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12 Phrasal verbs for plans

1 Match the phrasal verbs in bold in sentences 1–8 to definitions a–h.

1 2 3

1 I hated school, so I never thought I’d end up being a teacher. a fail to happen
2 I was going to travel round the world with my friend last b accept or tolerate something even though

year, but our plans fell through when he got sick. you don’t like it

3 Minori worked incredibly hard in order to meet the c finally be in a particular situation or
deadline. She didn’t want to let anyone down. place
4 I’m so pleased I’ve finally got round to doing a photography d disappoint someone because you haven’t
course. I’ve been putting it off for ages. done what you said you were going to do
5 When Tim started working there, he set out to become the e understand something or find the answer
best salesperson in the company by the end of the year. to something after thinking about it
6 Adam doesn’t like the people he works with, but he puts up f start an activity with a particular aim
with them because he loves the job. g deal with a situation, usually successfully
7 I’m almost thirty, but I’m still trying to work out what
h do something that you have planned or
I want to do with my life. wanted to do for a long time
8 Tom said he was getting on very well in his new job.

2 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the 3 a  Choose the correct phrasal verbs.
phrasal verbs from 1.
1 Have you ever made an important plan that
1 Nikolaus set out to become a millionaire by the got by/ fell through at the last minute?
time he was thirty. 2 When was the last time a friend let you down/
2 I recommended you for the job so please don’t ended up?
me . 3 Have you made up for/worked out what you want
to do with the next ten years of your life?
3 I love living here, but I have to a lot
of noise from my neighbours. 4 How often do you achieve what you put up with/
set out to do?
4 A How are you with that report?
5 Is there something you’ve always wanted to do
B Oh, I’ve nearly finished it. that you haven’t got round to/get on yet?
5 Sarah is always busy and doesn’t think she’ll ever 6 What do you have to get round to/put up with
doing her driving test. that you don’t like?
6 When Mariko’s plans to study in England 7 What do you think you’ll end up/work out doing
, she was very disappointed. when you retire?
7 Pete wasn’t very happy living in Europe and he 8 How are you setting out/getting on with your
going back to Australia after only English?
six months.
b  Answer the questions for you.
8 I can’t the answer to question seven.

  a  2 let you down  3 worked out  4 set out  5 got round to  6 put up with  7 end up  8 getting on 3
  2a  3d  4h  5f  6b  7e  8g   2   2 let ... down  3 put up with  4 getting on  5 get round to  6 fell through  7 ended up  8 work out   1

212 face2face Second edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2013 Instructions p200

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