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Mock Questions

Instructions: These mock MCQs should give you a fair idea of what
you can expect in the test. The options here will also contain
explanations as to why an option is incorrect. If you happen to select
the correct option in the first go (well done!), we suggest that you
select the other options as well to understand why they are also correct
or incorrect.
1. Select all options that do NOT have grammatical errors.

a Yoda uses these studies as lens to examine key periods in the literary history of Japan.

b. Like the book title indicates, national literature is a part of Philippines’ building of its

c. A million people visits this shrine every year to pay homage to soldiers who laid their life
for the country.

d. Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world.

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2. In which of the following sentences have prepositions been used CORRECTLY?

a. We examined the effects for socioeconomic status on social anxiety after controlling for
age, marital status, and sex.

b. A limitation of the present study is that a large number in patients dropped out after
initial follow-up.

c. Only the experimental group in the study showed a decrease in symptoms.

d. The participants were expected to show empathy in their peers.

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3. Select all sentences that are NOT grammatical? (Read the question again. Unlike the
previous questions, here you are being asked to identify sentences that have errors.)

a. We used a multiple logistic regression to test this hypothesis.

b. This study examines the relationship between psychological well-being on motor skills.

c. The findings revealed significant main effect of time.

d. The labor turnover in Bendel Brewery is higher than Guinness Brewery.

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4. Which of these sentences are free of word choice-related errors?

a. Inappropriate treatment of diabetes leads to undesirable complications such as

nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy.

b. One of the objects of diabetes management is to ensure that an individual with diabetes
lives just as long as a healthy individual.

c. Glyburide exerts undesirable peripheral effects as hypoglycemia and weight gain.

d. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing throughout the entire world.

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5. Which of the underlined words are used CORRECTLY in the passage below?

The most dramatic natural factor effecting the outcome of a chemical reaction is
temperature. Several investigators have found that warm temperatures often
accelerate chemical reactions, leading to high yields. Even in the simplest case,
the rate undergoes an exponential increase with temperature. In 1889, Arrhenius
derived an equation for the temperature dependence of reaction rates for simple
reactions, and it is being used even today in chemical kinetics. The persistence
of a catalyst may also be a major promoter of the reaction progress.

a. effecting

b. warm

c. derived

d. persistence

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6. Which of the following sentences has NO grammatical errors?

a. This research focus on the assessment and management of water resources in this region.

b. Studies on snow depth calculation have been conducted in past few decades.

c. FT-IR spectra were recorded for examining the chemisorption on the surface of Ag-coated Cu
flakes and identify the needle-shaped particles.

d. The midpoint rule has roughly the same computational cost as that of the variational

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7. Pick all options that do NOT need revisions.

a. Jerusalem is sacred to Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, and is a destination for pilgrimages.

b. In the sample size, 200 trainees and 30 instructors from among 10 different governmental and
nongovernmental organizations were used.

c. The rapid mobile technology progress has contributed significantly to the mobile technology

d. In the UAE tertiary institutions, for students, we investigate the perceived barriers that are an
obstacle to e-learning.

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8. [COMPREHENSION] Pick the CORRECT interpretation(s) of the last sentence in the
following passage:

Kumauni is a lesser-known Indian language of the Indo-Aryan language family bearing the
language code ISO 639-3. It is spoken mainly in the sub-Himalayan regions of India. Having
failed to attract thorough linguistic lime light, it faces anonymity.

a. Kumauni is the least important of the Indo-Aryan languages.

b. Kumauni is spoken by people who are not well documented by linguistics and are hence
largely unknown.

c. Since Kumauni has not received any scholarly attention, very little is known about this

d. Kumauni is on the verge of becoming extinct.

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9. [COMPREHENSION] Which of the following statements contain errors?

a. Tannic acid has no effect on blood glucose levels, but it has been reported to have lipid lowering
action, antioxidant potential, and hypoglycemic properties.

b. Glibenclamide is an antidiabetic drug that catalyzes insulin from pancreatic cells by inhibiting
ATP-sensitive K+ channel activity.

c. In vertebrates, melatonin secretion is regulated by norepinephrine-mediated activation of beta-1

adrenergic receptors

d. Tannic acid is water-soluble polyphenol present in different plants such as tea, coffee, red wine,
and many plant foods.

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10. [COMPREHENSION] Read the passage and identify the CORRECT/LOGICAL
statements from the alternatives below.

This study gets wind direction/speed by a multicopter hovering at a specific place. In the case
of a multicopter, flight occurrence is due to the power of its rotors, and different from
measurements using a fixed wing plane and Pitot tube, sensor that are attached outside,
large errors occur due to the turbulence. This drawback is made up by onboard sensors such
as Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Global Positioning System (GPS), etc., and the wind
direction and strength are estimated.

a. A fixed-wing plane and Pitot tube use external sensors to take measurements.

b. Flight may occur in a multicopter owing to rotor power.

c. This study uses a multicopter capable of hovering in a specific place in order to estimate the
wind direction/speed.

d. Onboard sensors such as Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), Global Positioning System
(GPS), etc., are disadvantageous.

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