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NAME: Maela Pollen E.

An Exercise to Determine Your Educational Philosophy

Find out to which philosophy you adhere. To what extent does such statement apply to you? Rate
yourself 4 if you agree whit the statement always, 3 if you agree but not always, 2 if you agree sometimes, and 1
if you don’t agree at all.

Statement 1 2 3 4

1. There is no substitute for concrete experience

In learning. ✔ ______ _______ ______

2.The focus of education should be the ideas that

are as relevant today as when they where
first conceived. ______ ______ _______ ✔

3. Teacher must not force their student to learn the

Subject matter if it does not interest them. ______ ______ ✔ ______

4. Schools must develop student ‘s capacity to

reason by stressing on the humanities. ______ ______ _______ ✔

5. In the classroom, student’s must be encouraged

to interact with one another to develop social
virtues such as cooperation and respect. ______ ______ _______ ✔

6. Students should read and analyze the Great

Books, the creative works of history’s finest
thinkers and writers. ______ ______ ✔ ______

7. Teachers must helps student expand their

knowledge by helping them apply their previous
experience in solving new problems. ______ ______ _______ ✔

8.Our course of study should be general, not specialize;

Liberal, not vocational; humanistics, not technical. ✔ ______ _______ ______

9. There is no universal, inborn human nature.We are

born in exist and then we ourselves freely
determine are essence. ______ ______ _______ ______

10. Human beings are shape by their environment. ______ ______ _______ ______

11. Schools should stress on the teaching of basic skills. ______ ______ _______ ______

12. Change of environment can change a person. ______ ______ _______ ______

13. Curriculum should emphasize on the traditional

disciplines such as math, natural science, history,
grammar, literature. ______ ______ _______ _____
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
14. teacher cannot impose meaning; students make
meaning of what they are taught. ______ ______ _______ ______

15. Schools should help individuals accept themselves as

unique individuals and accept responsibility for their
thoughts, feeling and actions. ______ ______ _______ ______

16. Learners produce knowledge based their

experiences. ______ ______ _______ ______

17. for the learner to acquire the basic skills, s/he must go
Throught the rigor and discipline of serious study. ______ ______ _______ ______

18. The teacher and the school head must prescribe

what is most important for the students to learn. ______ ______ _______ ______

19. The truth shines in an atmosphere genuine dialogue. ______ ______ _______ ______

20. A learner must be allowed to learn at his/her own

Pace. ______ ______ _______ ______

21. The learner is not a blank slate but brings past experiences
and cultural factors to the learning situation. ______ ______ _______ ______

22. The classroom is not a place where teacher pour

knowledge into empty minds of students. ______ ______ _______ ______

23. The learner must taught how to communicate his

ideas and feelings. ______ ______ _______ ______

24. To understand the message from his/her students,

the teacher must listen not only to what his/her students
are saying but also to what they are not saying. ______ ______ _______ ______

25. An individual is what he/she chooses to become

not dictated by his/her environment. ______ ______ _______ ______
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

Test your Understanding of philosophies

I. Answer each with a Yes or No. If your answer is NO, explain your answer in a sentence.


1. Do essentialists aim to teach students to reconstruct society?

2. Is the model citizen of the essentialist the citizen who contributes to the re-building of society?
3. Do the essentialist teachers give up teaching the basics if the students are not interested?
4. Do the essentialist teachers frown on long academic calendar and core requirements?

1. Do the progressivist teachers look at education as a preparation for adult life?

2. Are the student’s interests and need considered in a progressivist curriculum?
3. Does the progressivist curriculum focus mainly on facts and concepts?
4. Do the progressivist teachers strive to simulate in the classroom life in the outside world?


1. Are the perennialist teachers concerned with the student’s mastery of the fundamental skills?
2. Do the perennialist teachers see the wisdom of ancient, medieval and modern times?
3. Is the perennialist curriculum geared towards specialization?
4. Do the perennialist teachers sacrifice subject matter for the sake of the student’s interest?

1.Is the existentialist teacher after student becoming specialist in order to contribute to the society?
1. Is the existentialist concerned with the education of the whole person?
2. Is the course of study imposed on the students in the existentialist classroom?
3. Does the existentialist teacher make heavy use of the individual approach?

1. Are behaviorists concerned with the modification of student’s behavior?

2. Do behaviorist teachers spend their time teaching their students on how to respond favorably to various
environmental stimuli?
3. Do behaviorist teachers believe they have control over some variables that affect learning?
4. Do behaviorist teachers believe that students are the product of their environment?


1. Do linguistic philosophers promote the study of language?

2. Is the communication that linguistic philosophers encourage limited verbal language only?
3. Do linguistic philosophers prefer the teacher who dominates discussion to save time to the teacher who
encourages dialogue?
4. Is the curriculum of the linguistic philosopher open to the learning of as my languages, like Mother
Tongue, as possible?

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
1. Does the constructivist agree to the teaching methodology of “telling”?
2. Do constructivists believe that students construct knowledge?
3. Do constructivists approve of teaching learners the skill to learn?
4. Do constructive believe that meaning can be imposed?

II. Test Your Mastery.

To which philosophy does each theory of man belong?

A person:

___________1. is a product of his environment.

___________ 2. has no universal nature.
___________3. has rational and moral powers.
___________ 4. has no choice; he is determined by his environment.
___________ 5. can choose what he can become.
___________ 6. is a complex combination of matter that responds to physical stimuli
___________ 7. has no free will.
___________ 8. has the sam essential nature with others.
___________ a rational animal
___________ 10. first exists then defines him/herself
___________ 11. Is a social animal who learns well through an active interplay with others
___________12. is a communicating being.
___________ 13. Is a maker of meaning
___________ 14. A constructor of knowledge

III. Synapse Strengtheners

A. We are interested in what is true. Our teaching methodologies are based on our quest for truth. Likewise,
our teaching-learning goals are based on what we value or what we cherish as good. Identify what each
philosophy considers as good and valuable and true. Complete the table given below. The first one is
done for you.

Philosophy Theory of truth Methodology to Theory of what is Goal of teaching-

arrive at the truth valuable/good learning
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

B. With which philosophy do you associate the following quotations?

1. “Education is life not a preparation for life”, - Dewey ---

2. “Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself…” –Sartre ---
3. “Gripping and enduring interests frequently grow out of initial learning efforts that are not appealing or
attractive.” ---
4. Give me a dozen healthy infants, well informed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I’ll
guarantee to tale anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select
---doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant---chief; and yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents,
penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.” Watson ---
5. “Existence precedes essence.” Sartre ---
6. “Life is what you make it.” William Thackeray ---
7. “Listening in dialogue is listening more to meaning than to words… In true listening, we reach behind the
words; see through them, to find the person who is being revealed. Listening is a search to find the
treasure of the true person as reveaked verbally and non-verbally…” – John Powell ---
8. When a relationship is working the act of communicating seems to flow relatively effortlessly…:- Chip
Rose ---
C. Upon which philosophy/ies is each program/practice anchored?
1. Back-to-the Basics movement ---
2. Conduct of National Achievement Test to test acquisition of elementary/secondary learning
competencies ---
3. Use of the Great Books ---
4. Use of rewards and incentives ---
5. Us of simulation and problem-solving method ---
6. Leaners learning at their own pace ---
7. Mastery of the 3r’s – reading, writing and ‘arithmetic ---
8. The traditional approach to education ---
9. Subject matter- centered teaching ---
10. Student-centered teaching ---
11. Authoritarian approach to teaching ---
12. Non-authoritarian approach to teaching ---
13. Making meaning of what is taught ---
14. Understanding message through verbal. Non-verbal and Para-verbal means
---Asking learners to draw meaning from what they are taught ---

D. Draw a symbol for each of the 7 philosophies. Explain your symbol.

E. By means of a Venn diagram give the:

1. Similarities between essentialism and perennialism
2. Differences between behaviorism and existentialism
3. Differences between the perennialism and essentialism combined and progressivism
4. Similarities between linguistic philosophy and constructivism
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
F. You will be grouped into the seven philosophies. Explain how you will react to the given situation. What
advice will you give?

For the essentialist group. Students are not interested in the lesson
For the perennialist group. Students want to become skilled in certain fields of specialization
For the progressivist group. Parentsnquestion students’ community immersion for it poses certain risks.
For the behaviorist group. Teacher tells students from the slum areas this: “If there’s a will, there’s a way.
Poverty is not a hindrance to success.
For the existentialist group. A colleague asks you to decide for her fear that she may make the wrong decision.
For the linguistics philosophy group. A teacher insists on his reasoning and does not give a chance to an erring
student to explain his/her side.
For the constructivist. Teacher claims, he will be able to teach more if he goes straights to his lecture.

G. Students will be asked to research further on the following:

1. John Dewey and progressivism
2. John Watson and Behaviorism
3. William Bagley and essentialism
4. Jean Paul Sartre and existentialism
5. Jurgen Habermas, Hans Georg Gadamer and linguistic philosophy

They will pretend to be John Dewey, John Watson, etc. in class and the class will interview them in their
philosophies. The key informants (John Dewey, etc.) will answer questions using the first person “I”.

H. Research work – Research on the following philosophies. Those marked with asterisk (*) are a must.
Give the gist of each philosophy. Cite those thoughts with which you agree and also those with which you

1. Christian Philosophy
2. Rationalism
3. Empiricism
4. Pragmatism
5. Reconstructionism
6. Confucianism
7. Hindu Philosophy
8. Buddhist Philosophy
9. Paolo Freire’s Philosophy
10. Socrates’s Philosophy
11. Platos’s Philosophy
12. Rousseau’s Philosophy
13. Stoic Philosophy
14. Epicureanism
15. Philosophical Analysis
16. Phenomenology
17. Logical Positivism
18. Any other philosophy of your interest or assigned by your teacher
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
I. One of you will volunteer / be assigned to obtain the vision and mission statement of the Department of
Education and present the same in class. Which philosophies of education are reflected in the DepEd
vision-mission statement?

J. The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum envisions a Grade 12 graduate who is:

 Holistically developed
 With 21st century skills
 Ready for:
 Employment
 Entrepreneurship
 Middle level skills development
 Higher education
On which philosophies education of education is the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum anchored? Explain
your answer/s.

Activity 1
Analyze the given example in your small groups, the answer the following questions:

1. Which of philosophies studied in lesson 1 are reflected in the given philosophy?


2. What are the teacher’s concept/s of the learner?____________________________________


3. Who, according to the Grade school teacher’s philosophy, is the good and educated person?

4. What is the teacher’s concept on values?___________________________________________


5.What does the teacher believe to be her primary task?_________________________________


6. Do his/hr concepts of the learner and the educated person match with how he/she will go about his/her task of
facilitating every child’s full development?_______________________________
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

7. You notice that teacher’s thought on the learner, values and method of teaching begin with the phrase “I
believe”. Will it make a difference if the Grade school teacher writes his/her philosophy of education in
paragraph form using the third person pronoun?_________________

8. Why is one’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the world or “compass” in life?
Activity 2

1. Formulate your personal philosophy of education. Do it well for this will form part of your teaching portfolio
which you will bring along with you when you apply for a teaching job. Write it down here.

2. Share you philosophy of education with the class.

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

Activity 3

A. Reflect on your own philosophy using the following questions as guide:

1. With that educational philosophy:

*how will you treat your student?

*what will you teach?

*how will you teach?

2. From which philosophies that you have studied and researched did you draw inspiration as
you formulated your own philosophy of education?

3. Does this education philosophy of yours make a difference in your life?

4. What if you do not have a formulated philosophy of education at all?

5. Is your educational philosophy more of an abstract theory than a blueprint to daily living?
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
6. Do you think your philosophy will change as you grow in knowledge?

B. Print your philosophy of education and include it in your teaching portfolio.

Test your Understanding

A. Directions: Answer the following with YES or NO. If your answer is NO, explain your answer in a sentence.

1. Is morality for persons and animals?

2. Is the natural law known only by learned?
3. Did the primitive people have a sense of natural law?
4. Is an animalistic act of man moral?
5. 5. Is it right to judge the dog to be immoral if it defecates right on your garden?
6. Is the foundational moral principle sensed only by believers?
7. Is the foundational moral principle very specific?
8. Is the foundational moral principle the basis of moral specific principle?
9. Is the foundational moral principle so called because it is the basis of all moral principles?
10. Are the Ten Commandments for Christians more specific moral principles of the foundational moral
11. Is the natural law literally engraved in every human heart?
12. Are The Five Pillars of Islam reflective of the natural law?
13. Is the Buddhist’s Eightfold Path in accordance with the natural law?
14. Are the Golden rule for Christians basically the same with Kung-fu-tsu’s Reciprocity rule?.

A. Direction: Answer the following in a sentence or two.

1. To be moral is to be human. What does this mean? This means that one’s moral behavior conforms to a
human’s rightful act. Morality happens when you choose to do righteous things whether it results to good or bad

1. Why is morality only for persons?

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

3. What do the following tell you about the natural law?

Test your Understanding

1. Do we have such a thing as unchanging values in these changing times?

2. What do we mean when we say transcendent values are independent of time, space, and

3. Should values be taught? Why?

4. What are the three dimensions of value and value formation? Explain each.

5. Value formation training of the intellect and the will. What does this training consist of?
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

6. What is the effect of good habit (virtue) and bad habit (vice) on the will?

7. Which is the lowest value in Scheler’s value hierarchy? highest?

8. Based on Scheler’s hierarchy of values, what is a life well lived?

9. According to advocates of value clarification, how can you test if a value is really your value?

Synapse Strengtheners

1. Present Scheler’s hierarchy of values by means of an appropriate graphic organizer. Each level
of values must be explained and must be given an example.

2. Interview a former alcoholic who was rehabilitated. Ask how his alcoholism affected himself,
his job, and his relationship with his family and community. Ask him to give his advice to the

3. In the modern parable “The Little Prince” written by Antoine Exupery, the Little Prince in his
visit to one planet, met an alcoholic. The following was their conversation:
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
Little Prince: “What are you doing?”
The alcoholic: “I am drinking”
Little Prince: “Why are you drinking?”
Alcoholic: “To forget!”
Little Prince: “To forget what?”
Alcoholic: “ That I am a drunkard!”
Based on the above conversation, is the alcoholic (or any alcoholic for that matter) happy for being one? What
lessons can you learn from the life of an alcoholic or of a gambler?

4. In his book “ Morality and You”, James finley wrote:…”look at modern advertisement.
commercials for deodorants, mouthwashes, skin blemish removers and other cosmetics have a
basic assumption that man is a creature who must be physically attractive to have much worth
in the eyes of his fellowman. They try to sell …the following concept of a person: to have a
good breath and white teeth is to be a good person; to have bad breath is to be socially
undesirable.” Reflect if this thought on man as sold by the media in a very subtle manner has in
a way influenced your value orientation.

For Research
 Which Filipino values pose obstacles to your value formation? How do they block your value

 Are there times when the will refuses to act on what the intellect presents as good? How does a
person feel?
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

 The atheist denies God’s existence. Will he lack the values of the Holy, the highest level of value
according to scheler? How will this affect his/her way of life?

For Exhibit

 Make an exhibit on the lives of men and women whose lives where oriented towards the values of the
spirit and/ or the values of the Holy. The objectives of the exhibit is for you to prove to every viewer
that those who live beyond pleasure values and vital values are those who great in the eyes of their
fellow men and of god ( for those who believe).

Journal Entry

1. Read the following and in the context of value formation write down your response/action plan to each as a
proof that you accept continuing personal value formation.

 Take care of your thoughts, they become your actions; take care of your actions, they become your
habit; take care of your habits, they become your character; take care of your character, it becomes
your destiny!

 “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul”?
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
 …store up treasures in heaven neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For
where your treasure is, there also will your heart be”. (Mattew 7:20)

 “ Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” –Albert Einstein

 “ It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” – The Little
Prince by Antoine Exupery

 “ Di baleng mahirap, basta’t may dangal.”

2. It is observed that beginning teachers somewhat lack emotional stability. What are some of its causes? What
should you do to counteract it? Write your answers here.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

Synapse Strengtheners

A. An Exercise on Metaphor/Simile- Compare teaching as avocation/mission/profession to something by

completing this statement; TEACHING IS LIKE….

B. For Small Group Discussion

1. Does it make a difference if teaching is simply regarded as a profession, not a vocation

and a mission?

2. Within the 5 qualities of a professional in mind, cite other Filipino traits that work
against the making of a true Filipino professional. Propose some remedial measures.

3. Of the 5 qualities of a professional, which to you is the most important? Why?

4. Once more, read the letter to the teacher given above, then state the mission of the
profession teacher.

C. Research on:

 The other elements of a profession. Does the teaching profession fulfill all the elements?

 The meaning of Eichmann as used in the Letter to Teacher found in this lesson
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

 The logos of professional teachers, the Philippine Association for Teacher Education, the Department
of Education, Commission on Higher Education. Display them in class. Give their symbolism. Is there
anything common among the logos?

D. Panel discussion:

Invite the Administrative Officer of the nearest Division office, the head of the Legal
Department of Civil Service Commission, a member of the Board for professional
Teachers /Hearing Officer of PRC regional office to talk on cases against teachers filed at
their offices. Draw your conclusions from their talks.

E. Video Presentation

Interview model teachers in your community identified by schools

principals/superintendents/PTCAs. Give a video presentation of their work and life as
model teachers.

F. Journal Entry

Conrado de Quiros of the Philippine Daily Inquirer once wrote: “ Being world-class does not mean going
internationally and showing our best out there. Being world-class is passion and commitment to our profession;
being world-class is giving our best to teaching. Being world-class starts right inside the classroom.” Write what
you resolve to START doing and STOP doing NOW as you embrace teaching as your vocation, mission and


NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema







G. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time,
says Desiderata. How can you keep your interest in your own career? Write your reflections here!

4. Tell something about the teacher in the classroom and in the community by completing this acronym.





NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema


5. Reflect on the teacher as she goes about her task in the classroom and in the community. In what way is

 a piece of iron?

 a well?

 a planter?

 a gardener?

 a door?

 a wake up call?

 a potter

 a mirror

 an assessor

 a nurse
8. Read this poem “You Are Teacher” then answer the following questions on page 84:


If I speak Interestingly, effectively, and well,

But do not understand my students
I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
If I know all of the methods and techniques of teaching,
If I have complete faith that they will work,
So that I use them completely,
But think only of materials of techniques
instead of how they can help my students,
I count for nothing.
If I go the second mile in my teaching,
Give up many activities,
But do it without understanding,
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
It does no good,
Love is very patient, very kind;
Love is not jealous, it does not put on airs;
It is never tyrannic, never;
Yet does insist on truth;
It does not become angry;
It is not resentful,
Love always expects the best of others;
It is gladdened when they live up to these expectations,
Slow to lose faith when they do not.
It will bear anything,
Hope anything,
Endure anything.
This kind of love will never fail
If there are teaching methods, they will change;
If there are curricula, they will be revised.
For our knowledge is imperfect
And our teaching is imperfect,
And we are always looking for the better ways
Which an infinite God has placed ahead of us,
When I began to teach, I fumbled and failed;
Now I have put away some of my childish ways,
At present I am learning bit by bit;
But if I keep on seeking, I shall at last understand
As all along I myself have been understood.
So faith, hope and love endure.
These are the great three
But the greatest of them is love.

 Which line of the poem do you like most? Why?

 What mental portrait of the teacher in the classroom and the teacher in the community is painted by
the poem, “ You are aTeacher”?

9. Read your name through the poem like this: Brenda, You are a teacher.

If Brenda speaks interestingly, effectively and well

But does not understand her students
Brenda is a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

Call on other students to read their names through the other lines of the poem.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
Reflection question:

How did you feel when you read your name through the lines of the poem? Describe and explain why.

10. Give the poem “ You Are a Teacher” a tune then sing it. Choreograph it.

11. Conduct a meta-analysis of researches on the qualities of a good teacher. Between the professional
qualities and personal qualities of a teacher, which ones are perceived to be more important?

Synapse Strengtheners

1. Name some problems originating from the community experienced by teachers in the school,

 traffic and transportation

 availability of water and lighting system

 security measures for children

In what way can the community help?

2. Describe how school and community officials work together in each of the following events:

 socio-cultural activities
 peace and order situation
-in peace
-outside the school

 projects

3. What are some learning resources existing in the community that school children and
personnel can visit for mutual assistance and enjoyment.
Please check.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
parks________________ factories _____________
museums_____________ industries____________
library_______________ shopping mall_________
concert halls__________ conference mall________
movie house sport and recreational hall__________
art gallery
others, specify____________

4. How is the community assisted by the school in return? Please check

 as resources person in town assemblies_______

 participants in town celebrations________

 modeling desirable values____________

 helping in community projects_______

Others, specify______
One World, One Classroom, One Global Teacher?

Lesson 1- Self- check questions:

Instruction: Answer agree or disagree with the statements that follow.

__________1.A teacher has to earn prestigious award to be labeled as a global teacher.

__________2.To become a global teacher, on should be fluent in English and other languages.

__________3.A Filipino teacher cannot qualify to teach in other countries because in differences
in curriculum.

__________4.To be globally competitive, teachers should develop competencies in the use


__________5.Global education provides the same standards for quality education worldwide.

__________6.Teachers who embrace global education, must have a good understanding of the
different cultures of the learners.

__________7.For Filipino teachers, the NCBTS is a national standard that meets global

__________8.Teachers in far flung schools cannot be considered global teachers.

__________9.Your curriculum in teacher education prepares you to be global teachers.

__________10. A global teacher has wider view of what education is all about.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
Lesson 1-take Action

1. As a group, go to school and ask the principal or school head for the Outstanding School Teacher.
Request for an interview with the teacher. Among others, your interview protocol should include the
characteristics or qualities mentioned in your text. Write a report and share this with your classmates.

Lesson 1-Make a reflection

1. Can an outstanding teacher in the neighborhood school whom you have interviewed be classified as a
global teacher? Why? Why not?

2. Can one be a global teacher, without teaching abroad? Write your insights.

3. Reflect on the statement: “ As a global teacher, act locally but think globally.” Add this reflection in your
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

Lesson 1: Take Action!

So you have traveled to some places of the world. You surveyed examples of educational systems that
have educated millions of citizens in one big classroom: the world. As future GLOBAL teacher, it is best that you
become familiar with some of these educational systems. Let us now find out how much have you learned:

1. Make a matrix using the example below:

Title: Educational System of Selected Countries of the World

Name of Levels of Education Description of Each Special Features

Country Level

1. Australia

2. China

3. Japan

4. South Africa

5. England

6. United States
of America
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
7. New Zealand

8. Philippines

2. Enrichment activity. Through the internet, search at least two other countries and take note their educational
system both in basic education and higher education. Compare with the list included in this lesson.

B. Search about the K to 12 basic Education Curriculum of the Philippines.

Lesson 2-Make a Reflection!

1. Based on your matrix of the various educational systems of the others countries, how would you
compare our Philippines educational system? In what aspects are we similar with other countries? Is our
educational system globally competitive? How do you see yourself in the K to 12 Curriculum as a teacher?

2. If given an opportunity to experience teaching in another country listed above, where would you like to
teach? Why?

Lesson 2- Self –check Questions

All the items refer to Lesson 2. Choose the correct answer from the choices given.

1. For the majority of sample countries given in this lesson, at what level is free-compulsory education
a. Primary level
b. Primary up to certain level in secondary level.
c. Both primary and secondary levels.
d. Post secondary level only

2. From what educational system does Australia pattern its own?

a. England
b. United State of America
c. Japan
d. United Nations

3. Based on the curriculum requirement provided by the selected countries, the language which is seemingly
universal is____________.
a. Spanish
b. English
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
c. Chinese
d. French
4. Higher education in all countries presented can be described as___________.
a. selective and not compulsory
b. compulsory but selective
c. voluntary and very affordable
d. accessible and democratic for all

5. All of the example countries have basic education for_______________.

a. six years
b. ten years
c .twelve years
d. fourteen years

6. The unique feature of the current K to 12 is that the Filipino learner will become__________.
a. monolingual
b. multilingual
c. English speaking only
d. Tagalog speaking only

7.Philippine education now has become comparable to other countries, by

a. using English as a medium of instruction
b. adding two more years in basic education
c. using a spiral curriculum
d. returning back to the basic

Lesson 3-Self-check Question

1. Name at least five characteristics of a multi-cultural classroom.

2. What are some guidelines for a teacher who handles children with diverse background?

3. List some cultural stereotypes that must be avoided.

Lesson 4-take Action!

1. Download from the internet more information about the teacher exchange program.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
2. Write the Philippine-American Educational Foundation to inquire about the Fulbright Teacher Exchange
Program. Secure as much information as possible. Share your findings with your classmates.

3. Interview a member of your faculty or other teacher who has participated in any faculty exchange
programs or scholarship programs abroad. Make a brief report of your interview.

Lesson 4- Make a Reflection

Using that data that you gathered from item number 3 above, make a reflection. Focus your reflection on the
following items.

1. Personal gains or benefits derived from the exchange or scholarship program abroad

2. Professional development achieved from the experiences

3. Challenges met and solutions made

4. Transfer of professional gains to current teaching assignment

Lesson 4-Self- Check questions

1. What are the purposes of the Teacher Exchange Programs?

2. As a prospective Filipino teacher, what benefits will you derive from these programs?

3. How will the teacher exchange programs develop you as a global teacher?
Lesson 5- Take Action!

This activity focuses on what a school is doing with technology. Try not to focus too much on the
technology itself (how many computers) but on what is happening with the computers. Write a short narrative
of your visit that includes your views on what is happening in the school and some ideas that you would want
to implement if you were teaching in that environment. To help you write your narrative, use the observation
sheet for your visit.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

Technology Use in the Classroom

Directions: Do not use actual names of schools, teacher, administrators or students when using
this worksheet.
Observer’s Name:__________________________________________
Grade level:_______________________________________________
Class size:________________________________________________
Technology in the classroom:_________________________________
Location and Placement in the room___________________________

Background Information: Give a brief general description of the school. ( Social, economic, school population:
teachers and students) Include the school’s goal for use of technology.

 During your observation, notice how many students use technology and how technology is being
used. Observation can be recorded in narrative form. You may include the information gathered from
the questions raised below?
1. How familiar are the students with the technology?

2. What kinds of software are the students using?

3. Are the students really engaged in their activities?

4. How does the teacher interact with the students with the use of technology?

5. What are the other materials used by the students along with computers?
 Teacher Question:

Try to arrange for an interview with the teacher for a few minutes about her/his use of technology. Ask
questions such as the following:

1. What kinds of thing do you use technology for?

2. Do you think technology has been useful for your students?

3. What kinds of technologies would you like to have in your class?

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

4. How good is the support that you get at a school, district or division level for working with

5. What innovations have you introduced with the use of technology?

 Students Questions
Ask permission from the teacher to interview one students from the class.
Ask questions such as the following:

1. Do you like using technology?

2. What do you like to most with the help of technology?

3. What kinds of technology would you like to have in the class that you do not have

4. Does the technology make you learn? In what ways?

Make a record of the answer to the questions in your notebook as a basis of you narrative report.

Lesson 5-Make a Reflection!

 Based on your observations and interviews make a reflection on the following:

1. The level of technology used in the classroom

2. The learning outcomes derived from the technology use

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
3. Your suggestions if you are the one teaching with the use of technology

4. Your overall reflection on the technology and innovative teaching

Lesson 5- Self –check Questions

 Identify the following concept that you have learned in this lesson.

1. Outputs of discoveries and inventions which are utilized to improve teaching and learning such as
computers and all its software are referred to as___________________.

2. Simulations or exploratory environments which allow actions and investigates right inside the
classroom through computer software are called________________________.

3. The entire National Geographic is now kept in a data base called_________________.

4. A very popular hypertext system labeled as www is referred to as_________________.

5. Which term is used when students participants are brought to a field trip without
physically bringing them to the site?___________________________.
 Read and make a decision based on your experiences and information. Write Agree or Disagree

1.___________The introduction of technology is the classroom leads to teaching


2.___________It is imperative for a teacher to learn and use technology in teaching.

3.___________Only those who have access to the internet can use technology.

4.___________Even with use of technology, the diversity of learners should be


5.___________Technology in the classroom should support learning, rather than hinder


Synapse Strengheners

1. Is teaching your first choice as a career? Why?

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

2. What do you profess when you become a teacher?

3. What are expected of a teacher as a professional?

For Research
1. Research on the operational definitions of:

 Profession

 Professional

 professionalism

Synapse Strengtheners

1. Compare PD 1006 and RA 7836 along the following items then give your own observations.

Item PD 1006 RA 7836 Observation

1. Definition of

2. Teachers’

2.1 Scope of

2.2 Qualification
Requirements for
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
2.3 Rating

2.4 Report of

3. National Board

4. The Board for


5. Causes of
revocation of
certificate/ license
Synapse Strengtheners

1. What amendments to RA 7836 were made by RA 9293 on the following:

 Number of units in professional educational required of non-educational graduates

 Registration of those engaged in teaching without examination

 Required rating for para-teachers

2. Other than para-teachers who else are entitled to a special permit?

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

3. What is required of teachers covered by Sec. 26 of RA 9293 who have not practiced their profession for the
past five years?

4. Who can be issued a license without examination?

Journal Entry
Do PD 1006, RA 7836 and RA 9293 help you become a professional teacher? Write your reflections

Synapse Strengtheners

1. Read carefully the provisions in section 3(2) of Article XIV on education. Explain the mandate that the state
shall “ establish, maintain, and support a complete, adequate and integrated system of education.”

2. Based on your observation as a would – be teacher, what are the educational institutions doing to prepare
teachers who will help attain the goals stated in section 3?

3.Read and comment on section 5 (4) and (5).

4. Is the use of the Mother Tongue as a medium of instruction from K to Grade 3 in the K to 12 Curriculum in
accordance with Section 7?
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

5. What educational practices and programs are aligned to sec.10 ,Sec.14, Sec. 17, Sec.18 and Sec.19

Synapse Strengtheners


With your small answer the following:

1. Who are referred to as “teacher” in R.A 4670? Who are not included although they are school

2. Discuss the safeguards in the disciplinary procedures in resolving cases of teachers.

3. Explain the meaning of “exigencies of the service” referred to in section 6 of the Magna Carta as regards
transfer of a teacher from one station to another.

4. Are the provisions in Section 22 and 23 teachers’ rights or privileges? Brainstorm with your group.

5. What can be some reasons behind Section 11 of RA 4670?

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

6. Actual classroom teaching a day should not exceed six hours. What can be some reasons behind this limit on
teaching hours?

Research on:

1. The latest DepEd policy on the recruitment and deployment of public school teachers.
What provisions in the Magna Carta are bases of the DepEd poloicy?

2. The policy/provisions for the recruitment and deployment of private school teachers?

3. The meaning of academic freedom cited in Sec.12 of the Magna Carta.

4. The present salaries of teachers paid by the city/municipal/provincial government to

determine if they are in accordance with Sec.17 of the Magna Carta.

C. Symposium
Invite speakers to talk on:
 Career path of teacher
 Other social and economic benefits like cost of living allowance, special hardship allowance, medical
examination and treatment.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
For Journal Entry
What are your realizations about the teaching profession after a study of the MagnaCarta?
Do these realizations help you decide to pursue the teaching career?

Synapse Strengeners

1.List your rights and the corresponding duties and obligations as teacher.

Rights Obligations

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
2. Reflect in your rights vis-à-vis your obligations.,

3. Study the objectives of elementary,secondary, tertiary and non-formal education

(alternative learning system): You are accorded the opportunity to choose alternative
career path in school administration, in classroom teaching, or others, for job
enrichment and advancement. In which level would you choose to teach ( elementary,
secondary, alternative learning system) Why?

Synapse Strengtheners
1. Read carefully Section 5 on the principles of Shared Governance. Comment on:
 responsibility inherent in the office
 accountability and transparency in the performance of functions and responsibility.

2.Based on the “authority, accountability and responsibility” of the school head/ principal, list down your
experience as a future teacher.

Synapse Strengtheners
The governance of Basic Education ( RA 9155) declared the policy of the state to protect and promote the
right of all citizen to quality basic education and to make such education accessible to all.

1. Write your reflection on the policy that “the school shall be the heart of the formal education system.”

2. Explain the principles of shared governance.

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

3. Study the organizational structures of the division and school levels. Locate yourself in the organizational
chart. What thoughts cross your mind as you see yourself in the future in the relation to others in the educational
system beginning with the school, the division, and the region. How do you feel? Refer to the 2000 DECS
Service Manual for further readings. Share your thoughts with your small group.

4. What the significant relations do you see between the teachers education institution and the Department of
Education as far as pre-service education is concerned?

Synapse strengtheners:

1. Explain the meaning of “ special parental authority and responsibility” over the minor child in Article 218.

2. Cite violations of article 233.

3. Is there any provision that strikes you? If yes, explain why?

4. Research on decided cases of teachers violating the provision on “special parental authority”. Share your
findings with the class.

Synapse strengtheners:

1. What are acts and conditions prejudicial to the child’s development?

2. Discuss actions that constitute child abuse at home and in school.

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
3. Invite a social worker in your community to talk on child abuse.

4. Write your reflections on the duties and responsibilities of teachers in the DECS Service Manual as they relate
to “parental authority.”

Synapse Strengtheners

1. You have read many cases of sexual harassment field against teachers, and other employees. Explain the
provision that sexual harassment is committed when the act is “ against one who is under the care, custody or
supervision of the offender…”

2. Cite other circumstances of sexual harassment in the education and training environment.

3. When is sexual harassment committed in a work-related environment?

4. Research on two decided cases of sexual harassment against teachers and one case committed by teachers.
Who is the disciplining authority if he/she is a public school teacher? A private school teacher?

Synapse Strengtheners

1. Which to you is the most important objective of the ECCD Act?

2. Visit a day-care center and pre-school class for three days. Write a journal of your day to day observation on
the social and physical interaction and participation of the children in the activities. Comment on the learning
environment and the instructional materials used.
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
3. What further education and training do you need to become a pre-school teacher?

Synapse Strengtheners
1. What is meant by the institutionalization of kindergarten?

2. What is the policy of CHED on the pre-service education and training of pre-school/kindergarten teachers?

3. Which language is the medium of instruction in kindergarten?

4. Discuss the mandates in the law as regards:

 Teaching Strategies
 Learning Materials

Synapse Strengtheners
As a group:

1. Relate the four (4) pillars of learning to the 3 domains of teaching-learning.

2. By means of a graphic organizer, present the characteristics of a Child-Friendly School.

Synapse Strengtheners
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema
Group Discussion

1. Which provision(s) are most significant to you? Share and Discuss.

2. Which articles make provisions on children of indigenous groups? Explain the

significance of the provisions.

3. Read articles 1, 2, and 13. What Filipino traits run counter to the child’s right to
expression of his/her views?

4. What teachers do to promote children’s health?

For Research

1. Research on ways by which the Philippine Government abide by Article 28.

Synapse Strengtheners:
1. Research on the Thomasites. What qualities did they possess as teachers?
NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema

2. Present the development of the Philippines educational system from pre Spanish era to the Japanese
era by means of a time line. The first era was done for you.

Pre-Spanish Era Spanish Era American Regime Japanese Era

unstructured, focus
on vocational
training parents and
tribal tutor served as

Synapse Strengtheners

1. What are the basic curricular reforms in:

Year Elementary Education Secondary Education

NAME: Maela Pollen E. Yema





2. Research on the following:

 10-point Agenda on Education of President Aquino’s administration

 K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Framework
 Policies and Guidelines on the Implementation of the Universal Kindergarten

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