Current Incidence and Outcome of The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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OPINION Current incidence and outcome of the acute
respiratory distress syndrome
Jesús Villar a,b,c, Jesús Blanco a,d, and Robert M. Kacmarek e,f

Purpose of review
This article discusses recently published articles reporting the incidence and outcome of patients with the
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). This is a difficult task since there is a marked variability
regarding the methodology of the few, large epidemiological, and observational studies on ARDS.
Recent findings
The review will mainly focus on publications from the past 18 months. We have reviewed new
epidemiological studies reporting population-based incidence of ARDS. Also, we have reviewed the data
on survival reported in observational and randomized controlled trials, discussed how the current ARDS
definition modifies the true incidence of ARDS, and briefly mentioned recent approaches that appear to
improve ARDS outcome.
On the basis of current evidence, it seems that the incidence and overall hospital mortality of ARDS has not
changed substantially in the last decade. Independent of the definition used for identification of ARDS
patients, reported population-based incidence of ARDS is an order of magnitude lower in Europe than in
the USA. Current hospital mortality of combined moderate and severe ARDS reported in observational
studies is greater than 40%.
acute respiratory distress syndrome, incidence, outcome, protective ventilation

INTRODUCTION are not clear. Independent of the clinical disorders

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is an associated with development of ARDS, it is useful to
inflammatory process of the lungs that develops in think of the pathogenesis of ARDS as a result of
response to pulmonary and extrapulmonary insults two different pathways: a direct insult to lung cells
to the alveolar–capillary membrane, resulting in and an indirect insult as result of an acute systemic
increased permeability and subsequent interstitial inflammatory response. Despite ongoing clarifica-
and alveolar edema. Clinically, ARDS is characterized tion of the role of cellular and humoral components
by acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, reduced lung of the inflammatory responses in the development
compliance, and bilateral radiographic infiltrates
with no clinical evidence of cardiogenic pulmonary
edema [1–3]. ARDS usually occurs in previously CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
Madrid, bMultidisciplinary Organ Dysfunction Evaluation Research Net-
healthy patients. Typically, there is a latent period
work (MODERN), Research Unit, Hospital Universitario Dr Negrin, Las
between the insult and the development of the Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, cKeenan Research Center for Biomed-
clinical syndrome, which usually is 18–36 h in ical Science at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s
duration. After this interval, signs and symptoms Hospital, Toronto, Canada, dIntensive Care Unit, Hospital Universitario
of acute respiratory failure are observed. Detailed Rı́o Hortega, Valladolid, Spain, eDepartment of Respiratory Care, Mas-
sachusetts General Hospital and fDepartment of Anesthesia and Critical
assessment of abnormalities in lung mechanics
Care Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
and oxygenation are usually not assessed until the
Correspondence to Jesús Villar, MD, PhD, FCCM, Multidisciplinary
patient is intubated and mechanically ventilated. Organ Dysfunction Evaluation Research Network, Hospital Universitario
Although this condition has been recognized for Dr Negrı́n Barranco de la Ballena, s/n – 4th floor, south wing, 35019 Las
more than a century, it was not until the landmark Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Tel: +34 928 449413; fax: +34 928
study by Ashbaugh et al. [4] that clinical interest 449813; e-mail:
in ARDS began to emerge. The mechanisms of Curr Opin Crit Care 2016, 22:1–6
how a wide variety of risk factors can lead to ARDS DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000266

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Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Respiratory system

left ventricular failure, and severe hypoxemia

KEY POINTS (assessed by a PaO2/FiO2 ! 200 mmHg) regardless
" The global impact of ARDS is difficult to estimate: of the level of positive end-expiratory pressure
demographic, cultural, economical, and healthcare (PEEP) and FiO2. According to these guidelines,
system differences among developed, developing, and patients with a PaO2/FiO2 greater than 200 (but
underdeveloped countries may account for differences !300 mmHg) were classified as having acute lung
in the incidence of ARDS. injury (ALI). Recently, an update of this definition
" Mortality continues to be the most important outcome in (Berlin definition) [3] made ALI no longer a
ARDS clinical trials: current hospital mortality of category, and severity of ARDS is stratified by
combined moderate and severe ARDS in observational PaO2/FiO2 ratio (!300 mmHg for mild, !200 for
studies is greater than 40%. moderate, and !100 for severe) with a minimum
level of 5 cmH2O of PEEP. The Berlin panel made this
" Accurate risk stratification of patients with ARDS will be
important to the success of future clinical trials. addition without testing the effects of various PEEP
levels. However, both definitions have serious
limitations [7 ,8 ]. As the Berlin criteria, similar
&& &&

to the AECC criteria, did not mandate the assess-

and progression of the acute injury to the lung, the ment of hypoxemia under standardized ventilatory
precise sequence of events is still unknown. The risk conditions, the values of PaO2/FiO2 recorded at the
for developing ARDS depends not only on the pre- time of ARDS diagnosis do not provide accurate
disposing clinical condition but also increases with assessment of ARDS severity and outcome [8 ].

the number of predisposing factors. Sepsis, bacterial The global impact of ARDS is difficult to
pneumonia, multiple trauma, and aspiration pneu- estimate. Almost nothing is known about the epi-
monia are the most common predisposing factors, demiology of ARDS in the underdeveloped and
accounting together for more than 70% of cases [5]. developing world, in part because of the lack of
As diagnosis of ARDS is based on a combination resources and actual development of critical care
of clinical, oxygenation, hemodynamic, and radio- across those countries, such as sufficient mechanical
graphic criteria, these criteria allow the inclusion of ventilators and other critical care equipment, avail-
a highly heterogeneous group of patients because ability of arterial blood gases analysis, limited
various types of lung injury can lead to a similar capacity for chest radiography, lack of well trained
pulmonary response. Differences among the ARDS critical care physicians, and available beds. A recent
definition used is apparent in the majority of obser- study reporting the global disease incidences and
vational studies and clinical trials [6 ]. Despite a causes of death in 187 countries, offered little

general agreement on the overall criteria on which insights into the epidemiology of ARDS [9]. Popu-
to base a definition of ARDS, the specific values of lation structure, burden of disease, and risk factors
these variables and the necessary conditions of for ARDS might differ between the developed and
measurements have varied greatly since the original developing countries. Singh et al. [10] performed a
report [4]. A precise definition is necessary since the prospective observational study to examine the
effects on outcome of certain ventilatory and prevalence of ARDS, as defined by the AECC criteria,
adjunctive techniques may vary depending on the in patients admitted during a 12-month period in
degree of lung injury. In terms of prognosis, a uni- a surgical ICU of a large tertiary care hospital in
versal definition of ARDS is necessary for comparing India. From a total of 902 admissions, they identi-
data among studies and institutions [7 ]. fied 67 (7.4%) patients meeting the AECC criteria

for ARDS. Sepsis was the most common risk factor

and the overall hospital mortality was 41.8%,
POPULATION-BASED INCIDENCE OF THE similar to what is reported in studies from developed
SYNDROME Reported data in the USA suggest an ARDS
Owing to the problems inherent to changes in the occurrence rate greatly in excess of that expected
definition for ARDS, there has been a wide disparity from current clinical experience in Europe. The
in the literature on the incidence of ARDS. In 1994, most common figure cited for the annual incidence
an American–European Consensus Conference of ARDS is 75 cases/100 000 population, based on an
(AECC) defined ARDS as follows [2]: acute and sud- internal report of the National Heart and Lung
den onset of severe respiratory distress, bilateral Institute dated in 1972 [11]. Demographic, cultural,
infiltrates on frontal chest radiograph, the absence economical, and healthcare system differences
of left atrial hypertension (a pulmonary capillary between the USA and Europe may account for the
wedge pressure <18 mmHg) or no clinical signs of order of magnitude differences. Li et al. [12] from the

2 Volume 22 " Number 1 " February 2016

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Incidence and outcome of ARDS Villar et al.

Table 1. Characteristics of main prospective epidemiological studies, published since 2011, reporting the population-based
incidence of the acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults
Villar et al. [5] Hernu et al. [16 ] Caser et al. [17 ]
& &&

Country Spain France Brazil

Study period 1 year November 2008– 6 months March– 15 months October 2006–
October 2009 September 2012 December 2007
Study design Prospective Prospective Prospective
Single/multicenter Multicenter 10 ICUs affiliated Multicenter
with one hospital
Catchment’s population area 3 546 629 1 500 000 1 454 000
ARDSa cases 255 198 81
ARDSa cases/100 000 population 7.2 26.3 6.3
Tidal volume (ml/kg PBW) 7.2 # 1.1 7 (6–8) 9.0 # 2.0
PEEP (cmH2O, at baseline) 9.3 # 2.4 9 (5–10) 10.8 # 3.0
Mortality (%)
ICU 42.7 Not reported Not reported
In hospital 47.8 Not reported 55.5
28 day – 35.6 43.2

ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; PBW, predicted body weight; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.
As defined by American–European Consensus Conference criteria or as moderate/severe by Berlin criteria.

Mayo Clinic performed a retrospective analysis of identified 240 patients who met the Berlin criteria
patients admitted over an 8-year period (2001– for ARDS; 197 of them had moderate or severe
2008) in two hospitals serving a US county and ARDS. Caser et al. [17 ] performed a prospective

identified 42 ARDS patients in 2008, representing observational study in 14 ICUs in one region of
an incidence of 33.8/100 000. However, the demo- Brazil during a 15-month period. From a cohort
graphics of that county are not representative of the of more than 7000 ICU admissions, they identified
USA. ICUs in the USA admit many more patients 130 patients meeting the AECC definitions for ALI
than European and Canadian ICUs [13]. According (49 patients) and ARDS (81 patients), representing
to a retrospective analysis from hospitals in six US an overall annual incidence of 10.1 cases/100 000
states, one in five (22.4%) US citizens died in the population when considering all patients, and an
ICU [14], a figure that is greatly in excess of that in incidence of 6.3 cases/100 000 population when
Europe. Most epidemiological studies from Europe considering only the 81 patients meeting the AECC
published in the last decade reported an ARDS inci- ARDS criteria.
dence ranging from five to eight cases/100 000
inhabitants [15 ].

There are only three main prospective studies SURVIVING ACUTE RESPIRATORY
on ARDS incidence in adults [5,16 ,17 ] published
& &&
in the last 5 years, two from Europe and one from In-hospital mortality of ARDS has been high since
Brazil (Table 1). One of them [5] used the AECC the syndrome was first described. Current hospital
definition and two used the Berlin criteria mortality is in the range of 40–50% in major obser-
[16 ,17 ]. Two of those studies [5,17 ] reported a vational studies [5,15 ,17 ,18]. Most common
& && && && &&

similar population-based incidence ranging from predictors of survival include age, type of the under-
6.3 to 7.2 new ARDS cases/100 000 population/year, lying medical condition, the severity of lung dam-
when using the AECC criteria for ARDS or the Berlin age, the presence of extrapulmonary organ
criteria for moderate/severe ARDS. Villar et al. [5] dysfunction, and ongoing sepsis. Survival to home
found that the incidence of ARDS in Spain was in discharge is lowest in patients with severe sepsis and
the range of estimates provided by previous pneumonia and highest in patients with trauma.
European epidemiological studies [15 ]. This figure Approximately 80% of all deaths occur within

is markedly lower than the 26.3/100 000/year esti- 2–3 weeks after the onset of ARDS [5] and only a
mated by Hernu et al. [16 ] in a 6-month prospective small portion of ARDS patients die from hypoxemia.

study conducted in 10 ICUs affiliated with the When ARDS develops in cancer patients, the hospi-
Public University Hospital in Lyon where they tal mortality is above 50%, as reported by Azoulay

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Respiratory system

et al. [19 ] in a recent cohort of 1004 cancer- Their analyses revealed that patients who were

associated ARDS patients admitted to 14 ICUs ventilated with tidal volume more than 6.5 ml/kg
between 1990 and 2011 in France. PBW had a higher ICU mortality, and each increase
Although mechanical ventilation is the most in initial tidal volume of 1 ml/kg PBW was associated
important life support technique for patients with a 23% increase in ICU mortality.
with ARDS, the most important advance in ARDS Mortality continues to be the most important
research has been the recognition that mechanical outcome in ARDS clinical trials [26]. In addition to
ventilation can itself aggravate or cause lung low tidal volume ventilation, some interventions
damage through a variety of mechanisms collec- have demonstrated survival benefits including:
tively referred to as ventilator-induced lung injury higher levels of PEEP [27], early and short-term
(VILI) [20,21 ]. The improved understanding of the use of neuromuscular blockade [28], and prone

relationship between ARDS and VILI has been ventilation [29]. In a recent retrospective analysis
important in designing lung protective mechanical by Amato et al. [22 ], decreases in driving pressure

ventilation strategies to attenuate VILI and improve were associated with increased rates of survival.
ARDS survival. Limiting the tidal volume to However, a prospective, randomized, controlled
4–8 ml/kg predicted body weight (PBW), applying trial is necessary to test the hypothesis that the
moderate to high levels of PEEP and plateau press- targeting of driving pressure below 15 cmH2O is
ures to less than 29 cmH2O, and maintaining the better than the current standard of care. It is import-
driving pressure (plateau pressure minus PEEP) ant to note that the reported mortality rates for
below 15 cmH2O [22 ] represents the current ARDS in randomized controlled trials do not

standard for mechanical ventilation in patients represent true disease mortality. Regardless of the
with and without acute lung injury [23]. The infor- number of ARDS patients enrolled in clinical trials,
mation that ‘normal’ tidal volume in humans is in enrolled patients represent only a small portion of
the range of 6–7 ml/kg body weight [21 ] never patients requiring treatment. The strict inclusion

found a place in clinical practice until the publi- and exclusion criteria eliminate patients with the
cation of the ARDS Network trial [23]. There is now a highest probability of death, the bulk of patients
plethora of experimental and clinical data support- that clinicians are obliged to treat [30]. When assess-
ing the concept that any tidal volume, regardless of ing prognosis, it is essential to enroll patients that
how small, has the potential to damage the pre- will most likely benefit or respond to the interven-
injured lung. A systematic review and meta-analysis tion. Because severe hypoxemia is the hallmark of
of lung protective ventilation for ARDS [24] showed ARDS, it should be crucial for the assessment and
that 28-day and hospital mortality is reduced by stratification of ARDS severity, for assessing the
using a lung protective ventilation strategy with prognosis, and for assessing the response to treat-
lower tidal volume, whereas ventilation with a ment. Significant heterogeneity within the syn-
higher tidal volume or higher plateau pressure is drome exists, and this will continue to challenge
associated with increased risk of death, although the accurate risk stratification and associated outcomes.
independent contributions of these two variables Clearly, the selection of therapy for an individual
cannot be identified. In the short term, the authors patient with ARDS involves both assessment of the
confirmed that the application of protective mech- degree of respiratory dysfunction, as measured by
anical ventilation decreased the number of deaths PaO2/FiO2 after 24 h of routine clinical care, and
by 26% on average. Needham et al. [25 ] examined evaluation of the response to PEEP therapy. Villar

prospectively the tidal volume over time in 482 et al. [31 ] classified 300 patients with moderate/

ARDS patients meeting the Berlin criteria admitted severe ARDS into four clinical subsets based on a
into 13 ICUs in Baltimore from 2004 to 2007. threshold value of 150 mmHg for PaO2/FiO2 and of
Although they did not report the number of patients 10 cmH2O for PEEP. Although patients had a wide
in each category of lung injury severity, and since degree of variability in lung injury severity, the
the overall ICU mortality of the cohort (combined subsets identified by these two parameters showed
mild, moderate, and severe ARDS) was 35%, it is a direct relation to hospital mortality, independent
plausible that the hospital mortality for the sub- of age, sex, underlying disease, or specific therapy.
group of moderate/severe ARDS was above 40%. The investigators found that each subset was
Median and interquartile range for tidal volume associated with a concrete overall mortality, which
in their series was 6.6 (5.9–8.0) ml/kg PBW, increased with advancing lung dysfunction. Thus,
suggesting that an important portion of patients ventilatory management should be focused on
were ventilated with tidal volume more than moving patients into a subset with a better survival.
8 ml/kg PBW. In fact, almost half of their patients As established pharmacologic treatments for ARDS
never received tidal volume 6.5 ml/kg or less PBW. do not currently exist, accurate risk stratification

4 Volume 22 " Number 1 " February 2016

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Incidence and outcome of ARDS Villar et al.

of patients with ARDS will be important to the REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED

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Acknowledgements An extensive review of epidemiological studies performed after the year 2000 with
a special focus on incidence and outcome of patients with ARDS managed with
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0119), and Asociación Cientı´fica Pulmón y Ventilación respiratory distress syndrome by the Berlin definition in a university hospital.
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Mecánica. A 6-month prospective observational study in 10 ICUs of public hospitals
covering a district of the city Lyon. The study did not validate the Berlin definition
of ARDS since the stratification by severity at study entry was not associated with
Financial support and sponsorship mortality.
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and approved by all contributing authors. induced ARDS. The most important point was that survival improved over time.

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Respiratory system

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6 Volume 22 " Number 1 " February 2016

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