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Theme #9: The post-WWII period was an age After the War

fraught with nuclear proliferation, doomsday “Communist Aggression” vs. “Capitalist Encirclement”
anxieties, and the threat of Armageddon. Explain U.S.S.R. a greater threat than ___________________
how the Cold War began, evolved, and ended,
and what can be done to continue survival in the Both sides wanted “____________________”
-- for economic security, for a military buffer
post-Cold War, but still nuclear, future.

Roots of East-West Distrust Defining Ideology

When the Roman Empire split in _______ AD (CE) -- George Kennan’s “Long Telegram” (1946)
-- Truman’s “Get Tough” policy: “…scare the hell out of
the American people”
-- “Domino Theory” began with Greece, then spread to
Korea, Vietnam, Caribbean
-- _______________________________

Points of Conflict
pars Occidentis pars Orientis Marshall Plan: “empire by invitation” (1947)
became the so-called _____________________ Prague Winter (1948)
Berlin ______________ vs. Berlin ____________ (1948)
When the Catholic Church split in ________ AD (CE) NATO vs. Warsaw Pact (1949)
(Western) Roman Catholic vs. (Eastern) Greek Orthodox
Soviet Atomic Bomb (1949) vs. U.S. Hydrogen Bomb
then came the rise of ___________________
(1952), followed by Soviets (1953)

_________________-Russian imperial competition

Communist victory in Chinese Civil War (‘49)
Western “hysteria” toward Communism Korean Civil War (1950)
Korean War (1950-53)
American involvement in the _________________
CIA coup in ______________ (1953)
U.S.S.R. left to rebuild on its own after WWI CIA coup in Guatemala (1954)

World War II
U.S.S.R. felt it “carried the burden” Chinese – Taiwanese Quasi-War (1955)
-- Fought for 5 years alone; __________ “won the war”
-- Britain more interested in recouping their “empire” Hungarian Revolution (1956)
-- America not wanting to be premature in opening _____________________ (1957) vs. NASA (1958)
a 2-front war U-2 shot down (1960)
________________________ (1961)
World War II Berlin Wall (1961)
Hiroshima - Nagasaki
-- partial justification to scare USSR
-- Truman: “If it explodes, as I think it will, I’ll certainly
have a hammer on those boys.”
Yuri Gagarin (1961) vs. John Glenn (1962) How did we avoid Armageddon?
Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) MAD -- “______________________________________”
Vietnam War (1965, 1949-73) --Nuclear War only winnable in a Phyrric sense
Prague Spring (1968) Mikhail Gorbachev:
-- Glasnost -- Perestroika -- the Wall came down
Soviet Invasion of _________________________ (1979)
American Boycott of Moscow Olympics (1980)
Soviet Union went bankrupt
-- chronically weak economy
-- war in Afghanistan
NSD-13: ________________________________ (1981) -- “Star Wars” spending
S.D.I., or Star Wars (1983)
Reagan Doctrine (1983): USSR is the "______________"
U.S. Invasion of Grenada (1983) New Threats in the 21st Century:
Collapse of the Soviet Union
CIA intervention in Nicaragua (1983)
-- Russia PLUS Belarus, Kazakhstan, _____________
-- 1 million unemployed scientists, engineers
-- 30,000 warheads and tactical nukes
Vietnam 100s are missing…
-- Started as a revolution against the ________ (1945) 1000s of tons of reactor-grade material
-- Ho Chi Minh rebuffed by Truman '47, Eisenhower '53 -- US-Russian “Project ___________________”
-- Began propping up _____________ (1949)
-- French forces withdraw (1954), U.S. supports Ngo
Dinh Diem Silent Partners
-- Gradual increase in “___________” to 16,000 (1963)
-- Conducted an underground test in 1974
-- Gulf of _______________ Resolution (1964) -- Suspected capable of 80-100 weapons
-- has IRBMs (___________ miles), maybe ICBMs
-- Troops increased to 75,000 (1965), 275,000 (1966), -- Suspected capable of 90-110 weapons
485,000 (1967), 543,000 (1969) -- has SRBMs (__________ miles), maybe IRBMs
-- Rolling Thunder (1966) bombings in South, North,
Cambodia, Laos
-- ___________________________ (1968) __________________ -- Surely capable, unknown
-- Bombing of Laos (1969), Invasion of Cambodia (1970) numbers (~80?), has 80+ U.S. supplied IRBMs
-- Firebombing of Hanoi (1972) South Africa
-- Arsenal allegedly dismantled in 1989 (and sold to
-- Cease Fire (1973)

Vietnam: a Colonial War?

-- US won every major battle.
-- “kill ratio” was about ___:1 (or ___:1 including civilians)
-- despite technology, we were unable to hold territory
-- could not win civilian “hearts and minds”
-- opponents’ willingness to _____________________
Wannabes (a.k.a. the “Axis of Evil”)
-- In 2003 NIE, acquiring nuclear & other WMDs
North Korea
-- In 2004 conducted 1st (failed) underground test
-- Could be capable within 2 years (2005 NIE)

Iran -- 2003 NIE, had the technology and materials,

probably capable within 2 years
-- 2007 NIE – ________________________________
-- 2017 NIE – ________________________________
-- “Enriched Uranium” -- <1%, 3-4%, >85% (~2016)
40+ countries have the means (NPT)
(anti-U.S.) Terrorists
-- 2003 NIE, est. at 20,000
-- _____________ had been neutralized through 2015
-- 2017 NIE estimated at ______________

Old Threats: Russian republics, China

“Weapons shield” (Reagan’s “Star Wars”)
-- Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
-- estimated cost is $_________+ trillion
-- most optimistic projections: only _______% effective
-- remove some vital element
-- everyone OR no one

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