POL Final Answers.G5.grp Report

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Answer no.

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to human intelligence processes by machines, exclusively

computer systems. These processes comprise of learning (the acquirement of information and
rules for using the information), cognitive (utilizing rules to arrive at surmised or positive
resolutions) and self-rectification. Specific utilizations of AI consist of expert systems, speech
recognition & machine vision. The main goal of AI is to create systems which exhibits intelligent
behavior, learn, explain, and advice its user.

The Applications of AI in Government Sectors Are Discussed Below:

 Data security professionals are in critical need of authoritative and reasonable guidance for
crafting information privacy fortification principles. Information privacy protection turns into an
essential worry to data security for cutting edge technology. Here, AI strategy will accentuate
scientific excellence using the encryption of ethics, regulations and data privacy. We can enhance
law and policy formulation to establish an ethical and legal framework through AI. Creating

surveillance system in Bangladesh to monitor crime in the streets.

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 Documenting and recording information consumes almost half a billion federal government

person hours per year. Now the Government artificial intelligence is becoming a reality and it has

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increased the potential to change workflow system forever. In Bangladesh, government offices

can shift information from files to a database.

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Biometric solutions are regularly utilized for security and access control diagonally businesses
and government organizations. Biometric solutions use idiosyncratic and assessable qualities of
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specific pieces of the human body, for example, an individual's face, iris, DNA, vein, fingerprints,
and so on, and alter this information into a code comprehensible by the AI system. In Bangladesh,
passport offices use iris recognition. Immigration, NID, Passport, social security card, license,

general Diary, birth and death registration, criminal history of an individual, police clearance etc.
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sections of government is using AI. In our country, government can create a database of the
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arrested criminals to preserve their criminal records.

 AI has an enormous range of uses in government. It can be used to supplementary public policy
objectives (in areas such as emergency services, health and welfare), as well as succor the public
to interact with the government (through the use of virtual assistants). Government of Bangladesh
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can create a database of agriculture throughout the country to look for the problems and
achievements of the field.
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Working with AI Can Also Lead Us to Face Some Technical Challenges


The privation of limpidity and ability, related to machine learning can bring an overturn. It is very hard to
know that why an algorithm arrayed on a specific decision-making process, as decision-making is reliant
on AI systems, there are no vibrant rules about who will be accountable for an unsolicited inversion.

There is also high chance that the technology can be hacked. Information can go to wrong hands which
can bring consequences. Especially information like the national security might face such a big threat if
the system doesn't make to protect them. In the data security cases, malicious codes can be installed in the
system as the AI system could be self-modifying, an open source. Also, the surveillance system can cause
challenges too. If the government implements surveillance system then there will be data of every people
where there are going, what are doing and so on. So, then the privacy of people will be disrupted. People
will not able to practice their civil liberties like before. Cultural issues can be seen in this case. Many

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people don't have the idea about the technology. If the technology is implemented in the system, it will
become tough for many people to adjust with the AI regulated system. Many people can lose jobs, which
can cause unemployment issues.
From the given discussion we can have a descriptive scrutiny about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its
applications in government sector.

Answer no. 2

The video shows how the citizens, worldwide, are being influenced, and used with the help of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) combining with Neuroscience, and also how their data is being used to convince them in
political arena and also in marketing! As a student of political science and also as an ordinary citizen my
learning points are given below:

 OCEAN Analysis -Today, in political field, to learn about citizen’s behavior and modeling them has

become an easy task with the help of AI and neuroscience through several personality analysis

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processes like OCEAN analysis, through this analysis they identify peoples’ personality which help

them in propaganda purposes. And accordingly they do political campaigns, try to manipulate

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citizen’s decision by doing things what will attract them, because they already know that how they
should portray themselves in order to get peoples’ votes. Brexit and US Presidential Election of

Donald Trump are the examples!
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 Surveys and Hyper Personal Ads -There are many surveys by which they can get peoples Facebook
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data without even breaking the law, and they use these data to create hyper personal advertisements.
These are specific ads created for specific people having different personalities so that it attracts and
affects their minds and convince them towards targeted political parties! For instance ‘pro-Trump ads’

which tried to divert people in favor of Donald Trump!

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 Deep fakes (Face Swap Videos and Face Apps) - Deep fake is an AI created media where a person of
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someone’s likeness is shown in an image or video instead of the exact person in the video. Deep fakes
are becoming a threat across the world especially a big threat for politics. In these videos, the real
person in the video can change the face into a face of another person especially politicians. By using
these videos, anyone can use to spread false messages to the people who might not able to get
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whether it’s a deep fake or a real one. In 2019, a digitally altered video was showing that the House of
Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi was slurring drunkenly in her speech in a news conference.
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Then the video was posted by a “Trump fan”, named Shawn Brooks posted the video in social media.
Then Donald Trump posted the video in his Twitter account to show a negative image of the speaker.
Later it was revealed that it was a deep fake video. [ CITATION Par19 \l 2057 ]

So it is our duty to be aware that no one is monetizing our data so that we are not influenced nor
manipulated and can take our own decision on our own and for that we need to break the addiction of free

app because there is no free app, every time we use an app we actually pay the new international currency
and that is our data! So, we need to make the habit of demanding for fare trade app, as in tracking free
app and willing to pay for those!

Section- 13
Group -5
Names and IDs
1. Mahee Abrar Bin Noman – 2013508630
2. Sara Binte Mostafa – 2013335630
3. Kawser Ahamed Bhuiyan – 2021439649
4. Tanmoy Poddar – 2021467649
5. Monjurul Hoque Bhuiyan – 2021229630

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6. Rifa Farheen – 2013444630

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