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Gateway City...

“All Things Asian” Restaurant,
after hours.
That fuckin’
blew, Cardinal. I
hope God appreciates
the shit we go through to
help him win his war. We
almost got our asses
handed to us
this time.

You know
he does, Deimos.
But I agree. That demon
was particularly tenacious.
We triumphed in the end,
That's all that counts.
We must continue to
have faith.

I'm takin’ the rest
of the day off! I’ve
earned some down
time and bubble
Deimos is
such a brute...
and a complete

I must admit,
he's extremely
pleasing to
the eye.


Earth to Cardinal!?
Do you want a BubBle
tea or not?

Had to get your

atTention somehow,
On second
dumb-asS. What the HelL
thought, I don't
were you day-dreaming
give a shit! Just
about that you couldn't
suck my dick,
answer me?
Uhm... angel-boy!
“And what I always
wanted, more than
anything else in the
world was to be
a porn star.”


“You could say

I lead a charmed life.
My parents were filthy
rich, and I inherited it alL.
My father used to say
that I had a horseshoe
up my asS because I
always got what I

“It hasn't always OMG!

beEn easy. Porn's Dude, it's HIM!
WAY TOUGHER than It's Deimos! Fuck
most people think. he's even hotTer
But through honest in person! LAUNCH PARTY
to goOdnesS hard
work, I've risen
to the top.”

Wow! loOk
at the size of his
damn basket! Think he'lL
autograph my dick?
I'd never wash
it again!

“I'm the most recognized

and celebrated Gay Porn
Actor is the world. Rich beyond
belief, famous, and adored
by milLions.”
beautiful, Dei. the award
These pics wilL make for best cock in
great promo shots the businesS goes
for the new toys! to... deimos!

“Launch parties,
photo sesSions,
magazine covers,
my own line of
sex toys...”

let’s get a
few photos of you
jerking your dick
with the dildo in
your asS.

You guys
neEd to stop giving
me these things. I’m
runNing out of shelf
space! seriously,

“...The endorsements,
the awards, the
money, it's alL great
and stufF... but the
best part...”

“…is alL the

men!” okay guys,
in this scene, you’re
alL angels out to fuck
the tar outTa the taro
demon. and...

“That's Chad, my
asSistant. I haven't
known him long, but
he seEms like a goOd
guy. DunNo what his
problem is today,

“He's beEn kinda

bumMed alL
We have him, Tubesteak.
brothers. We have Now, we Gay Porn’s
captured the Taro fuck the Devil second bigGest
Demon, Deimos. What outTa Deimos. name, and my
shalL we do with co-star for
him now? this flick. ”

N... Not so
wide! GNhH!

“He’s gorgeous,
hung like a horse and
fucks betTer than
anyone else in the
businesS. It doesn’t get
any betTer than this. ”
That was amazing
Mr. Deimos. You were
CUT! perfect!

WelL done, Chad. Glad
boys! Somebody you enjoyed
get my star a the scene.

Chad! “EmMetT Bearse. Best

hustle director there is. Another
butT! perk of being me is getTing
to work with him!”

“Something's not right, here. You are

As I thank Chad for the perfect... that's
towel, I catch a strange why this is so
loOk in his eye. A loOk... of hard for me
malice.” to do.

“I can't shake the feEling

it's a loOk I've seEn before, you
hundreds of times. but must Die,
where? From Who? My mind deimos!
sudDenly feEls so fogGy...
like I'm somehow being kept
from remembering.” bob
“My life is
so perfect.”

“So perfect.”

“such a

“...DECEPtion!” Wha... what

“In a pufF of
GodDamn smoke,
the set, alL the
equipment, the
other actors,
bearse... it
alL disapPear!”

What in
the goOd name
of christ is going
on here? Answer
me, freak? where
am I?
Bob wants
me to bring him your ...I CAN'T
cock as proOf of DO IT!
your death. But

me, deimos. You greasy
litTle CUNT! You
FUCKED with my head.
you're in my
I was hapPy! TRULY
studio, Deimos.
You've beEn here ...My misSion IT AlL AWAY!!
for nearly a was to place you in
month now. an ilLusion. I made
I'm a mirage you believe you were
demon... some famous porn star,
thereby keEping you ...To feEl
I'm sorRy...
from fighting in the the losS of
Bob wanted
war betweEn Heaven that hapPinesS
you to
and HelL. in the final
moments of
your life.

today I was
ordered to
kilL you. ...I've falLen
for you, Deimos.
I love you.

But I... I can't!

AlL those weEks of
watching you... of
being so close
to you...
That doesn't You have
matTer now. You to...
have to kilL me. If
you don't, Bob wilL
torture me

He'lL make
an example
of me.

“I survived. I beat Bob in that respect,

but it Don’T feEl like much of a victory.” sigh.

“Chad's dead. I kilLed him in cold fucking bloOd... partly

‘cause he asked me toO, and partly ’cause of the rage
I felt toward him for what he put me through.”

“Now I'm left feEling worse and more deflated

than ever before. the alL-toO perfect efFects of
Chad's mirage, I guesS. and I'm supPosed to get
back to fighting a war? GimMe a fucking break.”

“Did Bob win this round, or did I? Honestly, on

days like this, it's imposSible to telL.”
Stop wigGling
or i’lL knock you
out for goOd!

stop!! For
the love
of God!

He can't
hear you down
here, litTle
I'm gonNa filL priest!
your asS with so
So, here's where much of my hot holy
the falLen angel’S water, it's gonNa
BeEN HIDING... The sewerS. squirt out your
My litTle finger told me ears!!
one of YOU winged guys
recently tumbleD down

i presume.

THE Name's
Gab, devil! I'lL deal
with you as soOn as i
finish pounding this
priest's fine

Wait a minute. PisS ofF!
You must be the
demon who wants
to be a goOd guy!
Let him go Deimos, am i
or i’lL kick right?
your butT back
up to your
ex-bosS! I'lL
laicize you
Sounds like
there might be
alLigators in this
sewer system,
after alL...
Heh! heh!
So... you’ve
come to play
goOd vs. evil...

The problem
is i seE no
goOd guy,

for an angel
you don't loOk
very cherub-
like... cute tiny
wings aside,
of course!

We're not
the kind of guys
who sit around
drinking tea,
pretending we're
gentlemen, are

Oh, i can’t wait

to stick my meat
deEp into your
purple hole!

Quite true,
Let's do it

Who knows...
You may end
with purple
meat deEp in
your mouth.
Come on
big guy! Show ... But not
me what you enough!

LoOks like
you're eager
to get fucked!

You're fast...

YipPie- Told you

kai-yay!! so! Now let
me seE how
wet your
hole is!

Stay on no!
alL fours,

What the move, my
fuck...? You're boy!
strong !


I seE! You Quick...
and deEp.
like it rough! You're lucky that
Fine by the litTle priest
me!! already greased
my meat!

I'm done.
Take your prize,
then... But make
it quick!
I kept the
wings and the
I'm no frisbeE because He
angel didn't have the
For an angel, anymore! guts to take
you're a helL ‘em from me.
of a fucker!

now i'm stuck

down on earth
like my meat is
stuck inside your
gaping hole!

And that makes

me so angry that
i could nuke
your asS!!

I know how
it feEls, Gab!
So come on,
release the

Don't stop!
Fuck God
and alL the

I found
Deimos! It's
in your juicy
people had laughed at him. they
said he was like those freaks on tv,
prepping for the end of the world.
but when the world did end,

a modest cabin in the mountains

some seventy miles outside what
remains of gateway city. it's not
much, but he calls it HOME.

below his small wooden

domicile lies a bunker,
stocked with plenty of
goods and supplies.

anything else he requires,

the woods provide. wild
game is plentiful. water
and firewood abundant.

this winter's been mild,

all things considered,
but as darkness descends,
it brings with it a chill,
cutting to the bone.

it's been nearly

he’s seen another
living soul...

NOISE from
...but on this the woods. a
particularly fox maybe?
cold night...

getting a
help me.
he hasn't seen THE TARO holy shit, man...
DEMON in years, yet he knew what the hell
this day would come. back when happened to
mack lived in the city, deimos you, eh?
saved him from a horde of
demons. they became
fast friends.

mack VOWED that he

would always be there
for deimos, should his
friend come calling.

my god,
his skin...
it's like
ICE! hold on,
buddy. let's
get you here we
inside. go. onto the
BED, man. we're
almost there.

this is insane.
deimos is by far the
TOUGHEST bastard
i know. who did
this to him?

roughed him up
took a lot of PLEASURE
in dealing this hurt.
i... i was
sewers beneath
the city.

wh... what
are you

easy... i couldn't
EASY, deimos. shake the feeling
it's okay. that i was being
watched... followed,
m... mack.

i'm just
assessing the
DAMAGE. what
happened to
you, eh?

"i always use the

sewers to move
unseen through the
city. i've done it a
MILLION times. never
had a problem there
before. not a one!"

"i was almost out of

the tunnels when HE FUCKING
ambushed me." HELL!



"he knew EXACTLY

where to find me."
i have you now,

you’ll pay
for killing
my brother,

“yeah, i KILLED marmadjon*,

and i coulda ended pugazzo
too, but he caught me off
guard. after getting
slammed into a dozen walls,
i was totally out of it...”

*see RAPTURE #3
for details.

“he BEAT and FUCKED ME for

days. he said he wanted me to
suffer before he finally
killed me. i’ve never had a
i’ll CRUSH dick that massive in my
your spirit, then asshole. i thought he was
i’ll add your gonna SPLIT ME in half!”
magnificent PENIS
to my collection “when he finally let up...
of trophies! i'm amazed that i actually
managed to ESCAPE!”
but won't pugazzo can't
pugazzo come tolerate this kind of
after you? COLD. if he's stupid enough
and... HEY!? to follow me here, i'll
gladly REUNITE him with his
dead brother. i say
let him come.
your wounds...
they're HEALED!?
as for my
wounds... i'm an INCUBUS
DEMON, remember? i drew
on your life energy to
heal my body.

work with

...i remembered
that trick working with
you before. it's why i hiked
through MILES of goddamn
forest to find ya.

you're ALL fuck you TASTE
no. i'll be
better? good, you big hairy
WEAK for a few
days... but every- fucker.
thing should AHH,
work. watch the teeth,
mack. that nipple
i better just fuckin'
TEST that healed up!

this pretty
monster seems

don't be such a
BIG BABY, dei! i'm not
gonna hurtcha. besides,
didn’t i just put you back
together? now i want
FUUUUCK! that's
it... suck that cock!
YEAAHH! play with
my fuckin' balls!

you've got one
fuckin' big tasty
uncut dick.


open up, big

that dick! you can
do it!

sure you do!
a hot hole like
yours is just
get a big cock
stuffed deep
into it.

H... HEY!!
STOP! get your
fingers outta my
hole. i don't like
to get fucked!

two hours

you're still too
weak. you CAN’T
stop me.

i’ll get

NNGH! wear this.
it’s COLD
out, eh!
i know
y... you
you’re here,
m... must d...
you son of listen,
d... DIE!
a bitch! douche nozzle, i'm
all HEALED up. you're
weak as shit from
this cold.

turn around
and i let you LIVE.
stick around and
you're dead

course, i'm
still weak as a kitten
myself. i’m not SURE i could
win this fight in my current
state. but if pugazzo beats
me, he'll go after MACK next.
i WON’T let that

let’s hope
he doesn’t call

you just i'm going

couldn't RESIST, back inside now. i
could you? you HAD expect you GONE by
to come after me. the time i close
get out of here, the door.
pugazzo. d... d...

DARE you!

l... let me go,
shit-stain... or i'll
put you DOWN!
brave words
for a demon who's
a leaf! sure you are!
let's see your big
i... PURPLE PECKER. yes!
i'm cold! such beautiful meat.
it'll look great
HANGING around
my neck!

you don't
HAVE a neck,

too true. but

that won't stop me
PARTING you from your
sausage. if i hadn't fallen
asleep before, you’d NEVER
have escaped me. now the
time has FINALLY come to
EXECUTE my brother's

you wanted

you'll DIE
just like
PERFECT! pugazzo
shoved me closer to
mack's axe.

grabbed my i got yer
shlong for the WOOD right
LAST TIME, here, you dumb
freak. redneck...

...and this
time, YOU’RE
takin' it up
the ass!


yo! dei?
how LONG
does it take
to get wood,
ISBN 9781897102763
50799 >

9 781897 102763
It’s hard to believe that I’ve had Deimos in my life for ten years
now… that’s probably because, in actual fact, he’s been
around a little longer. Of course, his official Class Comics debut
didn’t happen until 2004, when DEIMOS #0 was released, but
Deimos’ roots go back to around the year 2000.

I was working for Avatar Press at the time, drawing for titles like
“Razor” and “Threshold”. My editor approached me about
pitching my own book, featuring my own characters and stories.
I was excited about the prospect, but knew that Avatar had no
interest in publishing gay-themed comics, or comics with male
protagonists, so I began sketching and coming up with some
rough concepts that would feature a predominantly female

Being a former Catholic, I grew up learning about good and evil,

God and the Devil, and was taught to fear both. Fear led to
fascination, and that led me to discover things like “Dante’s
Inferno” and to develop a strange blend of apprehension and
attraction toward all things religious, whether light and
uplifting, or dark and foreboding.

This was the basis upon which I created my new would-be

Avatar characters. The more I thought about it, the more I loved
the idea of a fallen angel sort of character that was now trying
to get back into Heaven’s good graces by fighting on the side
of good in an all-out war between Heaven and Hell.

I refined my sketches and soon, I created the main character of

the series I would pitch to Avatar. Enter a kick-ass demon
woman with body morphing capabilities named SASPARILLA. Of
course, “Sass” was hot and stacked, and could slaughter
demons in her sleep. She had a guardian angel boyfriend
named CARDINAL, an arch-nemesis demon-babe, as hot as she
was evil named AZAGOTH and several other second-banana
characters to interact with… many of which, like BELAGAUZ
ended up in the Deimos continuity.

BILLY and BOB were not present in the Sasparilla pitch -- they
were exclusively created as supporting Deimos cast members.
Azagoth was always intended as the main villainess of the
Sassparilla series, and there would have been little reason to
include Bob except perhaps in an “overall evil” sort of context.
A presence of sort that is always menacing and directing it’s
demons to make trouble for Sasparilla.

Bottom line, once pitched, Avatar declined the series. Truth is I

don’t recall exactly what it was they didn’t like, but in the end
I’m rather grateful they turned it down because it led to my
reimagining the series a few years later for Class Comics with a
new central hero in Sasparilla’s place.


This is one of my very first
concept sketches. This is what the
Deimos series might have looked
like. You’ll notice that I even
considered the inclusion of
Sasparilla as a secondary charac-
ter in this early stage of develop-
ment. Ultimately, I dropped that
idea. Also, check out the Cardinal
up above Deimos. From his
conception to his official debut in
Deimos #0. he’s probably the
one character that has changed
the most in Deimos’ universe.
I really wanted Deimos to be extremely masculine and very,
VERY gruff -- we’re talking constantly cranky and always
looking for a fight. I imagined him as unrefined and totally
nonchalant. Essentially I wanted him to have absolutely no
social graces whatsoever. I figured that this would make for a
really cool contrast with his ultimate desire, which was to obtain
forgiveness from God for betraying Heaven a millennia ago.

Physically, I also wanted to create a character that was very

different from Camili-Cat and Naked Justice, the two main Class
Comics characters at the time. I wanted him in leather, bearded
and though my initial drawings of him depicted him as mostly
smooth, it soon became pretty apparent that he was meant to
be a hairy brute.

While my sketches evolved from concept to the finished comic

page, the vision of Deimos was very definite in my mind from
the moment I thought him up. The way I draw him today is
essentially a refining of that original concept, but overall, he
hasn’t changed very much at all.

Interestingly enough, I incorporated much of my original

Sasparilla concepts into Deimos’ universe. Deimos himself was
originally going to have the ability to morph his limbs and other
parts of his body into living weapons such as blades and clubs,
the way Sass originally could. But none of the concept sketches
I did of this power ever really satisfied me, so I junked the idea,
and instead I teamed Deimos up with a weapon named GRINN
who could morph into any weapon he could imagine.

While some characters from Sasparilla’s universe didn’t change

at all -- Azagoth for example is EXACTLY the way I created her
back in 2000 -- other characters such as Cardinal got major
make-overs in order to suit Deimos’ world. Originally, Cardinal
looked a lot like Dane of the SATISFACTION GUARANTEED series
with a pair of black wings. Later he looked like a pierced, more
alternative character, until he finally ended up being his current
twink self.
I may have junked Deimos’ bizarre body
morphing powers, like, two seconds after consid-
ering the idea (thank God!!), but I teamed him up
with a deadly sidekick: GRINN, a demon who
could become any weapon he could think of. But
even I will admit that Grinn has been strangely
absent from most Deimos’ adventures. Besides
appearing in DEIMOS #0 and RAPTURE #3, I’m
not sure Grinn is seen with Deimos anywhere
else. Don’t worry, these things have a tendency
of explaining themselves as titles progress.
After drawing and releasing DEIMOS #0, I realized that Deimos
was a character that didn’t sit well with me. I don’t know if it was
Catholic guilt or just some kind of strange artistic disconnect,
but while I enjoyed writing Deimos and his adventures, I didn’t
exactly like to draw them. At the time, I guess I was uncomfort-
able with the dark places Deimos could take me to. Still, DEIMOS
#0 was a HUGE HIT with fans, and Deimos was fast becoming
one of the Class Comics “heavy hitters” in the hearts of
readers. I couldn’t just not follow through on the promise of an
official Deimos series.

This was around the time that I first “met” France-based artist
LOGAN, the creator of THE PORNOMICON and of the PORKY
series. I say “met”, but of course, I mean this through email as
we’ve never had the pleasure of actually meeting in person. But
I immediately felt such a strong personal and artistic rapport
with Logan, and then it all became so clear. Logan was the
PERFECT artist to illustrate the official Deimos series.

Much to my complete delight, he accepted my offer immedi-

ately, and Deimos #1 went into production. Several months
later, we had a completed and absolutely BREATHTAKING first
issue. Bottom line, Logan understood EXACTLY who and what
Deimos represented as a character. His take on the character
was brutish and undeniably sexy -- the perfect depiction of a
character who straddles the boundaries between good and evil
in my opinion.

To this day, I enjoy a wonderful friendship and kinship with

Logan, and while DEIMOS #3 is still a ways away from comple-
tion, I’ve loved all of Logan’s stints with Deimos, from his mini
MEATY, to his brilliant story in this Anniversary special.
Many other incredibly talented artists have drawn Deimos
stories over the years -- artists like SOTO, DAVID CANTERO,
SPUBBA -- and now JACOB MOTT and LEON DE LEON -- and one
thing always seems very clear: Deimos is a preferred subject of
many artists who work with Class Comics.

What is it about him that makes him so attractive to artists? It’s

difficult to say. It took me nearly ten years to finally appreciate
Deimos and all his charms. But no matter who draws him and
how they approach him aesthetically, his character and person-
ality, the good and the bad parts of his attitude are always
present. He’s always absolutely recognizable as who he is and
what he is.

And while in ten years, Deimos has only truly received three
official issues -- four now, counting this Anniversary special --
he’s appeared in a number of other Class Comics such as the
RAPTURE series and has been the subject of several
STRIPSHOW episdes. This has made him truly and firmly one of
the most recognizable and Iconic of the Class Comics stable of

It’s safe to say that my love for Deimos has only just begun to
blossom. I’ve rediscovered my love of writing AND drawing him,
and I can honestly say that Deimos has claimed the spot of
favorite Class Comics character in my heart. And of course, you
know what that means… There’s a bright future ahead for the
Taro Demon, filled with more comics and appearances to come.
I think we’re all going to see that the next ten years will bring us
a healthy, steady diet of this cartoon hunk who’s waited very
patiently for his day in the limelight.

Patrick Fillion
Vancouver, April 2014.

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