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î c Destination Marketing
î îc estination braning

2 c ntrotion
2 îc ajasthan ± Paharo mere es
2 2c Torism in ajasthan

3 c Destination Highlights
3 îc airs & estivals
3 2c New nitiatives

4 c Promotion & Marketing of Torism in ajasthan

4 îc  ry train

5 c
ommoation in ajasthan

6 c tinerary for ajasthan

7 c onlsion



Destination Marketing is a kin of marketing whih markets

Torist estinations Destination Marketing Organisations o
this kin of marketing to promote their ity, onty,
rea or

î î 

Destination braning is a proess se to evelop a niqe

ientity an personality that is ifferent from all ompetitive
estinations Destination braning is ³seleting a onsistent
bran element mi to ientify an istingish a estination
throgh positive image biling´

estination bran is:

way to ommniate a estination¶s niqe ientity to
means of ifferentiating a estination from its
niform ³look´ that all estination partners an
onsistently se
symbol, name, term or esign, or ombination of these



ajasthan, the lan of hivalry, royalty, rih art & ltre,

Traitions, heritage, a wie platter of torist spots, msi,
rsti as well as royal beaty to savor the tastes of a variety
of torists t has the potential to offer most memorable life
e perienes to those who have waner lst The state has been
one of the few states whih have been aggressively promote
by the nreible nia ampign The state was one of the first
few states to ome ot with a state Torism Poliy in 2î t
has the avantage of being lose an part of the National
apital egion an also on the Golen Triangle irit Bt
oes this all translate into the magnite of growth the state
shol have ahieve The sty is an effort to fin ot
whether the state has been able to tap its fll torist potential
or not t also sties the marketing poliy aopte by the
state government
re the promotional efforts nertaken by
the state spply riven or is stomer entri t also sties
the pereption of the varios stakeholers to the varios
government poliies The sty is basially an
e ploratory sty aime at e ploring the inititiativs for
torism promotion inally, the athor raws ertain
onlsions base on the analysis of primary ata ollete
by the athor an gives her sggestions



mongst the varios states with great torist potential,

ajasthan opies an important plae ajasthan with its rih
historial, ltral an environmental
Treasres, ople with olorfl fairs an festivals an
frienly people has beome a favorite estination for torists
from all over the worl E ept for a sea-beah an snow-la


montains, it offers everything to torists No torist itinerary
is omplete withot inlsion of the torist spots of ajasthan
So whether it is the Pink ity of Jaipr ± whih has the
aitional avantage of lying on the Golen Triangle irit
omprising of Delhi-
gra- Jaipr- or the pitresqe san
nes of Jaisalmer an Johpr (now the favorite of
elebrities sh as Maona, Britney Spears, Bra Pitt,

ngelina Jolly an many more) or the Pshkar ake an the

jmer Sharif or the ity of akes, Uaipr, the state has

something or the other to offer to everyone The eo torists
an amire the willife an take the tiger trail ± yes, the tigers
are still there (some 4 of them have been reporte in an
aron anthambore National Park an Swami Mahopr
willife santary as per a enss onte in May 2
says a relase of the aj orest Dept, eb, 2î) - or yo an
simply sit bak an inlge in bir wathing in the wetlans
of keolaeo bir Santary at Bharatpr The state
government ha given priority to this setor an the alloation
in the ive years Plan for torism is onstantly inreasing n
ajasthan, torism is the thir largest employer after
agriltre an te tiles setor cc

s per the present ata available from the Ministry of

Torism, ajasthan opies the 4th position (with 5% share
of the total omesti torists) an 5th position (with î 5 %
share of the total foreign torists) respetively as far as the
nmber of omesti an foreign torist arrivals in the ontry
is onerne

ajasthan has a evelope torism infrastrtre, with over

6, hotel rooms in more than î5 hotels Of these, over
î,4 rooms (54 hotels) belong to the heritage ategory
Prominent torism instry players with strong presene in


ajasthan inle the nian Hotels, T -Sheraton, the Oberoi
an Holiay nn
ajasthan, the lan of nening tales of glory an valor, is
otte with a nmber of arhitetral marvels These
erstwhile resienes of the Maharajas of the bygone era
nowaays serve as the Heritage hotels in ajasthan

ajasthan has emerge as one of the top states as far as

torism is onerne
s per the nian Torism Statistis
2, ajasthan opies the 4th (with 5% Share of the total
omesti torists) an 5th position (with î 5 % share of the
total foreign torists) respetively as far as the nmber of
omesti an foreign torist arrivals in the ontry is
onerne The share of ajasthan in the total torist arrivals
have eline in the years 22 an 23 (bease of the
effet of îî bombings in the US an overall worl-wie ip
in the setor) t has pike p again from 24 onwars as
ol be seen from the table below
c c 
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The overall nmber of foreign torists in the state from î 7î
onwars to 2 is given below The nmbers have risen from
a mere 42,5 in î 7î to 6,23,î in 2 bt then e to the
WT attaks it fell to 4,2,437 in 2î bt it pike p after
two years an has now reahe î4,77,646 a more than two
fol inrease in the orse of 6 years c
c  c) c c  c
c  c
c %$c
c %&&$c
c "&"$'c
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Sore: Department of Torism, Govt of ajasthan

s far as the omesti torist in ajasthan are onerne, the

table given below gives the three-year ata from some of the
states inling ajasthan

s per another    c *c c+c c+, c

-c $$c  c - , onte by National Geographi
Soiety's entre for Sstainable Destinations, in 2 ,
ajasthan is onsiere the worl's î th ream estination;
the bakwaters of Kerala have been rate 23r The Taj Mahal,

gra ort an atehpr Sikri together have fon 3th plae

in the srvey One of the panellists has opine that ajasthan
is nia's Tsany, a region in North- entral taly known for
its lansapes an its artisti legay
oring to the srvey,
ajasthan has a 'strong sense of ltral ientity' an
'remarkable appeal an mystiqe¶ However, the srvey
e presse its onern abot the torism benefits not reahing
the loal ommnities


Π !"!#"!
Œ î$  %$& '

The Department of Torism organizes fairs, festivals an

ltral events throghot the year Some of the important
ones are:
‡ Smmer estival, Mont
‡ Teej estival, jaipr
‡ Worl Torism Day
‡ Marwar estival, Johpr
‡ Pshkar airs,
‡ hanrabhaga air, Jhalawar
‡ Bni estival, Bni
‡ Shara Mahotsav, Mt
‡ Desert estival, Jaisalmer
‡ Baneshwar air, Dngarpr
‡ Elephant estival, Jaipr
‡ amel estival, Bikaner
Π( &

Toay Golf Torism has been pivot in the fiel of Torism t

makes torist to stay form more at a plae E pertise is being
hire for preparation of Projet eport for making
international stanar Golf omple in ajasthan

 & c

n an effort to promote nihe torism prots, the entral

government is promoting aravan torism onsiering the
iverse torism prots an the mltite of lansapes in


nia, aravans an aravan Parks have a potential to a an
e iting new faet to torism in nreible nia an wol
attrat a wie range of market segments inling yong
people, families, senior itizens an international torists
Uner the gielines isse by the entral govt, the aravans
wol be poplarize an promote by eveloping aravan
Parks in pbli private an PPP moe The aravan Parks
wol be approve by the Ministry of Torism one they
evelop the minimm reqire failities sh as parking bays,
torist amenities entre, lansaping, toilets an aeqate
measres for safety an serity of torists The aravan parks
will also provie eletriity, water an sewerage isposal
failities to the aravans whih are parke The aravan parks
shall maintain environmental frienly an responsible
praties Ministry of Torism shall provie entral
assistane, whih ol be p to s 5 rore per estination to
State GovernmentsU T
mn ner its e isting sheme of
prot infrastrtre evelopment of estinationirits for
evelopment of aravan parks in Government setor

ssistane to the level of 25% of the ost an also be provie

for prorement of aravans in pbli Setor orporations

& c*

The terrain in ajasthan is tailor-mae for most aventre

sports, with its
ravalli hills, the open esert trats, the vast
lakes an rivers, the willife parks, an little villages
abanone by the marh of ivilization as is known, bt no
less hospitable for it
n threaing these together, a
lansape where the paths an trails weave throgh a history
rih with forts an palaes, mansions an enotaphs
n a
ltre that bins these together into a fasinating jorney


One an hoose from a nmber of aventre sports options
Torists an rela
with golf, go vintage, or pratie arhery, go boating - in the
hambal river throgh the gorges of the platea of Haoti, or,
go p in the air, for a bit of aerial sightseeing over heritage
ities by small airraft or in hot air balloons eently
epartment has organise aventre sports ativities at Jaipr
an Kota or ientifiation of aventre sports torism sites
in the State, a Projet eport is being prepare c



s far as promotion of torism in ajasthan is onerne,

there is no speifi poliy as sh t merely fins a mention
in the torism poliy of the state The Torism Poliy
mentions the following:

‡ n orer to failitate issemination of information to the

torists from foreign an omesti market, the State will
ase sh literatre, films, vieos an other material
pblishe an proe as is neessary

mltipronge strategy will be evolve to make optimal
se of the meia for promoting ajasthan as an attration for
torists Sffiient literatre will also be istribte to
important Travel
gents an Tor Operators,
irlines, an
Hotel grops for isrimination among important people
onnete with torism instry

‡ High qality torist literatre wol be pblishe in foreign

langages like renh, German, Spanish, Japanese, talian,

rabi an of orse English

î  3 

‡ Speial efforts wol be mae for overseas pbliity abot
ajasthan as a torist estination Private marketing an
pbliity linkages wol be establishe with the help of travel
agents an tor operators to promote torism in ajasthan in
the worl torism market

‡ Speial rive wol be lanhe to pbliise torism

highlights of ajasthan in eletroni meia with the help of e-
mail, nternet an latest means of ommniation available
for e-ommere

‡ Efforts wol be mae to evie interative torism

information pakages, D-OMs an online reservation
failities for goos an servies in torism setor wol be
mae available in private an pbli setor
oringly, the
Torism Department has taken the following efforts for
torism promotion, pbliity an marketing:

#cPrinting of Torism Pbliity iteratre

$#cnternational onferenes
"#cilm, Photos, VHS, D¶s et
#cE hibitions
%#cSeminar onferenes
 î#+ , 

The ajasthan Torism Development orporation operates

two l ry trains bringing the splenor, royalty an the

îî  3 

heritage of the state in the lap of l ry The two trains Palae
on Wheels (POW) an oyal ajasthan on Wheels (W)
are the two attrations for those who want to live an travel
the royal way

î c|  
2 c„„
3 c£ 

î  3 

r  --


 c.c/0c1 ccc

Hotel Oberoi ajvilas

Hotel ajptana Palae
Hotel Taj Hari Mahal
Hotel Taj ake Palae
Hotel Oberoi Uaivilas

2 +c1 
c1 ccc

Hotel a mi Niwas Palae

Devi Garh esort
Hotel Taj Jai Mahal Palae
The aj Palae Hotel
Hotel Taj Umai Bhawan

c c
Hotel Trient Hiton
Hotel Heritage nn
Hotel Gala y
Hotel Holiay nn

îŒ  3 

‰  ,)
/*c4c5 -cc  cc"c 
n the morning arrive at Jaipr airport or railway station
Upon arrival in Jaipr yo will be met by or representative
an rive to Pshkar Pshkar is one of the most famos an
important pilgrimage ities for Hins Upon arrival, yo will
be transferre to the hotel in Pshkar
/*c4c  c
n the morning sightseeing in Pshkar n the morning we visit
the Go Brahma temple This is the only one temple of Go
Brahma whih is sitate in Pshkar
fter visiting the temple
we visit the Pshkar ake The Pshkar ake is the other main
torist attration of Pshkar This lake is believe to have
been reate by Go Brahma himself There are abot 4
temples an 52 Ghats whih are loate on the banks of the
Pshkar ake n the afternoon we have lnh at Pshkar
Palae n the evening we visit the loal bazaars of Pshkar

/*c$4c  cc6+ -cc$c c

after having breakfast rive to Uaipr Uaipr is alle the
romanti ity of ajasthan This ity is bilt aron
shimmering, lear, ble water lakes whih reflet the green
hills of the
ravalli ranges
rrive in Uaipr by the evening
est of the ay at leisre

/*c"4c6+ -
Toay we visit Uaipr, also known as the ity of snrise We
start or sightseeing with the visit of Sahelion-Ki-Bari This
Garen of the Mais of Honor is well lai ot with e tensive
lawns an shay walks
fter the visit of Garen of Mais we
visit a Msem of folk art This msem has a rih olletion

î  3 

of olk resses, ornaments, pppets, masks, olls, folk
msial instrments an paintings on isplay
fter a break
we visit the ity Palae, the biggest Palae in nia, where 4
generations of Maharajas ae their ontribtion, is so
areflly planne an integrate with the original bilings
that it is iffilt to believe that it was not oneive as a
whole The msem of the palae inles the beatifl
peaok mosai an miniatre wall paintings of nian
mythology Toay we have an opportnity to visit a
traitional painting shool an see the famos miniatre
paintings one n the evening we have a Boat rie on the lake
Pihola The famos ake Palae of Uaipr was the smmer
resiene of the former rlers The James bon ilm
Otopssy was shot here an mae this palae more known in
the west

/*c4c6+ -

fter having breakfast rive to airport or railway station for

the onwars jorney

îr  3 


ajasthan is one state that has hge torism potential t is
envisage that the setor wol ontribte more than î% to
the state¶s GDP(ajasthan nfrastrtre
gena , 225 )

hieving the envisage rates of growth for the setor wol

reqire ation on a nmber of fronts, sh as improving
aess to the town, eveloping torism prots, improving
aess to torist sites within or aron the town, improving
spport rban infrastrtre at torist loations, an
ientifying projet opportnities in primary torism
infrastrtre This wol also reqire effetive estination
braning e erise Mere avertisement ampaigns won¶t help
an wol not lea to biling of Bran ajasthan This
wol reqire a omprehensive braning e erise bilt on a
lear nerstaning of the target market, their reqirements
an tailor mae prots an a lear strategy to reah the
target aiene with a lear an appealing message 

î‰  3 

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