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1. S in the s-orbital stands for Sharp ,p in the p-orbital 1.

Sharp, principal, diffuse,fundamental

stands for , d in the d-orbital stands 2. 2 electrons
for and f in the f-
3. 6 electrons
orbitalstands for ---------
2. How many maximum electrons can be found at the s- 4. 10 electrons
------------------- 5. 14 electrons
3. How many maximum electrons can be found at the p-
- 7.
4. How many maximum electrons can be found at the d-
5. How many maximum electrons can be found at the f-
6. Draw the orbital diagram of s with its maximum
electron.------------ 9.
7. Draw the orbital diagram of p with its maximum
10. One subshell
electron .------------ 11. Four subshell
8. Draw the orbital diagram of d with its maximum 12. Nine subshell
electron .------------ 13. 16 subshell
9. Draw the orbitaldiagram of f with its maximum electron. 14. 2
------------ 15. 8
16. 18
10. How many subshell/ sublevel is in the 151 energy 17. 32
level. Name it/them. 18. energy (n), angular momentum (ℓ), m
--------------- moment (mℓ), and spin (ms)
11. How many subshell/ sublevel is in the 2nd energy 19. The first quantum number describes the
level. Name iUthem. shell, or energy level, of an atom.
---------------- 20. Angular momentum. The vector product
describes the rotary inertia of a system
12. How many subshell/ sublevel is in the 3rd energy level. axis.
Name 21. Sphere
it/them.---------------- 22. dumbbell shape
13. How many subshell/ sublevel is in the 41ll energy 23. cloverleaf shaped
level. Name 24. The magnetic quantum number describ
iUthem . ---------------- energy levels available within a subshel
14. How many electrons are there in the 151 energy level? _ yields the projection of the orbital angula
momentum along a specified axis.
15. How many electrons are there in the 2nd energy level? 25. 5 Values
_ 26. –1, 0, or +1.
16. How many electrons are there in the 3rd energy 27. -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2
level? ---------------- 28. 0, ±1, ±2, ±3
29. Describes the spin (intrinsic angular mo
of the electron within that orbital and giv
projection of the spin angular momentum
the specified axis.
30. ms = -1/2 and MS = -1.
31. Erwin Schrödinger

32. A- The Aufbau principle states that elec

lower-energy atomic orbitals before fillin
energy ones (Aufbau is German for "bu
By following this rule, we can predict the
configurations for atoms or ions.

B. Pauli's Exclusion Principle states that no two e

the same atom can have identical values for all f
quantum numbers. In other words, (1) no mor
electrons can occupy the same orbital and (2) tw
in the same orbital must have opposite spins (F
17. How many electrons are there in the 4" energy level? and (ii)).
------------- 17.
C. Hund's rule: every orbital in a subshell is sing
with one electron before any one orbital is doubly
18.What are the 4 quantum numbers? and all electrons in singly occupied orbitals have

19. The first quantum number describes the

20. The second quantum number describes the
21. What is the shape of the s-orbital?
22. What is the shape of the p-orbital?
23. What is the shape of the d and f-orbitals? _
24. The third quantum number describes the _
25. What are the possible values of m1 in the s-orbital?
26. What are the possible values of m1 in
the p-0rbital?
27. What are the possible values of m1 in the
28. What are the possible values of m1in the f-0rbital? _
29. The forth quantum number describes _
30. What are the 2 possible values of ms?
31. Who are the proponents of the quantum mechanics
model? --------------
32. What are the statements of the ff.principles:
a. Aufbau Principle- _
b Pauli Exclusion ------------------
.c Principle-
Hund's Rule --of ---
. Multiplicity- -- ---

I. Find the value of the quantum numbers of the following/

Given (n) (I) (m1) (ms)

3s2 3 0 0 'h,clockwise

6f10 6 3 1 -
5p2 5 1 0 -
7d6 7 2 -2 -
4p5 4 1 0 -

Orbital Notation solutions

Given Orbital Diagram Solutions


6f10 The f-orbitals are unusual in that there are two sets of orbitals in common use.




II. QN to electron configuration


(n) (I) (mi) (ms)

5s2 5 0 0 'h,clockwise

7d7 7 2 -1 -
3p3 3 1 1 -
6f7 6 3 3 'h,clockwise

4p 4 1 0 -

Ill. Explain your answers.

1. Which of the three below is the correct orbital notation of Helium? Why do the two others are
incorrect? Cite the principle it violated.

The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that, in an atom or molecule, no two electrons can have the
same four electronic quantum numbers

2. Put check of the blank after each item if it follows the Pauli Exclusion Principle and put X if it violated the
principle and explain how it is violated.

Whichetectron confi&uration represents a violationof the Pauti exdusion principle?

As you can see, the 1s and 2s subshells for beryllium atoms can hold only two electrons and when
filled, the electrons must have opposite spins. Otherwise they will have the same four quantum
numbers, in violation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle.

3. Which of the following follow the Aufbau Principle, encircle the letter with red pen? Which set does not follow,
give brief explanation why?

Letter D violates the Aufbau Principle. You have to

fill in the one as completely filling the two s
completely before you move over to the two peak.

4. Which follows the Hunds Rule of Multiplicity put ( / ), then (X) and Jf explanation for those
who violated the rule.

You have two electrons in one 2p orbital, but none in the other 2p orbitals. This violates Hund's Rule:
There must be one electron with the same spin in each orbital of the same energy before you can put
two in the same orbital. The electrons in the half-filled 4d orbitals don't all have the same spin.


Solve each problem and write the matching letter on the blank above the answer.


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