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Women are the nation's founders.

Indian society, which

constitutes half of the world's population, assigns considerable
significance to women. According to the United Nations
Secretary-report, General's women make up 50 percent of
human capital, the largest human resource, next to men with
great ability.
Women are the cornerstone to economic growth and to a
family's quality of life. The different positions that women play
in the family are those of the wife, the leader, the administrator,
the family income planner, and the mother, last but not least.

The first one we gonna talk about the roles of woman in family
as a wife. The woman is a man's helper, partner and friend. She
compromises her own enjoyment and goals, sets expectations of
morals, relieves stress and burden, husband anxiety, keeps the
household peace and order. She thus provides the atmosphere
appropriate for her male counterpart to care more about the
family's economic upliftment. She is the source of human
inspiration for high endeavour and meaningful life
accomplishments. In all the crises, she stands by him as well as
sharing all the victories and milestones with him. She is the one
for caring, compassion, empathy, warmth and appreciation to
whom he turns. She is the emblem of her husband's purity,
faithfulness, and submission and commitment.

As an Administrator and a Household Leader, for normal family

life, a well-ordered, disciplined household is vital. This role is
assumed by the woman in the family. She is an enterprise chief
executive. According to their interests and abilities, she assigns
duties among family members and provides resources in terms
of equipment and materials to achieve the job. In the preparation
and serving of meals, selection and care of clothes, laundering,
furnishing and house maintenance, she plays a key role. As an
administrator, she organizes different social functions for social
development in the family. She acts as a recreation director, too.
To meet the needs of young and old family members, she plans
different recreational activities.

A wife also a manager of family income. The woman acts as the

humble family income manager. It is her duty to secure
maximum return from each spent pye. Instead of a deficit
budget, she always prefers to prepare a surplus budget. She
calculates losses and gains very well when spending money. She
carefully distributes the revenue on various heads, such as
necessities, comforts and luxuries. Through her own earning
within or outside the home, the woman in the family also
contributes to the family income. She makes a good impact
through the job to the family income. She works at home herself
and utilizes waste products for productive purposes.

The last but is the most important about the impacts of a wife as
a mother. The woman in the family takes out the whole
responsibility of child bearing and much of the child rearing job.
She is solely responsible for the self-control, orderliness,
industriousness, fraud or integrity of the child's habit. Her
interactions with the boy during the most formative phase of his
growth establishes his pattern of behavior. Consequently, she is
responsible for ensuring the highest order in the household. She
was the baby's first teacher. She passes on the child's social
heritage. The child learns the laws of race, the manners of men,
the moral code and ideals from his mother. Due to her intimate
and continuous contact with the child, the mother is able to
discover and nurture the special characteristics of the abilities
and attitudes of the child that subsequently play a key role in
shaping his personality. Through her talent, she made the home a
very relaxing and suitable environment for the kids. Besides in
interior design and organization, she cultivates taste, such that
the home becomes an enticing, restful and cheerful place. The
mother is the house and the family circle's core personality. For
empathy, comprehension and appreciation, all the members turn
to her. The woman devotes her time, labor and thinking to the
well-being of the family members. Man provides the temple
woman with the rituals and the setting for the harmony of
engaging characters. The woman plays concurrently in the
family the role of wife, collaborator, organizer, supervisor,
director, re-creator, disburser, economist, mother, disciplinarian,
instructor, health officer, artist and queen. Apart from this,
women play a vital role in society's socio-economic growth.
Using modern education and modern economic life, women are
gradually forced to abandon the narrow realm of the family
circle and to work side by side to enrich society. She can be a
member of any agency for women and can initiate numerous
initiatives such as literacy programs such as adult education,
poor girls' education, etc. The aim of the introduction of such a
literacy program is to enhance society, as education allows
women to respond to opportunities, to challenge their traditional
roles and to change their living conditions. The most important
tool for the development of human resources is education. In
order to eradicate the question of juvenile delinquency from
society, they should be part of a religious organisation to deliver
moral expression to young boys and girls. In addition, they play
a vital role in teenage girls' pre- and post-marital therapy
involving sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS and other
illnesses that are contagious. They are expected to raise
awareness of human rights, women and children's rights, bank
credit facilities, numerous immunization services for people in
society with low socio-economic status. In addition, it is women
who have sustained the progress of civilization and influenced
the future of nations. Women have a critical role to play in
numerous sectors in the current dynamic social scenario. They
can no longer be considered simply predictors of stability, but
are evolving as a center of influence and a sign of advancement.

The roles have changed a lot since 1900s until now. Many of the
changes that were part of this transition are a direct result of the
expanding role of women in society, both in terms of the
workplace and education. The rise of the post-industrial
economy, based in information and services, led to more
married women entering the workplace. As early as 1960,
around a third of middle class women were working either part-
or full-time jobs. Since the ’60s, families have also become
“smaller, less stable and more diverse.” More adults, whether
young or elderly, live outside of the family as well. Today, the
male-breadwinner, female-housewife family represents only a
small percentage of American households. A considerable
majority of Americans (62 percent) view the idea of marriage as
“one in which husband and wife both work and share child care
and household duties.” Two-earner families are much more
common as well. In 2008, the US Department of Labor reported
that women made up almost 50 percent of the paid labor force,
putting them on equal footing with men when it comes to
working outside the home. In addition, single-parent families
headed by mothers, families formed through remarriage, and
empty-nest families have all become part of the norm.

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