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Guess the picture

1- Universe, galaxy, paint

2- Map, population, internet/data usage

Question to answer
1. How do students in the group contribute to this flow of information in their everyday
 I think they can contribute through communication or by using the internet they can
provide information that they need in everyday life

2. In what ways do you contribute to global internet traffic?

 Many forms of malware infiltrate computers in order to gain control of the servers and
use them for malicious reasons such as spam e-mail delivery or distributed attacks on
other servers. In order to stop or reduce internet traffic we can block access to those
streaming websites, always scan for malware and maximize the use of internet or
choose what site you use.

3. What kind of information have put out there about yourselves. Are you happy or
comfortable with the situation?
 The very common information that I frequently use in any transactions are my personal
data however if the data is on a site to access I provide only the basic one. Sometimes, I
am not comfortable on providing my personal information to anyone but I do not have
any other choice it is part of the transaction I cannot proceed without those.

Think about the following:

How many people have access to their information?
 There are so many people who have access to their information because it is very
crucial to all individuals.

How many organization?

 if I am to be asked there are 10 or more organization that has access to my information
because it is required or mandatory.

Are there people or organizations with information about yourselves that you wish they
didn’t have?
 I couldn’t think of any, because I disclose my information just to those people or
organization that I need a transaction and without those information I will not be
proceeding to the next step like for example the information in school, government
(voting, scholarship, clinical visit and so on), or sites needed for online school.

Question to answer
Can the group suggest a difference between personal information and private information?
 Personal information is about you personal data that was commonly asked to any
transactions you made with an individual or government while the private information
is a certain data or probably situation that you don’t want to disclose in public.

For example:
I. Information about me that I’m comfortable having made public for anyone to know.
 Im comfortable sharing my very basic information, my favorites like past time, movie to
watch, story that I’ve read and son on, and also when people are asking about my
course and the place I live in but I only say the municipality or the town not the specific

II. Information about me that only certain people should be able to know.
 The information that only certain people know was my accounts either bank or social
media, the complete address, and the cellphone number

Consider the questions:

Do we share everything with everyone?
 No, I do not disclose every information about me because if I do that then where the
privacy and confidentiality in it.

Who needs to know what?

 The information that was shared has purpose. The personal information is needed by
the school and other government agency, so I give mine as it is required and

Working in pairs or small groups, ask students to list as many people or organizations they
think of that hold information about them.
 The school (registrar, admin and so on)
 The government agency( comelec, those where you pass scholarship requirements,
 The hospital or clinic
 Sometimes, to some NGO

Question to answer
If we were to think of ourselves at the center of a pool of information, which people and
which organizations should know--need to know--most about us?

Family/ friends
School, government agency
Online websites/ apps

Think about what types of information are you happy to held in these different zones.

Personal data and situations

Personal info required like I.D., birth certificate, B.I.R
Basic info that is required like name and
Question to answer!
Should there be rules about our personal information, such as who can see it, where it
should be stored, who it can be shared with?
 I think yes, because every information about us should be private and it is confidential
so once we give I to someone or to some organization then they should be responsible
and keep it properly or use it to the purpose of the transactions and not any other

Final thoughts
From the session that you have just completed, which words or phrases would you highlight
from the list of PowerPoint as being the most relevant and important in terms of
safeguarding all our personal data.
 For the data privacy itself is the highlight of the presentation because it tackles
everything we need to know in order to make sure that all the things we do may be
online or not are safe and secured. Disclosing sensitive information and our rights if
ever the privacy was violated.

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