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Research Project

Class: J2 Melbourne
Group: J2 Melbourne

Leader: Jack Lee Hong Bo (4)

Members: Ng Jia Xuan(2)
Choo Jay Yee(3)

Topic: A Research On The Effects Of A Romantic Relationship In


Nowadays,many students are seen having a closer relationship with
the opposite gender. There are a lot of teenage couples in school.We
are curious to find out how this action will influence our learning in
school. There are 30 Junior 2 students who took part in this research.

Research Question:
(1) What are the possible effects students may face when in a close
relationship with the opposite gender?
(2) How can this affect learning?

● Sent questions to participants via google forms.
● Gathered some articles via internet.

Survey Questions:
(1)Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend now?
(2)Do you think having a romantic relationship while in school is alright?
(3)What are the pros of having a romantic relationship?
(4)What are the cons of having a romantic relationship?
(5)When do you think that someone should have a romantic

Chart 1

From chart 1, we can see 93.3% or 28 students say no, 6.7% or 2 students say
yes. Based on the answer,we found that only two of them have a boyfriend or
girlfriend , most of them don’t have.

Chart 2

From chart 2 ,we can see that 26.7% of students think that it is okay to have a
romantic relationship now but 23.3% of students do not agree with this idea.
50% of students are not sure of it.
Chart 3

From chart 3, we can see that people have different opinions on what
students think are the pros of having a romantic relationship.A third of
the students think that it can help you to be happier. But some students
think that it has no good impacts. A small number of students think that
it can help improve studies. Another small number of students think
that it can help you be a better person.

Chart 4

In chart 4 , we can see that most of the students think that having a romantic
relationship will affect their study in a bad way.16.7% of students agree that
they will get jealous easily while having a romantic relationship.A few students
think that this will waste their money while 23.3% of students agree all the
Above. 16.7% of students think that having a romantic relationship will not
affect them.

Chart 5

From chart 5, we can see that more than half of the students think that someone
can have a romantic relationship when they are 18 years old or older. But more
than 30% of students think it is acceptable to have a romantic relationship
below 18 years old.

Based on the findings from 30 participating students, we have concluded
that students are divided on this topic. Half of the students think that
having a romantic relationship now, as students is not encouraged as the
cons outweigh the pros. However the other half think that having a
romantic relationship is something you should do as part of your school

We recommend that we should not have a romantic relationship now
because it will affect our studies in a bad way. Although there are some
benefits like : SS can motivate each other to do well in the studies, some
SS become more responsible , it is still better not to be involved in a
relationship. Moreover , we feel that students should not have a
romantic relationship before 18 years old because they are not mature
enough to face problems.

Relationships affect school-
What Are the Effects of High School Students Having a Boyfriend or

(1)Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend now?
A. Yes B. No

(2)Do you think having a romantic relationship now is okay?

A. Yes B. No C.Not sure

(3)What are the pros of having a romantic relationship?

A. Be happier
B. Be a better person
C. Improve studies
D. Have better social skills
E. No good impacts
F. All of the above
G. Other:

(4)What are the cons of having a romantic relationship?

A.Affect studies( in a bad way)
B.Waste money
C.Get jealous easily
D.No bad impacts
E.All of the above

(5)When do you think that someone can have a romantic relationship?

A.Younger than 18 years old
B.18 years old
C.21 years old
D.25 years old
E.30 years old
F.Older than 30 years old

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