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Mike Sigman 

shared a link. Admin · 12 hrs

3D Yin Yang

For the typical reeling-silk arm-circle the apex of force starts at the Mingmen in the lower-back and
travels up and out the back, out the outside of the arm and to the fingers, just as the hand reaches its
furthermost upward and outward position. The arm and torso "unwind" during that part of the Opening
process. This is also called the Yang part of the circle.

Since the arm and hand have reached their extreme point, there is no more Yang left, but the Yin side of
the body (the front and under/inner sides of the body/limbs) has been stretched to its maximum
potential and is ready to sink and "wind" inward as the body Closes. So the apex of force continues
onward from the fingertips down the inside/under part of the arm as the arm begins moving down and
in. The apex-point goes under the armpit, down the ribs/intercostals to the stomach area and back into
the Dantian.

So, the path of the apex was unwinding out the back to the fingertips and then winding in the front to
the dantian. The Mingmen is just the backside of the dantian sphere, remember.

All of that 3-dimensional winding is not accurately represented by the 2-dimensional Yin-Yang symbol,
so I've never been really happy with the 2-D Yin-Yang symbol. ☯

I found a 3-D animation on YouTube, but other than being pretty to look at, I don't think it does much to
further the search for an ideal representation of the Yin-Yang movement of 6H (common in many arts).


Yin Yang mapped onto Torus

From The Resonance Project Vault: Enjoy this computer animated yin yang/torus gem from The
Resonance Project Foundation video vault.…

Sam Ryan
Mike Sigman That's even less clear, in terms of explaining how the body moves.

Sam Ryan Oops, I didn't mean to delete your comment! To oversimplify yin yang, I relate to yang being
an opposition of forces that are maximumly expressed 180 degrees to each other. Yin being an
agreement of force going the same direction. Yang builds up charge while yin is discharging back to
equilibrium. I do see the torus shape demonstrating yin yang. If you take the inversion of or center of a
torus you have the hyperboloid.

Sam Ryan opposing parallel rotation causes a centripetal attraction around a pole = center. Take an
example of a towel. Twist it and it starts to converge into itself. Yang = opposition. The winding builds up
an elastic reaction force that wants to resolve back to equilibrium and unwind and discharge
Yin = release of opposition or agreement with the force.

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