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Good afternoon to all present here, I welcome you all to the general meeting of Vainqueurs
Ltd. Today we’ll be discussing about employee engagement in the era of artificial
intelligence. So as you all know we are aiming to transform our company according to the
latest era of artificial intelligence. Thank you for joining with us. I request everyone to share
their opinions on this matter.

So, Mr./Ms._______________ can you please explain or give a small introduction to what
employee engagement is about?

It is the extent to which employees feel passionate about their jobs, are committed to the
organization, and put discretionary effort into their work.

It is not same as employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction means how much an employee
is satisfied with his/her work. It does not talk about the commitment towards the work.

Do you think employee engagement is important or necessary in an organization?

Employee engagement drives performance, that is, engaged employees not only think about
themselves, they look at the organization as a whole, they understand the purpose why they
are in the organization and how they fit in. It helps in better decision making. This results in
outstanding performance.

There are 2 primary components that drive employee engagement:

1. Engagement with the organization

2. Engagement with the Manager

Engagement with the organization means how engaged are the employees with the
organization, that is, mainly with the senior management.

Engagement with the Manager is more specific of how employees relate to their direct

Next speaking about when was this concept introduced?

The term engagement in this concept was first termed in an article “PSYCHOLOGICAL
in an academic journal, by William Kahl in 1990.

Thank you, Mr./Ms., _______________________. Next let’s hear it from Mr./ Ms. _______________
about artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is a subset of computer science that focuses on machine-driven
intelligence concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks
that typically require human intelligence. Machine learning, deep learning are all part of AI.


It’s been more than 65 years since Artificial intelligence (AI) was born. From the very
beginning in 1950 till now, artificial intelligence has made tremendous progress. In 1950,
British mathematician Alan Turing published a paper on computing machinery and
intelligence posing the question of whether machines can think. In 1961 Unimate, the first
industrial robot was made, 1964 Eliza, a pioneering chatbot developed to hold conversations
with humans to intelligent virtual assistant Alexa, Microsoft’s chatbot Tay, Alphago. AI has
reached a remarkable progress and has a long way to go.


AI is used in different application domains. Some examples are: Netflix uses past user data to
recommend what movie a user might want to see next, making the user hooked onto the
platform and increase watch time, spam filters, image recognition, voice recognition, virtual
assistants, etc. It spans across many sectors, from medicine to transportation, and across


Thank you, Mr./Ms., ____________________. Can you please share your thoughts about AI more?
Mr./Ms. ____________________.

There are basically 2 types of AI: TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2.

TYPE 1 based on capability are divided into:

 Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI):

This is the most common form of AI. These Artificial Intelligence systems are
designed to solve one single problem and would be able to execute a single task
really well. Example: Siri

 Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):

o AGI is still a theoretical concept.  Currently, there is no such system that can perform
any task as perfect as a human.

 Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI):

An Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) system would be able to surpass all human capabilities.  

TYPE 2 based on functionality are divided into:

Reactive Machines

o Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence.
o Example: Google’s AlphaGo

Limited Memory

o Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a
short period of time.
o Example: Self-driving cars.

Theory of Mind

o Theory of Mind AI should understand the human emotions, people, beliefs,

and be able to interact socially like humans.


o Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence.

o These machines will be smarter than human mind and that’s why that’s still a
hypothetical concept.


Thank you, Mr. /Ms., _______________. Next, Mr./Ms. ______________, do you have any idea why
this Artificial intelligence is gaining more importance nowadays?
First reason is

24 X 7 availability

Machines don’t require frequent breaks and refreshments as like human beings.

That can be programmed to work for long hours and can able to perform the job continuously
without getting bored or distracted or even tired.

Day to Day Activities

If you are using a smartphone, it indirectly means that you are enjoying the AI by knowingly
or unknowingly. We have our lady Siri for iOS devices or Cortana for Windows devices to
help us out.

We also prefer the help from GPS for the long drives and trips.

Digital Assistance

Highly advanced organizations already implemented machines on behalf of humans to

interact with their customers by using ‘avatars’. It is the digital assistants or replicas which
will help to reduce the need for human resources.

Handling Repetitive Jobs

Repeated jobs are tedious in nature. That kind of jobs can be easily handled with the help of
AI algorithms.

Machines can think much faster than humans and can perform multi-tasking to obtain the best

Reduction of Error

Artificial Intelligence helps us for error reduction and increasing the chance of reaching
higher accuracy.

Humans are naturally prone to making mistakes. Such errors are increasingly impactful in
the workplace, but human error in the realm of cybersecurity can have particularly
devastating and long-lasting effects. Such errors can be easily avoided using AI.
Thank you, Mr./Ms. ____________. What is the present situation of Artificial Intelligence?

Mr./Ms. __________.


AI is having an enormous impact on individuals with the smart home, an even larger impact
can be felt in the e-commerce space.

In Banking and Payments

There are few examples where financial institutions (FIs) and payments firms are already
using the technology, how they should approach implementing it, and provides descriptions
of vendors of different AI-based solutions that they may want to consider using.

In E-Commerce

There are numerous applications of AI in retail. Applications include personalizing online

interfaces, tailoring product recommendations, increasing the search relevance, and providing
better customer service.

In Marketing

It breaks down how marketing will evolve as AI automates remedial tasks, and explores how
customer experience is becoming more personalized, relevant, and timely with machine


Thank you, Mr./Ms. _____________. Next, Mr./Ms. ______________, do you think Artificial
Intelligence would help improve employee engagement?


Engaging employees is a real struggle for organisations. Few years back, when artificial
intelligence was not much into practice, organisations have tried out various methods to boost
employee engagement. But there have been no desired results. On-the-job surveys, board
room committees, data analysis and half-baked concepts have been criticised for long as they
do not elicit proper responses and real solutions. Here, the AI has really empowered
organisations to tackle the engagement challenge efficiently.

What does AI contribute to employee engagement?

From assisting employees in their onboarding process to handling records till the exit of that
employee from the organization AI assures to serve the employee engagement and help HR
to retain valuable talent. Now let’s see how AI help employee engagement in an organization:

1. Assessment: AI based solution not only allow the organization to monitor the
employee engagement on a real time basis but also identify certain patterns followed
in employee performance. By doing so they can identify when the employee is
becoming unproductive and can act accordingly.
2. Decision Making: As AI is capable of learning from its own experience, the AI can
contribute its own analyzed information to the organization’s decision-making
process so that the organization can meet the unique business requirements.
3.  AI Can Improve Team Collaboration
In this area, AI can give management freedom from the decision fatigue resulting
from putting together a team that collaborates productively. Using the employee data
gathered from performance and sentiment analysis, AI can recommend which
employees would work best together, based on similar values, to achieve the desired


Thank you, Mr./Ms. ____________. Do you have anything to add on? Mr./Ms. __________.


1. Predictive Analytics and Behaviour Mapping

Learning & Development (L&D) is a major enabler of employee engagement. Using
AI-powered data analytics or predictive analytics, organizations can understand
employees learning and pattern needs and can provide personalized training
2. Responsive & Real-time feedback Tools
Real-time feedback, is a way to understand what’s going on in the employees’ minds,
how are they feeling, what are they talking about the organization, their likes-dislikes
in the workplace, etc. Using AI-powered responsive platforms, organizations can
collect real-time feedback from their employees and address any queries or issues,
without having to go through an entire feedback process that is a time-consuming
task. Advanced AI tools use sentiment analysis to understand employee’s workplace
mood and their general satisfaction with the work and their colleagues.
3. AI-enabled Conversational Platforms (HR Chatbots)
Simply a chatbot is a type of Software that can automate conversations and interact
with people through messaging Platforms. Chatbots can make employee
communications much more interactive and easier. Example of HR chatbot is India’s
first HR chatbot-Jinie.

7. AI-enabled Performance Management Platforms

Forbes suggests that only 6% organizations believe their performance management

process is meaningful. And, the major factors which led to this are workplace biases,
with gender becoming the major bias factor. And, this is exactly where AI-can work
as AI doesn’t care about biases like humans. Also, AI-enabled assessment of
performance happens in real-time, where incentives and rewards for performance can
be handed out almost instantly. As a result, employees are satisfied with their
assessment and are motivated to perform better in the organization.


Thank you, Mr./Ms. ____________.


Technology is developing day by day. So, Organizations are struggling hard to turn to Ai
enabled Solutions which can solve the leading crisis of today’s workplace –Employee

Clear communication is a necessity especially in larger organisations. Success in this area

helps the organisations to achieve its performance objectives and grow towards the company
The process of employee engagement can be automated through artificial intelligence. The
system can provide quick real time feedbacks. It can provide a detailed information about the
challenges faced by the employees at work. All this is true. But there are certain situations
where a work requires human interaction and not automated things. There may be still a need
for human interaction as the system may not completely exhaust all the challenges faced by
each individual.

One of the major responsibilities of human resource management department is staff

development, that is educating and developing the staff for their better performance at work.
Artificial intelligence as an effective tool can be used to train or educate the employees
rapidly and effectively. But this may then further dwindle human connection, which is vital
for staff especially if they are working as a team. So, if the team might feel disconnected
from the organisation. This would then affect their performance at work which might affect
the overall organisational performance.

Artificial intelligence can be used to carry out intelligent surveys, collect feedback in real-
time, and personalise internal communication. Employee engagement is often reduced to
sending out standardized surveys. Now the data collected by Artificial intelligence is only
useful if people can clearly interpret it.


Thank you, Mr./Ms. _____________. Would you like to add on anything? Mr./Ms.


In my opinion artificial intelligence has contributed a lot towards the world but have reduced
human interactions. Despite enormous strides in technology, no machines can replace
humans. Humans embody emotions, and machines lack emotions. Like, we cannot program
emotions in machines nor we can create or install emotions in computers. This article also
mentions that even though artificial intelligence has made our lives easy and comfortable, it
has not improved employee engagement.

As employee engagement is gaining more popularity nowadays, there is a growing need to

understand that certain aspects of employee engagement would remain constant. While AI is
important, but it should not replace every important aspect in the organisation. Some specific
work would require a human touch to do a particular task to be effective. While integrating
AI into the organisation, it should be kept in mind that human interaction should be kept alive
through meaningful dialogues of employees with their managers. Artificial intelligence is not
a bad thing. However, it is essential to understand what the organisation can outsource to
artificial intelligence and what needs human interaction. So therefore, there must be an equal
balance between the use of Artificial intelligence and employee engagement.


Thank you, Mr./Ms. ___________. So, thank you for joining with us, we’ll consider all the
points while taking the final decision. Thank you.

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