Rel Ed 4 - Module 6 - Holy Eucharist - Part 2-Merged

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Sacrament of the

Holy Eucharist
Some Additional Catechesis
on the Holy Eucharist
The Sacred Vestments are the clothing used by
ordained persons, or by acolytes and ministers,
during liturgical celebrations.

Cassock Alb Chasuble Cope Deacon’s Dalmatic

& Cotta & Stole Stole

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


 The Cassock is the

close-fitting ankle-
length garment worn
by the clergy and by
laymen during liturgical
 The Cotta is the waist-
Cotta length surplice placed
above the cassock by
the clergy and by
laymen during liturgical
Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The Alb is the long, white

linen garment reaching to
the feet, which symbolizes
the innocence and purity
that should adorn the soul
of the priest who ascends
the altar.
 The Stole is the long scarf
placed about the neck of
the priest, which symbolizes
priestly service and the
immortality of the soul.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


The Chasuble is the

outer priestly
vestment, which
symbolizes the virtue
of charity and the yoke
of unselfish service for
the Lord.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


The Cope is the vestment

worn around the
shoulders and over the
hands by a priest holding
the monstrance.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


 The Deacon's
Stole is the
diagonal stole
used by the

 The Dalmatic
is the sleeved
tunic worn in
place of the
chasuble by
the deacon.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The sacred books are the three books used during
the liturgy of the Church, namely:
1. Missal 2. Lectionary 3. Book of the Gospels

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The Missal is
the book
containing all
the prayers and
rites used by
the priest
during the
Mass, and it is
kept on the

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The Lectionary is the book that contains all the
readings used during the Mass.
 First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, and Second
Reading are read by lay people; while the Gospel is
reserved for the priest or the deacon.
 The Lectionary is kept on the ambo.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The Book of the
Gospels, also called
“Evangelarium,” is the
book that contains only
the readings of the
 It is brought in during
the entrance procession
and placed on the altar.
After the Alleluia, it is
brought to the ambo
for the proclamation of
the Gospel.
Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate
The Sacred Vessels are the vessels used for the
liturgical celebrations.

Paten & Ciborium Cruets Monstrance Thurible &

Chalice Incense Boat

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


 The Paten is the small

plate of precious metal
that holds the big

 The Chalice is the cup

of precious metal,
whose inside must be
gold or gold-plated,
that holds the wine
consecrated at Mass.
Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate
 The Ciborium is
the vessel
containing the
hosts for
distribution to the
 The Cruets are
the two vessels
containing the
wine and the water
for the Eucharist.
Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The Monstrance is the vessel

in which the consecrated Host
is exposed for the adoration.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The Thurible, or censer, is a covered
incense burner swung on chains during the
Mass, procession, and Eucharistic adoration.
 The incense-boat is the container of the
incense to be offered.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The Sacred Linens are the clothes used for the
celebration of the Mass, namely:
1) Altar Cloth; 2) Corporal; 3) Purificator; 4) Pall.

 The Altar
Cloth is
the linen
placed on
the altar
for the

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The Corporal is the linen cloth spread by the
priest on the altar to collect possible drops of
Blood or fragments of Host.
 The Purificator is
the small linen cloth
used by the priest to Pall
dry the chalice.
 The Pall is the
small square of
stiffened linen
used to cover Purificator
the chalice.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The Church Building is the edifice where the
Christian community gathers to celebrate their faith.

1 1. Bell Tower
2. Holy Water
3. Baptismal
6 5 4. Confessional
5. Sanctuary
4 6. Nave

2 3

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The Sanctuary, or Presbytery, is the central part of the
Church where the Mass and other sacraments are celebrated.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The Tabernacle
is the repository
of the Blessed
Sacrament, and
must be kept
 The Vigil Lamp
is the lamp
placed beside the
Tabernacle to
signify the
presence of Jesus
in the Blessed
Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate
The Eucharistic Symbols are the signs used to identify the
real presence of Jesus in the Sacred Species, and are used in
the liturgical vestments, books, vessels, and linens.


& OMEGA Fish


Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


The Alpha and the

Omega are the first
and last letters of
the Greek alphabet,
signifying that
Christ is “the
beginning and the
end” of creation
(Revelation 22:13).

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


The Pelican
represents Jesus,
shedding his blood for
our salvation; since
the pelican is believed
to feed the chicks
with her own blood by
wounding her breast
when no other food is

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

 The IXTHUS is the Greek word for fish and an
acrostic for the Greek words:
“Iesous Xhristos THeou Uios Soter”
(Jesus Christ God’s Son Savior).
 It was popular among Christians during the
Roman persecution to avoid detection.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


 The I.H.S. is the

acronym for the
Latin “Iesus
Salvator” (Jesus
Men’s Savior).
 It was promoted
worldwide by the
preaching of St.
Bernardine of

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


The CHI-RHO is a
symbol made by
superimposing the first
two letters of Christ in
Greek, the Chi (X) and
the Rho (R). Emperor
Constantine saw this
symbol in the sky, and
heard the words “By
this sign, conquer.”

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


 The Latin Cross is an empty

cross, favored by the
Protestants, which reminds of
the resurrection of Christ.

 The Crucifix is a cross with

Jesus on it, favored by the
Catholic and the Orthodox,
which recalls the sufferings
and sacrifice of Christ.

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

The I.N.R.I. is the Latin abbreviation for
“Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum”
(Jesus Christ, King of the Jews), the sign placed
above Jesus’ head on the cross (John 19:19).

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate


The Lamb represents Jesus.

 John the Baptist
addressed Jesus as,
“The Lamb of God, who
takes away the sins of
the world” (John 1:29);
 John the Beloved Saw
Jesus in heaven as,
“the Lamb who was
slain but now lives
forever” (Revelation

Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate

Eucharistic Miracle of

ITALY, 750 A.D.

An inscription in marble from

the 17th century describes
this Eucharistic miracle which
occurred at Lanciano in 750
at the Church of St. Francis.
“A monastic priest doubted Monstrance containing
the Holy Relics
Relic of the wine which
was transformed into Blood

whether the Body of Our

Lord was truly present in the
consecrated Host. He celebrated
Mass and when he said the
words of consecration, he saw
the host turn into Flesh and
the wine turn into Blood.
Everything was visible to
those in attendance. The Painting located in the Valsecca chapel which depicts the miracle

Flesh is still intact and the

Blood is divided into five
unequal parts which together
have the exact same weight
as each one does separately.

Stone tablet from 1631
which describes the miracle

n 1970, the Archbishop of Lanciano and tude that the flesh and the blood are human, and great interest in the scientific world. Also, in 1973,
the Provincial Superior of the Conventual the immuno – hematological test allows us to the chief Advisory Board of the World Health
Franciscans at Abruzzo, with Rome’s approval, affirm with complete objectivity and certitude Organization appointed a scientific commission to
requested Dr. Edward Linoli, director of that both belong to the same blood type AB – the corroborate Linoli’s findings. Their work lasted 15
the hospital in Arezzo and professor of anatomy, same blood type as that of the man of the Shroud months and included 500 tests. It was verified that
histology, chemistry, and clinical microscopy, to and the type most characteristic of Middle the fragments taken from Lanciano could in no
perform a thorough scientific examination on the Eastern populations. way be likened to embalmed tissue. As to the
relics of the miracle which had occurred twelve 4. The proteins contained in the blood have nature of the fragment of flesh, the commission
centuries earlier. On March 4, 1971, the professor the normal distribution, in the identical percen- declared it to be living tissue because it responded
presented a detailed report of the various studies tage as that of the serous-proteic chart for normal rapidly to all the clinical reactions distinctive of
carried out. Here are the basic results: fresh blood. living beings. Their reply fully corroborated
1. The “miraculous Flesh" is authentic flesh 5. No histological dissection has revealed any Professor Linoli’s conclusions. In the extract sum-
consisting of muscular striated tissue of the trace of salt infiltrations or preservative substances marizing the scientific work of the Medical
myocardium. used in antiquity for the purpose of embalming. Commission of the WHO and the UN, published
2. The “miraculous Blood" is truly blood. The Professor Linoli also discarded the hypothesis of in Dec. 1976 in New York and Geneva, declared
chromatographic analysis indicated this with a hoax carried out in past centuries. This report that science, aware of its limits, has come to a halt,
absolute and indisputable certainty. was published in The Sclavo Notebooks in face to face with the impossibility of giving
3. The immunological study shows with certi- Diagnostics (Collection #3, 1971) and aroused an explanation.

© 2006, Istituto San Clemente I Papa e Martire / Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
Eucharistic Miracle of

ITALY, 750 A.D.

The Flesh
and the Blood
of Lanciano
therefore are just
the same as they
would be if
they had been Graph of the electrophoresis of the proteins of the Blood of
the miracle. The profile of the protein fractions from the serum

drawn that
could be superimposed on a standard specimen of fresh blood

The reliquary from the 18th century containing the Host and

very day from

the coagulated Blood, gift of the generous citizen Domenico Coli

a living being.
The muscular fiber cells
The 5 clots of Blood as seen with a
magnifying glass. In the Blood of
the miracle can be recognized all The Church of St. Francis was
the components present in fresh constructed almost 500 years later
blood, and the miracle within the in 1258, above the chapel where
miracle, each of the 5 clots of the miracle took place
Blood weighs 15.85 grams, which
is the identical weight of the 5
clots weighed together ! Histological view of the Flesh

Analysis of the Host.

A vagus nerve Endocardiac structures

The flesh consists of part of the The miracle was the object of
myocardium, more precisely of the several official acknowledgements
left ventricle. The arteries and veins on the part of the ecclesiastical
can be easily identified, as well as a authorities between 1574 and
double, slender branch of the vagus 1886, not to mention most A small lobe of adipose tissue
nerve. At the time of the miracle, recently in 1970, when it was
the flesh was living and then subjected to a scientific examina-
submitted to the law of rigor mortis. tion carried out by professors from
the University of Siena, which
concluded:“The Flesh is true
human flesh (formed by muscular
tissue from the heart); the Blood
is true blood (belonging to the
same blood type, AB, as the flesh);
the component substances are
those of human tissues, normal
and fresh. The conservation of
the Flesh and the Blood, left in
Cubical lattice in gold-plated
their natural state for twelve
cast iron in which the relics were
centuries and exposed to the
preserved for almost 266 years,
influence of atmospheric and
today returned to the Valsecca
biological elements, remains an
family chapel
extraordinary phenomenon”
(The Linoli Report 4131971).
An antique painting depicting the Miracle

© 2006, Istituto San Clemente I Papa e Martire / Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
Eucharistic Miracles of 1

ARGENTINA, 1992-1994-1996

My1 F2le2sh1 is r3e2al

The parish of Saint Mary
food and my1 Blood
in Buenos Aires has been
the protagonist of 3 Eucharistic is r3e2al dr3ink2.
Miracles that occurred in
1992, 1994 and 1996.
Professor Ricardo Castañon
Gomez was called by the then
Archbishop of Buenos Aires,
none other than the current
Pope Francis, to analyze
the Miracle that occurred
on August 15 of 1996.

Photo of the sample fragment

of Host which bled in 1992

Professor Castañon Gomez
shows one of the fragment
samples of the Host which
transformed into flesh in 1992

n 1992, after the Mass of Friday May 1,

while preparing the Eucharistic reserve, a
Eucharistic minister found some pieces of
consecrated Host on the corporal. Following
what the Church prescribes to do in these situa- Sample of the Host which transformed into blood in 1996
tions, the priest had them put in a vessel of water,
which was then placed in the tabernacle to wait
for them to dissolve. In the following days, several
It is possible to receive information on the Miracle every 3rd Friday of the
priests went to check it and they realized that month from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM and every 4th Saturday of the month
nothing had changed. Seven days later, on Friday, at 11:00 AM. Parish of Saint Mary, Av. La Plata 286. Buenos Aires.
May 8, they opened the tabernacle and saw that
the Host fragments had become a reddish color ning along its side. On August 15, 1996, during Photo which shows Professor Castañon Gomez as he begins to investigate
that looked like blood. The following Sunday, the Mass of the Assumption of the Most Holy the miracle and interviews the priests who were direct witnesses of the
events. They confirmed that there had been also two pieces of consecrated
May 10, during the two evening Masses, several Virgin, a consecrated Host, which fell to the Host that had bled in May of 1992. They had put them in distilled water,
small drops of blood were noticed on the patens ground during the distribution of Communion, which unfortunately is the worst way of preserving something. They had
then asked a lady parishioner who was a chemist, to analyze the bleeding
with which the priests distributed Communion. had to be placed again in a vessel of water so it Host. The lady doctor discovered that it was human blood and that this
On Sunday, July 24, 1994, during the children’s would dissolve. A few days later, on August 26, a presented the entire leukocyte formula. She also said of being very surprised
in having found active white blood cells, which normally are around only
Mass, while the Eucharistic minister took the pix Eucharistic minister opened the tabernacle and in the presence of an infection. The lady doctor however was not able to
from the tabernacle, he saw a drop of blood run- saw that Host had transformed into Blood. perform the genetic examination since in those times it was not easy to do.

© 2006, Edizioni San Clemente

Eucharistic Miracles of 2

ARGENTINA, 1992-1994-1996

This is the account given by

Professor Castañon regarding
the Eucharistic Miracle that
occurred in 1996 still in the
Parish of Saint Mary: The then archbishop of Buenos Aires,
Cardinal Bergoglio, with Doctor Castañon Gomez
“On August 15, 1996, a faithful and some priests of the Parish of Saint Mary.

received the consecrated Host in

his hands to take communion but
he let it inadvertently fall to the
ground and thought not to pick
it up because it seemed “dirty”
to him. Another person, more
pious, noticed what had happened,
picked it up and placed it apart
immediately informing the priest,
Father Alejandro Pezet. The priest, Tabernacle at the Church of Saint Mary
where the Relic of the Miracle is preserved
following the directives of the
Church in these circumstances.
put the Host in a vessel full of water
which he placed in the tabernacle

awaiting that it would dissolve.”

The relic of the Host that transformed into flesh Father Alejandro Pezet, protagonist
in 1996 at the Parish of Saint Mary in Buenos Aires in the Miracle that occurred in 1996.

n August 26 the tabernacle was re- blood there is a variety of white blood cells with Ratzinger. On October 21 I went to the Forensic
opened to get the vessel with the specific characteristics. The priests, in the first mi- Analytical genetics laboratory in San Francisco, which
fallen Host, and it was observed that racle, had asked one of their lady parishioners who was supposed to perform the analysis of the samples
it was not dissolved and showed several was a chemist to analyze the bleeding Host. She that I had brought. On January 28 of 2000 they
reddish stains that became larger each day. The priests discovered that it was human blood and that it pre- found some fragments of human DNA in the sam-
of the parish went immediately to the Archbishop of sented the entire leukocyte formula. She was very sur- ples, it was human blood that contained the human
Buenos Aires to recount what had happened. It was prised to observe that the white blood cells were genetic code. In March of 2000 I was informed that
decided to wait before proceeding with the investiga- active. The lady doctor could not however do the ge- also the famous legal histopathologist Dr. Robert
tions and in 1999, after the Archbishop was made netic examination since at that time it was not easy to Lawrence, one of the top experts in tissues, would par-
aware of the fact that I was performing for free these perform it. I brought a sample from the 2 Hosts ticipate in this analysis. I feared for the participation of
scientific investigations, he entrusted me to take up which had bled, before the archiepiscopal notary who Dr. Robert Lawrence because this would have requi-
the case. On October 6, 1999, I went to Buenos Aires certified the legality of that action, as requested by the red some substantial costs which I would have had to
and interviewed the 5 priests’ witnesses of the event authorities of the Church in Argentina. I would like to bear myself, but I was told that they desired his colla-
who told me that there had been another consecrated point out that before inviting me, the then Archbishop boration because in the samples they had found some
Host which had bled in May of 1992. They had put of Buenos Aires had already contacted the Holy substances which resembled human tissues. Dr.
it in distilled water which is the worst way to preserve See to ask for references about me. These were given Lawrence studied the samples and found in them
something and for this I was very concerned. Everyone by H.E. Most Rev. Gianfranco Girotti, who then was human skin and white blood cells. In December of
knows that when one draws blood it is possible to under-secretary at the Congregation for the Doctrine 2000 Dr. Lawrence told me that he could have
obtain the leukocyte formula (white blood cells). In of the Faith, and direct collaborator of Cardinal obtained other samples of DNA.”

© 2006, Edizioni San Clemente

The Eucharistic Miracles of 3

ARGENTINA, 1992-1994-1996

Pulmonary Artery

“In 2001 I went with my Aorta

Pulmonary Vein

samples to Professor Linoli Right Atrium Left Atrium

who identified the white blood

cells and said to me that most Right Ventricle Left Ventricle

probably the samples corresponded Muscle of the Myocardium

It is important to note that if blood is drawn from a person, after 15
to heart tissue. The results minutes the white blood cells disintegrate. Thus it is absolutely
unexplainable from the scientific point of view that in 2005 white

obtained from the samples blood cells were found in the sample of 1996. This demonstrates
that the heart had dynamic activity at the instant in which the sam-
ples were collected.
were similar to those of the
studies performed on the Host
of the Miracle of Lanciano. On August 15,1996, Father Alejandro Pezet picked up from the
ground a consecrated Host that he placed in the tabernacle after put-
In 2002 we sent the sample to ting it in a vessel with water to make it dissolve. When on August 26
he reopened the tabernacle he found that it looked covered by a red-
Professor John Walker at the dish substance.

University of Sydney in Australia Professor Zugibe confirmed that the sample corresponded to muscle of the
heart, of the myocardium, precisely the left ventricle and that the patient to
who confirmed that the samples whom it belonged had suffered a lot because it showed some thrombi which
indicated that at certain moments he could not breathe for lack of oxygen
showed muscle cells and intact and every aspiration had been very painful. According to the Professor the
patient had been struck at the height of the chest. Moreover the heart
showed dynamic activity (alive) at the instant in which it was brought into
white blood cells and everyone the laboratory, since intact white blood cells that are transported only by the
blood have been found; this confirmed that the sample was pulsating.
knows that white blood cells
outside our body disintegrate When Professor Zugibe Also Doctor John Walker, pro-

after 15 minutes and in this became aware that the sample

came from a consecrated Host,
fessor at the University of
Sydney, in Australia, studied the
he exclaimed: “I do not believe sample without knowing from
case 6 years had already passed.” it” and he was greatly moved.
He himself had shown in a
where it came and concluded
that this was a sample of human

book the case of one of his pa- skin which contained also On March 2 of 2004, Professor
tients who presented the same muscle cells and that intact Frederick Zugibe of New York,
lesions of the sample that was white blood cells were observed at Columbia University, the In 2001 Professor Edoardo
brought to him. Doctor in it (we must underline that the preeminent expert in forensic Linoli in Italy, the same one who
Zugibe confirmed that at the white blood cells disintegrate medicine of the heart, received analyzed the Miracle of Lancia-
moment in which he had been after 15 minutes outside our the sample without knowing no, confirmed that this was not
given the sample to analyze, it body and here 6 years had passed that it came from a consecrated skin but probably a fragment of
showed vital activity. and they had stayed intact). Host which had bled. tissue of the human heart.

n September of 2003 I went again to lot?’ He answered me: ‘Because your patient has dium is the muscle that gives life to the whole heart
Professor Robert Lawrence who con- some thrombi, at certain moments he could not and to our body. Rightly a theologian made me note
firmed that in the light of the new investi- breathe, oxygen did not reach him, he labored and that the fact that it was really the myocardium, was
gations one could conclude that the sample suffered much because every aspiration was painful. not casual but it concealed a symbolism. The Lord
could correspond to the tissue of an inflamed heart. Probably they gave him a blow at the level of the in this miracle wanted to show us his myocardium,
The studies therefore had demonstrated that these chest. Moreover the heart showed dynamic activity which is the muscle that gives life to the whole heart,
tissues were of an inflamed heart: this meant that the (alive) at the moment when you brought me the just as the Eucharist does with the Church. And why
person to whom they belonged must have suffered a sample.’ ‘Why, I ask him?’ ‘Because we found some the left ventricle? Because from it comes the purified
lot. To clarify our doubts, on March 2, 2004 we intact white blood cells and white blood cells are blood and Jesus is the one Who purifies his Church
went to the greatest expert in cardiac pathologies and transported only by the blood and thus if white from her sins. ‘Doctor - Professor Zugibe said to me
forensic medicine of the heart, Professor Frederick blood cells are here it is because at the moment in again, at the moment in which you brought me this
Zugibe of New York, at Columbia University. The which you brought me the sample it was pulsating.’ sample, this heart was alive!’ His report was sent out
professor however did not know that the sample I The professor then asked to whom this sample be- on March 26, 2005, 5 years and a half after the start
had brought to him came from a consecrated Host. longed and when we told him that it came from a of the studies and the conclusions were: ‘They are
‘The sample which you brought me - Professor consecrated Host he exclaimed: ‘I do not believe it.’ tissues of the heart, undergoing degenerative changes
Zugibe said to me - is the muscle of the heart, of the He was greatly moved. The same professor had of the myocardium and these changes are due to the
myocardium, it is precisely the left ventricle’ and he shown to us in a book the case of one of his patients fact that the cells are inflamed and it is the left ventri-
confirmed that my patient had suffered a lot. Then I who showed the same lesions, similar to those of the cle of the heart.’” On March 17, 2006 I brought the
asked him: ‘Doctor, why has my patient suffered a sample that we had brought to him. The myocar- results to Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio.

© 2006, Edizioni San Clemente

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