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Last Xmas was the coldest winter i've ever went through.

I remembered that that night was 10.00 and

the weather was too cold that i need to took a car to drove home. When i came to the intersection, i met
a girl walking on the road. The weather was cold you know so i invited her to came with me and i would
took her home. At first sight, i've been attracted by her because she is the hottest girl i've ever met.
When i took her home, we talked a lot. After few weeks. we became lover. On first month fell in love, we
really had a good time and i felt very happy. But the story not ended like that, after several months i
realized that erything was a joke ! Her friends said she was acting with me. I was very angry. We argued a
lot and a result was broke up. I just wanted to kick her ass damn. The story end. Shortly thereafter, i
found a new lover. But she didn't know that.

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