Worksheet 2.1 Kayla Marie Cago Bsed 3A

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Worksheet 2.

Kayla Marie Cago BSEd 3A

Topic: Speech Communication Forms

1. What are the four basic types of Speech Communication forms? Explain each comprehensively
and provide concrete examples.
The four basic types of speech communication forms are to inform, to instruct, to
entertain and to persuade. Informative is to provide information such as having
symposium about teenage pregnancy. Demonstrative speech is about teaching you
something like how to save money. Entertaining speech is about giving an audience a
pleasure and enjoyment, like for an example, a
2. What are the 3As that contribute to successful speech delivery? Explain each comprehensively.
Authenticity engages- it talks about getting know yourself first before engaging to public
speaking. As a speaker you need to be true to yourself before seeking advice to other
people. You have to be authentic on your words before you inspire others.
Awareness- As a speaker it’s important to know your audience. Things may go
unplanned but if we can’t overcome it, we must join them.
Audacity- speaking in public is terrifying because we fear of being judged. One must
have the audacity to step out of the comfort zone, to be heard and be seen.
Worksheet 2.2

Kayla Marie Cago BSEd 3A

Topic: Conditions for Successful Communication

Direction: Enumerate various conditions for a successful communication. From the different conditions,
choose one (1) and explain its importance in a communicative situation.

The following are the conditions for a successful communication:

The Speaker

1. When the speaker can clearly perceive the nature of the problem or the topic at hand;
2. When he/she applies his/her knowledge to help bring about the objective;
3. When he/she makes intelligent plans for the event;
4. When he/she can express his/her thoughts in the most effective language; and
5. When he/she act and think logically under pressure, the last one particularly significant in public

The Listener

1. The listener must be physically, mentally and emotionally prepared to listen to the speaker’s
2. He/she must study the strengths and weaknesses of the speaker’s message before reacting to it.
3. He/she must respond to the message when given the opportunity by asking questions or by
acknowledging some information.
4. He/she must be able to recall facts, names and ideas when needed.

Both Speaker and Listener

1. There must be some commonalities in their experience and background.

2. The speaker must have a certain degree of credibility to hold the attention of his listeners.
3. Power and status relate closely to each other and affect the manner in which listeners think and
behave in each other’s presence.
4. Stimuli from the speaker in the form of nonverbal clues, should reinforce the message rather
than draw away from the verbal communication.
5. The message must be adapted to the listeners in terms of subject matter, substance, structure,
and style.

Communication is a two-way street. Both speaker and listener are important in communication.
In order to have an effective communication, both speaker and listener must share the similar
knowledge, culture and experiences which they can relate to each other and can share their
opinions. In that way, their conversation will flow smoothly and naturally.
Worksheet 2.3

Kayla Marie Cago BSEd 3A

Topic: Communicative Situation

1. What are the elements of a communicative situation?

The elements of communicative situation include the sender, the message, receiver,
channel, noise, feedback and context. The sender is the source of information with the
purpose of passing the message to others. The person whom to receive the message is
the receiver which was passed through a channel/ medium where the message is
transmitted. The noise is an interference in communication that can cause
misunderstanding and context where communication takes place.

2. What happens in a communicative situation? Describe the processes involved.

In a communicative situation, there’s an interaction between people where they share
information. The sender
3. What factors can affect the processes in a communicative situation?
Unit 3

Worksheet 3.1

Topic: Oral Interpretation

1. What is oral interpretation?

Oral Interpretation is not only using his voice to heard but also delivering a message which
creates and recreates meaning and lifelike character. This enables his listeners to see the scenes
for themselves and actually feel the emotions in the literary piece.

2. How different is oral interpretation from public speaking?

In oral interpretation the message comes first from the author of the work and then it is
translated by the oral interpreter who takes into consideration the author and the
meaning of the piece before performing it for the audience in the way s/he thought the
speaker would perform it. In public speaking the message is delivered to the audience
directly from the author/speaker of the speech. No one interprets the words of the
speech for the audience but the speaker himself or herself.

3. What are the different types of performances under the oral interpretation?
The different types of performances under the oral interpretation are:
 Dramatic Interpretation
 Prose Interpretation
 Poetry Interpretation
 Programmed Oral Interpretation
 Duo Interpretation
 Reader’s Theater

4. What are the similarities and differences of its types?

The similarities of its types are
Worksheet 3.2

Kayla Marie Cago BSEd 3A

Topic: Technicalities in Oral Interpretation

1. What are the technicalities in Oral Interpretation?


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