization’s risk
management policy.
5. Responsible financial management
The principle of responsible financial management must be applied to all procurement activities. Factors that
must be considered include:
 the availability of funds within an existing approved budget
 staff approving the expenditure of funds strictly within their delegations
 measures to contain costs of the media procurement without compromising any procurement
6. Procurement planning
In order to achieve value for money, each media procurement process must be well planned and conducted in
accordance with the principles contained in this document and comply with all of the organization’s policies
and relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
When planning appropriate media procurement processes consideration should be given to adopting an
approach, which:
 encourages competition
 ensures that rules do not operate to limit competition by discriminating against particular suppliers
 recognizes any industry regulation and licensing requirements
 secures and maintains contractual and related documentation for the procurement which best protects
the organization
7. Buy Australian made/support for Australian industry
Employees who are involved in media procurement activities must make a conscious effort to maximize
opportunities for Australian media and media suppliers to provide products where there is practicable and
economic value. In making a value for money judgment between locally made and overseas sourced goods,
employees are to take into account:
 whole of life costs associated with the good or service
 that the initial purchase price may not be a reliable indicator of value
 the record of performance and delivery of local media suppliers
 the flexibility, convenience and capacity of local media suppliers for follow on orders

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8. Pre-registered list of preferred media suppliers
WORK shall maintain a pre-registered list of preferred media suppliers, following a request for expressions of
interest and an evaluation of the submissions. Media suppliers can request to be evaluated for inclusion on the
existing pre-register list at any time.
All purchases under $2,000 may be made from preferred media suppliers without undertaking a competitive
process. Purchases above $2,000 where a preferred media supplier exists should include a competitive
process if practicable.
This list is reviewed at regular intervals with admission of interested parties on a rolling basis. Care should be
taken to ensure that such lists are used in an open and non-discriminatory manner. WORK encourages new
contractors to provide information on their experience, expertise, capabilities, pricing, fees, and current
availability. It is in the interest of the organization that the pool of potential suppliers is actively maintained and
updated. Employees should be encouraged to provide reports of their experiences in working with each
contractor/consultant to assist future decisions concerning commissioning suitable contractors and

9. Avoid conflict of interest

Employees and directors are required to be free of interests or relationships in all aspects of the media
procurement process.
Employees and directors are not permitted to personally gain from any aspect of a media procurement
Employees and directors shall ensure that to the best of their knowledge, information and belief, that at the
date of engaging a contractor no conflict of interest exists or is likely to arise in the performance of the
contractor’s obligations under their contract.
Should employees or directors become aware of potential conflicts of interest during the contract period, they
must advise the directors immediately.
Prior to any situation arising with potential for a conflict of interest, complete disclosure shall be made to the
directors to allow sufficient time for a review.

10. Report collusive tendering

Employees should be aware of anti-competitive practices such as collusive tendering. Any evidence of
suspected collusion in tendering should be brought to the attention of the directors.

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11. Competitive process
It is a basic principle of procurement that a competitive process should be used unless there are justifiable
circumstances. For purchases under $2,000, the list of preferred media suppliers may be used. The type of
competitive process can vary depending on the size and characteristics of the contract to be awarded.

12. Direct invitation (selective or restricted tendering)

A process of direct sourcing to tender may be used. This may involve:
 an invitation to organizations deemed appropriately qualified for a particular product or service (this
may be appropriate for specialized requirements in markets where there is a limited number of media
suppliers or marketing and media service providers)
 An invitation to tender to organizations on WORK’s pre-registered list of preferred media suppliers if

13. Evaluation and contract award

For projects being awarded, consideration will be given not only to the most economically advantageous
tender, but also to the track record of the tender respondent and the degree of confidence that the panel has in
the quality if the bid. It will be the normal practice to have the evaluation of tenders carried out by a team with
the requisite competency.

14. Results of tendering process

All tender respondents should be informed in writing of the result of a tendering process immediately after a
contract has been awarded.
Summary of procurement policy delegations

Purchase amount Required number of Comment


WORK director Authority to sign Two or more Detailed services contract

contracts for products competitive quotes required.
and services over $5,000. for contracts over

Managers Authority to sign One or more Follow WORK-purchasing

contracts for products competitive quotes procedures.
and services under preferred.

Contractors No authority One or more Contractors and external

and external competitive quotes consultants must follow WORK

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consultants preferred. purchasing procedures and must
seek approval for purchases from
Must use preferred
person holding relevant authority.
suppliers list.

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Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy
WORK WHS policy
WORK recognises its responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment for employees,
contractors, clients and visitors. WORK is committed to the continued wellbeing of its employees and to
ensuring that all employees are safe from injury and health risks whilst undertaking work-related duties,
including home-based work.

Purpose The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of resources is

carried out consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with
organisational requirements.

In order to ensure a healthy and safe working environment, WORK will

(in accordance with the WHS management system):

● undertake risk assessments and implement procedures to

adequately manage any risks in the working environment
● provide written procedures and instructions for safe working
● ensure compliance with all relevant legislation
● maintain safe systems of work including the work premises and
● provide appropriate support, instruction, training and supervision
to employees to ensure safe working practices.

Scope The scope of this policy covers employees and contractors of WORK

Resources Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are available
below and on the company intranet.
WORK management and employees are ultimately responsible for
ensuring that safe systems of work are established, implemented and

Management is responsible for:

● the effective implementation and regular review of WHS

● consultation with employees regarding health and safety issues
and changes to legislation and/or working practices which may
affect the health, safety or welfare of employee
● providing and maintaining a safe system of working practices

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● providing support, training, and supervision to employees to
ensure safe and healthy workplace practices are carried out,
including relevant first aid training where appropriate
● the provision of adequate resources for employees to meet the
WHS commitment, including an up-to-date first aid kit.

Individual employees are responsible for:

● following all WHS policies and procedures

● ensuring they report all potential and actual risks to partners or
● taking care to protect their own health and safety and that of their
colleagues at work
● ensuring their own or others health and safety is not adversely
affected by the consumption of drugs or alcohol
● encouraging others to follow healthy and safe working practices
in the workplace.
This policy has been established and implemented through the human
resource functions of the organisation and will be reviewed regularly in
consultation with WORK management and employees to ensure
and Review
compliance with legislation, industry standards and organisational

Relevant ● Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)

legislation, etc. ● Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
● Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
● AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management
systems – General guidelines on principles, systems and
supporting techniques

Updated/ WORK Directors


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Anti-discrimination policy
WORK Anti-Discrimination Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure transactions with clients,
tenants and other employees is handled fairly and transparently and
in accordance with organisational and legal requirements. Generally
it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of the following 16
● sex ● political belief or activity
● relationship status ● trade union activity
● pregnancy ● lawful sexual activity
● parental status ● gender identity
● breastfeeding ● sexuality
● age ● family responsibilities
● race ● association with, or
relation to, a person
● impairment
identified on the basis of
● religious belief or religious the above.

Scope The scope of this policy covers all employees and contractors of

Resources Specific procedures for the implementation of this policy are

available below and on the company intranet.

Responsibility Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with all
employees, contractors and management of WORK

Relevant legislation, ● Privacy Act 1988 (Cwlth)

etc. ● Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic)
● Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cwlth)
● Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwlth)
● Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cwlth)
● Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cwlth)

Updated/ WORK Directors

authorised 2018

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Assessment Templates

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PROJECT: You Only Live Twice in Havana
Assessment Task 1 - Part A - Define project and project plan

Relevant documentation
Overview of the project
What is the story?

Who are the project


Who are the delegating


Seeking clarification on
project and project
(How will this be done and

Limits of your responsibility

in regards to your team
(what will you do within your
project team?)
Is there a relationship to
other projects? If so, what
might they be?

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What available resources are
there in regards to this

Reporting formats (How will

you report on the project and

Outline the organisation's

mission, goals, objectives
and operations and how the
project relates to them

How an organization’s
mission, goals, objectives
and operations could relate
to a project

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Project scope document
This template is a tool used to clearly define the logical boundaries of the project. Ensure that you note any requirements
that are out of scope to achieve absolute clarity about what is and is not covered by this project, and to avoid the
potential for problems later on.

In Scope Out of scope Assumptions Constraints


Project Title: Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:

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Assessment Task 1 - Part B

Who is in your project Team

The team leader (yourself)

Team members support
(How will support be offered
to team members with
specific needs to ensure
project outcomes and
timelines are met?)
(How will support be offered
in case of unexpected issues
or problems with any area of
the project?)
What are the project

Project budget and approval

What is the budget and how
will you get approval to use

What project management

and consultation tools will
you use?

What will your team’s

method of gaining approvals
for project to commence?

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ACTUAL Predecessor
Human Resources



Risk management plan
RISK MATRIX Likelihood
Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost

Catastrophic M H H E E

Major M M H H E

Moderate L M M H H

Minor L L M M H

Negligible L L L M M

The following key indicates the level of risk: E = Extreme / H = High / M = Medium / L = Low

Likelihood and Consequence Descriptor Tables

Ranking Ranking Description

Almost Certain Records indicate high level of previous event occurrence. Expectation that event will
occur at some point.

Likely Event has occurred with some frequency in the past. Anticipation that event will
reoccur at some stage.

Possible Some evidence that event has occurred in the past. Expectation of event
reoccurrence should not be ignored.

Unlikely Records indicate very few occurrences in the past. Low expectation of event
occurring in the future.

Rare No history of similar events occurring. No expectation that event will occur.

Ranking Ranking Description

Catastrophic Key project objectives will not be met. Strategy to be reviewed.

Major Some key objectives impacted. Additional resources required. High impact on time,
cost or quality

Moderate Significant impact on team workloads. Resource re-allocation required. Significant

impact on time, cost or quality

Minor Extra effort required from staff to achieve objectives. Small impact on time, cost or
quality within project tolerances

Negligible Some interruption to workflows. Issues handled within the work unit. No impact on
time, cost or quality

Risk register
This template is used to record identified risks associated with your project, analyse the impact and
determine resultant action to be taken.
Risk response
Likelihood Impact
Risk (contingency Responsible
(H/M/L) (H/M/L)
Project Title: Project Client: Date:
Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:
Risk assessment form
Identified risks are logged on a risk form and a copy is forwarded to the project manager.

Project details
Project Name
Project Manager

Risk details
Risk ID: Number allocated to this risk.
Raised by: Name of person who has raised the risk.
Date raised: Date of completion of this form.
Description of risk:
Briefly describe the identified risk and its possible impact on the project (e.g. scope, resources, deliverables, timelines and/or

Likelihood of risk: Impact of risk:

Describe and rank the likelihood of the risk occurring Describe and rank the impact on the project if the risk occurs (i.e. low,
(i.e. low, medium or high). medium or high).

Risk mitigation
Preventative actions recommended:
Briefly describe any action that should be taken to prevent the risk from occurring.

Contingency actions recommended:

Briefly describe any action that should be taken, should the risk occur, to minimize its impact on the project.

Approval details
Supporting documentation:
Details of any supporting documentation used to substantiate this risk.

Signature: _______________________ Date: ___ /___ /____

Project Title: Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:

Assessment Task 2 - Administer and monitor project- Part C

The Project Team (For each team member, list his or her responsibilities in regards to the project plan,
responsibilities i.e.: who’s doing what and when?)
Katie – Project manager: Katie is responsible for overseeing the whole project.
Ensuring that all team members follow the marketing plan within budget and to
allocated timelines. Katie is also the go to person when any queries and problems
arise in the project. She is also responsible for updating any relevant stakeholders
on project development as well as any amendments or changes that need to be run
past George. She is also in charge of making sure all the laws and regulations are
followed when advertising, having final say on all creative content posted, and
suggesting edits where needed.
Hedy – Marketing research: Hedy is in charge of our market research. This is an
extensive role that includes conducting research on our target market and
understanding what they respond to best, content wise, as well as conducting
research on any competitive forces whether that’s social, economic or direct
competitors. She will also be working with Bella analysing responses to our
marketing content during and post campaign to further understand which content
our target market responds to the most and advise the head of marketing whether
we need to adjust our campaigns.
Kulwadee and Puthita – Creative content development: K and P are in charge of
creating the creative content which we will be posting on our social media pages.
They will be working closely with Hedy to create content which is relevant to our
target market and most appealing. They will also be working with George to get the
most recent updates on the documentary which they can use in their creative
content. They will also be working closely with Bella to further understand which
content gets the best responses and developing more similar content to boost
Bella – Social media: Bella will be responsible in the daily running of our social
media pages. She will be working closely with the creative content development
and market research team to ensure we get the most out of our campaigns. She will
be monitoring the analytics of each post and conveying relevant information to the
rest of the team to improve our campaign. Bella will also be responsible of engaging
with our audience, responding to comments, queries as well as ensuring our
creative content is posted in conjunction with the agreed schedule.
Establish and maintain project (How will the project’s records be managed and stored? Who will do this and
records and recordkeeping when?)
We will be developing and managing the project using an app called Slack. Slack is
an online project management app that allows us to clearly lay out project needs,
including timelines, project development, updates, budget constraints, and makes it
easy to communicate with the whole team or target individual members. All project
development and updates will be stored on this system which is easily accessed
through the search feature. Katie will be responsible for setting up this app initially,
but then all team members are responsible for keeping the team updated on their
work as well as keeping to our arranged timelines and budgets.
Project Stages (List the proposed stages of the project.)
1. Project Initiation It is the start of the project by defining scope, overall goal,
objectives, purpose or aim and deliverables to be produced.
2. Planning This process is key to successful project management and focuses on
developing a roadmap that everyone will follow. If we set of plans it can be help
guide our team through the execution and successful by the goal of project.
Moreover, this plan created during this phase will help you to manage time, cost,
quality, change, risk and issues. They will also help you manage staff and external
suppliers, to ensure that you deliver the project on time and within budget.
3. Execution It involves present them to your customer. The Project Execution
Phase is usually the longest phase in the project life cycle since a lot is happening
during this time, like status reports and meetings, development updates, and
performance reports. It typically consumes the most energy and the most
resources. We should consider using software to support in this process such as
Cloud-based project management software, Slack because team members can
update task status in real time.
4. Monitoring It involves ensuring that project objectives are met by monitoring and
measuring progress regularly to identify variances from the plans and taking
corrective action when necessary; tracking variances and changes. Normally will
use two to five of these KPIs to measure project performance.
Project Objectives: Measuring if a project is on schedule and budget is an indication
if the project will meet stakeholder objectives.
- Quality Deliverables: This determines if specific task deliverables are being met.
- Effort and Cost Tracking: PMs will account for the effort and cost of resources to
see if the budget is on track. This type of tracking informs if a project will meet its
completion date based on current performance.
- Project Performance: This monitors changes in the project. It takes into
consideration the amount and types of issues that arise and how quickly they are
addressed. These can occur from unforeseen hurdles and scope changes.
5. Closure Represents the completed project and then reports its overall level of
success to your sponsor. Project Closure including hand over the deliverables to
your customer, passing the documentation to the business, cancelling supplier
contracts, releasing staff and equipment, and informing stakeholders of the closure
of the project. After the project has been closed, a Post Implementation Review
(PIR) is completed to determine the project’s success and identify the lessons
learned. Finally, we will need to collect all project documents and deliverables and
store them in a single place.
Project expected outcomes (Define what are the expected outcomes from the project.)
The expected outcomes of this project is to create a “buzz” and “sizzle reel” for the
documentary to interest possible investors and looking for producers so our team
will developing an integrated marketing plan for the documentary to find producer
and who interest to investors for this project.
Project finances (How will the finances be allocated in regards to the project?)
The project budget is an estimate of all costs
Salaries / labor 70k-100k
Marketing social media / communicate cost 30k-40k
Travel expenses 50k-100k
Emergency expenses / accidental expenses 10k-12k and other related expenses.
Project quality (How will the quality of the project be defined and maintained?)
To reach to the target audience in whom our team can create ‘emotional resonance’
as a motivating factor for investing.
Project resources (What are the resources and how will other project resources be allocated in
regards to the project?)
The project resources can be including the people, equipment, software,
communications, and material goods required for the completion of a project. The
project resources are to what we need and to help organize a project to get work
done. The resources can different depends on the type of project and department.
For instance, a video wall installation, you may need the resources like technicians,
equipment tools, communications…etc. It is important to make sure that we have
the right resources; it will help organize the project much easier.
Project compliance (What project compliance might be required in regards to organisational/legislative
and regulatory requirements and the project?)
Relevant legislation,
regulations, standards, and A legislation could apply,
1. Work Health and Safety (Workers have obligations under work health and
safety laws)
2. Privacy laws
3. Anti-discrimination legislation
4. Codes of practice
5. Ethical principles
6. Project Development and Construction management Act 1994

(Reference by Victoria Government and learner guide)

Project Reports (What project reports might need to be completed and how would they be
forwarded or communicated to project stakeholders?)
 Brief summary of highlights and achievement from project manager.
 Review by team of goals, objectives/deliverables and schedule as outlined in
project plan.
 What worked well; what could have gone better.
 Lessons learned
 Next steps and improvement plans
Project deliverables (What are the final project deliverables?)
When all the process has been done, we will need to arrange the last meeting to
sum up the project again. Project manager will be present to client and
stakeholders what we have done, achieve our goal and not achieve. After that the
consequence of project need to send out to the client and stakeholders.
Quality Management Plan
Item from WBS Agreed quality standard Recovery procedure
Create full plan project A detail plan including Held a meeting and
responsible of each communication with each
member, and film promote responsibility, revise the
plan, budget and timeline details of project plan.
Marketing social media plan Social media creating, a Adjust the content we
creative content on running ads on the social
Facebook, instagram, media
Film Event The kick off meeting event Invite the influencer on the
and the film director talk social media to support event
Evaluate the cost of media and A detail report of the cost Analyse the budget in more
event plan and budget plan details.

Communications and reporting

Include a communications plan here. Include a more detailed communications management plan in the
appendices if required.

Stakeholder Information required When required Format

Outline how you are going to track, monitor and report on the project. For example:
● status reports
● issues/risk log
● variance requests.

List the appendices that are attached to your project plan, for example:
● work breakdown structure
● budget/cash flow
● human resource planning schedule
● roles and responsibilities
● risk management plan
● quality management plan

Future related projects

Project approvals
Add any signatures that are required for approval to proceed to the next phase.

Project Manager Project Sponsor

Project Client/Owner Other

Project Title: Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:

Status update report

Status report – Project
Item Work completed Milestone Revised/ actual date Budgeted cost Revised/ actual cost Responsible
to-date date

Project Title: Project Client: Date:


Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name:

Assessment Task 3 – Finalise and review project- Part D

The financial recordkeeping and How will you keep financial records and how will they be checked for accuracy?
methods of checking for

Transition of team members How will your team members be transitioned into new roles? NOTE: In an
organization people work on projects and when the project is completed they need to
be moved into new roles. How would you do that?

Project documentation and sign What documents have been created for the project and how will they be signed off on
off when the project is concluded?

Project outcomes and What are the project outcomes, and how will you review each one against the original
processes scope and plan?

Project review How will the project be reviewed and how will team members be involved?

Lessons learned How will you document any ‘lessons learned’ from the outcome and process of this
Handover report
This template summarizes the project as delivered and any agreed changes to baseline scope, quality, costs and

Handover report
Initial overall objectives
Agreed changes to objectives
Final agreed deliverables
Item Budgeted cost Schedule date Final date


Issues summary
Item Strategy Date logged

Documents attached
No. Title

____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Project Manager Project Sponsor Project Client
Project Title: Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Post-project review report
This template is used to guide you through the process of conducting a post-project review. It should be used to
document the key learning in terms of what worked well and what could have been improved.

Post-Project Review Report

Name of project:

Date and location of meeting:

Names of attendees:

1. Overview by Project Manager:

Brief summary of highlights and achievements, etc.

2. Review by team of goals, objectives/deliverables and schedule as outlined in project plan

Cut and paste from project plan.

Met Missed Partially met Comments

Project goal/s


Success criteria



3. What worked well; what could have gone better?

Worked well Could have gone better

4. Lessons learned

5. Next steps / improvement plans

Project Title: Project Client: Date:

Project Sponsor: Project Manager: File Name: Page x of y

Final Results Record

Student name:

Student ID number:
Assessor name:

Final Assessment Results

Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did
not submit
Assessment Task 1 S U DNS

Assessment Task 2 S U DNS

Assessment Task 3 S U DNS

Overall unit result C NYC

☐ My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

☐ I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _________

☐ I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has
been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor Signature: ___________________________

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