Deimos - Tales of The Taro Demon #2

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okay biLLy,

mathias. it's my
soRRy Dei,
day oFF, dammit. I
no woods for
was headed to the
you today.
woods. why the
fuck am I here?

soon you wiLL

have to pose as a
demon slave.

Deimos, you’LL nEEd

to convince an odious
man named coTTon crandle
that you are the genuine
article in order to obtain
vital information regarding
the sale and sacrifice of
innocent human victims.

teLL me
something I
don’t know!

what you
don't know my point is that
is that you wiLL unleSS mathias and
fail in your I train you to be more
task. “pliable”, you won't
succEEd and countleSS
people wiLL die.

what's your
point, stevie

gimme a
deimos, such break, biLLy.
as you are, you are I can fuckin'
defiant, dominEEring, fake it.
dictatorial and, forgive
me, at times, imperious.
none of these traits
describe a slave.

no, you can't.

not convincingly.
you nEEd to be
I only hope
you can forgive me
when this is over,
my friend.
wha…? uhrnh! goddammit,
I can’t move! what biLLy. don't be an
are you... doin'... aSShole. lemme go! I neither am I.
what is neceSSary. you must be trained,
to me...? ain't meSSin' around
my speLL wiLL hold deimos. there's no other
you captive while way. this miSSion is too
mathias and I do important. failure is
what we must. not an option.


strip me? wait,

what? the fuck you you heard
two aSSholes gonna biLLy. you goTTa
do t'me? mathias...? be trained.

by the time we're

through here, you're
gonna be a proper
demon slave.

guys, don't do this. I-I

could practice playing the
part without you resorting
to this freaky shit. gimme
a chance. please!

man...! aah!
watch the
no. we ulp...
cannot take the rods...?
risk, and time is
running out. holy shit. I'd
heard you were
hung, but this... wow!
I dunno if my rods
are long enough.

yup. sounding rods.

we got some nice toys
aLL prepared for you.
we nEEd to teach you
to squirm, boy.

you wiLL learn make this more
to give yourself interesting...
over to your master
completely. we wiLL
break you of your

ahh! stop
it... fucker!

biLLy, please!
the more you curse, fucking stop...
the more BiLLy wiLL aaoow!
flog your nutsack.
You wiLL learn
to get an erection on
command. As a slave, your
wha... body does not belong
don't! uhhrn! to you. It belongs to
your master.
you smeLL so good.
I fantasized about being YYaaahh!
close to you like this, I admit
it... but I never imagined you'd
be this incredibly hot. I’m
soRRy I have to do this
to ya, buddy.

then don't. mathias,

please don't put that
in my dick. c'mon man!
it- it's gonna hurt. from
one dude to another…
please… don’t do it.
shit... h-holy
fucking shit! w-what's
on that?

hot ice
ointment. I bet
it fEEls preTTy

{moan} n-no shit...

stiLL you
remain defiant,
deimos. are we not
geTTing through
to you?

unFF! dammit,
biLLy... enough!
this... is gonna
make me... cum...

a slave
cums when he is with
told, not before. pleasure!
mathias... clamp
his baLLs.
biLLy, please,
man... that's enough
now... I'LL be good...
I swear.

ooaah...! enough? second

not nearly. rod, mathias.

always had an iSSue
with people going anywhere
near your aSS, deimos.
I know you.

you reaLLy think y-yeah...

you'LL be able to let sure. yes.
your “master” sodomize
you without puTTing I promise you.
up a fight? you wiLL regret
that lie.

now. let's get yipe!

you horizontal, UUhhrn!
shaLL we?

I wiLL
decide when you've
“had enough”.

c'mon, biLLy, please...
no more... I've had

get the grease.
let's relieve your
penis of these rods.
I imagine the sensation
is quite strange.

oh... oh g--

I'm gonna get

you loosened
up, dei.

I love how
pink you are on
the inside.

shit, no way...
don't put that in me, aaahhhh! it's
dude. don't! fucking cold!

what you hate is

leTTing yourself lose
control, but that is
precisely what you must
do now. give yourself
over to the sensations.
aLLow yourself to
cut loose!
nUUuaah! no, stop.
I hate that... please...
stop it. I hate it! fuhhhck...
I'm... {groan} I'm
gonna cum... no!
not yet.

oh god {sob}
please lemme hold
cum... {moan} I it...
nEEd to cum...
caaaaan't! you can and
you wiLL! you
ejaculate when
we say you can.
not before.


it's time.
mount him.

good. there is
begging in your eyes.
yes, deimos. you can
ejaculate now.

god, this big

demon’s hot, but I’d
never dare do any of this
without biLLy here to kEEp
him in check. taro boy mmmRRmFF...?
would rip me apart, and
we aLL know it!
a few moments later... crandle
wiLL expect his
demon slave to
{huFF} be completely
{huFF} obedient.
you'LL soon
{huFF} realize that this
training is for your
benefit, especiaLLy when
your succeSS aLLows us
weLL done, to deal heLL another
deimos. you've crippling blow.
now come here...
taken a first step on aLL fours, like
toward succEEding in a slave.
your next miSSion.
f-fuck I'm very proud
you, biLLy. of you. fine, biLLy. I'LL be
your bitch long enough
clearly, to get this miSSion done...
we stiLL have but once this is over,
work to do. we're havin' a talk.

I'm soRRy, biLLy.

I know I nEEded the
training. I don't wanna
fail my miSSion. I'm
glad we did this.
reaLLy I am.

But we're not

done. You're far from
trained. We'LL nEEd several
more days of this,
at least.


I can sEE right

through you, deimos.
good you teLL me what you
boy. think I want to hear
so I wiLL put an end
to these seSSions.

no. when your

training ends, you wiLL
be absolutely ready to
play the slave... because
you wiLL know what it
is to be one.

your training
resumes in two
hours. kEEp sounding
your penis while as deimos fights to suppreSS
we're gone. his anger and frustration, he
begins to realize that biLLy is
succEEding in breaking him.
uhhhrn! for now, the taro demon can
you've gone only obey, praying that this
too far, this time, torment wiLL lead to succeSS
biLLy... too fuckin' in his upcoming miSSion...
...and denying to himself how
much he truly looks forward
to his next training seSSion.
the home, or, more
precisely, the bathtub
of warlock wiLLiam
“biLLy” zambu.

a weary taro demon soaks his

aching muscles after several
days of abuse at the hands of
biLLy and his aFFiliate, mathias.

this is the fuckin’

life! gueSS biLLy was
fEElin’ guilty. he let me
stay in his pad while he
went oFF on some
mystical eRRand.
he and mathias
tortured me for the
it’s the past two wEEks. every
least that hole on me hurts. they
bastard totaLLy destroyed
could do. my aSS.

“the shit they put

me through. I-I
know it was for
the good of my
next miSSion, but...

“…I swear biLLy

took pleasure in
abusing me. that
dude’s got a real
dark side.”
Anyway, it’s nice
to have some alone
time. I nEEd a breather,
and BiLLy’s place is fucking
wicked. I know he’s got
an Xbox around here
I wonder if
he has resident
evil viii yet?

sure, I’m supposed

to be “on guard”, but,
c’mon! this pad’s magicaLLy
protected. it’s situated
betwEEn realities and
constantly changes
no demon’s ever
bEEn able to get in
here… besides me,

and now me,

taro demon. wiLLiam
zambu is quite coRRect.
you are far too self-

look at
you now. wet,
naked, vulnerable and
completely immobilized
by my bewildering

I am caLLed eFFigy.
I sEEk an artifact of
immense power. I know
zambu has hidden it
within these waLLs.

you would
undoubtedly oppose me
in my search. my conflict
is not with you, so I won’t
kiLL you, but I wiLL
distract you…
...with what
you desire

my taro demon.
it’s me.


fascinating. deimos
does not consciously
remember the barbarian.
and yet, permiTTed to sEE
him again, his memories
come rushing back.

a tremendous force
has sEEn fit to kEEp
these two apart. let
my power bring zahn
back to deimos, even
if it is mere iLLusion.
the distraction wiLL
be acutely eFFective.

miSSed you so
much, zahn.

and I
you, deimos.
stop teasing,
dammit. stick it
in! please!

ever the
hungry boTTom,
I sEE.

Not yet. Suck

my cock, for a bit.
Show me how much
you want it.

zahn is not
truly here, but
eFFigy’s iLLusion
is so convincing,
that deimos’ body
reacts completely
to the undeniable

as he swaLLows
zahn’s thick uncut
meat, his throat
constricts and
gags at being
so fiLLed.

deimos doesn’t
even know it, but
he has dEEply
miSSed zahn… one
of only two men
the taro demon
has ever truly
felt “love” for.
huarhh! oh
fuck… zahn…
I’m cummin’!

shoot your
load for me,
deimos… uhhh!

it must be
here. I can sense its
power. if I were zambu…
where would I have
hidden it?

ah! of in
course. plain

at last
I poSSeSS it!

“I hope you have enjoyed this time

with your long-lost lover, deimos.
my task is complete, but I wiLL leave
you with your heart’s desire.”
wha…? biLLy!
shit… my head
the vision of zahn
fEEls like it’s going
continues to embrace
to split in two! w-what
deimos. in the taro
the heLL just
demon’s mind, it is
pure bliSS…

...a bliSS that is

inteRRupted by the
return of biLLy. in
this moment, deimos
completely forgets
eFFigy, and - not
for the first time -
zahn as weLL.

{sigh} deimos.
snap out
of it.


I found you
ejaculating on my okay, biLLy. get
floor, under some oFF my fucking
sort of speLL. I back. you’ve bEEn
broke it. ridin’ my aSS for
wEEks now. this
wasn’t my fault.

I left you here

to watch my home,
deimos. clearly that was
too great a task for you.
an evil presence found its
way in for some as yet
unrevealed purpose.

as always,
you succumbed.

I sense we it’s never

have suFFered a your fault,
teRRible setback is it?
because of you.
I am dEEply
disappointed in
you. too often do
you think with your
penis instead of
your brain.
tomoRRow, you wiLL
mEEt coTTon crandle… but
perhaps tonight some mystical
cock crimping and baLL twisting
torment wiLL make you appreciate
the head on your shoulders uaahh! w-what
over the one betwEEn the fuck are you…
your legs! doing to my junk?


every orgasm
wiLL cause you
excruciating pain. it
is aLL you deserve,
old friend.

I’d bid you

“good night”… but
it wiLL not be.
night has come to the ravaged
wasteland of gateway city.

MEEt CoTTon Crandle. A peTTy

criminal who’s chosen to turn his
back on humanity to turn a profit.

crandle deals in “sacrifice

trade”, providing demons with human
oFFerings in exchange for safety in
this war betwEEn heaven and heLL.

Tonight, he’s taking

the evening oFF, doing fuck yeah.
what he loves best: you wanna please
rubbing one out. daddy, dontcha boy!
that's right.

the fuck? hold your who the heLL

I’m ain't expecting fucken' horses, is it, goddammit?
nobody tonight. shit stain!

crandle. lemme
in. it's mathias. I
got that “item”
you wanted.

weLL, why didn’t

ya say so sooner?
c’mon in, ya idjit!
ain't he? did I do hrm!
good, or what? here we
unh... beTTer than
expected. where did
ya find this taLL drink
of demon dick?

you said the price

for cuTTing me into your
hey, I
racket was your own demon
got my ways,
mantoy. these fuckers ain't
easy to come by, but I
done right by you. I want
what's mine now.

weLL, simo...
chiLLax, buddy. ya got a nice you're mine now.
you'LL get whatcha big cock, kid. wha's I’ma teach ya how
came for soon as I yer name? to beg. I’ma teach
done checked out ya real good.
my new playstud. simo.

he what am I, a
neutered o' his fucking amateur? he can't even
demon powers, he's bEEn stripped try to escape. he's
mathias? of his abilities by mysticaLLy bound.
the best warlock told ya I'd hook
in the biz. you up!

why dontcha
urm... take him for
a spin?
don't mind if I do.
c'mere, purple boy.
show your new master
how good you suck
dick. don't be shy.


this old fuck
smeLLs like a
dead hooker's

now yer geTTing'

into it. aTTa boy!
yeah, don't stop!



hhhUUrgghh! hhmmRRf!

at least his jizz

doesn't taste as bad lick it aLL
as he smeLLs. up, bitch. yeah,
that's it. every
last drop.
hey, mathias.
let's ramp this
up. unchain 'im!
damn, purple
boy. you got the you done
finest aSS I ever good by me,
did sEEn! yeah, mathias.
that's good,
is this how
right there.
you want me,

I've proven I
can be trusted.
I want in on this
sacrifice busineSS.
who do ya report
to, man?

not so fast.
we'LL get to that
soon enough.

you brought
me this fine piece
of aSS. procurin' this
specimen couldn't
have bEEn easy.


ha! ha! he's

shit! deimos shaking like a leaf.
is gonna kiLL me. demon boy likes his
I've let this go hole pried open!
way too far.
mathias s-said
hunFF! crandle would t-talk
in no time. it wasn't
supposed to get to

I'm gonna
fuck you good
now, boy... an' my
dick's way thicker
than a bEEr

UUaaagh! told ya I
was big, demon.
ha! ha! ha!
ha! I love
makin’ big
muscle studs

where does
sunim operate
from? where we
supposed to
mEEt him?

so who's in
charge of the ring?
I nEEd more info if I'm
gonna be of any use
to these people.

ha! they ain't
people. they're
demons. the
leader's a devil
named sunim.

teLL you what.

fEEd demon stud
your cock, and I gueSS we've come
then I'LL teLL ya! this far. deimos wiLL
understand... I hope.
please god, let him


you like that,

boy? yeah! shoot
yer big wad for
your master!


two, bitch!


enough, crandle. you can fuck

teLL me what I nEEd simo aLL fuckin'
to know, and I'LL night long fer
get ouTTa yer hair. aLL I care.
oh, awright. I gueSS round two's
you earned it. sunim and bEEn canceled, you please don't
his gang operate out of sick freak! kiLL me, deimos. I did
the abandoned pulp miLL
what you asked. I got
in old gateway. he...
you to crandle and you
got your information.

thanks for
the info!


I'm ouTTa here, get lost,

okay? no hard mathias. stEEr
fEElings, right? clear ‘o me
for a while.

you got
it, big guy! no
prob! h-have a
great night!

{Sigh} the shit

I do to impreSS
the Big Man upstairs.
I goTTa get ready but first, me an’ I’m done bein’ the
to pay this Sunim biLLy goTTa have mantoy. he ain’t the
prick a visit. some words. that boSS ‘o me! as of now,
bastard’s gone way I’m makin’ my own
oFF the reserve decisions.
this time.

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