Aoac-Tsp 2 3 02

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2.3.02 avoid error that might arise from temperature changes.

Plot A against
AOAC Official Method 958.01 concentration in mg P2O5/mL standard solution.
Phosphorus (Total) in Fertilizers
Spectrophotometric Molybdovanadophosphate Method
D. Preparation of Test Solution
First Action 1958 Treat 1 g test sample as in E, preferably (b), when these acids are
Final Action suitable solvents. (Solution should be free of nitrogen oxides and
(Not applicable to materials yielding colored solutions or solutions
(a) For P2O5 content ≤5%, dilute to 250 mL.
containing ions other than orthophosphate which form colored com-
plexes with molybdovanadate. Not recommended for basic slag.) (b) For P2O5 content >5%, dilute to such volume that 5 or 10 mL
aliquot contains 2–5 mg P2O5.
A. Apparatus E. Determination
Photometer.— Spectrophotometer with 1 cm cells. Analyst must de- Pipet, into 100 mL volumetric flasks, 5 mL aliquots of standard
termine suitability for use and conditions for satisfactory performance.
phosphate solutions containing 2 and 3.5 mg P2O5/aliquot, respec-
B. Reagents
tively, and develop color as in 958.01C. Adjust instrument to zero A
(a) Molybdovanadate reagent.—Dissolve 40 g ammonium for 2 mg standard, and determine A of 3.5 mg standard. (It is essential
molybdate⋅4H2O in 400 mL hot H2O and cool. Dissolve 2 g ammo-
that A of latter standard be practically identical with corresponding
nium metavanadate in 250 mL hot H2O, cool, and add 450 mL 70%
HClO4. (Caution: See Appendix B, safety notes on perchloric acid.) value on standard curve.)
Gradually add molybdate solution to vanadate solution with stirring, (a) Test Samples containing up to 5% P2O5.—Pipet, into
and dilute to 2 L. 100 mL volumetric flask, 5 mL test solution, 958.01D(a), and
(b) Phosphate standard solution.—Dry pure KH2PO4 (52.15% 5 mL standard phosphate solution containing 2 mg P 2O5. De-
P2O5) 2 h at 105°C. Prepare solutions containing 0.4–1.0 mg velop color and determine A concurrently with and in same man-
P2O5/mL in 0.1 mg increments by weighing 0.0767, 0.0959, 0.1151,
ner as for standard phosphate solutions in preceding paragraph,
0.1342, 0.1534, 0.1726, and 0.1918 g KH2PO4 and diluting each to
100 mL with H2O. Prepare fresh solutions containing 0.4 and 0.7 mg with instrument adjusted to zero A for 2 mg standard. Read P 2O5
P2O5/mL weekly. concentration from standard curve. With series of test solutions,
C. Preparation of Standard Curve empty and refill cell containing 2 mg standard after each
Pipet 5 mL aliquots of 7 standard phosphate solutions (2–5 mg
P2O5/aliquot) into 100 mL volumetric flasks and add 45 mL H2O. Percent P2O5 in test sample = 100
Then, within 5 min for entire series, add 20 mL molybdovanadate re- × [(mg P2O5 from standard curve – 2)/20]
agent by buret or pipet, dilute to volume and mix. Let stand 10 min.
Select 2 absorption cells (standard and test solution cells) and fill (b) Test Samples containing more than 5% P2O5.—Pipet 5 or
both with 2 mg standard. Set spectrophotometer to 400 nm and ad- 10 mL test solution, 958.01D(b), into 100 mL volumetric flask.
just to zero A with standard cell. Test solution cell must check zero A Without adding standard phosphate solution, proceed as in (a).
within 0.001 unit; otherwise read A for test solution cell and correct
Percent P2O5 in test sample = 100
subsequent readings. (Choose cell showing positive A against other × (mg P2O5 from standard curve/mg test sample in aliquot)
as test solution cell so that this positive A is always subtracted.)
Using test solution cell, determine A of other standards with instru- References: JAOAC 41, 517(1958); 42, 503(1959);
ment adjusted to zero A for 2 mg standard. After each determination 44, 133(1961).
empty and refill cell containing 2 mg standard, and readjust zero to CAS-1314-56-3 (phosphorus pentoxide)


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