Mid Term Exam 2021 Online

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GC University Lahore

Artificial Intelligence & Neural Networks

Mid Term Examination Spring 2021
Semester: VI TIME ALLOWED 90 Minutes MAX MARKS 20
Note: All questions are necessary and carry equal marks. Question paper is self-explanatory so queries
will not be entertained during exam.

Q. 1: Suppose we have to send an autonomous agent through spaceship to collect 3 samples each from a
different place of the moon and return back after collecting samples. The agent has to decide the place for
collecting sample based upon soil, surface and terrain. Your task is to develop a PEAS description of the task
environment. Then characterize the environment according to the properties in terms of (observability,
determinism, episodic/sequential, static/dynamic). Select an agent architecture (design) suitable for this
domain. (2 marks for PEAS description and 2 marks for environmental properties & 1 mark for agent

Q. 2: Use hill climbing approach to solve following 8-Puzzle (only 1 iteration). The heuristic value of each
state is the sum of Manhattan distance of tiles from its goal position. For each possible movement, write the
heuristic value of the state that results from actions UP (U), DOWN (D), RIGHT (R), or LEFT (L) (if an
action is not possible, write NONE). Then draw the resulting state as a new 8-Puzzle configuration. (You
have to show all calculations, direct answers will be awarded zero marks)

[Start State] [Goal State]

2 8 1 2 3

1 5 4 4 5 6

7 3 6 7 8
Q. 3: Each of the trees (G1 through G5) was generated by searching the graph (below, left) with a searching
algorithm. Assume children of a node are visited in alphabetical order to break tie or to determine order in
case of same level. Each tree (G1 to G5) shows only the nodes that have been expanded. Numbers next to
nodes indicate the relevant “score” used by the algorithm’s priority queue. The start state is A, and the goal
state is G. The possible heuristics that we can use for informed search algorithms are H1 or H2. For each tree
from G1 to G5, you have to mention the algorithm (BFS, DFS, UCS, Best First, Greedy Best, A*, Hill
Climbing) you think have been used to generate that tree.
Q. 4: Following is a map of a building. Your task is to color every room such that adjacent rooms should
not have same color. You have four colors (Red, Green, Blue, and Orange). Use most constraining variable
heuristic for constraint satisfaction. (You have to show all steps, direct answer will be considered as wrong

Best of Luck

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