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First of All we would like to say Thank you to Allah SWT the Mercy
God. Secondly, we wanted to say thank you to our Chemistry Teacher, my
Parents, also my friends. This Paper with tittled PETROLEUM . would be one
of the tasks and requirements to complete the task chemical subjects in the first
semester of Muhammadiyah 2 senior high school .
On this paper we are going to explain you about what is petroleum used
for, the process of petroleum formation, system of petroleum, the octane
number of petroleum and the function of petroleum for human life. In writing
this paper , we feel there are still many shortcomings , either on the writing of
technical and material , recall the capability of being we have .For that the
criticism and suggestions from all parties very writer expect by the refinement
of the manufacture of this paper .

The end of a word, we are waiting and hoping this paper could be expand your
knowledge about petroleum.

Table Of Content
Foreword …………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Table of Content …………………………………………………………………………………. 2
Chapter I : Preface …………………………………………………………………………………. 3

Chapter II : Content …………………………………………………………………………………. 5

Chapter III : Closing …………………………………………………………………………………. 13



I.1 Background
Literally 'rock oil,' it is a general term for crude oil and natural gas. Primary
source of automotive fuels and lubricant oils, petroleum is a complex mixture of
hydrocarbons and paraffins in some areas, and aromatics and cyclo-paraffins in
other areas. Thought to have been formed from decomposition of animal and
vegetable life under heat and pressure during geologic periods, it occurs usually
in deep rock strata but sometimes near to the surface. When 'cracked' and
refined, it produces hundreds of petrochemicals that are converted into tens of
thousands of products, with new ones appearing continually.
The basic elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and even metals are
found in petroleum. Petroleum exists in two different forms: natural gas or
liquid. When petroleum is released from the Earth as a liquid it's referred to as
crude oil. Crude oil is a type of liquid that contains a very complex mixture of
different hydrocarbons. The typical hydrocarbons you will find in crude oil
include alkenes, cycloalkanes, and aromatic hydrocarbons.
It's not important to memorize a long list of hydrocarbons contained in crude
oil. Just remember that the composition of liquid petroleum consists of a wide
variety of molecules that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. An example of
what an aromatic hydrocarbon looks like is shown in diagram 2. The
highlighted portion indicates why this structure is called a hydrocarbon (i.e.
presence of hydrogen and carbon atoms).
When it's released as a natural gas, petroleum is somewhat similar to crude oil.
Can you guess why the two compositions would be similar? They both contain
hydrocarbons in their composition! The difference with natural gas is that it's
primarily composed of alkanes. Diagram 3 shows some of the different types of
alkanes found in petroleum's natural gas. An interesting fact regarding this
diagram is that an estimated 80% of petroleum's natural gas contains methane.
Without being too crude, that certainly gives cow pastures a run for their money
in terms of smell

I.2 Identification Problems
1. What is Petroleum used for?
2. How is the process of Petroleum formation?
3. The Octane number of Petroleum?
4. what is the Seperation Processes of petroleum?
5.What is fractions of petroleum?
6. What is the function of petroleum for human life?

I.3 Problems Solving

1. Find out the usability of Petroleum.
2. Find out the process of Petroleum formation.
3. Find out the separation of Petroleum.
4. Find out the function of Petroleum.



I.1 The usability of Petroleum

Petroleum is used to make gasoline, an important product in our everyday lives.

It is also processed and part of thousands of different items, including tires,
refrigerators, life jackets, and anesthetics. Petroleum, like coal and natural gas,
is a non-renewable source of energy. It took millions of years for it to form, and
when it is extracted and consumed, there is no way for us to replace it.


The process of to the establishment of the petroleum explained in terms of of
two competing theories :
1 .The theory of inorganic,
This theory was expressed by berthelok ( 1866 ) which states that oil earth came
and the reactions calcium carbide , CaC2 ( and the reaction between an igneous
rock of carbonate and of the alkali metal ) and water produce a asetilen that
could turn into a petroleum at a temperature of and high pressure .
CaCO3 + Alkali → CaC2 + HO → HC = CH → Petroleum

2 .The theory of organic,

This theory was expressed by engker which states that oil the earth was formed
from the process of the weathering of and the decipherment of it should also be
noted anaerobic breakdown of microorganisms ( microorganisms ) of a plant of
the sea a deep porous rock .

The process :
Petroleum ( crude oil and natural gas is a compound hydrocarbon .Carbon chain
composing petroleum and natural gas have a sort of diverse and of course with
the nature and characteristic respectively .Of traits and characteristics basic
petroleum this is what determine treatment next for petroleum itself the

pengolahannya .This will also affect products resulting from the oil
processing .Based on model owem ( of opec world energy model , world oil
demand in the period medium-term ( 2002-2010 ) is estimated to increase as
much as 12 million barrels per day on a bph ) to 89 million bph or growing the
average 1.8 % per year .While in the next period ( 2010-2020 ) , demand rose to
106 million bph with growth of 17 million bph .
The Knowledge of petroleum and natural gas is very important us to know , the
remembrance of petroleum and natural gas is a source of energy is not can be
renewed , while the use of this energy source in our everyday life in their scope
a very broad and enough had an important role or overwhelm life of the many
.For example petroleum and natural gas used as a source of energy which are
much used for cooking , a motor vehicle , and industry , both the fuel derived
from the weathering of the remains of organisms so called fossil fuels .
II. 3 Octane Number
An octane rating, or octane number, is a standard measure of the performance of
an engine or aviation fuel. The higher the octane number, the more compression
the fuel can withstand before detonating (igniting). In broad terms, fuels with a
higher octane rating are used in high performance gasoline engines that require
higher compression ratios. In contrast, fuels with lower octane numbers (but
higher cetane numbers) are ideal for diesel engines, because diesel engines (also
referred to as compression-ignition engines) do not compress the fuel, but rather
compress only air and then inject fuel into the air which was heated by
compression. Gasoline engines rely on ignition of air and fuel compressed
together as a mixture, which is ignited at the end of the compression stroke
using spark plugs. Therefore, high compressibility of the fuel matters mainly for
gasoline engines. Use of gasoline with lower octane numbers may lead to the
problem of engine knocking

are a family of hydrocarbons that are typical components of gasoline. They are
colorless liquids that boil around 125 °C (260 °F). One member of the octane
family, isooctane, is used as a reference standard to benchmark the tendency of
gasoline or LPG fuels to resist self-ignition.
The octane rating of gasoline is measured in a test engine and is defined by
comparison with the mixture of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane (iso-octane) and heptane
that would have the same anti-knocking capacity as the fuel under test: the
percentage, by volume, of 2,2,4-trimethylpentane in that mixture is the octane
number of the fuel. For example, gasoline with the same knocking

characteristics as a mixture of 90% iso-octane and 10% heptane would have an
octane rating of 90.[2] A rating of 90 does not mean that the gasoline contains
just iso-octane and heptane in these proportions but that it has the same
detonation resistance properties (generally, gasoline sold for common use never
consists solely of iso-octane and heptane; it is a mixture of many hydrocarbons
and often other additives). Because some fuels are more knock-resistant than
pure iso-octane, the definition has been extended to allow for octane numbers
greater than 100.

- Measurement methods :
A US gas station pump offering five different (R+M)/2 octane ratings
1. Research Octane Number (RON)
The most common type of octane rating worldwide is the Research Octane
Number (RON). RON is determined by running the fuel in a test engine with a
variable compression ratio under controlled conditions, and comparing the
results with those for mixtures of iso-octane and n-heptane.
2. Motor Octane Number (MON)
Another type of octane rating, called Motor Octane Number (MON), is
determined at 900 rpm engine speed instead of the 600 rpm for RON.[1] MON
testing uses a similar test engine to that used in RON testing, but with a
preheated fuel mixture, higher engine speed, and variable ignition timing to
further stress the fuel's knock resistance. Depending on the composition of the
fuel, the MON of a modern pump gasoline will be about 8 to 12 octane lower
than the RON, but there is no direct link between RON and MON. Pump
gasoline specifications typically require both a minimum RON and a minimum
MON.[citation needed]
3. Anti-Knock Index (AKI) or (R+M)/2
In most countries in Europe (also in Australia and New Zealand) the "headline"
octane rating shown on the pump is the RON, but in Canada, the United States,
Brazil, and some other countries, the headline number is the average of the
RON and the MON, called the Anti-Knock Index (AKI), and often written on

pumps as (R+M)/2. It may also sometimes be called the Posted Octane Number
4. Difference between RON, MON, and AKI
Because of the 8 to 12 octane number difference between RON and MON noted
above, the AKI shown in Canada and the United States is 4 to 6 octane numbers
lower than elsewhere in the world for the same fuel. This difference between
RON and MON is known as the fuel's Sensitivity,[5] and is not typically
published for those countries that use the Anti-Knock Index labelling system.
See the table in the following section for a comparison.
5. Observed Road Octane Number (RdON)
Another type of octane rating, called Observed Road Octane Number (RdON),
is derived from testing gasolines in real world multi-cylinder engines, normally
at wide open throttle. It was developed in the 1920s and is still reliable today.
The original testing was done in cars on the road but as technology developed
the testing was moved to chassis dynamometers with environmental controls to
improve consistency.

II. 4 The Seperation Processes

The operating unit used in oil refining is usually simple but complex is the
interconnection and interaction. The separation process is:
Distillation Absorption Crystallization
Adsorption Filtration Extraction

1. Distillation
Distillation is a separation technique based on the difference in boiling point of the solution.
Fractionated distillation used for solutions has a difference in boiling points not too far from
about 30oC or more. The basic separation of a mixture by distillation is the difference in the
boiling point of two or more liquids if the mixture is heated, the lower boiling point component
will evaporate first. By carefully regulating the temperature, we can evaporate and then
condense the components gradually.

2. Absorption
Generally used to separate high boiling point substances with gas. Gas oil is used to absorb
natural gasolines from wet gases. Gases are released from the gas storage tank as a result

of heating the sun which is then reabsorbed by the plant.
Steam stripping is generally used to absorb light fraction hydrocarbons and improve gas oil
absorption capacity. This process is carried out mainly in the following matters:

To get natural gasoline fractions which can be mixed with gasoline.

- For the separation of fracture gases in a very light fraction (for example fractions consisting
of hydrogen, methane, ethane) and heavier fractions which have higher components.

- To produce gasoline that can be used from various gas dregs from a smooth installation.

3. Adsorption
Adsorption or entrapment is a process that occurs when a fluid, liquid or gas, is bound to a
solid or liquid (adsorbent, adsorbent) and finally forms a thin layer or film (absorbed
substance, adsorbate) on its surface. The adsorption process is used to obtain heavy
material from the gas. The most important use of the adsorption process in the oil industry is:

- To get the parts containing gasoline (natural gasoline) from Buni gas, in this case, activated
charcoal is used.

- To remove parts that give color and other undesirable things from oil, use clay to remove
color and bauxiet (aluminum oxide seeds).

4. Filtration
Used to remove wax deposits from candles containing distillate. Filtration with clay is used to
decolorize fractions.

5. Crystallization
Before filtration the wax must be crystallized to adjust the crystal size with cooling and
stirring. Unwanted candles are transferred and become traded microcrystalline candles.
Crystallization is the process of forming solid materials from the precipitation of a solution,
melt (melting mixture), or less precipitation directly from the gas. Crystallization is also a
chemical separation technique between solid-liquid materials, where mass transfer occurs
from a solute from solution liquid to a solid crystal phase.

II. 5 The Fractions of Petroleum

1. Asphalt
Boiling point: 525 ° C
Asphalt is a petroleum residue and is obtained when petroleum first enters the distillation
tower and is heated at a temperature of more than 500 ° C. Petroleum fractions that have a
boiling point below 500 ° C will evaporate into the distillation tower and reheat. Whereas
those who have a boiling point above 500 ° C will collect into residues which are then used
as asphalt. Asphalt is used as a road smoother.

2. Oil
Boiling point: 350-500 oC
Oil or lubricant is the result of petroleum distillation after asphalt. Petroleum will be heated

with a temperature between 350 oC and 500 oC so that hydrocarbon compounds that have
a boiling point below 350 oC will evaporate and those that have boiling points above it will
form oil. Oil is used as a lubricant / lubricant for vehicle engine components.

3. Solar
Boiling point: 270-350 oC
Solar is the result of petroleum distillation at temperatures between 200 oC and 350 oC. The
boiling point is indeed between these temperatures so that when heated at that temperature,
hydrocarbon chains that have 8 to 21 carbon atoms (solar) will not evaporate. Solar is used
as a fuel for diesel engines.

4. Kerosin and Avtur

Boiling point: 180-250 oC
Kerosene and avtur are the result of petroleum distillation at temperatures between 170 oC
and 250 oC. Kerosene (kerosene) is used as a fuel for kerosene stoves. While avtur is used
as fuel for aircraft.
6. Naphtha
Boiling point: 80-170 oC
Naphtha (heavy gasoline) is the result of petroleum distillation at temperatures between 70-
140 oC. Naphtha is used as a raw material for the petrochemical industry such as plastics,
synthetic rubber, detergents, drugs, paints, synthetic fibers, cosmetics, and gasoline

6. Gasoline
Boiling point: 70-140 oC
Gasoline is the result of petroleum distillation at temperatures between 35-75 oC. Gasoline
consists of heptane and octane isomers. Gasoline is used as fuel for motor vehicles.

7. Petroleum Ether
Boiling point: 30-90 oC
Petroleum ether is the result of petroleum distillation at temperatures between 30 to 90
degrees Celsius. The characteristic of petroleum ether is flammability and low price. But
petroleum ether is not too dangerous. Petroleum ether is used as a nonpolar solvent and as
a substitute for pentane.

8. Gas
Boiling point: (-160) -30 oC
Gas is the result of petroleum distillation with the lowest distillation temperature between –
160 to –40 degrees Celsius. This is because the gas is very volatile. Gas is a form of gas
from LPG which is liquid. Gas is used as a fuel for gas stoves.

II.6 The Function Of Petroleum For Human Life

1. Gas fuel
Gas fuel consists of LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
Gas fuel materials are commonly used for household and industrial purposes.

LPG, LPG (liquified petroleum gas, literally: "liquefied petroleum gas"), is a mixture of
various hydrocarbon elements derived from natural gas. By increasing pressure and
lowering the temperature, the gas turns to liquid. The components are predominantly C3H8
propane and C4H10 butane. LPG also contains other small amounts of light hydrocarbons,
for example ethane C2H6 and C5H12 pentane.
LPG properties are as follows:
The liquid and gas are highly flammable
Gas is non-toxic, colorless and usually smells pungent
Gas is sent as a pressurized liquid in a tank or cylinder.
The liquid can evaporate if released and spread quickly.
This gas is heavier than air so it will occupy a lot of low areas.

2. Petrochemicals
Petroleum, besides being a fuel, is also an important and useful chemical industry material in
everyday life. Materials or products made from basic ingredients of oil and natural gas are
called petrochemicals. Petrochemical ingredients can be classified: plastics, synthetic
fibers, synthetic rubber, pesticides, detergents, solvents, fertilizers, various types of
drugs and vitamins.

3. Petrochemical Basic Ingredients

The petrochemical process is generally through three stages, namely:
1) Transforming oil and natural gas into petrochemicals
2) Turning petrochemical base material into a product between, and
3) Changing intermediate products into final products that can be utilized.
Almost all petrochemical products come from three basic ingredients, they are :

a) Olefins (alkene-alkenes)
The most important olefins are ethene (ethylene), propene (propylene), butene
(butylene) and butadiene.
CH2 = CH2 CH2 = CH - CH3
Ethylene propylene
CH3 - CH = CH - CH3 CH2 = CH - CH = CH2
Butylene butadiene

b) Aromatic (benzene and its derivatives)

The most important aromatics are benzene (C6H6), totuene (C6H5CH3) and xylene
(C6H4 (CH3) 2
Gas Synthesis
Synthetic gas is also called syn-gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and
hydrogen (H2). The gas is made from the reaction of natural gas or LPG through a
process called stean reforming or partial oxidation.
Stean reforming reaction: CH4 (g) + H2O → CO (g) + 3H2 (g)
Partial oxidation reaction: 2CH4 (g) + O2 → 2CO (g) + 4H2 (g)

3. Kitchen products used in everyday life, such as refrigerators, magic coms and
chairs are also derived from processed petroleum in the form of iron and

4. Car material From some parts of the car that is formed it is made of processed
crude oil. Fiber from refined petroleum is used as a block layer in car products and

types of liquids for cars such as lubricating oil, brakes and fuel.


III. 1 Conclusion
Petroleum is formed from the remains of fossils of living things buried millions
of years ago. Petroleum extraction is carried out at oil refineries. Then
fractionated according to the boiling point. Petroleum has an important role for
life, both as an energy source and as a raw material for the petrochemical

III. 2 Suggestion
Petroleum is a natural resource that cannot be renewed. Now it's almost gone.
Therefore, its use must be saved. The use of refined petroleum ingredients also
has side effects. Like exhaust gases from machines that use refined petroleum
ingredients. The smoke is an indication of air pollution and worsens the
condition of the world that is experiencing global warming.


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