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Health and Safety Management System Document Reference Live Testing 1

Issue Date: 30-Aug-2018

Ambuja Cements Ltd. Health & Safety
Effective Date: 01-Sep-2018
Procedure for Live Testing
Approved by: Corporate H&S

1. Objective

The purpose of this document is to provide mandatory guidelines for undertaking jobs where it is required for
equipment to be taken on local mode be it for trials, testing, maintenance etc. and / or where there is need to
work with live Potentially Energized System (PES). Such activities will be termed as “Live Testing” activities. The
following cases will be considered equivalent (but not restricted) to working on live PES:
a) Test-Out is not possible (i.e. the isolation cannot be verified).
b) Use of a Lock-Out device is not possible.
c) Working on or near high voltage installations and equipment.
d) Situations where vehicles and/or heavy mobile equipment are required to work with close proximity to
overhead power lines.
e) Live testing of electrical equipment/circuits.
f) Commissioning and decommissioning of electrical installations.
g) Excavation, when there is a risk of contact with underground cables.
h) Any activity which needs operation in local mode for maintenance or checking/inspection

Any such live testing activity will require a procedure written and approved by the Unit Manager and a permit to

2. Scope

This procedure applies to allactivities that come under the definition of live testing (as given above) conducted
within ACL premises.

3. Method

3.1 General

• When isolation of Potentially energised system (PES) is not practicable (i.e. the task cannot be
accomplished with the equipment at a zero energy state), working on live PESs must only be authorized
o Cross functional plant team has reviewed that activity and established appropriate control
measures to reduce the likelihood of injury to as low as is reasonably practicable.
o Personnel who are engaged for the particular activity or on the equipment on which live testing
is to be performed are trained (Classroom as well as on job training) and authorised by
concernedHead of department (HOD).
o A permit to work for live testing activityhas been obtained (Annexure 1).
• Any equipment operated in local mode should be considered as live testing activity. CCR will maintain a
record of any equipment that is given by them in local mode in the format as given at Annexure 2.
• Job Responsible must ensure that principle elements for avoiding entrapment, pinch-point, and cut
injuries are mitigated as follows:
o Touching of moving equipment or live part or materials shall be prohibited.
o Predictable circumstances where touching may be required near to live part, moving part or
where chances are there for “Caught in-between” must be identified in advance. These
circumstances should include situations where an abnormal running condition might likely lead

Ambuja Cements Ltd. Confidential for Internal Purposes only – Page 1 of 4

Health and Safety Management System Document Reference Live Testing 1

Issue Date: 30-Aug-2018

Ambuja Cements Ltd. Health & Safety
Effective Date: 01-Sep-2018
Procedure for Live Testing
Approved by: Corporate H&S

to touching. In all such circumstances, controls should include measures like machine guarding
that only allows use of tools at safe distance (2 line of defence), safe working position under
direct oversight of supervisor etc.

3.2 Requirments for live testing

• Each unit will prepare a list of all possible live testing activities based on definition given above and
update the list half yearly / on need whichever comes earlier.
• Person performing live testing task on HT/LT must be authorized (competency assessed and approved
by concerned HOD in writing) andmust have a valid license to work as per state electricity rule with
minimum 5 years of experience in total.
• Person performing live testing task other than electrical HT/LT lines should be authorized (competency
assessed and approved by concerned HOD in writing) and have a minimum qualification of ITI with
atleast 2 years of experience in relevant field. In cases of non ITI, personnel should be authorized
(competency assessed and approved by concerned HOD in writing) with minimum 5 years of
experience in relevant field.
• The area must be barricaded to prevent unauthorized entry and emergency escape must be available
for the workmen with proper illumination. In case job of severe nature emergency services like
Ambulance, First aiders to be remain on site while testing live testing. One standby person should be
deployed to control the movement in the nearby vicinity of live testing equipment/ activity.
• Pre -inspection should be done so as to identify damage in any protection devices (i.e pull chord,
Machine Guarding, warning hooter, Local emergency push button, Tools etc.).
• Job and site specific Risk assessment should be done and work permit obtained.
• Appropriate visible signage to be ensured - Live Testing Tag on the equipment control point/isolation
point and board at prominent position at site so that it is easy to recognize and prevent unauthorized
• All live testing activities must be performed under the direct supervision of Job In-Charge (if job in-
charge is not ACL employee then activity to be performed under the supervision of Job Responsible)
• Job In-charge and Job Responsible must ensure the safety of all personnel before an activity starts. In
case job requires more than one floor(or different locations) proper communication system must be in
• Follow good housekeeping practices i.e., avoid throwing the blown off fuses, residuals of burning
electrical spare parts, residuals of insulation tape, cleaning regent, white silica jelly etc. in work place.
• Insulated tools must be used in case for electrical jobs i.e. approximately 10 times insulation property
than the working voltage for ensuring the safe working at the site.
• The list of live testing activities must be identified, reviewed annually and be approved by Unit head. It
should be documented.
• Fresh permit of work to be issued in each shift or change in Job responsible/ Job In charge/ Job
• Working on live electrical systems with a voltage above 1000V AC (or 1500 DC) is prohibited.
• Make sure that all persons are clear of danger points before re-energizing the system.

Ambuja Cements Ltd. Confidential for Internal Purposes only – Page 2 of 4

Health and Safety Management System Document Reference Live Testing 1

Issue Date: 30-Aug-2018

Ambuja Cements Ltd. Health & Safety
Effective Date: 01-Sep-2018
Procedure for Live Testing
Approved by: Corporate H&S

4. Conduct of live testing

• Job In-charge shall refer list of approved “Live testing” activitiesand. If activity not found in list, job plan
and process will be signed off by Unit Head.
• Job In-charge will conduct the risk assessment before initiating the work permit and identify the
mitigation. He will initiate the permit and prepare control measures to minimise the likelihood of the
• Job responsible and job in-charge should jointly ensure that personnel to be engaged are authorized
and competent (refer section 3.2). They will physically visit the site and ensure all the mitigation
controls are in placed and healthy.
• Job In-charge shall conduct the Tool box talk (TBT) on identified associated hazards and its mitigation
control before commencing the Job.
• Job In-charge and Isolation officer shall provide warning information that Part of equipment are not fully
isolated or locked out and is being “Live Tested” using live testing tag. Also he will ensure adequate
audio and / or visible warning to all personnel in the area before live testing is being conducted.
• During all such activities, Isolation officer will assure and sign offon isolation requirements.
• On completion of live testing the tags and / or boards used during the process must be removed.
• During a live testing if the process is not started within an agreed time after handing over control from
CCR, the CCR will take back the controls in consultation with the Job responsible. In other words, live
testing process will include feedback from job site to CCR as soon as job commences.

5. Emergency Response

• Intimation of live testing activity must be communicated to emergency response team before starting the
work and after the closing of work either by phone or by other communication medium as decided by the
• Job Responsible must ensure the availability of emergency equipment, first aiders and rescue team (if
required) before starting the work.

6. Dispensation

• Any deviation from above procedure will be approved in writing by CMO (Manufacturing)and request for the
same will be forwarded through corporate H&S.

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Health and Safety Management System Document Reference Live Testing 1

Issue Date: 30-Aug-2018

Ambuja Cements Ltd. Health & Safety
Effective Date: 01-Sep-2018
Procedure for Live Testing
Approved by: Corporate H&S

Annexure 1

Live testing permit



CCR Log book for Local control

Request for Local control Closure of Request

Name and Department of Job

Name and Department of Job

Purpose to give equipment in
Permit number (If applicable)

Name of CCR in-charge and

Time at which drive is given

Expected duration of Work

Equipment no./ HAC Code

CCR In charge Name and

Name and Department of
Name & Department of
initiator/ Job In-charge

initiator /Job In charge

in local mode


End Time




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