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ee ee y > ONLINE PRACTICE eters Melee ts xs Vicki Anderson with Eoin Higgins oO @ 8 ® 8 @ O 8 Starter Unit Extreme living A balancing act Art all around us Adventure Let's talk Fears School life Green planet Speaking extra Language focus extra Meeting people 1 & Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. Hi Pete. Nice to meet you. Hello. I'm Pete. 1 Karen: This is my friend. Her name's Jackie. — Pete: You too. Well, | have to go. Pete: Yes, bye! —_ Karen: Hi. My name's Karen. What's your name? Routines 2 * Complete the daily activities. Use the words in the box. Then number the activities in the order you do them every day. { 90.62) do wake get have (x3) — ——___lunch — —____to bed — up breakfast “1 wake — up — —___to school — homework dinner Free-time activi 3 x Write the activities under the pictures. ies Use do, go, play, read, sing, or watch. lay basket all 3). a Starter Unit 3 Wh- questions 4. * Complete the questions with the words in ‘the box. What Where When How Howold Who Whose 1 A: __How old __ were you when you started playing tennis? B: was 5 years old, did you go after schoo! yesterday? | went to the swimming pool ____isthat girl over there? That's Giulia, She's italian are you doing? 'm sending a message to Oliver. SA __phone number is this? Br I'S Noah's. have to call him later. Ca did you go to Colombia? B: Last summer. It was great. TR do you switch on this tablet? B: ItS easy. Press here wPReEe Adjectives 5 Use the clues to complete the crossword. 4 Starter Unit ‘Across 4 makes you angry 7. strange 9. fantastic 410 makes you laugh Down makes you want to run away someone that will help you someone that doesn't lke you opposite of interesting always smiling and positive someone who cannot wait eauwn= Comparative and superlative adjectives 6 & Girdle) the correct options. 1 This fim is much ore)! most frightening than ‘that one. 2. What's the easiest / easier subject at ‘school? 3. Many people think Real Madrid are better / best than all other football teams. 4. Playing a sport is much more / most exciting than watching one! 5 You can move more fast / faster in a city by motorbike than by car. 6 Dubai has got the taller / tallest building in the world. Adverbs 7% Complete the sentences with the adverb form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 {learned the song easily __(easy) because had a good teacher. 2 Jack draws very (good). He's a very good artist 3 That app is difficult to use. Read the instructions (careful). 4 They walked (Glow) on the beach in the evening sun. 5. My dad plays basketball He can’t get the ball into the basket! 6 chatted __(happy) for an hour with my friend Lola last night. 7 We should talk my little brotherstasleep. 8 Grace did her homework because she wanted to watch TV. (bad). (quiet) because (quick) st lan tick) | Starter Unit Comparative and superlative adverbs 8 % * Write sentences with the comparative or superlative forms of the adverbs. 1. Harry / learned / swim / easly / me Harry learned to swim more easily than me. 2 The man / ran / quickly / the police 3. They/ played / the sad songs / quietly 4 He / spoke / slowly / than / the first time 5 My dad / drives / carefully /of all the family 6 lydia’ ites / good / me 11 &-k Write questions for a local pol Use the prompts and the past simple. What: problems / the town / have? What problems did the town hai So / you! build flood defences? What: / you / do? How much / it / cost? Where / you/ get the money? Why / people / start to call you a green town? Past simple 9% Gires the correct words in the table. In the past simple we add -ed or -d to the nfinitive in regular / irregular verbs 2 To form negatives, we put didn’t + i past form itive / 12 »% = Complete the politician's answers. Use the verbs in the box in the past simple. Then match the answers (af) with the questions in Exercise 11. reach decide give have not think be not pay move 3 To form questions, we put Did + subject + infinitive / past form, 4 We form negatives and questions of irregular verbs in the same / a different way. * * Complete the text. | Use the past simple form of the verb: brackets. last year!" __had (have) a terfible experience When a shark ® (attack) me. That day (not see) the red danger flag at the beach, so 14 (decide) to go surfing Suddeniy 1 hear) someone shouting, and the next minute (Gee) the shark 2 few metres away from me.17 (ump) off my surfboard, the shark & (open) its mouth, and | al (hip ithard on the nose, The surfboard iD (otek) in half. | don’t know why, (not attack) me again, but the shark * te (swim) away very fast. How lucky! a The total '_reached _more than $6 million. Question: “4 b Because we? all the new buildings. We * green town in the USA! Question: _ © Wet terrible floods every two or three years because the town was by the river, Question: __ No, the experts § that normal protection could stop the floods. to put solar panels on the first Question: _ e The towné all the money. The government 7 us $4 million, Question: £ The people of the town * all the houses and shops up the hill! Question: _ 13. 3x Itis 8 o'clock in the evening. Look at the table and write sentences in the past simple about Dylan 15.00 pm or igo to the park | arrive home from | wash his hands judo class eon! had a Maths test | have lunch He got up twelve hours ago. TO TO a 14% Answer the questions, Use ago. 4. When di you start school today? | ‘Three hours ago. 2. When did you last go on holiday? ee 3. When did you start to learn English? 4 When did you have breakfast today? 5 When did you last go to the park with your friends? Explaining a problem 15. Match the sentences with the correct place in the conversation. ‘A: William, what's the matter? a Let me think, In the classroom? b it’s probably in there. Bb ‘A: Oh no! Your Maths homework? | lost my homework. Bt ‘A: OK, don’t panic! Where did you put it when you finished it? _¢'m not sure. | think | put tin my bag. | ‘A: But it’ not in your bag. Is it in your Maths book? d Noway! Bt A: Why not? fe. Yes. t took me over an Bo hour. | don’t know what to do, £ Well, for one thing. Why would t put it in my Maths book? ‘A: Well, where could it be, then? ‘A: | hope so! Sencuin Vocabulary Extreme weather 41 * Complete the crossword. Use the pictures. 2. % Gireld the odd one out. + boiling freezing heatwave boiling high winds heavy rain thunder and lightning hail snowstorm — boiling freezing heatwave snowstorm freezing ween 3 ** Complete the sentences with the correct form of the extreme weather words from Exercise 1. 1. Germany has'a lot of __hail__storms. Sometimes the stones are like tennis balls. They're enormous! 2. Moscow is the city with the most. Ithas 1,000 vehicles to remove snow! =~ 3 In Helsinki there are 169 days below 0 °C. That's similar to Alaska! It's. 4 In the summer months there are cities, which can kill people! 5 Ecija near Cordoba is the hottest place in Europe. It’s there in August! 6 Amsterdam, Paris and Rome airports are having problems with of over 100 km per hour. in many 4 *x Complete the texts about the weather. Use the words in the box. rain snowstorms hail thunder freezing lightning winds ‘Many European countries are in chaos this morning becouse ofheavy "snowstorms, high ‘There's a spectacular storm here! The heavy «_____ means we can't go out. We can seer ‘over the sea, and hear the ‘ TPs very loud. t's cold too and sometimes there's * It's really big ~ | hope it doesn't break anything! What's the weather like ‘where you are? wg 5 dok What's the weather like in spring, ‘summer, autumn and winter in your country? ‘Write sentences about the things in Exercise 1. We don't have snowstorms here very often, but it’s usually boiling in the summer. unit 1 7 Language focus 1 Present simple vs. present continuous ‘1 & Choose the correct options. 1 ent een w(QGnESD aren't going oxt 2. There's a snowstorm right now so we stay / ‘re staying at home. 3 | always play /am playing basketball on Saturdays, 4 The temperature falls /is falling each year in winter so there's a lot of snow. 5 | learn/‘m learning German at the moment because wat fo go to Gerry in Deceber 6 It's 8 o'clock in the morning and | have / ‘'m having breakfast. 2 * Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple or present uous. Use the verbs in the box. not spend ceme look come go snow not go 1 It November and winter _is coming in Canada 2. Its very cold and silent today. it outside? 3. The polar bear hibernate in winter. fora place to 4 We _ much time at the beach in the autumn, It's very cold Oi you to visit us this year? 61 skating today because there's no ice, but | usually on Sundays. 3 + Complete the mini-conversations. Use the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1A: What __is Laura doing _ (Laura do) at the moment? B: She (be) on holiday with her parents, [think. 2A: What usualy (you do) at the weekends? B: Not much, so! (enjoy) this camping trip. I'S great! 3 (you make) a cake for the party? B: Yes, but we (not know) what to do nextl (we do) itright? 4 ¥& Complete the interview with a park ranger. Use the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Interviewer: Today | iat talking (talk) to Safri, who's a ranger at the Royal Belum State Park, Malaysia. Safi, what 2 a park ranger (do)? Safi: Well, we * wild animals from hunters, and we (look) after the park (protect) 1s______ (work) here this summer because the permanent rangers &___(not have). much free time to spend with visitors, All this week | 2 (tell) visitors about our work (show) them the (be) a great job! here and1®__ animals. 5% % Complete the email with the correct form of the present simple or present continuous. Use the verbs in the box. have (x2) play sit rain do (x2) not go go. run Pe Se Hi Kim, Well, here | am in Scotland! I In my room, It? sitting ‘again so people * down the streets. There's another gi in my house called Carmen, Shes a shower right now. We 5 out this afternoon, We usually ® ‘two English classes in the morning and in the afternoon we? our homework and ‘ sports. On Wednesdays, we offen go swimming but |? today because Carmen wanjs to go to the cinema, * you anything interesting? Write and tell mel eva 6 % &-%* Choose a place and invent a special weekend. Imagine you are there. Write at least five sentences about it. Imin Rome at the moment with .... We're sitting ir ent Listening and vocabulary survival essentials 4% Add vowels to the words to make travel essentials. TRCH CMR CNECELNSS PNKNF SLPNG BG CMPSS MP WIRBTTL | FRSTDKT SNGLSSS SNCRM GLSSS 1 2 3 4 10 5 1" 6 2 2 *& Complete the text with words for travel essentials from Exercise 1. We had a scary experience in the mountains last weekend. There was a landslide! And now | know. why Dad always tells me to pack my bag carefully before we go walking. The first aid kit. was essential because a rock hit me. | didn’t have a lot ‘of water in my? but | cleaned the cut in the river. We couldn't continue our route because of the landslide, and it was very late so we stayed ‘the night in the forest. It was very dark but we had the ® and my * was very, warm. Another problem was that I didn’t have the case for my 5_ , but | can’t sleep in them so | put them in a plastic cup. For breakfast the next morning we only had some old bread and cheese. ‘The bread was hard but! had my*_____ito. ou it with. After that we used the? and '_______to find another way home and we ay arrived home after five hours, really tired!! Listening 3) * QING Listen to the story of Laurie, a Canadian teenager, on a radio programme called ‘Lucky escapes’. What did she escape from and how? 4 && QNDE Listen again and answer the questions. 1 Where is Laurie from? She's from Canada, 2. When did the story happen? 3 Why was Laurie in the forest? 4. Why did they realise they were in danger? 5 What did they take with them? 6 Why did they start running? 7 How did they find the river? 9 Why was the torch useful? 10 How many hours were they in the river? unit 1 9 Language focus 2 Past simple vs. past continuous 1 Girele) the correct options. 1. Theyancelled) / were cancelling our flight because volcano erupted / was erupting two days before in Iceland, 2. Where did you go / were you going when | saw / was seeing you in the street? 3. A police officer stopped / was stopping us from going into our house because there was / was being a big fire ‘4 When the river water rose / was rising after the heavy rain, it came / was coming near the town centre 5. While the rescue workers looked / were looking for people, they found / were finding a litte boy. 6 The lights came / were coming on again while Hooked / was looking for my torch 7 Leut/ was cutting my finger when | used / was using the penknife. 8 Ellie fell / was falling over while she ran / was running away from the fire, 2 * x Write sentences with the prompts. 1 When /I/watch TV /the lights / go out When | was watching TV. the lights went out. 2 When / we / see the landslide / we / drive home 3. She/ ski/ when / she / hear / the avalanche 4 The rescue helicopter / arrive / when / the family / phone for help 5. A fire fighter / give them / water / when / they / wait for an ambulance 6 I/ drink / from my water bottle / when /1/ see / a helicopter 10 Unit 1 3 +x Girls the correct options in the text. In 2012 there was a serious earthquake in Guatemal was happening, fire fighter Tina Watson 2 watched / was watching TV at home in Los Angeles. But only two days later, she and Chester, her search and rescue dog, *flew / was flying into Guatemala to help. On the first day, they 4 found / were finding two survivors, but on the second day they didn't find / weren't finding any, ‘Then, on the third day, Tina and Chester *searched // ‘were searching an apartment block, when they 7Jocated / were locating three teenage girls trapped} in the ruins. They were very thirsty, so Chester * took was taking them Tina's water bottle until more rescu workers ®arrived / were arriving. Amazingly, when they finally "pulled / were pulling the girls out, the \weren‘t injured 4 + Write sentences that are true for you about five of the times in the box. Use the past simple or the past continuous. 25th December 2013 yesterday at 1 pm last August this time last Saturday my last birthday 9 o'clock on Sunday morning This time last Saturday | was watching a film with my friends. plore prepositional phrases 4 Complete the sentences with the prepositional phrases in the box. ‘onthe planet in both directions ona ship on the island eptheinternet 1. You shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet 2. The Antarctic is one of the coldest places 3 Its only four kilometres from the coast but nobody lives: 4 We looked left and right but there was nothing but houses + 5. There are no flights so you have to travel _to the island. any. ed/ oped Dok / escue ren they ou ing Reading 4 * Read the text about Matt Suter. What unusual thing happened to him? How old was he? ‘Matt Suter, from Missouri, USA, is lucky to be alive. In 2006 he became one of the few people to experience the inside of a tornado and survive. Matt was a high-school student at the time and was relaxing at home in his grandmother's trailer | when he heard a noise like a jet plane, which got louder and louder. One minute he realised that the walls and the floor of the trailer were moving, and the next minute all the windows and doors exploded. It was a tornado. A lamp hit Matt on the head, and he lost consciousness. At that moment the tornado sucked him out of the trailer and he disappeared. When he woke up, he was lying in a field of soft grass, a long way from the trailer. His head was bleeding where the lamp hit him | and his feet were cut, but surprisingly, that was all. A neighbour found him, and they went to look for his grandmother. Luckily, she also survived, under the ruins of the trailer The tomado carried 19-year-old Matt nearly 400 metres from the trailer and then dropped him, Now he holds a strange world record: he is the person to travel the longest distance ina tornado and survive! For a while he was a celebrity. He appeared on television to talk about his experience, but he didn’t have very much to say because, unfortunately, he can't remember anything about what happened after the lamp knocked him out! 2 «© Match the words in the box with the definitions, Use the words in bold in the text to help you. hold a record knock (someone) out go into an unconscious state (like sleep) the opposite of dead apiece of farmland _ ‘a mobile home or caravan, lose blood in an accident be the best person in the world at something hit someone and make them unconscious pull into your mouth Jose consciousness «> Read the text again. Put the events in order. Matt found his grandmother, The tornado lifted Matt and carried him away He appeared on TV. Matt was relaxing in his grandmother's trailer. Matt woke up in a field A tornado hit the trailer. A lamp hit Matt on the head ‘> Read the text again. Are these sentences true (1) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. Matt Suter is from England. F Matt Suteris from the USA. Matt was 19 when the tornado happened. plane hit the trailer where Matt was Matt landed on a road 400 metres from the trailer The lamp hit Matt after the tornado hit the trailer. The police found Matt in a field His grandma didn’t die in the tornado. Matt told everyone how it felt to be in a tornado. 4 i% Imagine Matt is giving a TV interview. Write at least five questions and answers. Interviewer: How did it start? Matt: Well... [was sitting in our trailer when I heard a loud noise. unit? 11 Writing An email to a friend 1 Read the email from Joe to his friend Ricky. What's the weather like on his holiday? ee @pnow Reply|y Dewete Junk | | HiRicky, Thanks !_for__ your? ls? to# from youl | We're having a fantastic holiday in Arizona! We're visiting national parks in a camper van, We cook all our meals in the van and | __we sleep in sleeping bags outdoors under | the stars ~ with a torch of course, | love itl At the moment we're in he Petrified Forest National Park. There's @ photo attached | = isn't it amazing? There are lois of fossils from 225 million years ago! We love walking, but i's boiling during the day so we try lo go early in the morning before the temperature rises. We always bring sun cream and water bottles. BS are you doing at the ® 2 | Are you enjoying your holidays? | Write”, | Best wishes, Joe ra $009) gape 2 Complete the email from Joe to his friend Ricky. Use the words in the box. There are four extra words. [moment for great what get | soon email tell your back hear Relea tecey Opening and closing an email —--— 3. Read Joe's email again. How does he open, and close the email? Opening: Closin 4 Complete the phrases for opening and closi an email with the words you didn’t use in Exercise 2. 1) Write back and me your news. 2 twas great to your email 3. Hope to hear from you___. 4) How are you and family? writing 5 Put the words in order to make questions. 4 moment / are / What / doing / at/ you / the? What. are you doing at the moment? 2 good time / you/ Are / having / a? 3. going / you / Where / holiday / on / are? 4 do/ day / you / What / do /the / during? 5. you are / What's / where / the / like / weather? 6 a/send / Can / photo / you / me? 6 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions of time. 1. We sleep in sleeping bags 2. We start walking ___ 3. We're on holiday in Canada the moment. What do you do 5. There are a lot of things to do the morning. tim Make it better! VV 7 Use negative questions to ask the reader to £ agree with you and to show surprise. at___ night. it gets too hot. the day? 7 Use the words to make negative questions. 1. photo / amazing Isn't the photo amazing? 2_ boiling / during the day? 3. you/ be/on holiday / yet? 4 want / sleep under the stars? 5 my new sunglasses / cool? 6 the summer / great? ‘8 Read the email again. Number the things in the list in the order they appear. transport weather — accommodation activities = place in now interesting facts PLAN 9 Imagi 1@ you are on holiday in an exciting place. Use the headings in Exercise 8 and your imagination. Write notes. WRITE, 10. Write an email to a friend about your holiday. Look at page 17 of the Student's Book to help you. ing. Can you say YES to these questions? + [5 the information from Exercise 8 in your email? + Have you got opening and closing phrases in your email? + Are the prepositions of time correct? + Doyou use negative questions for surprise? + Is the word order in the questions correct? * Are the spelling and punctuation correct? Do you need to write a second draft? unit 4 13 Vocabulary Extreme weather 41 Match the words with the correct definitions. 1 hail avery hot 2. boiling b very wet weather 3. thunder € verycold 4 freezing d_ small pieces of ice 5 lightning _e_flashes of electricity 6 heavy rain in the sky aloud crashing noise in a storm Total 5 Survival essentials 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. camera torch compass sunglasses | penknife map sun cream contact lenses water bottle sleeping bag 1. We'll have to use the __ compass to find the right direction. 2 Look at the and that will help you plan your journey. 3 Tokea so you can see in the dark 4 te gota __ so we can take pictures. 5 You should use to protect your skin 6 Doyou use __ tohelp you see better, or glasses? 7 Valways carry a _tocut my food. 8 Don't forget your to protect your eyes from the sun so that 9 Weill take a we are warm at night. 10 Have you got a to carry something to drink? Total: 9 | 14 unit 1 Review Language focus Present simple vs. present continuous 3. Complete the mini-conversations with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. : Is she doing her homework? (do homework) B: Yes, ___she is er (always / do homework / in her bedroom) B: Yes, What 2 (do) B He = (run a marathon) A: How often (he / train) B: He every day) (train / = ? (read a book) B: No, 2 (like reading) B: No, Past simple vs. past continuous 4. complete the text. Use the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. y for mountain hikers ‘A group of hikers '____had_a close escape when they? (hike) in the mountains last Friday. ‘at around midnight, (> (look) at the stars when suddenly | (see) a bright nt in the sky. 1° {rot know) what to do! The others & (leep) in their tents so | woke them up and we all = __(eun) to our car and* (drive) away as fast ‘as possible,’ said Rob, one of the hikers, ‘Fortunately, we 2 __(escape}!" a OL hao Language builder Sj 5 Complete the email with the missing words. Girclé) the correct options. 1a have © are having « dohave Dear Soe, We *__ a wonderful time on our 2. a were sailing b was sailing « sailed holiday in Oregon, Lost wockend 3 a see b wereseeing «saw we ?__ along the coast when we 4 a waked up b were waking up ¢ woke up 3 Some whales. And yesterday 5 ais b did be < was moming, we *_ to see a cloud 6 a had b have were having cof white smoke at the top of the 7 a hardly ever erupts b erupts hardly ever hardly erupts ever | mountain. It__a volcanic eruption! 8 a inthe year eevee ones They +o really big erupion bre @ : lew years ago, but now the volcano 9 a take b took ‘mtaking NY oyke once © or less. 1? 10 a ‘mwote b write ¢ wrote lots of photos of it! Don't forget | in my blog every day so you can [rota] ocd all ny neve there, See you soon, Julie Vocabulary builder Speaking 6 Gre Greta the correct options. 7 Girdis the correct phrase to complete each min ‘Are you __ swimming now? conversation. a doing &) going playing 1. A: I think small schools are good because the teachers are 2. We can't go anywhere. There's a big__ friendly outside. B I don’t think so. My school is, a hall b snowstorm rain stall and the teachers are really friendly. 3. How many people live __ the island? 2A: I think big schools are really noisy. ain b at © on B: | think / Maybe, but small schools are often noisy, too! at 10) 4 We're laughing because this photo is very 3A: | reckon its easier to make fiends in a small school = | suppose so /| don't think so, but | think its hard to a funny —b scary © bored make friends anywhere t 5° What time do you ___ breakfast? 4A: Theres more variety of subjects in a big school a go b get © have I don't think so. / Yes, that's true. | go to a small ———\} 6 We can play the football match _if it school and we can choose from over 20 different rains. subjects, cers a indoors bin eet 5 A: The sports facities are better in a big schoo! door reckon / I don't agree. A lot of big schools don't hen 7 The sun is coming out and the temperature have good sports facilites. day is__ (iteara a falling b rising «freezing ; 8 We'll take a___ so that we can see at night. [Tietars4 a penknife b map © torch | 9 Usea to find out which direction we are walking in : a torch —b compass c-kit 10 Its good for you to_ exercise every day. a do b play have Total 9 | ORI Present simple vs. present continuous: Wh- questions Remember that: «we use the present simple to talk about facts, habits and routines «= we form Wh- questions in the present simple with Wh- + doldoes + subject + infinitive without to. Remember to use do Y Where do you go on Saturday mornings? X Where-you go on Saturday mornings? ‘we use the present continuous to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking wwe form Wh- questions in the present continuous with Wh-+ be + subject + -ing. Remember to put be before the subject. 7 What are you doing here today? X What are you doing here today? Are the questions correct? Correct the incorrect questions. 4 What you do when it's freezing outside? What do you do when it's freezing outside? 2 What do you do at the moment? 3. Who usually comes to your house at the weekend? 4 Where your cousin Michael lives? 5 What are you doing when it snows in your town? 6 How often you go to school by car? 7 What James is studying at the moment? 8 What does time school finishes? Past simple vs. past continuous Remember that we use the past continuous (was/were + -ng) 10 talk about a long action that was in progress in the past ¥ Sam was jogging when he got lost. X Sam jogged when he got lost. we use the past simple to talk about completed events and actions in the past. Then suddenly, he realised he was lost. X Then suddenly, he was-reatising he was lost | 16 Getit right! 1 tt a) Prepositional phrases: time expressions Fi past simple and continuous in the email. ATEN Re Complete the sentences with in or on. 1 2 A Gort ind and correct six more mistakes with the @new Reply|y Delete dunk |v Hi Claire, a happened A strange thing when | walked ‘n the mountains last week. When | arrived at the top of the mountain, it wos raining. | was meeting three people there. | said hello to them, but they weren't replying, Then | noticed thot they wore strange clothes. i was freezing up there and it was raining hard, and it was daylime, bul they were wearing summer clothes ‘and sunglasses ond carrying a torch! Suddenly, | saw that their clothes and hair were dry! That was impossible! | was closing my eyes. Bu | when Ilooked again, they weren't there. | was running down the mountain very Fast What do you think about this® Rory EL ELLE nerbe ‘we use in with months, seasons and years 1 In June and July, the snow melts Who returned to the island in 1962? Y My class goes on schoo! trips in spring. ‘we use on with days of the week and phrases wrth Gays of the week ¥ Vie go to the cinema on Sundays. We usually go shopping on Saturday morning. ‘with times of day when the day of the week is not mentioned, we use in 1s difficult to see our friends in the evening. ‘We often go shopping _ om afternoons. July tts usually boiling, but ‘October, we have heavy rain. ‘Are you coming out Friday? ‘What are the average temperatures winter? Its 10.30, fs sunny and warm Saturday the morning and it’s sunn) spring, Vocabulary Priorities 1. * Complete the word puzzle with the clues. What is the mystery word? My friend Matt loves doing He plays football, volleyball and tennis | go to bed after midnight so! don't get enough My Mum always says ‘With work and family I never have by myself | spend a lot of time on the internet chatting with my friends My friend Alex draws comics. She loves doing things Clara loves going to the shopping mall to ‘out with friends, We're going to shop for on Saturday. Everyone helps ‘the weekend. | hate it! Mystery word: These are all activities that a does. the house at * Match the verbs with the nouns. ‘competing in. a. time by yourself hang out around the house doing something creative getting enough sleep having sports events helping with friends 3. Complete the text with words from Exercises 1 and 2. I come from a large family. It's not easy! We all ‘take turns ' helping around the house , like washing the floor or cleaning the bathroom. | usually get my older sisters’ dresses and jeans won theyre fo smal fr them, 0 can only dream about? We've only got two computers too, so we don't very often. Also, ‘ is difficult ~ there's always Something Fappering with the family. And is a problem, because when we go to bad mi sisters and I sometimes talk for hours! Of course | don’t always go out with my big sisters, !* of my own, from school. My sisters and Vall enjoy painting and drawing, too.» together is, really nice. |also* | do athletics and it's great when ali my family, come to support me! We're all very close! 440k What about you? Write at least five sentences about your priorities. Use vocabulary from Exercises 1 and 2. Explain how you spend your time in the week and at the weekend. I don't help around the house in the week, but on Saturday Ido. unit2 17 Language focus 1 should/must 11% Complete the rules in the table. 1 Inthe affi 2 We form negatives with 3. We form questions with should 4 %&:% Complete the sentences with the correct mative we use should the __after should. | form of must and the verbs in the box. remember see go help tell stay getup watch 1. You _must.see_ these photos on my phone They'te great! 2 They without ust Tel them to wait. the subject. Leo ine an eae, 3 We Tate on Saturday. We need to We use should to Say we think something is a We ihe busat o'dock idea 4 \ around the house now? Im watching my favourite programme! 2. Complete the text with should or 5 Joel ‘ut late tonight. He's got an shouldn't. important match tomorrow. 6 Why you football all My brother and I sharea room and we've always the time? thate it! fighting. He always says1"_should _ study 7 You ______me about your trip to Bogota. 8 We_ to text Jenny about the cinema more before my exams and 1? play computer games ll the time. I tell him he eI leave his clothes on the floor, and that he # go to bed earlier. Then he says 15 tell him what to do because he's alder, and I say he & have more, respect. That’s when Mum or Dad usually come in to say we stop shouting! ‘ sve stop arguing all the time? T suppose so, but its fun! 3 &Gircls the rules in the table. 1 When we make the affirmative, negative and question with must and should, the grammar is |__ the same/ different. 2 We use the infinitive with / without to after must and mustn't. 3 We use must and mustn't to say we think 48 unit2 Biplore verb + noun collocations 6 -X>% Match the sentence halves. something is very / not important. ck ve Write sentences with should/shouldn’t and must/mustn’t and the words in brackets. 1. Its very cold outside. (coat / catch) You should wear a coat or you'll catch a cold. 2m sometimes tired in my Maths class. (get / more sleep) 3. Inever remember what homework | have to do, (concentrate) 4. ve got a really important exam tomorrow. (go to bed / late) usually get very hungry before lunch. (snack) Olivia really wants me to help her. (call / her later) 1) Whyare you watching, @_ in our lesson becaus 2. 'm hungry! I think \ there's too much noi 3. You must get b TV? Go outside and 4. I think I'm catching play! § Wecan't concentrate € the Internet but he 6 Tomloves surfing should go out more d_ more sleep! You joo! very tired. ea cold, | don't feel f havea snack. ct ause noise od} ore look | sl wel tening 4% QT Listen to a radio programme discussing how teenagers spend their time. Tick (V) the things in the list they talk about. a. studying 4 b helping around the house [_] € social activities Oo d afterschool activities =F] holidays g homework a g getting enough sleep O h clothes and fashion o oo QM Listen again. Are these sentences true (7) or false (F)? 1 The discussion topic is what teenagers do at school Jamie doesn't do any extra activities. He usually fees tired The teacher thinks her students do too much She says students should meet every evening to do homework. The parent agrees with the teacher. 7 He thinks teenagers should concentrate 0 on schoolwork, The psychologist agrees with the teenager. She thinks being with friends is important. She says that helping around the house and sleeping are both important. Performing + Complete the text with the words in the box. dancing orchestra act ‘enstage microphone ice play the piano instruments ‘The concert last night was amazing. From the moment Jake came'__on stage everyone in the crowd was shouting, singing and? There wasa big? behind the band and the sound was incredible. Jake took the : and started singing'Love is. Hes gotsuch a powerful®___and all the girls screamed! During the concert he played different * and for the last song he sat down to” on his ‘own. And there was a surprise at the end ~ he told everyone he's going to in afilm next month, He's a dream! 4 +> Use the words in Exercise 3 to make different words. 11 We often make microphone shorter by seven letters. mic 2. Add -alto this word to describe a piece of music with no singing. 3. Aperson who dances. + 4 Apperson who performs in a film or theatre, 5 Add -!to this word to describe music played by an orchestra 6 Apperson who plays the piano, 7 Change this word to voc- and add -al and -ist for another word for a singer. 8 We also use this word as a verb to mean ‘put on a performance’ unit2 19 ee 20. Unit 2 Language focus 2 (don’t) have to 1% Complete the sentences in the box. With have to we use’_ or? to make negatives, and * ort to make questions. After havelhas to we use the *_ form of | the verb. Use havelhas to to say that itis © todo something. Use don’t / doesn’t have to to say that itis not?_____ to do something, but that you * do it if you want, 2. % Girlie the correct form of have to in the sentences. It’s essential to be yourself. Remember people have to / Gonthave to) wear the same clothes as everyone else! ‘You have to / don't have to look for clothes or hairstyles which are a bit different There are a lot of cheap shops, so teenagers hhave to / don’t have to spend a lot of money. Everyone tas to / doesn't have to experiment 2 little to find their own style. At school we have to / don't have to be careful not to look too extreme! ‘You have to / don't have to follow fashion. I you don’t like it, don’t wear itt 3 > Complete the conversation between the PE teacher and a student with the correct form of have to and the word in brackets. x ‘A: | Dol have to be (\be) really ft to do a triathlon? 8: No, and ?__ (you bee) very good at any of the individual sports. AP (beginners swim) in open water, like a lake or the sea? B: No, in all beginner races they swim in a poo! At (wear) a helmet for the cycling part? B: Yes, Every ® (cyclist wear) a helmet to compete, A: Do | need a racing bicycle? B: No, ® bicycle be) a special one. A: What about the running part? By every competitor wear) @ microchip on their shoe, for their official time. ‘A: Right! Are the rules very complicated? B: Yes, * (you read) the rules carefully so you know what to dol (your don’t have to vs. mustn’t 4 E 5 6 Complete the sentences with don’t have to or mustn't. 1 We _don't have to_sing if you don't want to. 2 You se your mobile phone whilé you're driving. 3. Today's Friday so do my homework 4 You_ forget to say good luck to Dad. He's got a concert tonight. 5. She Use @ microphone. I can heat her perfectly, 6 She be late for the concert or they won't let her in. plore prepositions ‘+ Grid the correct words. 1 Thee cnemo(@ Font a) above my une’ house, You can se-TTOugh the wincow 2 Don't come in the house over / until | tell you to. 3 try to balance my time between / near athletics and homework. 4 We've got a big park inside / behind my house. My school is near / until our house so | walk to school every day, 6 The party was full of / over kids front his school, You must be until over 18 to watch ths fin Let's see who’ taller. Stand inside / beside me and we can see * Imagine you are a rich and famous person. How is your imaginary life different from your real life? Write at least five sentences about things you have to do now and things you don’t have to do. ima film star! Idon't have to make my bed |Reading | 4 % Read about the problems a teenage athlete 2. has. Complete the text with the headings in the box. a ++ & Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use the words in bold in the text to help you. | [Diet schoolwork Theattiude-otmy-triends Getting enough sleep Tao Mt Pw a4 reclame | Tima long jumper. | train four times a week and compete on Sundays. !love athletics, but my life {en't easy and involves a lot of juggling. Schoolwork, ) training, family life, sleeping and socialising all need my attention and there are only 24 hours in a day! 0 what are my biggest problems? ‘The attitude of my friends : Most of my tiends aren't sporty so they don't understand why | am. ifwe'te hanging out and | have to leave early because I've got an athleties meeting on the next day, they say No, Sam, you mustn't go!" 2 ____: Anathlete can eat a il _totand not get fat, But must eat healthy food to support all the exercise (and brainworkl) | do. | have 3 {0 ignore the machines selling sweets and chocolate (not easy!) and make sure | eat enormous helpings of protein, vegetables and fruit 3 When I'm training hard {should goto bed early, or quickly feel exhausted, This is a problem, as I've sometimes got loads of homework to do when I get home. Luckily, there's ‘Saturday! 4 Ihave to use every ‘rea moment. [often revise in the car to and from training. | do homework after dinner, but | shouldn't stay up late, so usualy | finish my coursework at the weekend, when my friends are out having fun. I'm not surprised they think rm crazy! | don'thave to do this, so why do I? Because I'm good at it, and | want to win a gold medal! athletics meeting revise feadsef helping (noun) | brainwork ignore juggling sporty 1. Another phrase for /ots of is__loads of. 2 Ifyou something, you act like it's not happening, 3 An is an event where people compete in sports like running or jumping 4. Ifyou lke playing sports you are a person 5A is a portion of food, 6 You have to think a lot when you do 7 To keep throwing three or four balls in the air, without dropping them is called 8 To before an exam you read things you did in class and try to remember them. 3 # Choose the correct answers. 1. How many times a week does Sam do athletics training? a. five times a week © four times a week 2 Why can he eat alot? a he does a lot of ‘brainwork' b he doesn’t get fat 3. What happens when he does a lot of training and he doesn’t go to bed early? a he feels tired very quickly b he can't compete on Saturdays 4. How do Sam's friends feel about him? they think he has fun they think he’s crazy 2 kk Write rules for Sam's life. Use should/ shouldn't, must/mustn’t and has to/doesn’t have to and the words in the box. do homework eat sweets and chocolate goto parties eat a lot of protein stay up late trai fourtimese-week Sam has to train four times a week, unit2 21 A competition entry 11 Read Mike's competition entry. Did he enjoy ‘the camp? WINA Wher Vl Write a review of an experience where you leared something new from using a computer, The best review will win a free video game! Competition entry: Hove computer games, so | learned alot from the two-week Game Design Summer Camp’ | did this yeor. Everyone should try "_it_ | There were loads of?___to choose from. My were the talks by professional game designers, and the gaming tournaments in the evenings and at weekends. And every afternoon we had outdoor activities, like swimming and volleyball, But he most important # was designing a 3 video game. | did 5 with my fiends Caria and Sam - our instructors helped, of course! On the last day when we finished. our games we had to present © to a group of experts. | was tertifed, but” were really nice. What did | learn? | leamed how compuler games work and | also learned how to do a good presentation. Not bad! Mike 2. Read the competition entry again and mata the questions with the answers. 11 What was the camp about? When was it? How did Mike learn about computer games? What did they do in the evenings and at weekends? 5. What activities were there in the afternoon? 6 Who did he design a game with? 7 What did they do at the end of the course? 8 What did Mike think of the course? a His friends Carla and Sam, 'b There was information from professionals. ¢ How to design computer games. a e f 9 h In the summer. They presented their game to experts. tt was amazing, Sports and outdoor activities. Compete in computer games. PREG eC) Avoiding repetition ( Complete Mike's competition entry with the words in the box. it this activities favourites one them thé Rewrite the sentences to avoid repetition. Use the text in Exercise 1 to help you. 1. Lwent to an amazing summer camp. The camp was about performing and acting, Lwent'to an amazing summer camp. performingand acting. 2. There were lots of activities but my favourite activities were juggling and singing, 3. I sang a song and then my friend sang a song by ‘One Direction. We tried juggling but juggling is realy difficult There were big helpings of vegetables but ! didn't} eat the helpings of vegetables. All the students ‘on the camp were the same age as me and all the students were really good actors. writing 5 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 9 4 There were Ioads__of __ activities to try. 2. We had a chance to hang out people from different countries. 3. Sailing camp was perfect me, 4 You choose sixactivities 5 Atnight we sat a fire singing & We went into town to shop sowvenits, Make it better! ¥ V7 Use time expressions but be careful with articles and prepositions, 6 Choose the correct time expressions. We played basketball in afternoons, There were different activities at / in the night. Most people went home in / at weekends. The activities finished at / to 4 o'clock, ‘On In the frst day, we got into groups They put on films at every night / every night. Cia Make it better! ¥ Vv Use transition words to join sentences and ideas. ouRuNe 10 7 Complete the compet words in the box. of course And then Actually Infact So far For instance | Before | went to surf camp last summer, | didn’t like the sea. '_Infact__, |hated it! However, the camp was amazing and, 2 I had a great time. There were lots of activities. * you could ‘ry windsurfing or kitesurfing, * if you didn’t want to go in the water, you. ‘could learn about surfboards. © Read the competition entry again. Tick (7) the things in the list that Mike writes about. the daytime/nightweekend activities the instructors / other campers the daily routine } why you liked it | the food | the weather ono0o0o00 PLAN Read about the competition in the box. Use the headings in Exercise 8 or your own ideas to make notes. | Win a FREE activity camp for two weeks! Write about an activity camp that you went to, What sort of camp was ‘two weeks WRITE, Write your competition entry. Look at page 27 of the Student's Book to help you. surfboards are difficult to take care of. CHECK % it's the best camp I've been on. 11. Check your writing. Can you say YES to these questions? : + Is there any repetition in your competition entry? + Do you use transition words between ideas and sentences? + Are the prepositions correct? + Do you use time expressions correctly? + Ate the spelling and punctuation correct? Do you need to write a second draft? unit 2 23 Vocabulary Priorities ‘1 Match the phrases with the examples. 4 chatting with ‘a going to bed early friends online —_ using Facebook 2. hanging out with or Twitter to send friends messages to friends 3 shopping for © going toa café to be clothes with your friends 4 helping around d_ buying new shoes and ‘the house Jeans 5. getting enough e playing for your school sleep basketball team 6 having time for f reading a book in your yourself room 7 doing something —_g__ designing computer creative games 8 doing sports hh cleaning your room and doing the washing-up (_Tiotat:7 Performing 2 Put the letters in brackets in order to make words. 1. can't hear you. Could you speak into the microphone? (poochminer) 2. Towork on the radio, you have to have a nice at (icove). 3 He always gets very nervous before he goes on (sate) 4 listening toan ive is amazing, (aeothsrer) 5 We're going____—_—_on Friday. (gnadinc) 6 OK, you can sing and dance. But can you ? (tea) 7 She played allthe __on her last album. (ssmettinnur) 8 My grandmother plays the and she's 85. (oniap) | Total:7) \| 24 Unit 2 Review Language focus should/must 3. Complete the letters with should or shouldn’ Dear Abby, | nave problems getting enough sleep. Mg parents say 1 sflould go to bed earlier. My best friend. told. me: 1 = cab 50 uch chocolate. My sister says | © listen to relaxing music before | go to bed. What do you tink? What *__—_ | do? ‘Woeried” Dear Worred are many reasons for not getting enough sleep. worry about It, because worrying can keep you awake. You also eat dinner late, ‘try drinking some herbal tea before you go to bed Abby [Total: 6 4. Match the sentences and complete them with must or mustn't. 1. You look so tired. a You___eat some lunch. 2. You look hungry. b You hurry! 3. You're really late! ¢ |____forget to buy her a card 4 ItsMums birthday \ ¢ we _be tomorrow. late. 5 The concert is at e You mustn't. go to 6 pm. bed late 6 Ineedtofinishmy I do it this, Science project. weekend, Total: 5 |) (don’t) have to vs. mustn't . 5 Complete the sentences. Use don’t have to, doesn’t have to or mustn't. 1. At my school you don't have to_wear a uniform, 2. Be careful, you drop the glasses! 3. My brother is only four years old, so he a help around the house. 4 On Sundays we ‘get up early. 5. Tomorrow | have PE at school, so | forget to bring my sports clothes. Total 4] Language builder 6 Girds the correct options. Gina: What *__last weekend? 12__ my dog for a long walk. How about you? Oh, dear! *__ every day? Before running a marathon, |’__ every morning. Wow! You *__ tired sometimes. *_ eat a special diet? OK. But fist | "_ to find my running shoes! 1@ didyoudo you did do was taking took running was running were running ran start was starting Do you run You do run run usually Usually running must feel should fee! You have to You do have to mustn't don't have to must should you did take ran run started You run usually run did Do you have to ‘m not eating have Vocabulary builder 7 Grads the correct options. 1” Iwas cold, so the rain turned into _ @ hail b thunder cheat wave 32110, § 2 Sing into the __ I can't hear you. ' @ piano b microphone orchestra 3 Itwas -3 °C — the temperature was below __ sb a. freezing b boiling lightning | study all the time. __is so important. it this a. Fashion b Education Transport When you cross the road you need to look __ both directions SEs a of b on cin — We need to take a__ because it will be dark at night. a compass torch © camera Pack a __ because it can be cold at night. O, a sleeping bag b waterbottle «¢ map | like sports __, like football and tennis matches. ar a games networks events I don't usvally stay__late at the weekend, aon b out after That new film is really scary - 1 was __ a terrified b stressed exhausted Total 5 ia) 1?__a marathon. But when we *__, itS__ to rain and we all got wet! Not really, | ust eat lots of vegetables and fruit and "eat sweets or chocolates, Do you want to go running with me? [Fotal: 10] Speaking 8 Put the words in the correct order to make phrases for helj to do something, 1 show / Let / you/ me Let me show you. 2 know / you /to/it/ how /Do/ do ? 19 someone 3. good /very/at/not/I'm/ Maths 4 hand/give/you/T'll/a/like / you/ if 5 kind / really /That/'S 6 very/It/ really / simple /’s Tot ES) [Total: 53 Unit 2 Review 25 CF ee should/must Remember that: ‘© we use the infinitive without to after should shouldn’t and mustimustn’t ¥ You shouldn't go to bed late the night before an exam. X You shouldn't to go to bed late the night before an exam. 1 Find and correct five more mistakes should and must in the rules. & If THERES AIRE IN YOUR HOME ... @ Vox user pari! ou shoul once and breathe slowly. @ vou shoui to wake sure ovenooey inthe ypouse is awake ‘You muat eave the house as quickly a8 poseiie © you can one sre under he door. yo" trostnt to open ty © 1% door et you must to fnd anche way 10 lea ‘You shad fd a.door that go0s tothe outside. When you are out ofthe house, you must1O talephane or he. @ Ven shove 1 go back et tre haus for ary reas have to Remember t + we don’t ususlly use the contracted form of have with have to On Saturdays, | have to help with the shopping, X On Saturdays, I've to help with the shopping ‘= we use the infinitive without to after (don't) have to ¥ have to look after my younger brother. XI have to fooking after my younger brother. X | have to foeked after my younger brother. + we use have after iiyoulwelthey, and has after he/ sheiit W My grandmother has to go to the hospital X My grandmother fave to go to the hospital 26 Getit right! 2 Find and correct six more mistakes with have) to in the email. Pec] Md Hi Lucy, \'m sorry | can't hang out with you tomorrow +! 8#¥%e to do so many things before school starts again on Monday! Tomorrow morning | have te going shopping for new shoes for school. Then, Thave to took my brother to the dentist. He have fo be there at 12 o'clock. My mum can't take him because she have to work. This afternoon I've to help around the house because my grandparents are coming fo visit. | have to spent all weekend | with them! = | don’t really mind, but | never have any time by myself Z \have to go now. Z Byel Z, Claire ‘© we use the infinitive with to after need Ineed to be alone sometimes. X | nesd-be alone sometimes, X | peed:being alone sometimes. correct option. 7 There are three things you need remember / remember forthe exam, 2 To get to sleep, you need to feel / feeling relax 3. You really need catch / to catch up on your sleep You're studying too hard. 4 You need doing / to do more exercise. 5 Teenagers need to get / get at least eight hours 4 sleep every night. 6 need to help / helping my dad tomorrow. vocabulary Art around us 4 * Put the letters in order to make words connected with the arts. rotcenctath kurbse rejglug viinig usteat trolpart intreap _raygell ebnithoxii_rutspluce laurm fatigrit concert hall | 4 x % Read the clues and write the words. 5 4éok Write answers tathe questions. 2 & Write the vocabulary from Exercise 1 in the correct place. 1 Two buildings used for the arts: concert hall, 2 Three people you see in the street: 3 Two things you can see on an outside wall: 4 Two things you see in a gallery: 5. Apperson who paints people: 3. x Complete the sentences. Use vocabulary from Exercise 1. 1 My school had a lot of ugly _araffti_on the outside wall, so they asked the students to paint an) instead. 2 The Picasso. in Berlin this surnmer is very popular. It’s difficult to get tickets. 3. There are often__in the New York subway. People like hearing music in the stations. 4 The Ramblas in Barcelona is famous for its They don’t move for hours. 5 We've got a(n) in my town. but it all classical music, so don’t go. 6 The Louvre is a museum and art in Paris. 1. These can be music students who need money. 2. These can be metal, stone or plastic. 3 They need to practise so things don't fall. 4 You usually have to pay for music here. 5. This person often copies a photo of someone. 6 This often lasts for several months. buskers. 11 Which of the things on this page haven’t you got where you live? 2. What do you think of graffiti? 3. What kind of street performers do you watch? 4 Have you got any paintings at home? What are they of? unit3 27 ee Language focus 1 at least five sentences about Present perfect for indefinite 4 keke Write t past time your experiences ‘with art and music. Use yu vords in the box or your own ideas, and 4 x Gira the correct options. verbs in the present perfect. 4 Famous musicians like Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney —— ‘and Bon JoviGave performedy has performed yee an art exhibition paint a mural l|_ see living statues se buskers (but they dian't make a lot of money!). go toa concert hal | 2. That juggler is dropped / has dropped a ball paint graffiti give money to busker every time |'ve watched /'m watched him —— perform. He isn’t very good! 3 Alan never has enjoyed / has never enjoyed Dplore collocations | going to exhibitions of classical paintings. | 44. Sometimes living statues suddenly 5 painted the sentences with she wor | move. It surprises you if you re box. haven't to notice / haven't noticed them (mote P about a tard } hard | before. “3 5 Aloca youth group has painted /is paint 4 | __taking__ photos. several murals on the outside of the cultural ; Med as a cd takin photos or painting. We made a funny video and I've : it online. 2. + Complete the sentences with the correct 3 form of the verbs in the box. Use the present perfect affirmative or negative. 4 My mum and dad work very They're both doctors. — meet take win see be speak 5 Our teacher is really passionate opera. She always plays music in class 1 We __have spoken __to the teachers about & {don’t think the most important thing in life is to WN painting a mural in the dining room at school. money. | 2 My parents me to any ' galleries so! alot of art. ray | 3. One Dutch man ‘the living 7 statues World Championships three times. 4. She works in a record company so she a lot of musicians 5 My favourite bands tomy town because we haven't got a concert hall | 3% Complete the text with the present | perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Banksy, the world famous graffiti artist. is @ mystery man. He *_has never revealed _ (never reveal) his real name and * (create) murals all ‘over the world. Banksy paints quickly so the police pe __(aever catch) him. Hes a street artist, but people “ (buy) his work | for thousands of pounds. He * \ (paint) portraits too, ike Kate Moss and Queen Victoria (now owned by Christina Aguilera). Banksy ( eo (make) a lot of money from his art, and his work” (increase) interest in | street art in general ind. irds otos, 1 2 Instruments 4,» Write the words. 2% Answer the questions with words from. Exercise 1. Not all the words are needed. Listening and vocabulary Which instruments can you find in a rock band? keyboards, Which instruments do children often play in primary school? Which instruments are often played in jazz? ‘Which instruments can you see in an orchestra? Which instruments are difficult to play in the street? Listening 3 @)NEI Listen to a radio interview with two street performers. What do they do? magician fit statue juggler jazz musician eater bongo-drummer and Alice is a decided to do his job when he was fifteen / He first thought of doing it at a music festival / street carnival He was / wasn’t a good magician when he first started He's performed only in Europe /in many different countries. * He likes the lifestyle / lots of people watching him Alice thinks juggling with fire is isn’t dangerous. She has worked in a circus school / circus She always / sometimes works at night. She can make a lot of money in a short time / at night There are a lot of / a few wornen street performers in Covent Garden. unit 3. 29 30 Unit 3 Language focus 2 Present perfect with ever/never 1 * Gedo the correct options. Thave ever /(1eveH) given money to a busker. 2 Have you ever never ted to juga? 3. My dad has played never / has never played the piano. 4 Tanya has never seen / never has seen a living statue, 5 Has your teacher ever / Has ever your teacher taken you to a gallery? 6 I never have / have never been to that concert hall +e Put the words in order to make questions and sentences. 1. your family’ made / you / for / Have / ever / dinner ? Have you ever made dinner for your family? 2 visited / ever / the Tate Gallery / they / Have /? 3. ever /she / Has /a live concert / seen /? 4 never /a famous person. / met / She's 5 never / that book, / read / I've 6 helped / me. never / You've + Write present perfect questions and the correct answers, / = yes and X = no. 1. your friend / ever /listen to /an opera? 7 Has your friend ever listened to an opera? Yes, she has. 2 your parents / ever / go to /'a music festival? x 3. she / hear / of the escape artist Houdini? x 4 the students / finish / their art project? 7 5 you and your friends / ever / see / a famous band? ¥ 6 you /listen to/ their new CD? x 4 E 5 4k 3 Write answers to the questions. Use the present perfect. 1. What exhibitions have you been to? Se 2. Has anyone you know ever performed in public? 3. What TV series have you followed? 4 What famous bands have you seen? 5 What creative things have you done? Vve been to.amodern art exhibition, a street art exhibition, .. ore phrasal verbs with up 4% Match the sentence halves. 1. My mum says | can’t go out 2. They pressed the button 3. We missed the start of the film 4 The photographer set up his camera 5 We had a party 6 We can’t have dinner and started taking photos. because Jacob showed up late and we all dressed up as superheroes. until | tidy up my room, because Adam hasn't picked up the food. and thousands of small lights lit up the streets. reading 4, * Read the text about being a Ii fsita difficult job? lic? jays you see living statues all over the world. ‘wear elaborate costumes and body paint, and id without moving for hours. But what's it ike? Is it icut? | spoke to Nina, aliving statue in London. need to be physically and mentally fit. I's tually quite hard standing sti, and you have to eat, wear body paint so we look like real metal or one statues. Metallic paint takes over an hour to put ionand it’s difficult to get of, too. Every week | have ssauna to clean my skin. | love designing different costumes and being creative. We even paint our clothes to make them look heavy. In the winter you need to wear thermal underwear under your costume ‘so you don’t shiver with cold. ‘Te worked at glamorous birthday parties for famous ppeople, and in parks in the rain, and I've just been to the World Championships in Holland. There were 300 ‘statues and 300,000 visitors. It was incredible! Most people love us but sometimes young children are ffightened and I've seen one or two cry! ‘Antonio Santos from Barcelona holds the world record for standing stil, an incredible 20 hours, 11 minutes ‘and 38 seconds, but the longest Nina has stood Without moving Is two and a half hours, at a party ‘Ikwas awful! So now, | move. if someone gives me money, | blow a kiss or do a dance to say thank you. ‘And of course if you need to sneeze or something, you have to ‘come alive’ and make it part of the performance. I's hard work but fun!” 8 3% Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use the words in bold in the text to help you. blow a kiss sneeze costume stone get off | shiver fit [adjective] still [adjective] 1 That __stone _ flowerpot looks great but it’s really heawy. 2 Did he wear a pirate 3 Oh! Iwant to horible feeling. 4 Lalways to my granny when we leave her house to drive home 5 | think this paint on my T-shirt is permanent, Its impossible to 6 My cousin is very active. She can't sit for one minute. 7 twas freezing outside and we started to __ for Carnival? but can't. Its a 8 My mum goes running to stay “> Read the text again. Are these sentences true (7) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1. You can only see living statues in Europe. F They are all over the world. 2. Living statues need to use their mind and their body. 3 The paintis easy to put on and get off 4 Nina works in lots of different places. 5 Lots of people are scared of the living statues. 6 Nina doesn’t enjoy her job ek 3 Read the sentences. Tick (/) the ones alliving statue probably says. What does the other person do? 1. ‘Tm wearing three Tshirts under my costume — its really cold’ 2. ‘Isometimes drop a ball when | try with six’ 3. ‘Alittle gil started crying when she saw me. 4 ‘Abid landed on my head today.’ 5 ‘Sometimes I stand on one leg and do it with three knives.’ Oo 6 ‘I'm going for a sauna now to wash the paint off.” Oo o& 4% Imagine working as a living statue. What is good about it? What are the difficult things? Write your ideas. unit 3 31 1 32 © G Street festivals Writing An Internet post Read Pete's Internet post. How many different types of performers does he write 3 about? festival? was atone last month. re uae in Dorchester, @ town near my village. There * | setoat mosphere, with hundreds of — | people there to see the performers, who weve from allover the country. There ; jugglers, dancers and ‘even a magician. The ones | liked best : a juggler and fre-coter wow! Have you ever been to a street There® lots of musicians and groups, too. They © _ {not) famous, but there ? some quite good ones. The first ones played rock and punk but one of the groups * terrible. They played pop and I'm better than their guitarist! The street festival is touring different towns in England this summer. If it's at ‘one near you, go for it! Pote B 2 complete the Internet post with the correct forms of the verb be. Read the Internet post again. Complete the sentences. 4 pote saw the festival in a town near his village 2. The performers came from all over the 3. Lots of different _ _went to the festival, 4. Pete liked the juggler and the best. 5. Some of the groups were 6 The worst group had a bad 7 You can go to the street festival this 8 Pete thinks it's a thing to see, S (PSM ea fest) Avoiding repetition (2) 4. Read the text again. What do one or ones refer to in Exercise 1? 1. Iwas at one last month = astreet festival The ones | liked bes some quite good ones — The first ones played rock = at one near you = 5 Gels) the correct options. There were a lot of living statues. | didn’t like the] cone /(oneg}that were scary. | took a lot of photos and put one / ones on my’ Facebook page. Some murals are quite good. There are some good one / ones near my house. We saw some buskers. The one / ones who played the drums were very good. I'd like to go to a street festival. I've never been one / ones Not all of the jugglers were good and there was ‘one / ones who dropped everything. ne ge Writing 6 Rewrite the sentences, Put the words in brackets in the correct place. 4 There were buskers and there were some amazing jugglers. (too) ‘There were buskers and there were some amazing jugalers, too. 2. There was a busker who played 10 different Bo 9 Put the information in the order it appeat the internet post in Exercise 1. the audience the performers writer's opinion of artists wherestwas favourite performer recommendation instruments! even) 1 where it was 2 - 3 3, We went to an exhibition and we saw some 4 portrait painters. (also) 5 6 4 ve seen a busker who played the mouth organ, PLAN (never) 5 Have you seen a street magician? (ever) 7 Girele the correct options. 1 He was the more amazing /€he most amazing) juggler I've ever seen 2 I'ma better / best keyboard player than him! 3 I've never seen a worse / worst living statue! 4 The busker | liked better / best was a young girl who played the saxophone. 5 He dressed up as a sheep ~ it was the funnier / funniest costume I've ever seen. 6 I've never seen a better / best portrait. (ito i Make it better! vv 7 } Make a recommendation at the end of your {Internet post to the reader. ¢ 8 Read the sentences. Which one is not a recommendation? 1 Ifit comes to your town, go for it! 2. The exhibition is amazing. You shouldn't miss it! 3 I think everybody should go and see this festival 4 There were lots of great things to do. 5 When it comes to your town, you can't miss it 10 invent a street festival. Make notes for each heading in Exercise 9. WRITE 11. Write an Internet post about your festival. Look at page 39 of the Student's Book to help you. 1g. Can you say YES to these questions? + Isthe information from Exercise 9 in your description? * Do you use one or ones to avoid repetition? + Do you use comparatives and superlatives correctly? + Are words like too, even, ever, also and never in the correct place in the sentences? + Do you make a recommendation at the end? + Are the spelling and punctuation correct? Do you need to write a second draft? unit 3 33 Vocabulary Language focus Art around us Present perfect for indefinite 1 Girdle the correct options. past time 1 Abusker plays music _ 3. Match the sentence halves. @ onthe street b inaconcert hall 1. She's never ‘a my homework 2. Apontrait painter paints pictures of __ performed b mural outside the ‘a people b places 2 My beater library. 3 You usually see graffiti in _ worked as ¢_ in public before. a the street b amuseum 3 I'm sorry but! d_ any graffiti where 4 Ajuggler__ haven't finished live 4 \haven't noticed e all the Harry Potter a makes paintings and sculptures b_ throws and catches objects 5. They've painted a films. 5) voli'can Sten to musicin a 6 We've watched fa busker in New Yorh a aconcerthall & agallery Oo Cee ante S ed 4 Complete the text with the present perfect Rar CN ee form of the verbs in brackets. 7) The moved because | gave it money. ite always wanted _ (want) to have a a juggler by living statue band and now do. 1? (ask) some 8 The grey wall was boring, so we painted __ friends to join, too. Mark?__———_(play) th a amural b anexhibition guitar with two other bands. Jul J Te (never sing) with a band, but she's got a fantastic voice. Wes____—__(not give) any | Instruments concerts, but we_(practise) a lot. . We”, (begin) to write some songs 2 Put the letters in order to make musical and we © (end) a demo recording | instruments. some music companies! 4 ratuig guitar gO 2 drceore 3. Interica Present perfect with ever/never Se 5 Write present perfect sentences and questiot oe with ever and never. Peponecerd << 1 1/ see / a famous band X 8 leutf I've never seen a famous band. 9° ngobso 2 you/be/ toa concert? ee 3. your brother / meet / a famous person? Total: 9 they / be / to Russia X she / eat / meat? we / see / the sea x" 34 Unit 3 Review Language builder 6 Complete the conversation with the missing words. Girdle) the correct options. I: __ played any musical instruments? Yes, |2__to play the banjo. That’ interesting, |>___the banjo. |4_to.a music festival isit difficult? Not really, but you §_ to practise every day. Well, first you * I want to play rock music. 1 *9__find a teacher? You" @ Have you ever a lear a ‘ve never tried 90 have played b Did you b b b b mustn't b b b b b b ‘m learning never have tried was going were playing should should | shouldn't thought do have to not have to went have I should should think have Ito don’t have to have 1 " Vocabulary builder 7 Greig) the correct options. 1 Its freezing outside. You'l a take © catch 2. Its very dark. Have you got a__? a torch b_ map © penknife 3 There was a huge __on the wall with lots of colours. a busker b exhibition mural 4. Abby was afraid of the __and lightning a hail b snowstorm —¢ thunder 5. Before you go out in the sun put on some __ @ suncream —b glasses conditions 6 You should help __ the house and tidy your room, a for around «through 7 We'll wait _ Lily comes a near b over 8 A__islike abig violin a cello b clarinet © piano 9 There were about 200 people __ total a on b to < in 10 | waited at the cinema for an hour and he never _ @ picked b set © showed Total 9 _acold. © make until — up. year. Some buskers 5_ | want to learn a musical instrument, too. What 7___ decide what kind of music you want to play. _ of buying drums but they're very expensive. And do that now — you can practise by yourself first. Were you did learn ve tried never are playing do I should was thinking do I have to mustn't the banjo and | liked the sound play? [Total 10 Seong Put the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation. _— Sally: How about meeting at my house at 6.307 _— lynn: OK. See you later. Sally: Yeah, why not? =L tynn: Do you fancy, going out for pizza later? — lynn: | can't meet until 7, sorry. _— Sally: Sounds good! Shall | ask my dad to pick you up? _— Lynn: What time shall we meet then? (_Tietar6) as] Unit 3 Review 35 .O) Get it right! Unit 3) Present perfect with been/gone 1 Find and correct three more mistakes with been and gone. wanted to have a party on Saturday, but no one can ‘come! Mary has Seen to London with her family so } she can’t come. Paul has gone to France for two weeks and isn’t coming back until next Friday Clara has gone skiing, so she can’t come. And Idon’t know about Tia. I've gone to her house, but there was no one home. Maybe she's gone to visit her grandparents. | phoned Leonardo and he hasn't been anywhere, but he's ill in bed at hore! Even my brother has been on holiday unt next week. | think I'm going to have to have my party another day! | Present perfect with ever/never Remember that: ‘© we use ever in present perfect questions when the evact time isn’t important 1 Have you ever ployed at this festival? ‘we don't usually use never in questions 7 Have you ever played at this festival? X Have you never played at this festival? ‘we use never to say ‘not at any time’. tisn’t used th notin't 7 He has never visited England, X He hasnt never visited England. we put never and ever between have and the past participle 7 Ihave never played in a group, X Ineverheve played in a group. X Have everyou played in 2 group? 2 Are the sentences correct? Correct the incorrect sentences. 1. haven't never been to a festival thave never beento.a festival. Have ever you sung in a choir or group? She has never seen a living statue. Has he never played in an orchestra? 36 Getit right! 3 Collocations 3 Put the words and phrases in the correct placg 5. They never have visited an art gallery. 6 He hasn't never met a famous person Remember that: © different verbs go with different nouns. Don't use the wrong verb! W Have you done your homework? X Have you made your homework? WI made a lot of mistakes in the exam, XI did @ lot of mistakes in the exam. in the table. adrawing apresentation photos art money awork of art graffiti copies of something E ja 5 drawing GSEs Remember that + we form the present perfect with subject + hrave(n‘thasin’t) + past particle. We don’t use the past simple + with regular verbs, the past simple form of the verb and the past participle are often cifferent. Look at the ireguler verb table on page 126 of the Student's Book. 7 Ihave never taken a really coo! photo. Y Ihave never took a really coo! photo, 4. Write the correct past simple and past participle form of the verbs. Infinitive |Pastsimple _| Past participle vocabulary Expressions with go 4. * Use the clues to complete the crossword. — 4, You need a boat and a good wind for this activity 5 You can go on rides if you go here. 6 You can do this inside on a wall, or outside in the mountains. 7. You do this in snow in the mountains in winter. Down You do this kind of visit with another school. Young people often stay in this place in the summer holidays. You do this type of long walk in the mountains. Going on one of these is a good way to see wild animals You do this with a guide who shows you a place and tells you about it. > Match the verbs with the nouns in Exercise 1. 1. Things you go on: a__safari__, a school , aguided 2. Activities with go: 3 A thing you go to: summer 3% Complete the email about Gemma’s summer. Use the complete nouns from Exercise 2. Hi Uncle Reb, {have « problem this summer and I don’t know vial odo. Ally frends ae doing sonahing exciting. Joe is going to a "_therre park in California for a week. Maria is going to 7? in Wales to do rating ___ wilh her sister. She loves comping, and she's __ bought new mountain boos fr when they go «lt sounds fun! Alex is unhappy “ecauie Fis paens have decided ogo lo Crests His mum wants fo go on a of ‘ancient ruins - boring! Emma has gone to Tanzania ona’ with her grandporents Isnt that amazing? I wanted to visit my friend in Germany (do you remember she came here ona! in May2}, buts gone rock? __inthe Alps ~ too dangerous for mel Anyway, Mum and Dod want to 90" in Colorado (there's snow there in Auguall, but | want fo go tothe beach. Can | come and stay in Menorea with you and my cousins lke last year? We could go : in your litle boat again. I > would be fantastic What do you think? 4 + 40% What are your favourite holiday activities? Have you ever done any of the things in Exercise 1? Write at least five sentences. Use a dictionary if necessary. ve never been on a cruise but I think it would be fun. unit 4 37 Language focus 1 Present perfect with still, yet, 4 + % Complete the phone conversation. already and just Use the verbs in the box and the adverbs in brackets. 1 * Complete the sentences with the present perfect and just. Use the verbs in brackets. 1 ‘What's that CD?" » \ vejust bought _ it from a great busker in town.’ (buy) 2. ‘What are those kids doing?’ ‘Juggling! They how to do it! (learn) 3. ‘Be carefull We this door: (paint) 4 ‘He looks tired.’ ‘Yes, he a marathon!" (finish) 5. ‘What are you watching?’ A film. | it! (download) visit Cambridge be climbing 6 ‘Where did you put my book? I know you go be nottidy nottell start it!" (move) Are you enjoying the summer camp? Yes, but its going really quickly! We ‘already been (aready) here a week. 2% Gras the correct options. 1. We haven't gone to the theme park still (Gea) Ws next week. (ved? 2. Nicky still / already hasn't packed for her school ; Yas ave weve gota dinbing wall exchange visit tomorrow! here, And we’ (already) 3. Have you put on suncream yet / still today? sailing twice, and trekking! 4 We arrived on Saturday and I've already / Are What other plans “a you got? been sailing twice. Its great! el, we*_ yet). We're 5. They've already / yet decided which mountain Sg tne compres aad fo climb, iLthink (still us which day. OK, 6 My grandparents yet / still haven't arrived home Mam, Tve gat to 90, We all help around after their guided tour of Colombia, the camp ste, I® ‘still my things today! My group is cooking dinner 3. > Put the words in the correct order to andmyfriends?___———_falready) make sentences. in the kitchen, 1. your / been / yet / you / Have / exchange / on / school? Have you been on your school exchange yet? 5 Yok Imagine you are on a school exchange 2. Brigitte /arrved / already / has / my at / house to London. Write sentences about things you have and haven't done. Use still, yet, already 3. dimbing / started /1/ haven't / the / stil / course seeBig Ben meet my new teacher go out with my new friends buy new clothes speak a lot of English go into the city centre 4 yet / castle / haven't / the / seen / They 5. to/ decided / She / hasn't / what / do/ still Jhaven't seen Big Ben yet. 6 you/ ruins / seen / Have / yet / the / ? homework / our / haven't /still/ We / done 38 Unit 4 Listening and vocabulary a Listening Phrasal verbs (1) 3% Match the words in bold with one of the phrasal verbs in the box. chill out pickup come back fook around setoff find out +) When my dad worked in Japan he tried to learn some Japanese from friends and neighbours pickup 2 Hove Saturday afternoons, when ican relax with my fiends 3 When we visit our vilage we always start the journey at si in the morning 4 My granny loves going on guided tours so she can discover the history ofa place. 5 After we arrived at the hotel, we went to explore the town, 6 | always lke the day we return 4. & QE Listen to a family from London from our holidays, because see talking about their holiday. Which sentence my friends again. is true? ‘They are looking online at big hotels in lots of different countries bb They ate looking on an international house ‘exchange website to find another family to Pd exchange houses with, 4 x Complete the text with the phrasal verbs from Exercise 3. K, 1g They find lots of holiday offers online but they all e want to go to a different place. NOTHING TO DO? 8” D2 %% QNDE Listen again. who is it? Write M for Mum, D for Dad, L for Laura and K for Kevin. DAY TRIP TO BRIGHTON inge lf 1. -M. has found lots of possible holiday places on We t__setoff from Victoria Station ot you a website 9.30.and? iB o'clock in the rady | 2 — wants to go somewhere new for a change. evening. There's los of fime fo —— suggests somewhere with water sports. Brighton's many boutique shops. You can 4 _— doesn’t want to go to a place with nothing to ‘_________more about historical Brighton doin the eveningp by going on our optional guided tour of the city ss Stik s Nivayeily GanOUS Tora centre, oF maybe you prefer to + ot eon apa remen ery Famous (or at the beach. Learning English? You can e and culture, . more English here than ina 6 __ notices another family don’t want a holiday clossoomt 7 __Intondn suggests going to another big city closer to London. has a friend who's been there and liked it says he/she has wanted to go there for a long time — thinks they should email the family in Amsterdam Language focus 2 Present perfect with for and since 1 Complete the sentences in the box. We can use the present perfect with for or since to talk about an action that started in the * and continues in the * Use» with a period of time. Use # with a specific date or time 2 * Gres the correct options in the text. We haven't had a holiday in the mountains since 1010) three years. We had a tent then, but we've had this camper van since last year / a year. My parents have wanted to go to the Alps for > three years ago /a long time, so this year we're in Switzerland. We've been here for * yesterday / five days, and it’ rained every day since § then / five days. It hasn’t been this wet on holiday since ® three years / the time we went to England! 3 ** Write present perfect sentences with the prompts. Use for or since. 1. My grandparents / lve / their flat / forty years My grandparents have lived in their flat for forty years. 2 We/not go / on holiday / six months 3. My sister / work /in Geneva / 2009 4 They/not visit us / long time 5. I/not see/her / 2012 6 He/want / to go to Brazil / last year Present perfect and past simple 4 x Complete the conversation with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. ‘A: |_Have you ever been (you go) on a schoo! exchange? B: Yes, Ihave. Last year? ool to France. ‘A: Where ® (you go)? B: Bordeaux. ¢ (never see) such fantastic beaches, A: What ® (you do) there? B: Wet, (go) sailing and surf A the French students (come) here yet? B: Yes, they're here now, in fact! They « (be) here for a week. So what (they do) so far? 3: Well, we # (cook) them some traditional food, and they * (go) on a guided tour of the town 5 xk Write a conversation about a trip. Use the one in Exercise 4 to help you. Use the present perfect and the past simple. A; Have you ever been to a summer camp? B: Yes, Ihave. went to one ... ADblore interesting adjectives 6 x Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. incredible amazing spectacular important perfect 1. The island has got high mountains and a volcano. The landscape is really spectacular _| 2. The mountains are amazing and it's the place for climbing, 3. The view from the sea on the boat is absolutely 4 An learning how to fall 5 Going on safari was the most experience I've ever had. part of learning how to ski is (G0), fing ar? “of le. ely ski is reading & Read the text about two holidays. What have they got in common? a Theyare both trekking holidays for families with teenagers. bb On both trips you stay in luxury hotels ¢_ Bath holidays include a four-day trek in the mountain, SETAE ee isoveryhas organised great Holidays for 25 years, and we've joststartod holidays especially fr fais with teenagers. Curtrips are carefuly planned, and experienced, well-trained ‘ur guides take Groups of up to 15 people, Porters cary your 0 you can enjoy the scenery, and our cooks prepare dacious food every night Nepal Adventure Tour Days 1-2 Chill out in Kathmandu, Nepal's capital city, where ‘there are beautiful temples and monkeys climbing in the trees. Days 3-10 The Annapurna Trek is spectacular, with amazing views of some of te worl highest mountains. We ofr ‘ntnalwhite-vater rang through the aps. You sleepin teahouses, eat pancakes fr breakfast and at inner eat cury vith your gers, Nepalese style Days 1112 The jungle of Chitwan National Park isa great place to relax after the tek. You can ride the elephants, and look for rae one-homed rhinos. Days 1314. Back to Kathmandu to shop for souvenirsin the bazaars Inca Trail For Teens Dajs 1-3 Set of for Cusco, the ancent nc capital. You can {xp fascinatng Ica uns and look around this beautiful Spanish cy, We aso vst te colour indigenous isac Nar Dey 4-5 We vist Misminay, where ournca Tra porters lve, aero ‘the traditional way of life of an Andean mountain vlog. Days 6-7 Enjoy the tl of whit-water ating or down Mountain biking in the beautiful Sacred Vale. Day 8-1 four-day tek along the Inc Trl trough Specace scenery. Bay 2 ave at Machu ecu an soe tis ance ne el. Days 13-14 Back to Cusco. Finish your holiday here shopping ‘for souvenirs and chilling out. S » Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the text. 1 like travelling by train and looking out of the window at the 2. When | go on holiday, | always buy 10 remind re of the places I've visited 3. There's nothing like the ofa big rollercoaster ~ they are so exciting | always scream! 4 How much have you got? You can only take 20 kilos on the plane. 5 In india the are really hotel- restaurants, not cafés where you have 2 cup of tea 6 The hotel who carried our bags recommended a good restaurant. Read the text again. €ircle) the correct options. 1. These holidays are especially for families with small children (Qeenager) 2. There is / isn’t an experienced person leading the group on both holidays 3. There are views of high mountains / ancient cities in Nepal You see / don’t see wild animals on the Inca Teil You can go cycling in Nepal / on the Inca Trail You visit temples in Kathmandu / Cusco. You can go shopping at the beginning / end of both trips. 8 You see where the porters live in Chitwan, National Park / Misminay. io Read the sentences from postcards. Are they from Nepal or the Inca Trail? Write WV or J. 1. We're going to spend a few days chilling out in Cusco. Do you want anything? an 2. Today we had a look around some ruins and went to a market. 3. I've never ridden an elephant but it's a great way to see the jungle. 4 We've been here for two days and we've seen some amazing temples’ 5 We went so fast on the bikes thet I didn’t have time to look at the scenery! 6 The curries are delicious but ! don’t like eating with my fingers! Do you like this kind of holiday? Which of the two do you prefer and why? Write four or five sentences. unit 441 Writing A travel blog 3- Read the blog again and answer the questions. 11 Read Andy's travel blog. What kind of holiday 1. What kind of holiday is Andy having? ‘sa cruise? He's having a cruise. 2 Where did it start? 3 What activities has he done on the ship? 4 What do his parents make him do? How many places has he seen? We've been here for six days and what 1_an amazing ship _! Since we left Barcelona, {ve been on the climbing wall and played Shel > volleyball and mini-golf. There’s also the 6 What did he like about italy ‘Ocean Adventure Teen Club’, with its own swimming pool and acthiies, What) 7 tomake friends! "dike | toaay onthe ahipal the ime, But my parons | ° insist | see everywhere we visit We've already stopped in Nice, Florence and Why didn't he like Athens? ‘Which place does he like best so far? Rome (what ? they have q . 7 Pena ond Athens ~ Fol owed, and! 4. Read the blog again. Tick (V) the things in the what 4 (G3. We visited the list that Andy writes about. island of Santorini yesterday, definitely my ‘where you started favourite place ~ what ® |! And we've just arrived at Mykonos. What where you've been they're having ~ can how long you've been on the trip hear the musie from here! what you've eaten More soon ... . what you've done what you've seen your favourite place your favourite activities how you feel about something TESTIECEG Expressing how you feel, good or bad. Ooo0000000 F 5 Complete the table with the adjectives in . 2 i the box. disappointing ugly spectacular terrible incredible 2. Read the blog again. Complete the text. with the words in the box. an incredible party anamazing-ship delicious ice creams boring ruins beautiful beaches a fantastic way 42. Unit 4 writing 6 Read the sentences and write how you felt, Use the words in Exercise 5 to help you. 4 The Eiffel Tower was as good as we thought it would be. [thought it was fantastic. 2. Ididn’t think Hamburg was beautiful at all 3. [almost fell asleep in the museum 4 The food at the restaurant was disgusting ins and beautiful lakes 5 There were tall moun’ 6 I couldn't believe it when | saw the tall buildings. (inrcmns Make it better! 7 7 7 Use What a/an before singular countable nouns. Use What before singular uncountable and } plural nouns. 7 Rewrite the sentences with What or What a/an. 1 twas a very exciting theme park. What an exciting theme park. 2. The fireworks were really spectacular, 3 The guided tour was very boring a. 9 Read the sentences. Which one does not mean my favourite? 1. The safari has been the best thing so far. 2. I've never eaten a better ice cream 3. The guided tour was quite good. 4. There is no better way to spend a summer. 5 By far the best activity has been the climbing, 10. Read the blog again. Number the things in the list in the order they appear. Andy's favourite place how long Andy has been on the trip what Andy has done where Andy has been where the trip started how Andy feels about something PLAN 11 Exercise 10 and your imagination to make notes. WRITE 12. Write a travel blog post about your trip. Look at page 49 of the Student's Book to help you. 4 The landscape was incredible 5 The souvenir shops were terrible, 8 Rewrite the sententes. Put the word in brackets in the correct place. 1. We've seen about 20 temples. (already) We've already seen about 20 temples. 2. I can't believe it was such a beautiful place. (til) We haven't visited the museum. (yet) They've gone skiing in the mountains, (ust) a unc Make it better! vv ¥ Use different ways to say ‘my favourite CHECK 13 Check your writing. Can you say YES to these questions? . + Have you expressed how you feel - good and bad? ‘Have you used sentences with What alan? + Are words lke stil, already yet and just in the right place in the sentences? + Have you used different ways to say my favourite? ‘+ Are the spelling and punctuation correct? Do you need to write a second draft? unit 4 43 Vocabulary Expressions with go ‘1 Match the trips with the places and things. 1 go climbing go on a safari go skiing go toa theme park go on a guided tour go to summer camp - go on a school exchange Nowaun activities for young people historic buildings and museums roller coasters, rides, restaurants mountains 2 school in another country mountains and snow wild animals e@reance Total: 6] Phrasal verbs (1) 2. Use a word from each box to make phrasal verbs and complete the postcard. find chill pick come took set out (x2) up aretind back off Dear Lou, We've had a fantastic time here in Berlin. We've had plenty of timeto'__lookaround the city. It was fun to? about the city’s history and cuiture, and we also managed to? some German! There are a lot of cafés to eat ice cream and Tonight: we have to go to bed early because we have to? _at6am ‘tomorrow morning. Our holiday is over and it’s time to . home! Annie Total 5 44 Unit 4 Review Language focus Present perfect with still, yet, already and just 3 the correct options to complete each conversation. Has your sister left for London(Ged)/ still? B: Yes, she left yesterday but she already / still hasn't phoned us. Have you booked your hotel still / yet? B: No, | already / still haven't decided which, ‘one | prefer. Have you seen Buckingham Palace still / yet B: No, but we've still / already seen some greg museums and art galleries, 4 A: Why is your hair wet? B: I've just / still come back from swimming Total Present perfect with for and since 4 GeaB the correct options. 1 [ve lived por ey 2. Suzanne has played the guitar for /since a very long time. 3. We've been friends for / since we were litle children 4 | haven't seen you for /since ages. Mark has had his car for / since five years. 6 They haven't visited us for / since last year. Present perfect and past simple 5 Complete the mini-conversations with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 1 A: Have you ever been (you ever go) totaly? B: Yes, we (go) there last summer. 2&| (eat) some octopus yesterday. B: Really? 1 (never eat) octopus, 3A: (you see) this film? B: Yes, | (see) it twice. Total 5 anguage builder Crs ‘complete the email with the missing words. Circle) the correct options. Hi Bruno, Onever cpt This isthe frst day of our trip to 2 a always 90 b always are going ¢ go always ‘Switzeriand. 've "been to 3290 b ‘ve been © went _ Switzerland before. The mountains are 4 a were taking —b ‘ve taken © take really amazing! I'm here with my parents 5 a comes b came € was coming and my best friend, Susan. We?__on 6 a don't take usually b usually don’t take ¢ don’t usually take holiday together every year. Yesterday, Bia take ars Seeing we? _ hiking in the forest. When we 4 4___ pictures of some flowers, a small 8 a should eave ipsnouicnit goat *__ up tous and started eating 9 a have b ‘veto € should them! © alot of photos, but this JO. a you doing b youaredoing are you doing year |” a lot because ! want to make 41 a You have to b Youdohave to ¢ Doyouhaveto | —_a photo blog when | get back home. 14 stop writing now because 1?__ to Tet] getup eaty tomorow. What ™ this ‘summer? "__ do any schoolwork? Write soon, | Janey WVocabulary builder Speaking 7 Grd EGrcip tne correct options. 8 Put the words in the correct order to Going on a__ is a great way to meet students from make questions for signing up for an other countries. activity. a safari ® school exchange ¢ guided tour 1 about / What / then / food, /? 2. While | was in Poland |__ a few words of Polish. What about food, then? a setup b showed up picked up 2. trip/long / How /is / the / ? 3. It was boiling for about three days and then the __ went away. 3 include / the price / Does / food / ? a snowstorm: b heat wave ¢ lightning 4 We looked at the __ but we didn’t know where we were. 4 bring /need /1/ do/ What / to /? a map b compass ¢ torch 5 Sarah hasn't __ the photos online yet. 5 afew/Can/about/1/you/ the tip a hung b given posted things / ask /? 6 haven't had much time __ myself yet. I've been very busy. 6 only/it/for/ experienced / climbers / 2 on b by with is? 7 Can you set ___ the drums before we start playing? a on b down © up Cie: 8 We went on a__ tour of the castle and gardens. a a. guiding b guided © guide . (Tiotar si 9 You have to blow very hard to make a sound on the _ a trumpet piano © banjo 10 I'm hungry because | haven't even ___a snack today. a had b taken « done Total 9 Unit 4 Review 45 Present perfect with still, yet, already and just Remember that + we put stil crectly after the subject ¥ I still haven't adjusted to life at sea, X | havertadjustedtotteatsee-stil + we put yet after the complete verb phrase 7 Have you brushed your teeth yet? X Have you brushed yet-yourtecth + we normally put just and areedy between have and the past participle 1 I've already packed my swimming costume X trepacked sheady my swimming costume, Y Ihave just climbed up and down the mast. X | jast-heve climbed up and down the mast. Are the sentences correct? Correct the | incorrect sentences. | 1 I just have returned from my climbing trip. Ihave just returned from my climbing trip. 2 Ihavent still tried skiing, but I'm sure I'l enjoy it 4. She has made already a lot of friends on the adventure holiday. 5. They just have bought tickets for a guided tour of the city, 6 My sister is five, so she yet hasn't been sailing, 7 Ihave just received a letter from my grandfather. 8 He said he would call me, but | still haven't heard from him, | Present perfect with for and since Remember that ‘+ we use for with periods of time ¥ We've been on the road in our camper van for ten days. X We've been on the road in our camper van since ten-day: + we use since with a specific date, time or event v7 We haven't had anything to eat since lunchtime. X We haven't had arything to eat fer sanchtime- Get it right! 4 OVSEir nnn. 3 Ihaven’t been yet there, but | really want to go. 2 the correct words. Leen (OCU es _ I'msorry Lhoven’t writen to you since ‘eet scesty three weeks! I've got lots of news to fell you. Tve been in London for "July / three | weeks now, and I love it! You won't believe who | |__ met in the sireet yesterday. Mark! Do you remember him? I've known him for "ten years / the Fst year, since “ten years / the frst year of primary schooll He's the frst person from home I've spoken to since | Florrived / three weeks. We went fo a cafe and ‘we talked for *hours / six o'clock! He has visited | fen towns in England since "six weeks / June. What an adventure! Ul waite again soon, love, Lora LL Expressions with go Remember that: + we use go + ~ing to talk about doing an activity. We never use a preposition between go and the activity, ¥ Did you go climbing? X Did you go for climbing? X Did you go to climbing? 3 Find and correct four more mistakes with go in the poster. ith Adventures to go! you can got climbing in the mountains or for trekking in the forest. f you like water sports, you can go sailing on a clear blue lake, or goto swimming in the sea. Why not go to camping for a few days? Or, if you Tike, you can go to a hotel instead. Ifyou'e feeling tired from all these activities, you can go on a Quided bus tour or go to a safari park for the day. "| And theres even a bus tothe city every day for {| those who want to go to shopping, The fun never | stops with Adventures to go! + Match the words and phrases with the correct definitions. 1 the name of a post on Twitter 2. something you write, send and receive on 3. something you write, send and receive on your computer or on the internet 4 to speak informally to someone face-to-face 5 a place for online discussion with lots of people 6 10 speak to (and see) someone computer to computer 7. a personal website that gives regular information to readers 8 awebsite that allows users to communicate with each other by posting information, photos and messages We 9a short message on a social network site i a email f post b chat 9 forum © text message h Skypem™ Tweet i social network _ e blog 2 * Write communication words from Exercise 1 next to the correct definitions. 2 something you write, send and receive on your mobile phone 3. speaking informally to someone face to face 4 aplace for online discussion with lots of people 5. speak to (and see) someone computer to computer 6 a website that gives readers, regular information 3% % Complete the text about how Josh’s brother communicates. your mobile phone _ 1. the name of a post on Twitter Tweets My brother is a university student but he doesn’t study much. When he gets up he goes on Twitter to read all the '_Twaets from people he follows After breakfast he writes a(n) 2 ~he Usually talks about university life, He reads all the he's got on Facebook. Then he reads and answers any * too, but he says a lot of them are junk with adverts for things he's not interested in. He also spends time on a skateboard talking to skaters from all over the world. In the evening we often talk on (he helps me with my homework!). When he goes out with his friends, they use WhatsApp and organise it by 7 ‘So my brother does a lot of communicating. The funny thing is, he's got ‘a mobile phone and a home phone, but he never makes any ® 1 ‘so% How do you and your friends communicate? Answer the questions and write at least five sentences. 1. Which ways to communicate are the most popular with you and your friends? Why? 2. Did you use the same ones last year? Why?/Why not? ‘Ave there any you never use? Why not? 4 How do your parents and grandparents communicate? Is it the same as you? usually use text messages on my mobile to talk to ny friends because ... unit 47 Language focus 1 will, might, may + adverbs of possibility + Gre the correct words in the table. J1. Use will to show we are sure / not sure about the future 2. Use might to show we are sure / not sure about the future. 3__ The negative of willis don’t will / won’ 4 The negative of might is don’t might / might not. 5__Use will or might + infinitive /-ing form. ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or might. Vm not sure, but my parents __might give me a smartphone for my birthday. He's not answering his email. He on holiday. don't know. There be enough time to discuss it in class, so let talk about it on the forum, She be able to phone you. | don’t know if her mobile works there I'm sure Amy post the photos on Facebook so that we can all see them be Read the rules. Are they true (7) or false (FI? 1. We use definitely and certainly when we are very sure of the future ‘When we are less sure of the future, we use probably. We can’t use these adverbs with negative verbs. 4. We can use these adverbs with might (not), ‘With affirmative verbs the adverb goes before wil With negative verbs the adverb goes before won't 48 Unit 5 4% % Complete the email about Gina's plan, Use the verbs in the box with might or will, and the adverbs in brackets. Visit not come not have to not be agree stay have be Hilo, _ How are things? I've go! some great news! Keira and | \-willdefinitely visit. (definitely) our ‘grandparents in July. We * {certainly} for three weeks, and maybe longer ifwe con. ?____ you _ there in July? | hope sol My ded * (definitly with us because he's working, but Mum s_ work all of July and so maybe sho can join us later The other news is that |* 4@ party for my birthday. Dad has said yes but ‘Mum host decided yt. Is OK, | think she {orobebly} soon! IF do have ‘one, can you come? You can stay the weekend, Please say yes! It ® (certainly| the same without youl Gina 5 Write at least five sentences about you and your life. Use will, might and adverbs of i ity. Use the ideas in the box or your own ideas. play a (sport) match go to the cinema _go swimming spend a day at the beach visit my grandparents buy anew game I might go swimming with my friends on Saturday. Delors communications collocations © the correct options. 1 Alotof ya) compute ers are abo friends in reaTT¥e. | try not to look at social / friend network sites when I'm doing my homework. My last status update / post just said ‘Help!’ ~ | was doing my homework! My dad says we are the digital / network generation because we don’t know a world without computers Sometimes it's bette ‘than online. to talk face- / head- to-face a Communication verbs 3. Write the verbs in the box next to the correct definitions. complain boast gossip argue joke shout criticise ciszqree with someone, sometimes loudly of aggressively argue 2. say how good you are at doing something yo i 3 say something funny i 4 talk very quietly so other people can't heer talk very loudly talk about other people say negative things about someone say that you don't like something 1m be “* Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in Exercise 3. I've got a great group of friends I've known since primary school. We always meet at the weekend to laughand *_joke and? about people we know. My fiends never ri i me for what | wear or# about me in 1 + QE unten to Olga and tanya sessing TN sige ele 9 Tany each other wel, too. Alicia ® that puet she's the best basketball player in the school, and a Tanya has stopped using Facebook for a month, ie tie cur parems ate too bb Tanya has decided never to use Facebook again soe somes weT = about where € Tanya has received a lot of insulting Tweets. to meet and what to do, but we never get angryor and we always agree in the end. 2% QI Read the sentences. Listen again and Gircla the correct options. 1 Olga tried to go on Tanya's Facebook page to Say happy birthday) post a website link 2. Tanya thinks she should / shouldn't spend less time on Facebook, 3 Tanya wants to spend more time socialising with her school friends / real friends. 4 Tanya thinks that some of the posts she reads are private / not true 5. A friend of Oiga's sent insults / received insults on Twitter, 6 Olga doesn’t think Tanya needs to stop using Facebook / use Facebook any more. 7 Tanya is worried about people seeing her private details / her friends’ Facebook pages. 8 Tanya plans to spend more time chatting to her friends / using different social networks 9. Tanya is sure / not sure what she's going to do at the end of her experiment. 10. Olga is going to contact Tanya on Facebook / Skype™ later. face units 49 —————_—_—"—S——s—t“‘( eP'!™:~*t*ti i i‘ ‘SOeéié‘i‘Cs;i‘i—iw;é‘;é;:S Language focus 2 First conditional + may/might, 3 Complete the conversation with the be able to correct form of the verbs in the box. Use ma, or might when the person is not sure. 41% Match the sentence halves. ( ——___. 1 Fyou phone me tonight, b krow talk whisper think be 2. If we start a class blog, | ask give tell_hear_not bus 3. She may not stay on Twitter — — 4 Ifyou post the photos on Facebook, — Tim: What shall we get Dad for his birthday? 5 Will you send me the stuff by email He's 40! 6 [won't know their address Sara: No idea, Let's ask him, aif you have time? Tim: No, ifwe *_ask_him, he*___will now bb I might not have time to talk to you. what his presents, Thats boing. Fe. a him a surprise, I don't everyone will be able to see ther. none rere fel d_ will everyone post on it? Sara: Yes, but if he * us, we e if they don’t text me. . him something he | £ if people insult her. doesn't like. Tim: Well, we could ask Mum, she'll know! 2. x Put the verbs in brackets in the correct ‘Sara: OK, good idea! if you” to | form to complete this chain of events. Use the her now, | don't think Dad * _ you. But whisper! Tim: Don't be sil! I1* whe w something mysterious is going on, don’t you think? verb prompts in brackets to help you. 1) Now the problem is ... If1*_put_ } (put) my party on Facebook, all my friends 2 (see) it and I've got 217! , | iFeveryone?__ seo) it they 4 Write a chain of events like the one in “irighthink its an open Exercise 3. Use one of the ideas below or yot iavtaton Wthey* (think) its ‘own idea. How long can you make the chain?) an open invitation, they *_ (maylinvite) more people. And if they i IF | finish my homework quick! (invite) more people, everyone If my parents allow me to (might/decide) to come and [ lf ose my mobile phone, .. a (not/have) enough room for them. IFtoo many people — (come), they *____(may/break) EXplore phrasal verbs (2) things. And if they (break) things and my parents # (find 5 * Match the sentence halves. out), | 4 ___ {not/be able to) have 1. Do you think this app will any more parties! 2. English is very flexible so we keep on adding 3. Does anyone know when social networks ‘4 The number of people on social network sites | speak German so when we went to Berlin / is going up every year i ' was able to get by. new words to the language. d_ started coming ‘into use? | fe. turn into the next popular thing? | | ! = “4 Read the text about Tony Anderson. How fas the Internet changed his life? ris a6¢, he spends a lot of onhis computer and smartphone, jsparents aren't complaining. In 4 =e! /re pleased. This is because Tony - deaf, but now, thanks to technology and social in social activities with other teenagers. So deaf sis felt Isolated and bored, didn't have a social life, snagers, the Internet is an ideal way to communicate, use it doesn’t need hearing or speaking. More antty, everyone uses it, not just deaf people. As Tony plans, ‘Now, if you're a deat teenager, no-one will know redifferent. I's incredible! | can post on chat forums or Networks and the other people probably won't know ideat, $0 they treat me like everyone else. i's made me alotmore relaxed and confident.’ ‘other thing Tony enjoys is being able to connect up other teenagers who are deaf. "We've all had similar iences in life, so we understand each other. 've made 200d friends online, and sometimes we meet up, ‘One day soon, deaf teenagers might be able to have a foley normal social life because of the Internet!” 2 4 complete the sentences with the words in bold from the text. 1 Let's ‘the comic exhibition. 2. Would you like to experiment? 3 Mark was ill when he was a baby and now he is in one ear. tomorrow morning and go to nan 4 You mustn't Be nice to him, We lived in a remote place and | felt very your brother lke that! a 3 0k Read the text again andGircla)the correct options. 11 Why does Tony spend a lot of time on his computer? a He's a typical teenager. b_ He doesn’t do any school work. © He hasn't got a mobile phone. 2 Why were deaf teenagers often unhappy before the Internet? a Schools didn’t know how to teach them. b They didn’t have any friends. € It was difficult to communicate with others. 3 What was not true for deaf teenagers before technology? a They didn’t often go out with friends. b A lot of them didn’t have much confidence. € They all had to communicate with sign language. 4 Why is technology so important for Tony? a It means he's like other teenagers. b He's good at it because he’s deaf. © He can explain to people that he's deaf. 5 What is not true about Tony’ life nowadays? a He's got a normal socal ie. b He doesn’t know any other deaf teenagers. He feels better about hime. 4 3% + Read the summary of the text. Correct five mistakes. Tony Anderson is a deaf teenager who uses the Intemet and social networks to make friends and ‘to go to school. His parents ¥are worried about him spending a lot of time on the Internet because it has heloed Tony in his social life and *in sports Now with the Internet and mobile phones people “still now he's deaf and he can communicate with other people. He's made a lot of friends and some of his new friends are deaf. SHe’d like to meet up with them: 1 ___have a sociallife _ 5 ct Tony’s story shows a positive aspect of the Internet. What other good things are there? Write at least three more advantages. The Internet helps young people in different cities or countries communicate. units 51 Writing An essay 1 Read Harry's essay. Does he agree or disagree with the essay title? TEENAGERS USE SOCIAL MEDIA SITES TOO MUCH. DISCUSs, ‘A. Thousands of teenagers post on social networks every day. In fact, it has become the most popular way | for them to communicate. Why is it so popular, and do we use it to much? |B \__Firstly _, social networks are a quick, easy and cheap way to tell our friends your ‘news. You can * post photos and weblinks, and share music and video clips. _________, you can combine it with ‘other computer activities. C ‘____there are negatives, too. 5 alot of friends’ aren't fiends at all. Ifyou aren't careful, you'll share personal information with complet strangers 5 _____ some people might only socialise online, D_ On balance, don’t think teenagers use these sites too much, and we still meet our friends face to face. 2. Complete Harry's essay about social media. Use the words in the box. firstly lastly also. for one thing in addition on the other hand 3 Read the essay again. Complete the notes in the table. [ne fears 1 thousands of teenagers post on social networks | every day 2. has become the most popular way 3B quick, easyand_— 4 photos and links, music and video clips 5 it with other computer activities Cee (renin 6 some aren't friends at all 7 you should be with personal information some people might only SS TENTIETs() Introducing points and arguments 4 Complete the table with the words in the box and the words in Exercisé 2. however nevertheless what'smore on one hand [Introducing arguments | contrasting 9 teens ‘these sites too much {10 still meet ‘Ordering polnts Adding points nn 52. Unit 5 yriting the words in order to make essay 8 introduction questions. Inmaces/ Are / social dangerous / networks /? ‘Are socialnetworks dangerous places? 2. age /you/ Should / everyone / your / tell? ‘Make it better! ¥ V7 it’s always better to make sure general statements don’t mean everyone, everything or always. 9 put the words in brackets in the correct place themselves on the Internet. (generally) People share all sorts of information on social networks. (may) 3. We shouldn't post any information about ourselves online. (perhaps) 4. Other people find out all about you from your Facebook profile. (can) (iim Make it better! Vv Give your own opinion and use different expressions. Read the sentences. Which one does not give an opinion? 1. Idon't really think people know about the dangers of Facebook 2. In my view, itis very dangerous to put personal 4 In my opinion, social networking sites are not safe, 5 | believe it’s good to learn how to use these sites, in the general statements. WRITE generally 1 Teenagers shauld avoid putting photos of 10 Write your essay. Look at page 61 of the information on social network sites. CHECK 3 There have been many stories of people using . other people's personal information online. 11 Check your writing. Can you say YES to these | 8 When you write an essay you should include: four paragraphs. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. against conclusion introduction opinion favour information / share /\s / 10 /it/ personal / ? B) safe p 1 Paragraph A is the _introduction 4 it/a/ photos / social /idea / to / network / post / 2. Paragraph B ghes argue 1) ae Is/good/on/a/? 3. Paragraph C gives arguments | 4. Paragraph D gives the , including = your : PLAN You are going to write an essay with the title: ‘tt is dangerous to put too much personal information on social networking sites. Discuss.’ Use the paragraphs in Exercise 8 and your own ideas to make notes. Student's Book to help you. questions? ‘© Have you included all the paragraphs in Exercise 82 + Have you introduced your points and arguments? + Have you used a question in the introduction? + Have you made sure general statements don’t mean everyone, everything or always? + Have you given your own opinion? Ate the spelling and punctuation correct? Do you need to write a second draft? units 53 Vocabulary Communication 11 Are these sentences true (7) or false (F)? 1. You can send photos and documents by email, _T. 2. You can join a discussion group on a forum 3 You can send Tweets to a large group of people on Twitter 4 You can speak and listen to someone with text messages 5 You can write a blog post to tell other people about your life. 6 You can have alive chat with someone on a forum. Total: 5 Communication verbs 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. [ boast argue whisper complain joke shout | 1. Don't talk so loudly - you should always whisper in the library. 2 I don't want to __, but I'm very good at repairing computers. 3 We shouldn't ___ about the food. At least its not very expensive. 4 They tried to about it, but he was really upset and didn’t laugh, 5. There's no need to | very well! | = |can hear you 6 1 know we disagree sometimes, but | don't want to | | Cia) 54 Unit 5 Review Language focus will, may, might + adverbs of possibility 3 Match the sentence halves. 1. Everyone will definitely Our parents might not How might the world be different Hl probably Skype™ you later Social networks certainly won't replace Will you write onsen to talk about the party. face-to-face communications, ever understand Facebook Use social media in the future. blog posts on holiday? in 50 years time? seancy (_ [eta nal + may/might, First condi be able to 4 Complete the first conditional sentences with’ the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use ‘may or might when the person is not sure. 1 Ifyou___aive __(give) me your email address, Fll___send__(send) you an email about the party 2 Ithink she (be) very upset if | (not reply) to her email 3 fl (invite) everyone on Facebool there (be) too many people. 4 (you send) me a text message if you (get) home late? 5. It's possible he (get) a better job if he (earn) more about computers, 6 Ifyou (work) harder at home, you~ (not have) the same problems in class. 'm not sure though, Total 5] nguage builder Complete the conversation the missing words. Gircl®) the correct op' What *__just now? 1__ my text messages. How often ?__ check your messages? (Once or twice an hour. My mum 4 _me a message about helping her to wash the car this afternoon, | hate having to help around the house! Do you think robots *_ do all our work for usin the future? I'm not sure. | think we ¢ robots in hospitals and maybe in schools. If we *__ robots in schools, we *__ need teachers any more. ''m not sure about that. We *_ teachers, but we ®__ talk to them on Skype™. you were doing @) were you doing © you doing was checking ‘m checking «check do usually you usually do you do you usually just has sent b has just sent has sent just will b won't © are ‘certainly have —b certainly willhave —_¢ ‘Ihave certainly have b ‘Whave ‘dave will b might not © don't ‘Iidefinitely need might need definitely ¢ definitely might need might have bb might have to © have to (Teta focabulary builder Speaking Girls the correct options. 7 Put the sentences in the correct order to make 1. Sometimes its better to talk face-__-face. a conversation. aon b by Oro Abby sent a very funny text __ last night. Look, a network —b post © message Eva posted a photo of the __ park on Facebook a theme —b summer ¢ guided Don't worry, its not true. I'm only a gossiping b joking «whispering Could you please __ your bedroom? It's a mess. a pickup b setup —¢_‘tidyup tim going _ for clothes tomorrow. Lynn: Listen, | think | can help you. Let's practise @ shopping b getting —€ buying some test questions together. Have you seen the new __on our schoo! wall? __tynn: Don't worry! Of course you will @ sculpture b paint mural _1. lynn: What's the matter Sally? You look worried, Stop __. I can hear you in my bedroom! _— lynn: No, you're not. It'll turn out all right. @ boasting —b arguing ¢_ shouting ___ Sally: I've got a test tomorrow and I'm really The number of students in our school has in worried | won't pass. the last few years. __ Sally: | don't think it vail. It never does, @ goneup —_b kepton —_¢ shown up __ Sally: OKI That sounds lke a good idea Falke torelax and — at the beach for a few | sally: You know i'm really bad at Maths us. a pickup -b getby «chillout Hota Total 9 Total 45 unit 5 Review 55 {O) Get itright! Unit5 will, might/may + adverbs of possibility 1 Graothe correct options. During my trip to London .. 1 I might going /(gQ/ went to an art gallery. 2 Iwill visited / visiting / visit my uncle. 3. I might sent / send / sending some postcards. 4 | will buying / buy / bought some souvenirs. 5. I might take / taking / took a boat trip. 6 Iwill phoning / phone / phoned my parents every day. First conditional Remember that: ‘+ we use if + subject + the present simple in the actionssituation clause if 'm late, ! will send you a text. + we use williwon’t + infinitive to talk about the consequences of the action/situation ¥ if fe fate, | will end you a text, X Flam late, +send you a text ‘© We don't use willfwon't in the same clause as if. Y if fm late, | will send you a text Xf /eil-be late, | will send you a text. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets and will if needed. 1 If|__find___ (find) the information, | willeall (call) you 2 fl (have) time, | (come) | to see you on Saturday. 31 (meet) you after school if you (want) me to. 4 iflara (be) ill, we (not 0) to the cinema tonight. 5 You (not pass) your exams if you (not work) hard. at the moment/in the future Remember that: we use in the future to talk about what will happen in a period of time that is to come Tablets will be popular in the future, X Tablets will be popular et-the fetere- ‘= we use at the moment to talk about what is, happening now ¥ Smartohones are popular at the moment. X Smartphones are popular etmement: 56 Getit right! 5 3 Find and correct four more mistakes with at. the moment/in the future in the text. complain 4 Are the sentences correct? Correct the incorrect sentences. 1 Rememi a Marcus: Hi Helen, what are you studying wi the moment? Helen: I'm reading about social networks for a school project. Marcus: That's interesting. Do you use any social networks? Helen: Well, at moment, only use them to keep in contact with my cousins. Buta lot of my fiends use Facebook now, so might use it more on the future. What about you? Marcus: Oh, I'm not on any social networks on the moment, but | think the future it will be important for my job the infinitive of the verb is complain; the -ing form is complaining, and the past simple is complained 7 He complained about the noise in the classroom. X He complaint about the noise in the classroom. we use about after complain to talk about things we do not like 7 He complained about the noise in the classroom, X He complained for the noise in the classroom. X He complained with the noise in the classroom. When was the last time you complaint for something? When was the last time you complained about something? Jane is aways complaining about her sister. You shouldn't have complainted! Now they'll be angry. My parents complain about the time | spend on. Facebook, | don’t know whatyou're complaining with Its great here! They complaint for the homework, but the teacher didn't listen + Put the letters in order to make eight fears. a ‘Then write them under the correct pictures. . bd het adkr ceinsst the Foliey. acknss eghhist cansol 37% Complete the sentences with the fears from Exercise 1. 1. Tobey Maguire, the Spider-Man actor, is afraid of heights and tall buildings! 2. The Malayan Blue Krait is one of the most venomous in the world 3. City people often complain that the sing ‘00 loudly in the country. 4 To get to the top of the Empire State Building you have to take two They aren’t quick the total time is 172 minutes. 5 Mosquitoes are the most dangerous in the world as they carry malaria. 6 According to statistics, driving or going by coach. 7 The organisation * without Borders’ makes people in difficult situations laugh. 8 Atnight, when you are in noises sound alot louder than during the day. is safer than + Complete the text about an awful holiday. What a holiday! My dad is terrified of \_flying_ so we went to Spain on a coach ~ 33 hours! The hotel was reat, but we were on the fourteenth floor, My mum) refused to go in the 2 as she's claustrophobic. Luckily the hotel moved us to the second floor and she Used the stairs. had to share a room with my brother. He's scared of 2 so he slept with the lights on, but | couldn't go to sleep. Then the 4 outside woke me up at five every morning! One day, on a guided tour, we had to walk up a mountain path. My dad really doesn’t like § and didn't go up, and my mum decided she heard © _ moving in the grass and went back down. We had a picnic lunch but there were tiny flying ? everywhere. It was horrible! At least the at the circus made everyone laugh. No-one in my family is afraid-of them! Yeo Can you imagine why people are afraid of these things? Write at least five sentences. Use the ideas in the box or your own ideas. [ they bite they move fast you could fall you could crash dangerous they attack imagine monsters _ wear a strange costume People are afraid of insects because they bite and have got a lot of legs. unit 6 57 EEE Language focus 1 be going to / will / Present continuous 1 Giro the correct words. 1 Use will / going to / the present continuous for personal intentions. 2. Use will / going to / the present continuous for predictions. 4% Complete the text with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets. 1've just finished talking to the doctor about snake phobia. He says he !_lbe able to__ (cy help me. Did I tell you that 1? (go) on holiday to the Amazon in the summer Treally need help! There # (be) 3. Use will / going to / the present continuous for snakes everywhere, I'm surel definite arrangements, The treatment # | and it® (be) really diffcutt. in | 2. «& Write sentences about the future. Use will, {he first session we © (90) to | going to or the present continuous. 200 to look at snakes, Ugh! Then the week af 1 I /visit/ my cousin /in July (definite arrangement) the doctor ?__ (take) a snake out I'm goingto visit my cousin in July. of its tank and we ® (take) it in 2. This social network / be / very popular / with teenagers turns to hold it. | think | __(weaf (prediction) gloves that day! (start) on Friday 3. Hugh /sing /a song /at the school concert (definite arrangement) My dad / definitely / not / pick up the spider | (prediction) ee 5. / complain /to the director about the lifts (intention) 6 Harry / post /a Tweet / about the judo competition (intention) 3 %* Complete the conversation with a future form of the verbs in the box or a short answer. be can spend go (x2) not go write leave take a 5 4 kk Answer the questions with will, going to or the present continuous. A: Where '_are you going to spend Easter? B: Karin and |? on an adventure +1 What arrangements have you got this week? holiday. 2. What aren’t you pianning to do in the near ‘A: Fantastic! What activities are there? future? B: Oh, lots! Look, here's the information. But | 3 What do you think the weather will be like . tock climbing. | hate heights. next weekend? ‘A: Oh, wow! There’ saling!* ling? oes { San ee oe Yplore prepositional phrases . ‘oo busy with the other 6% Gre the correct options, activities! 4 My mum's terrified in /@ birds so we can’ So when ?____? have one as a pet. l ‘A: Well, send us some photos. ‘the photos on his Facebook post. B: | don't think we post photos 3. I can't think in / of anything to write about = there's no Internet! But | {a blog post about it when | get back for my blog. 4 Clara say she’s got a phobia but she doesn’t want to share it about / with us. 5 Don't worry about / with taking the lft. It be fine. 1 * QING Listen to Jordan tall jistening and vocabulary 19 about a course he’s attending. What is the course about? Does he feel positive or negative about it? * QDNUA Listen again. Are these sentences true (7) or false (F)? 41. Jordan's phobia started after a visit to ‘the country. F 2. He finally decided to do something after a terrifying weekend. 3 The course was at a hospital, 4 The other people on the course were relaxed, 5. The course helps people lose their spider Phobia in three sessions 6 A therapist talked about why people get phobias. 7 The expert explained two facts about spiders. 8 There are many dangerous spiders in Britain. 9 Jordan is the only person who is going to have hypnotherapy. 10 Jordan is thinking about bringing a pet spider home. -ed and -ing adjective endings 3. % Match the pairs of adjectives with the pictures. aunune -ing adjective. 1 bored / boring terrified / terrifying interested / interesting excited / exciting tired / tiring worried / worrying % For each pair of gaps, write the -ed or a Dowe have to go to the concert? Their music is really boring b We've been on this train for five hours. I’m totally__bored _ a Aaagh! Look at that enormous spider! I'm of spiders. b The rollercoaster was 'm never going on it again. a You went to bed very late last night, Aren't you 2 b_ We've got a new athletics coach. Her training sessions are really ave never been o abig football match before. I'm so b The kayaking trip was very a I think climate change is ‘What a difficult exam. I'm I've failed it . a This article about phobias is very __ b I've got @ DVD about insects out of the liorary. Are you 2 _ that unit 6 59 Language focus 2 Quantifiers 1 * Complete the rules in the table. Write all, | plural, countable or uncountable. 4 ‘i Complete the text with a few or a little, 1 We use too much, not much and how much | with nouns. with nouns. 2 We use too many, not many and how many 3. We use a lot of, some, any, enough, not enough and not any with nouns. 2 & Complete the sentences with the words in, the box. fewmeny not many any (x2) some toomany enough too much much how much 1 __Howmany _ dangerous snakes are there in the world? 2 Ive studied for 10 hours this week but I stil haven't done work. I'm going to fail! 3. Ave there clowns at this circus? Yes? Then | don’t want to go. 4 money have you got? | need to buy this book for school. 5 A lotof people ate afraid of spiders but people have got a phobia of mirrors. I?S very unusual 6 Maybe teenagers spend __ time on their games consoles. 7 ___people get very anxious if they } Can't use their mobile. It's called nomophobia! | 8 Holly sn’t going to come for a walk. She says there are snakes round here. 9 There aren't insects outside now. In the winter they all die 10 haven't got time, but I've got enough to watch the end of this programme, alittle/a few 3 Girela the correct words in the table. Explore opposites 1 Use a few and a little to talk about small / large quantities and amounts. Why do we love horror films? ‘_A few _ people never watch them, but most people like being terrified! We think that?___horroris fun, not scary. A good hhorror film has got? essential ingredients You need * horrible surprises, a lot of scary music, blood (not too much), and of course ‘ monsters, aliens oF zombies You don’t need ‘much money, just mix all these together, and you've got a ‘g00d film! oo x What are the essential ingredients of ... ? Choose one of the things in the box. Write four or five ideas, using quantifiers. Include at least one thing you don’t need. a computer game a comedy programme a good book a perfect birthday party Fora perfect birthday party, you don't need a lot of people, only a few good friends and some great music... ok Complete the sentences with the opposites of the adjectives in the box. lucky bad sensible unsuccessful dangerous old 1. That film wasn’t very ___agad__. Don't go 10 see it 2. The lift isn't very It stops between floors 3. Greg was very karate competition! 4 Eddie's house is really cool. It’s full oF furniture. 5 We went on a skiing holiday but there was no snow! We were very 6 A lot of people think that being afraid of clowns is very But it a real phobia He won the | 2_Use a few/a little with plural countable nouns. | 3_Use a few/a little with uncountable nouns, \|| 60. Units EF eading a 4 Read the text about Janie, What washer 2 >> Match the words in the box with the problem? Does she still have the problem? det ions. Use the words in bole the text to help you. (mind) go blank signal shake faint verb] | re you confidence tip [noun] breathe freeze ‘XAM-PHOBIC? je was a good student. She worked hard in class, you cannot remember anything iid her homework, but she did badly in exams. a feeling that you can do en one day her mind went blank. She froze and something well n't answer any of the questions. small uncontrollable movements of the body shake a small piece of advice take air in and out of your body lose consciousness become immobile gesture or action used to give an instruction “Most people feel alittle nervous before a test. It's pormal, and a few nerves can often help you do well But for some people, like Janie, the anxiety is too ‘¢trong, and it results in physical symptoms which affect {heir ability to think. This is called test anxiety. fest anxiety is when you feel stressed because you have todo well. It can also happen when you sing a solo in a 3 “concert, or play an important match. In extreme cases, «Read the text again and answer the questions. {you shake, think you are going to faint, or your mind {oes biank, like Janie, So what's the solution? 1. Why was it surprising that Janie didn’t do well in exams? Because she was a good student, Many students only study for exams fe BF Ghibstorss ou can reduce tect rede vou 2 wy ‘a few nerves before an exam be a good ‘study more regularly. This gives you confidence, and means you expect to do well Negative thoughts, like I know _ 'm going to fail this exam,’ atfect your confidence =n in yourself, Repeat positive messages to yourself. 4 Why should you get enough sleep, food and 3 Why can studying more regularly help? “Getting enough sleep and exercise? ‘exercise, and eating healthy food before an exam ‘can help your mind work at its best. 5 When should you do breathing exercises? : Calm yourself with breathing exercises ee ee eo 6 How did Janie solve her problem? recognises them as the signal to relax. 4 5: Read the sentences. Do these people Janie already had some good study habits, but she have test anxiety? Write Yes (Y) or No (N). per get enough sleep. She also expected to do 4. ‘I think I'm going to faint!” y ym exams. So she used these tps to hap here, ‘y ac they workel Now she car bolo she ever hed 2 Tm going to bet eal to get 9 good ‘est anxiety. 3. ‘Oh nol | can’t remember anything!” 4 ‘Before an exam, | do breathing exercises to relax. Ea 5 "I've worked hard for this exam. | know I can pass. _ 6 ‘Iknow I'm going to fail. | know it" 5 ck4o& How do you feel about exams? Have you ever had any of the symptoms in the text? Do you think the solutions would work for you? Why?/Why not? Write your answers. unit 6 61 Writing An email to a friend 1 Read Eve's email to her friend about her plans. What is she afraid of? fecha _ HiLena, Itwas great to get your news! (ay news)! The facts that Im aoing to leave Te Sy and move to the country! My parents have bought a farm (9 the photo atached - i's beautiful) andthe truth the idea is that wo Keep cows and horses. It's really exciting, but I'm also worried. >My problem / My news i that Im tariied of large bcs! When | see one | stato shake and fel fant, We went 0 990 the farm yesterday anc "the truth the idea was | couldn't relax ata. What can do? “The fact / The big news is that Ihave to is going to call / is calling us as soon as he knows. Then we ‘will decide / are deciding where ove See Remember that: + We use (not) many and a few with plural countable nouns There were too many people on the plane, X There were too much people on the plane. Y We took a few photos at the theme park. X We took arte photos at the theme park + We use (not) much and a little with uncountable nouns ¥ We spent too much money at the theme park X We spent too many money at the theme park Y We've got a little time before the bus comes. X We've got a-few time before the bus comes. 2. GED tect words ‘many time do you spend on feeae 2_ Did you take much / many photos on holiday? 3. We had a little / a few money left, so we bought ice creams. 66 Get it right! 6 Prepositional phrases 3 Find and correct five more mistakes with -ed and -ing adjectives 4 There wasn't much / many food at the party 5. There were too much / many cars in the city 6 How much / many people came to the match? Remember thal + We use of after afraid, frightened, scared, terrified. ¥ Everybody's afraid of something. X Everybody's afraid from something, ‘+ We use about after worried, embarrassed and excited: Y I'm really worried about my exams. X I'm really worried for my exams. ‘© We use in after interested: 7 Everyone was interested in the article. X Everyone was interested of the article. prepositional phrases in the text. _Bxaryone | know has something they re worred APPLE say mum is ightened for spiders. My sister Jane is scared for flying. My cousin Sally is excited about her school trip, but she’s anxious of travelling. My dog, Bob, is terrified about storms! ‘And me? | am very interested on phobias! Remember that + We use adjectives ending with -edl-ied to describe how people feel ¥ Lam very interested in phobias, X | am very interesting in phobias. ‘+ We use adjectives ending with -ingr-ying to describe how things make us feel Y I think phobias are very interesting. XI think phobias are very interested. + Only people andl animals can be interested, excited, tired, etc ts Add -ed/ied or -ing/ying to the adjectives. Scarlett Johansson is frighten @d__ of spiders He's really worr about his exam. We had a relax ‘afternoon at the beach. They're excit___ about their trip to Brazil The roller coaster was really terrif _ My brother thinks theme parks are bor __ aueune Across 3 Ihate wearing a clothes to school 5 My Science teacher gets anary if we don’t in our homework on time. 7 We couldn't hear the teacher because there was ‘and shouting in the classroom. 9. Our Maths teacher tells us to sit at the back of the class if we don't arrive on | want to wear my own Down 1. Now that ivan is doing karate the from his classmates has stopped. 2 had to write after school, so 1 was late home again, 4 Dad always says it’s important to get good at school, but my gran says it's also important to have funt 6 I can’t believe you got for dropping your book on the floor! 8 Most students are really good at so you never see them do it. ina test, 2 && Write the -ing form of words and phrases from Exercise 1. 1 Bart Simpson does this a lot! writing lines 2. Wilting things on your arm before an exam is a way to do this. 3. We hate this because we have to stay after school. 4 My school starts at 8 o'clock in the morning, so this is hard for me. 5 Noisy students often do this in class. 6 If you study hard, you'll keep on doing this. 3 * x Complete the text. Use the correct form of the phrases from Exercise 1. My granddad was telling me about his school the other day. twas very strict, and if they didn't * wear a uniform they had to go home and change their clothes. Students got 2 for things like not siting properly in cass. He sad he often had to , usually ‘I must not talk in class’. There were physical punishments, 100, if you didn’t arrive * for school, or ® in an exam. Even if a teacher heard you you had to go and see the principal. He also Said there was alot of? bbut no-one told the teachers. What about rewards? | asked. He said the students who always handed in ® the next day and got ®__in their exams sometimes got a boring book at the end of the year. His school was very different from ours! 4 4% How simitar is your school to the school in Exercise 3? Which rewards and punishments do you think are the most effective? Write at least five sentences. unit 7 67 Language focus 1 Second conditional 41 Match the sentence halves. 1 If got detention, 4 2. He wouldn't get good marks _ 3 If students had to write lines at my school, _. 4 They wouldn't get detention _ 5 If you went to school in England, — a. if they did their homework, you'd have to wear a uniform if he didn't cheatin tests. d_ | wouldn't be able to go to my piano lesson fe. they'd probably behave better. 2. 7% Complete the sentences about a school in Singapore. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ifyou_went _ (go) to this school, you dstart (start) at 7.35 in the morning, 2 All the lessons (be) in English if you (study) there: 3 You (not be) allowed to wear earrings if you (be) a boy, 4 fa girl (break) the rules, she = (Get) detention 5 Ifa boy ora girl ____ (not wear) their uniform, the school (send) them home. 6 Ifastudent ___{not get) good marks, he or she (go) to an afterschool homework club. second conditional. Use the verbs in the box, Cee 68 Unit7 4 Complete the conversation with the [be give ask notspend help improve live go ‘A: Oh dear, [failed the Maths exam! | hate Maths! if*___were_better at it, i hours every week on my homework, Its frustrating! B: What about your teacher? She > you if you her, mm sure ‘A: Maybe but shes very strict. My mum wants rme to have a Maths tutor. She thinks if a tutor §__ ime extra lessons, it 5 __ my marks. B: She's probably right. Do you know, if we?______in Singapore, we + toan after-school homework lub every night? Most teenagers there do. [A: Every night? How awfull Complete the sentences with your o ideas. 1 It would be amazing if... gob the best mark. inthe class for my test, 2 wouldn't wear a uniform if...__ 3 wouldn't complain if... —_ 4 would be worried if... —_______ 5 | would cheat in a test if... — 6 | would have more time to do what | wanted if. rte Imagine you were the head teacher at your school. What would you change? Write at least five sentences. 1 & QED Listen to Kesia talking to her dad about her education. What does she want to do? Does her dad agree? Kesia isd) / 16 years old 2. She says she never has fun / doesn’t like the rules at schoo}. 3 She thinks she'd learn more / less if she didn’t {go to school 4 She found out about home education from +the Internet / her friends. 5 Her dad thinks home education would be easy / difficult to organise. 6 With home education you can / can’t study outside the classroom, 7. Kesia would / wouldn't be able to see her friends if she's not at school. 8 Kesia often / never does homework with her friends. 9 Kesia’s dad decides he will talk to her mother / she should leave school now 40. Kesia needs to find out more about home education / university 7 make and do 3 ® Complete the phrases with make or do. 1 _make friends 2 your homework 3 something interesting 4 a phone call 5 amess 6 decisions 7 the right thing 8 a mistake 9 an exercise 10 a noise 4%» Complete the sentences with the phrases in Exercise 3. 1. You have to do your homework or you can’t go to the party, 2 Thate shopping with Liam. It's impossible for him to ‘about what to buy. 3. Can you wait for @ minute? | just need to toa friend 4 Its really easy for Sue to She knows everyone! 5 Idid the wrong homework! | always when | copy from the board! 6 Do you think | should buy Annie a present 10 say thank you for helping me? | want to 7 Look at the kitchen! Why do you always when you cook? & Lets this weekend, like watching horror films at your house, ERE 70 unit7 Language focus 2 Second conditional questions 41 4c Put the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 at/you/ they / prize / you / school, /f/ what / won /a/ give / would / ? If youwona prize at school, what would they aive a 2. you /if / your / detention / tell / you / got / parents / Would / ? 3. If/you/be / rule, / change / would / school / one / could / it / what /? 4 you/ another / friends / Would / went / if / make / quickly / to / you / school? 5. you/ decision, / make / an / talk / wanted / to /IF/ important / you / who / would / to / ? 6 would/ your /fun/do/if/ friends / something / tonight, / what / did / they /? 2 & Match the answers Exercise 1. a We'd start class at 11 o'clock, not 8 o'clock! They'd probably go skateboarding, No, | wouldn't. They'd give me a book and a certificate, Yes, | would. I'm quite sociable would probably talk to my sister d the questions in ouRwNa swans | G 3% Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets or a short answer. ‘A: What kind of teacher "__would you be (you be)? B: What do you mean? A: Well, if? {you be) a teacher, a (you be) strict? B: No,I*__ — definitely not! | pref teachers who don't punish you. A: Well, I'm not sure, What § do) if* (the students not ist to you)? 8: I don’t know. ” (you give) detention? A: Probably, * (the students respect) you less if (you n give) them detention? B: Maybe, yes. But really, * (yo want) to be a teacher? A: Yes," ___. I think I'd enjoy it B: Oh! What ® (you teach) the A: Physics, orobably, 4% Imagine you are home educated. Writ the questions. Then answer them for you. what /study? do exams? where / go? what / be the best thing about it? miss anything at school? Ifyou were home educated, ... what would you st: Id probably study Geography, History and . EXplore phrasal verbs (3) 5 Gres the correct options. | wrote off (ut) all the names carefully before | made a decision. 2. Would you like to try out / on our new computef: software? 3 Small children pick out / up a lot of new words from their parents. 4 {spent hours thinking about it but | couldn't work! out / off the answer. 5. The teacher found out / off they were cheating because they had the same answers Reading 4 & Read Ted’s text about an experiment at his school. What is a ‘secret student’? Did it work at Ted’s school? ‘SECRET You might be the STUDENT’ today! Last year my school tried a new way to get students to behave better in class. I's called the ‘secret student’, and the idea is not to punish bad behaviour put reward good behaviour instead. If your class gets enough points, they get a prize at the end of the year. Here's what happens. Every morning the class teacher chooses a secret student at random — by picking a name from a box. This person represents, the class all day. In every lesson the teacher ‘monitors him or her, and gives a tick for good behaviour or a cross for bad behaviour. At the end of the day, the class is awarded a point ifthe secret student has got more ticks than crosses. The crucial ‘thing about this system is that if you were the secret student you wouldn't know, s0 everyone has to behave well to make sure the class gets a point. The teachers only reveal the identity of that day's secret student if they award a point, but if the student doesn’t get a point their identity stays secret, The ides of the secret student is to make everyone ‘eo! thelr behaviour has consequences for the whole class, not just for them individually It also means students encourage each other to behave: "You could be the secret student, stop talking!’ The teachers also warn students who start behaving badly: ‘Jan, you might be the secret student! Do you want a tick? Then sit down! In the end everybody becames more responsible, and it brings the class together. It certainly worked in my class. Our behaviour was much better and we got 108 points, which was enough for a day at a theme park after our exams, We had an amazing time, so it was definitely worth it Secret Tuesday 25 April Student Henry Cyde 2 %% Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the text. My patents always encourage _me to try lots of different activities must you, If see anyone cheating, they will get a zero! If you can’t come tomorrow, you can come on Thursday I had to train really hard all winter but it was | won a silver medalt They choose the numbers in the Christmas lottery Next week they will the short story competition. Polly, stop hitting Peter! If you don’t you won't go to the circus The expert said that lots of practice is if you want to get better. the winners of %® & Read the text again. Are these sentences true (7) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. 1 Teds school has used this method for five years. F They started it last year ‘The method rewards students for good behaviour, One student represents all the students in the class. Each lesson has a different secret student. The teachers give points for every lesson. Only one person knows who the secret student is The students try to make sure everyone behaves. If you get enough points, you can do something fun. * %% What do you think of the ‘secret student’ idea? Do you think it would work with your class? What would happen? wi ; unit 7 71 Writing A problem page 41 Read the advice leaflet. Who is it for? HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS 1 VY It's hard to change schools and leave all your friends. The problem is that in a new school everything is different. You even get lost going to your classroom! So if you're at a new school, how ‘can you make friends fast? ‘» The most important thing is you "can (Gua) be yourself = don’t try to change your personality to Suit other people. When people discover your personality, they will accept you. + *Think carefully / Make sure about making a good impression. You ?never / should dress in clothes you feel comfortable in but nothing too extreme! Never / Make sure sit alone at the back of the class. ‘Aiways try to sit with other people in class or in the canteen, ‘© You might be nervous, but *don’t / make sure you're nice to people, and ‘don’t / think carefully be rude. Keep smiling and try to look interested + tf you see someone else on their own, you 2 don't / should go and talk to them. They might be new at the school too and need a friend! You *could also / also could try to get involved ‘with activities and join after-school cubs. You might find people who are interested in doing the same things as you. Stay positive and you'll soon make friends! 2. Read the advice leaflet again. Girclo the correct options. 3. Read the leaflet again. Match the questions with the answers. 1. What's the problem with starting anew school? d= aA positive one. * 2. Why shouldn't you change your personality? __ Bb Theyare also alone. 3 Where shouldn't you sit? =e Join activities and go to after-school clubs. 4 How should you behave? —_ 4 Everything is new. 5 What kind of attitude is best? — ___e Smile and be nice. 6 What's the best way to look? — People will accept the way you are. 7 How can you recognise another new student? ~~ g_ On your own at the back of the class, 8 How can you meet people with the same interests? Like you are interested. 72. Unit 7

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