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Name: Dinh Tien Thinh

ID: 1584626

Parking places in HUST

As we know, parking in campus is a pain. So does in
HUST, new students entering Hanoi University of
Science and Technology are allowed to have a bike,
motorbike and car on campus. With every new freshmen
class entering each year, parking poses a problem. HUST
is already limited in its parking on campus, the students
are faced with the dilemma of having nowhere to park or
parking quite far from their destination.
It is hard to find parking on campus especially during rush
hours. Both students and professors are complaining about
it. As a simple example the parking lot next to Tran Dai
Nghia gate is always full. Parking issue is all over the
campus. This problem is continuous everyday and every
week. Being student required to maintain a lot of class
schedules and activities. Furthermore, the number of
students in HUST rise over 1000 every year led to the
increase of staff and faculty to support and educate so the
shortage of parking lots and spaces is getting worse every
semester. To correct this problem, the findings of this
report best recommend a series of modifications to the
parking system around campus to include an ease way for
the students to find the parking spots around campus. This
new parking way includes more signs for the new parking
spots each student with a car would come to the campus
and start looking for the signs that tells you how many
parking spots are free and can be used. The new parking
signs would be modified electronically to tell students if
the parking lot is packed or not.
An effective parking and transportation management plan
will not only bring viable solutions to a university’s
parking dilemma, but also help create a safer, more
liveable campus. Reductions in vehicles circling in lots
hunting for parking will mean less negative implications
on air quality. This will lead to an improvement in the
quality of life for all on campus, as well as the
improvement of an institution’s image as being greener
and more Earth-friendly.

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