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Article Writing 2020

Rosa Nabilah

Introduction constructed virus, its genomic sequence would

show a mix of known elements. This is not the
The first human cases of COVID-19, the disease case.
caused by the novel corona virus causing
COVID-19, subsequently named SARS-CoV-2 Another corona virus, SARS-CoV-1, the cause
were first reported by officials in Wuhan City, of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
China, in December 2019. Retrospective (SARS) outbreak in 2003, was also closely
investigations by Chinese authorities have related to other corona viruses isolated from
identified human cases with onset of symptoms bats. These close genetic relations of SARS-
in early December 2019. CoV-1, SARSCoV-2 and other corona viruses,
suggest that they all have their ecological origin
While some of the earliest known cases had a in bat populations. Many of these corona viruses
link to a wholesale food market in Wuhan, some can also infect several animal species. For
did not. Many of the initial patients were stall example, SARS-CoV-1 infected civet cats and
owners, market employees, or regular visitors to then humans, while the virus causing the Middle
this market. Environmental samples taken from East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) is
this market in December 2019 tested positive for found in dromedary camels, and has continued
SARS-CoV-2, further suggesting that the market to infect humans since 2012.
All available evidence for COVID-19 suggests
Wuhan City was the source of this outbreak or that SARS-CoV-2 has a zoonotic source. Since
played a role in the initial amplification of the there is usually limited close contact between
outbreak. The market was closed on 1 January humans and bats, it is more likely that
2020. SARS-CoV-2 was identified in early transmission of the virus to humans happened
January and its genetic sequence shared publicly through another animal species, one that is more
on 11-12 January. The full genetic sequence of likely to be handled by humans. This
SARS-CoV-2 from the early human cases and intermediate animal host or zoonotic source
the sequences of many other virus isolated from could be a domestic animal, a wild animal, or a
human cases from China and all over the world domesticated wild animal and, as of yet, has not
since then show that SARS-CoV-2 has an been identified.
ecological origin in bat populations. All
available evidence to date suggests that the virus All the published genetic sequences of SARS-
has a natural animal origin and is not a CoV-2 isolated from human cases are very
manipulated or constructed virus. Many similar. This suggests that the start of the
researchers have been able to look at the outbreak resulted from a single point
genomic features of SARS-CoV-2 and have introduction in the human population around the
found that evidence does not support that SARS- time that the virus was first reported in humans
CoV-2 is a laboratory construct. If it were a in Wuhan, China in December 2019.
A number of investigations to better understand world. Review of data, however, indicated that
the source of the outbreak in China are currently the number of deaths may be much higher than
underway or planned, including investigations of what has been reported as those who died with
human cases with symptom onset in and around acute COVID-19 symptoms but had not been
Wuhan in late 2019, environmental sampling confirmed or tested were not counted in the
from markets and farms in areas where the first official death figure.
human cases were identified, and detailed
records on the source and type of wildlife Indonesia has tested 6,839,040 people against its
species and farmed animals sold in these 270 million population so far, or around 25,367
markets. Results from these studies are essential people per million. The World Health
to preventing further zoonotic introductions of Organization has urged the nation to perform
SARS-CoV-2 into the human population. WHO more tests, especially on suspected patients.
continues to collaborate with animal health and Instead of implementing a nationwide lockdown,
human health experts, Member States, and other the government had approved large-scale social
partners to identify gaps and research priorities restrictions (Indonesian: Pembatasan Sosial
for the control of COVID-19, including the Berskala Besar, abbreviated as PSBB) for some
eventual identification of the source of the virus regencies and cities. All existing activities are
in China. hampered, all schools and offices are closed or
The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is part of activities are held at home called working from
the ongoing worldwide pandemic of corona home or studying from home, besides that many
virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by mall recreational tourist attractions are closed.
severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus And not only that the government has also
2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was confirmed to have banned all crowd-related activities such as
spread to Indonesia on 2 March 2020, after a festivals, weddings and other events, as well as
dance instructor and her mother tested positive concerts and gigs.
for the virus. Both were infected from a After a lockdown for several days, the
Japanese national. government finally made a new decision
By 9 April 2020, the pandemic had spread to all because there were many activities that had to be
34 provinces in the country. Jakarta, West Java, carried out outside the home. Starting from late
and Central Java are the worst-hit provinces, May 2020, they began to apply new normal,
together accounting more than half of the along with other green and yellow zone regions.
national total cases. The largest increase of new This policy received much criticism and is
cases in a single day occurred on 30 January considered as a 'disaster' due to the still
2021, when 14,518 cases were announced. At increasing number of cases. The residents could
most 13,038 recoveries and 476 fatalities were leave the house with several health protocols to
ever recorded within a span of 24 hours. On 13 prevent the corona, including using masks and
July 2020, the recoveries exceeded active cases avoiding crowds, besides that, we have to wash
for the first time. hands after going outside. There are also many
people who have held several weddings and
As of 19 February 2021, Indonesia has reported other events, but in a much smaller number of
1,263,299 cases, the highest in Southeast Asia, people. Malls and tourist attractions have begun
ahead of the Philippines. With 34,152 deaths, to open, but schools and lectures are not allowed
Indonesia ranks third in Asia and 17th in the and conducted online. In addition, festival
concerts, music events, and gigs are not while public life is on lockdown. Each live show
permitted. is unique and unfiltered, revealing a side of
artists that many fans don’t get an opportunity to
For many live music fans and gigs, spring is the see up close. And like viewers, artists are
most important season, as bands hit the road and looking for ways to stay hopeful. Through these
huge festivals, such as South by Southwest and at-home shows, they’ve found a perfect
Coachella, kick off a busy concert season. opportunity to blend performance with an
uplifting experience that puts everyone tuning in
But in the face of the corona virus pandemic,
just a little more at ease with their situation, but
spring concerts and even the summer music
of course with the atmosphere of vibrations and
season are in peril, as social distancing and self-
enthusiasm that different.
quarantining make performing live music and
attending live shows all but impossible. Tours
Research Methodology
have been postponed or outright canceled, and
state and local prohibitions on large public In this research using quantitative
gatherings have closed venues indefinitely. method, quantitative methods emphasize
Music fans’ calendars, and the calendars of their objective measurements and the statistical,
beloved artists, have cleared at a record rate. mathematical, or numerical analysis of data
collected through polls, questionnaires, and
In isolation, music feels more necessary than
surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing
usual. Fans know that, and musicians know that.
statistical data using computational techniques.
Which is why many artists in quarantine are
Quantitative research focuses on gathering
finding other ways to perform “live,” via
numerical data and generalizing it across groups
platforms like Instagram and YouTube, and
of people or to explain a particular phenomenon.
rallying around hashtags like #TogetherAtHome
The pandemic has incited an explosion in Population and sample of this research
livestreamed mini-concerts and DJ sets, hosted is a group of fans of gigs on my personal
by artists on their social media feeds and often Instagram followers.
announced at the drop of a hat? John Legend and
his wife, Chrissy Teigen, hung out on Instagram This research use data collection
for an hour on March 18, with Legend playing technique, According to Nazir (2009) a
fans’ song requests. Elton John hosted a benefit questionnaire or list of questions is a set of
concert with iHeartRadio on March 30, with questions that logically relates to a research
artists including Billie Eilish, Billie Joe problems and each question is an answer that
Armstrong, and Dave Grohl all performing from has meaning in testing the hypothesis.
their homes. And DJ Derrick “D-Nice” Jones
The instrument of this research is the
hosts “Club Quarantine” on Instagram Live, an
data surveys of grup fans of gigs from Instagram
at-home, one-man, disco-dripping dance party
voting that I share on my personal Instagram.
that’s amassed a large following and won him
the title of “unlikely corona virus hero” from the The procedure that I use in this research
Los Angeles Times. (Among those fans: Oprah I do it online by making a few questions and I
Winfrey and Joe Biden.) share it on my personal Instagram with the
voting feature on my Instagram population and
Though they’re not quite like seeing a show in
the sample is all music fans gigs from my
person, these virtual gigs are playing a
Instagram followers.
fascinating role in keeping the public arts alive
a. Research Question
In sample collection, a minimum sample is
The research question we are using to guide needed so that valid and representative data can
my research is be found. Minimal sample done using a Slovin
“How enthusiastic have fan groups gigs have N
Formula. n=
been for virtual gigs platforms during this 1+ Ne2
2. Data Presentation
The null hypothesis is that fan of gigs is so
enthusiast to virtual gigs during pandemic. The Samples are presented in diagrammatic form
research hypothesis is that fan of gigs isn't really
enthusiast to virtual gigs during pandemic. 3. Making the Conclusion

b. Theoretical Framework All data that has been obtained will be made a
conclusion containing a brief statement
Based on this research theory that the
regarding the results that have been obtained.
researcher going to use is about enthusiasm:

Anthony Dio Martin defines enthusiasm as an Result and Analysis

inner passion followed by a feeling of being
inspired by something, being motivated to make Sample collection using stratified
something happen with optimism and creativity. random technique of fans music gigs in my
Instagram account needs a minimal sample with
Ruly Mujahid defines enthusiasm as joy, a surge Slovin Formula.
of passion, a passion for something.
There are 672 followers in my instagram
c. Data collection technique account, so the minimum number of samples in
each strata are :
According to Nazir (2009) a questionnaire
or list of questions is a set of questions that 672
logically relates to a research problem, and each
n= =251
1+(672× 5 %)
question is an answer that has meaning in testing
the hypothesis.

The list of questions is quite detailed and From 251 respondent, we got the following data:
Before the pandemic did you watch live
In this questionnaire I do it online by music concerts or gigs?
making a few questions and I share it on my
personal Instagram with the voting feature on Yes
my Instagram population and the sample is all 17%
music fans gigs from my Instagram followers.

d. Experiment Design

1. Minimal Sampling
Do you prefer live concerts or gigs than Have you ever watched a paid live concerts or
virtual concerts or gigs? gigs before the pandemic?

6% Yes 6% Yes
No No

94% 94%

Based on the data I got through my

Did you watch virtual music concerts or gigs
during the pandemic? personal Instagram account, 83% of my
Instagram followers were fans of live music gigs
before the pandemic, and then I followed up
33% No with questions related to their enthusiasm for
virtual music gigs.
From this population, only 6% of them
choose the concerts of virtual music gigs.

However, 33% of the populations also

Do you prefer to watch a live concert with a live audience that
has been recorded and then uploaded to YouTube rather than attend virtual music concerts. So, I can say that
just showing the bands?
even though they don't like virtual music
concerts they still go to virtual music concerts.
No Only 18% choose to watch virtual music
concerts instead of watching live music concerts
82% with live audiences who have been recorded and
uploaded to YouTube

And 24% of the populations are willing to spend

Have you ever watched a paid virtual concerts money on watching virtual music concerts or
or gigs?

Yes And 94% are willing to spend money to watch

24% No live music concerts or gigs.

76% Conclusion
Based on the results and analysis, it can
be concluded that most of the gigs music fans
prefer live music concert or gigs rather than
virtual music concerts or gigs.

Most of them prefer to spend money to

watch live music concerts or gigs rather than
virtual music concerts or gigs.
Only a few of them showed enthusiasm
for virtual music concerts or gigs.

Finally, I can conclude that the

enthusiasm of music show fans is very lacking
for virtual music concerts or gigs.

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