Cloud Factory Findings

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Work in 

Key Observations after having a discussion with Migration  Key Observations after having a discussion with Product Owners:
Factory Lead:

Unplanned  Planned work 

All platforms  No 
work takes 
still in the 
not being  Resourcing  To manage the follow of tickets/requests coming into the MF, Kanban should be introduced.
Communication  accountability 
Need to shift  Squads should  precedence  delivered  challenges 
squad focus  be fullstack: 
with Customer
over planned 
process of  entirely as part 
if Sprint Goals  A team or a person (lets call it Squad Alpha) is required at the front of MF, to manage this Kanban board. Aim of Squad Alpha is to shield the MF squads and deal with customer engagement
stabilizing are not met withing 
model of the  towards  Able to support  work of sprint goals
A representative is required from the business who can help Squad Alpha in prioritizing as to what flows from the Kanban board into respective squads backlog for execution
operational  planned and 
MF is not 
sustainable mindset unplanned work Once a service now ticket is mature enough, it will be replicated as a jira ticket, which will under go refining in the backlog. This will be managed by Squad Alpha
POs need to focus on capacity management in sprint planning and if required, revisit the current allocation
Service Now 
Unified view  Each ticket/story being entered in a backlog MUST have some form of estimation associated with it
Management Team members  Consistency  not available 
Tickets:  unsatisfied 
in operations  for Jira and 
Each squad (based on the size) must allocate at least 1 dedicated resource across the sprint to work with Squad Alpha in responding to the respective service Now tickets being raised
Current  Avoid  Visibility,  while working 
squads are  Priority is  Management
tracking and  on Service now 
within  Service now  In summary: Unplanned work goes into the MF backlog via Kanban after prioritization and achieving maturity, gets refined and is added to the sprint backlog as planned work/sprint goals - with estimation against it
temporary  squads tickets
delivery  Operations fixation
management tickets
Once capacity is achieved for a certain sprint during planning, SPRINT BACKLOG SHOULD BE LOCKED.
Initial analysis  focused Once locked: The squad is responsible to deliver Sprint goals and is accountable for its outcome

during stealth 
What user problems or opportunities we should fix? Analysis was performed without the following:
(first 2 weeks)


Access  Stakeholder 

communication  representation 
Priotization Accountability Understanding 
of SLAs
plan if in place  to Jira  from customer 
to speak to  for 
customer boards prioritization

high level plan 

for demand 
management - 
Work in 

Focus Points: 

1. Team configuration
a. Team should be composed off Leads, Seniors and Engineers
b. Responsibility of guiding Engineers rests with Seniors and Leads
c. Minimize shifting of resources as this impacts team building
d. dedicate team members or certain time allocation to SNOW tickets
e. Focus on building capability within the team by promoting support and KT
f. Work should come to team rather than team going to work
2. Acknowledging Responsibility and Accountability:
a. Product Owners:
i. Vision/Goals
ii. Product backlog management : prioritization, refinement
iii. Delivery of backlog
iv. Anticipating Business needs
v. Accountable for delivery of Product backlog items
b. Scrum Masters
i. Capacity of squads
ii. Facilitation of team members and checking if they are struggling Requests for support from Ximena: (Suggestion from Brett G)
iii. Ensuring sprint goals are met
iv. Sprint backlog management: Estimation, delivery, allocation
v. Accountable for sprint backlog delivery
vi. Jira boards are in order
3. Backlog Refinement:
a. Product owner needs to prioritize the back log
b. Product owner should clarify/set sprint goals
c. Product owner should give details around what a ticket in the backlog is about
d. product owner must set the acceptance criteria of a specific ticket
e. once explained in detail the ticket should be picked up by one of the team members
f. the team member should be able to explain the ticket back to the PO so that there is clarity on it.
g. Team member should be able to break the ticket into smaller tasks and must provide estimates against it
4. Estimation:
a. Tickets/stories need some value as an estimation
b. Each ticket must have an ETA
c. Estimation should only be conducted once refinement of ticket/story has happened
5. Capacity Planning:
a. Capacity planning can be done via a simple excel sheet
b. Should be worked upon during sprint planning so that actual capacity of the teams throughput can be estimated
c. capacity planning for every team member must cater for:
i. Holiday/time off during the sprint
ii. Attending ceremonies and other meeting sessions time during the sprint
iii. time spent on customer support SNOW) during the sprint
iv. time spent on planned work from the sprint backlog
d. based on the outcome of capacity planning, sprint backlog should be revised, updated and agreed upon by PO and team to deliver as 
an outcome of the sprint
e. Scrum master and team is responsible deliver the Sprint backlog
6. Cadence and ceremonies (needs further items but keeping it short for now):
a. Sprint:
i. 2 weeks sprint
ii. Ideally sprint should commence mid week (either Tuesday or Wednesday). This way Fridays and Mondays are not lost in either 
leaves, Friday drinks or public holidays.
b. Standups:
i. 15 min standups daily for planned work - use Jira board. Focus on standups should be how far the team is achieving sprint goal.
ii. 15 min standups daily for customer support work - use SNOW. Focus on dedicated resources working through tickets with 
support from senior team members and KT
c. Backlog refining:
i. Should occur twice in a sprint
ii. Finalize sprint goal, Prioritization, Refinement, task break up and estimates
iii. aim is to ensure limited time is spent in sprint planning
d. Sprint Planning:
i. Conduct capacity planning
ii. map results against sprint goals
iii. finalize sprint backlog

Implementation plan

1. Share recommendation and implementation plan with X

a. Get her Buy In.
b. Comms from X or Brett explaining to the CF that MIM will be introducing some changes to daily CF operations and will require support
2. Have a session with POs in the first week of next sprint
a. understand what is success for them
b. Emphasis on Accountability
c. share what is required from this role in current situation
d. get their buy in
e. work on allocation/breakup of capacity per resource within the squad - understanding of capacity management
3. Have session with team members in the first week of next sprint
a. explain to them changes that are coming moving forward
b. work with onshore senior resources to take ownership of offshore junior resources deliverables from KT and guidance perspective
c. Allocation of team members to unplanned and planned work.
d. ideal config within a squad to be chosen by the squad themselves:
i. Team A: Combination of On Shore Lead/senior dev and off shore cloud engineers for planned work
ii. Team B: Offshore cloud engineers under supervision of On Shore Lead/Senior to work on SNOW tickets and customer support
e. Understanding of how capacity management works
f. emphasis on delivering sprint goals
4. Have session with Scrum Masters:
a. Explain the new process
b. Emphasis on Accountability of their role
c. Emphasis on empowering the team rather then the scrum masters
d. Use their experience to sharpen the new process of delivery
e. Give understanding around how to use capacity management template

 Action Plan: Execute the above during Sprint PI5.3 so that actual implementation can commence from PI5.4. Some of the above methods can be 
trialed during PI5.3 as well

Sprint N
Sprint N-1 Sprint N+1

Day 9 Day 10 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup -
Planned work Team Planned work Team Planned work Team Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Planned work Team Planned work Team
Daily Standup - Planned work Team Planned work Team Planned work Team Planned work Team Planned work Team Daily Standup - Planned work Team Planned work Team
Planned work Team
Duration: 15min
Showcase Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Planned work Team
Duration: 15min
Showcase Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min

Daily Standup - Daily Standup -

Customer Support Daily Standup - Customer Support

9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4
Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup - Daily Standup -

Ideal revised 
Daily Standup - Daily Standup -
Daily Standup - Team Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support Daily Standup - Team Customer Support Customer Support Customer Support
Customer Support Customer Support
Customer Support Duration: 15min Team Team Team Team Team Customer Support Duration: 15min Team Team Team
Team Team
Duration: 15min
Retro Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Team
Duration: 15min
Retro Duration: 15min Duration: 15min Duration: 15min

flow of sprints
Backlog Refining Backlog Refining
Sprint Planning Scrum of Session Backlog Refining Sprint Planning Session
and Capacity Session - followup
Scrum of and
Capacity Planning Scrums Duration: 1 hour
Attendees: PO, Scrum Plan tracking Duration: 1 hour Capacity Planning
Duration: 1 hour
Attendees: PO, Scrum
Master and Team Attendees: PO, Scrum
Master and Team
Scrums Master and Team

Scrum of scrums: Scrum of scrums:

- X and POs meet in week 2 of sprint and
- X and POs meet in week 1 of
share their update on sprint goals.
Revise capacity planning
sprint and share their sprint goals. - Identify if they will be able to meet the
based on the goals achieved - Identify if there is an dependency goal and if not then what is the closest that Revise capacity planning
from current sprint to finalize on either of the sprint goals they can achieve based on the goals achieved
- identify any support needed - identify what will be showcased from current sprint to finalize
backlog for the next sprint
Accountability and Visibility backlog for the next sprint

- Prioritize backlog - Prioritize backlog

- Refine tickets - Refine tickets
- identify success criteria - identify success criteria
- playback by team member - playback by team member
- task breakdown - task breakdown
- highlevel estimation provided - highlevel estimation provided

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