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The Truth Lies in Between

I wait in line to get to the booths waiting for the first time I get to vote. A lot of the other

people in line are mostly normal looking. But there are some people that are different. One is a

very fat man wearing denim overalls who is on a mobility scooter. He is talking to a skinnier man

who looks like the most generic backcountry hick you have ever seen. They are talking about

who they’re going to vote for. I notice as they talk they are talking in very simple words almost

as if their vocabulary is that of a five year old.

“My only vote goes for Trump” the skinnier one says. “Yeah, that Biden is a very bad

person.” says the Fat one. They point over to a black man who is wearing a normal t-shirt and

jeans. “Look at that n*****r” scoffed the skinnier one “ I can’t believe they allow those to vote.”

After hearing this I was taken aback. I couldn’t believe that people were still saying stuff like that.

I decided to stop listening so as to not get angry and try to say something. I see a group of girls

behind me. They all have different colored hair and contacts to make it look like they have

heterochromia. Honestly the best way I could describe what they were wearing is that you’d

think they were in a circus.

“Look at all these right wing scum,” says a girl with green hair, “they all probably would

look at Trump and get hard ons.” “Yeah,” says another girl with pink hair, “and of course they’re

all white males, they’re all just part of the patriarchy.” “I bet they all think they’re so cool” says a

girl with blue hair, “they should know that we are the righteous ones. Look at all of them with

their mouths open and drooling. (no one was drooling) They’re not even worth our thought.”

After hearing this I think to myself of how horribly prejudiced that was. It is starting to

come clear to me that everyone is prejudiced against everyone else, and it seems they all out to

get each other, and tell the other they’re wrong. Wouldn’t it be better to try and understand each

other and come to a compromise. As I think these things over I finally get to the front of the line

and are told to go inside the voting room. It is very quiet and there are a lot of supervisors to
make sure people aren’t peeking. I noticed the two racists that were in front of me in their

booths. I am then told to go to my voting booth. I go there and pick from the two radically

different candidates, and I don't even like both of them.

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