Case Study - Help Document

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I. Defini on of K-12 Sector

II. Guidelines to conduct Secondary Research
III. Guidelines to write short note
IV. Guidelines to submit

I. Definition of K-12 Sector

● Types of companies which belong as well as do not belong to K-12 sector
● Pre-defined Categories within K-12 sector (explana on given with examples)

1. Companies that belong to K-12 sector

K-12 sector includes companies which cater to
- Kindergarten to 12th Grade students, Teachers, Parents, and Administrators
These companies provide online courses, educa onal resources, learning pla orms, management
solu ons and teaching resources.

2. Pre-defined categories
Category Category Definition companies
Students Learning Companies providing online courses, educa onal
resources, learning games etc for students
Teachers Companies providing teaching tools, networking
Development pla orms and cer fica on programs/courses that help in
the professional development of teachers
Learning Platform Companies providing learning solu ons to schools
for Schools helping them improve the learning outcome of children.
School Companies providing pla orms to manage different
Management administra ve ac vi es to schools

3. Example of a K-12 company and the category it belongs to Company website says that they are providing math board games and worksheets
for grade 1-5. As the company is targe ng 1st to 5th grade and providing learning solu ons for
students. It is In-Scope of K-12 and it should be assigned to “Student Learning ” category

4. Companies that don’t belong to K-12 sector

1. Companies which are selling products such as sta onery items, school bags, and books for kids
online or offline.
Example - : A publica on house which provides school level course books.
2. Educa onal loan providers.
Example - : Educa on loan lending pla orm which provides educa on loans for
private school educa on.
3. Tradi onal school chains, coaching classes.
Example - Professionally managed chain of tradi onal K - 12 schools
4. Companies which are not targe ng K-12 segment.
Example - Company providing solu ons to graduates for GATE exam prepara on
5. Companies offering services such as so ware development, app development and consul ng
services to schools.
Example - srdsso - Company offering so ware development services to schools
II. Guidelines to conduct Secondary Research
Secondary research can be done as follows:
● Read all pages of the company website like Homepage, About us, products, services etc.
● Google search about the company to check latest updates, news, team informa on
● Search on the LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media handles of the company

III. Guidelines to write short note

Write about following points -
● Primary business of the company. What does the Company do?
● What is unique about the company's offerings or products?
● Factual informa on, if available, like revenue, geographies, clients,investors etc.

IMPORTANT: Please do NOT copy paste any descriptions from company website or any other
sources. Write in your own words. The idea is to translate the understanding developed during
the secondary research into a short paragraph. Any submissions found NOT complying with
this will be directly rejected.

An example short note is given below to help you write the other 5 correctly STEM Premier is an online pla orm that helps students connect with
colleges and companies looking for right talent in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathema cs. It allows students to create their profile showcasing their skills and experiences
which are then discovered by various schools and companies. It works on freemium model,
where signing up is free for students however premier level membership gives access to
scholarship opportuni es. It provides ra ngs and rankings to students’ profile and gives guidance
to students to make their profile more visible through providing compara ve data.

IV. Guidelines to submit

Open the a ached MS excel file “Submission Document” in the email. It contains list of 30
companies. Complete the following assignment:
1. Part 1 - Classifica on into categories
a. Iden fy if the company belongs to K-12 sector or it doesn’t
b. If the company belongs to the K-12 sector then iden fy the category it belongs to
(drop down of the list of categories is provided in each cell)
2. Part 2 - Short Note: Write short note for 5 companies which belong to K-12 sector

Send the MS excel file back to the same email from which you received the case study.


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