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This Sutra has changed the lives of many who have read it, for it
explains the direct results of causes. It is also called the Golden
Precepts by Lord Buddha and is reproduced here in its entirety.

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Once upon a time, there was a gathering attended by 1,250 followers.
The venerable Ananda, after circling thrice with folded hands around
the Buddha and bowing with respect asked:

At the present dark age where the majority of our people are indulging
in unrighteousness, disrespectful to the Lords teaching, undutiful to
their parents, immoral, miserable and sordid, among them some are
deaf, some blind, some mute, some idiotic, some handicapped in
other aspects, and most people inured to killing, how could we
understand the cryptic and fundamental principle or causes that have
brought about this reality and what consequences each individual is
to suffer eventually for his deeds.

My Lord, would you kindly explain these to us?

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The World-honored One then answered, Listen carefully, I will now
expound the Law of Karma.

Because of Karmic effects inherited from previous lives, some

people are poor, some rich, some happy and some miserable.
These are four rules inseparable in obtaining happiness and
prosperity in your next life. They are: to be dutiful to parents; to
be respectful to Buddha, Buddha’s teaching, and Buddhist
monks; abstain from killing and setting free sentient beings;
and abstain from eating meat and be charitable.

Then the Buddha proceeded on the Karmic Sutra:

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Parents are Two Buddhas in the family…
The verse of Maitreya’s advice on Filiality says:
In the family there are two Buddhas,
Regretfully, people in the world do not know
No need to use gold and color to adorn
Also, no need to use Chandana to carve
Just look at your present Mother and Father
They are Sakyamuni and Maitreya
If you can make offering to them
Where is the need to do other merit and virtue

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Destiny is aggregate karmic effects
from the past.

To believe in and practice this Law

will bring you eternal prosperity and

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Why in this-life you hold high position?
Because you have decorated Buddha's statue with gold in
your previous life.

That is because in your previous life, you have listened to

the Buddha's sutra and holds yourself upright, and
frequently and respectfully, decorated Buddha's statue
with gold powder and gold flakes. Buddha is the greatest
and most respectful amongst all, hence by offering to
Buddha, you will get the most respected positions.

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Why in this-life you have cars and various
transportation facilities?

Because you have repaired broken bridges and paved

roads for the benefit of others in your previous life.

As long as you frequently help to build bridges and lay

roads, do good deeds and let people have a better road
to use, you will reap good karma. By doing so, you will
attain wealth in the process, and will be able to enjoy
having good modes of transportation.

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Why in this-life you have clothing in great variety ?

Because you have donated clothings to the poor

people in your previous life.

The reason why you frequently have beautiful

clothes to wear is because in the past life, you
regularly donate clothes to the poor people and
let them have the basics to pass through the cold
winter. This good karma will let you enjoy having
beautiful clothes to wear in your next lives.

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Why in this-life you have splendid food ?
Because you have donated food to the poor in your previous life.

The reason why you frequently have beautiful

clothes and good food to eat is because in the past
life, you regularly donate food and clothes to the
poor people to prevent them from going hungry.

This good karma will let you enjoy

having plentiful of good food and
clothes in this life.

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Why in this-life you are starving and cloth less ?

Because you were too stingy to donate to charity

in your previous life.

The reason is because you are stingy in your

previous life, and does not even donate a single
cent to charity, nor do the smallest of good
deeds. Without any good karmas, you will have a
misery life until you do not even have enough for
3 decent meals a day. Hence, if you want yourself
to enjoy a better life in the next life, do at least
some good deeds frequently.
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Why in this-life you have houses and building ?

Because you have donated food to poor people in

your previous life.

These people were very kind hearted in their

previous life, and frequently donate their home's
food in big quantity, to the poor and needy
people, and help them to build houses to shelter
them from the harsh weather. Hence, they have
accumulated good karma, and is able to enjoy
living in big and beautiful houses in this life.

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Why in this-life you are so prosperous and happy ?

Because you help to build temples and/or

public shelters in your previous life.

The reason is because in your previous life,

you build monasteries for people to pay
respect to Buddha, or build public shelters for
people to rest in. Hence, you have plentiful of
good fortune in this life, and well respected
by others.

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Why in this-life you are pretty and
handsome ?
Because you respectfully offered flowers to the
Buddha's altar in your previous life.

Flowers have a good smell, and are pretty. In

your previous life, you frequently offer flowers
to Buddha, or decorate public places, letting
people who use the place feel refreshed, thus
accumulating this good karma.

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Why in this-life you are so intelligent and wise ?

Because you were a devout Buddhist and a sober

vegetarian in your previous life.

In your previous life, you frequently recite the sutra

and gain knowledge and calm the heart. Naturally,
you will see things with clarity.

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Why in this-life you have beautiful wife?
Because you have done good deeds in your previous life.

In the previous life, both husband and wife have studied

and practiced Buddhism, but have not achieved
attainment. Both had admired each other. Hence,
because of this fate in their previous life, they are
together in this life.

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Why in this-life husband and wife are faithful to each
other and can grow old together ?

Because you have decorated the temple with scrolls

and tapestries to Buddha in your previous life.

In your previous life, you have decorated the temple

with scrolls and tapestries, and frequently listen to
and practice Buddha teachings. You know that by
not killing living beings, you will enjoy good health
and long life. Hence together, both of you avoided
killing beings, and often freed them, hence
attaining good health and longevity.
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Why in this-life you have both parents ?

Because you have respected and helped

the lonely in your previous life.

You have respected old people, and

taken care of lonely old people in your
previous life, thus letting them have a
safe and stable environment to pass
their olden times. This is the good
karma you have reaped.

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Why in this-life you are an orphan ?

Because you were a bird-shooter in

your previous life.

In the past, you used to catch and kill

animals, thus they are unable to take
care of their children. This is a
retribution for your past actions.

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Why in this-life you have many children ?
Because you have printed and distributed sutras in
your previous life. Because you have freed birds in
your previous life.

In your previous life, you frequently freed living

beings, letting them escape the fate of being
killed, thus accumulating this good karma. Once
their karma has been fulfilled, they will be reborn
into your household to repay your kindness.

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Why in this-life your child dies young ?

Because you have killed other's children

through hatred of the child's parents.

One has a deep hatred for others, and thus

killed their child, leaving them to grieve. If
this is a direct retribution, you will have a
short life, and not just losing your child.

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Why in this-life you are heirless ?

Because you have destroyed flowers habitually in

your previous life. Because you hated others children
in your previous life.

In your previous life, you hate and are jealous of

others successful careers or business. You think that
if their descendants take over their business, they
will be even more successful. Hence, you harmed
their descendants, or assisted others in abortions.

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Why in this-life you enjoy longevity
and good health ?

Because you set free sentient-being in your

previous life.

In your past life, you saw animals that are

about to be killed. As you do not bear to see
them being killed, you bought them and set
them free in a safe place. Or you frequently
gave medicines to those in need, thus
enabling them to live a long and healthy life.

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Why in this-life you are short-lived ?

Because you have committed too many

killings in your previous life.

If you frequently kill animals in your

present or previous life, or makes a living
from killing livestock, you will suffer from
illness or have a short lifespan.

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Why is this-life you have no spouse ?
Because you have committed adultery in
your previous life.

Either that, or in your previous life, you

forced upon the other person’s wife or
daughter. In this life, you will either have no
spouse or your spouse will cheat on you or
leave you for others.

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Why in this-life you are a widow ?
Because you have ill-treated your husband in you
previous life.

In this life and previous life, you look down on

your husband, and use vulgarities on him or scold
him. Because of this, your husband suffered from
your abuse, and lead him to ill health, or met with
an accident outside. If you jeer at others being a
widow, you will suffer the same fate too.

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Why in this-life you are a servant ?
Because you were disloyal and
ungrateful in your previous life.

You have benefitted from others in your

previous life, but does not repay this
kindness to them, nor do any charity.
Hence, in this life, you will be a servant to
repay your debt in your previous life.

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Why in this-life you have clear and good
sighted eyes ?

Because you have donated oil to light up the

Buddha's altar in your previous life.

In your previous life, you frequently decorated

the Buddha's alter and lighted oil lamp, thus
brightening up the Buddha's surroundings.

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Why is this-life you suffer from blindness ?

Because you have distorted- truths and

misled others in your previous life. Because
you frequently see or spread pornography.

In the past, you published writing, and likes

to read pornography materials, thus using
the eyesight in the indecent way. Or you
frequently hurt animals' eyes, causing them
to hurt or lose their eyesight.

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Why in this-life you have wry mouth ?

Because you have intentionally blown out candles

before the Buddha's altar in your previous life.

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Why in this-life you are dumb and deaf ?

Because you have vituperated you parent in

your previous life.

In the previous life, you frequently scold your

own parents or virtuous people, or create
unrest among others, with your words, thus you
are dumb and deaf in this life, or frequently
suffer from ulcers or mouth-related diseases.

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Why in this-life you are hunch back ?

Because you jeered at Buddha's followers in your

previous life.

In your previous life, when you see followers

bowing to Buddha, you jeered at them. Hence,
when you meet with anybody or situation, you
should be careful in what you say and use a
positive attitude to face it, to prevent you from
gaining bad karma due to a moment's foray.

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Why in this-life you have disabled hands ?

Because You have committed evils with your hands in

your previous life. Because you beat your parents in
your previous life.

Your parents provided for you, thus you have to be

gratitude towards them. If children beat up their
parents, their sins will be multiplied. Upon death, they
will first go to hell for punishment, hence their hands
are distorted or disabled in this life.

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Why in this-life you have lame-legs ?
Because you were a robber in you previous life.
Because you purposely broke the bridge in your previous life.

In the past, the process of building a bridge was

a long and tedious one. The bridge belongs to
public property. Hence, if you purposely break
the bridge, you are also breaking other's efforts
and giving inconvenience to others, or causing
others to be in the danger or falling, thus
sowing bad karma in the process.

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Why in this-life you are born as a horse or an ox ?
Because you have never paid your debts in your previous life.

In the previous life, you did not follow the five precepts (against
killing living beings, against taking what is not given or stealing,
against sexual misconduct, against false speech, and against
the use of intoxicating drink or drugs), and intentionally not
repaying your debts, cheating others of their wealth.

Hence, in this life, you will be reborn as a horse or

an ox, to bear the burden of your debtors by
becoming their modes of transport, and selling
your flesh to repay your debts.
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Why in this-life you are born as a pig or dog ?
Because you have deceived and
harmed others in your previous life.

In your previous life, you did not

practice the five precepts and
frequently try to deceive or cheat
people, hence you are reborn as a pig
or dog to repay your debtors.

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Why in this-life you suffer from constant illness ?
Because you have offered flesh (meat) to monks
in your previous life. Because you gloat on other
people's misfortune in your previous life.

In your previous life, you like to kill beings, and

torture animals, or gloat when you see others
falling ill or suffering from misfortune. Instead of
helping them, you are happy that there will be
one less competitor because of their suffering,
thus accumulating this bad karma.

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Why in this-life you are healthy ?

Because you have offered medicine to cure

the sick people in your previous life.

In your previous life, you like to provide

medicine to people who are sick, hence
letting the sick get better. In this life, you
will reap the rewards of the good karma,
and enjoy good health.

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Why in this-life you are imprisoned ?

Because you have relentlessly committed evils in your previous life.

Because you did not help those you witness that's in trouble.

If you commit a crime in this life and is thrown into

prison, this is considered as present punishment. But if
you are wronged, or being sucked in unwittedly, and
jailed, this is the karma of your previous life. For
example, you saw someone being famed, but you did
not stand out to help them, causing the man to be
imprisoned. This will also cause bad karma.

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Why in this-life you are starved to death ?

Because you have plugged snake-pits and

mouse-holes in your previous life. Because you
jeer at beggars in your previous life.

In your previous life, you did not do enough

charity. When you see beggars, you jeer or
ignore them. Hence, in this life, nobody will
help you, and thus you die of starvation.

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Why in this-life you die of poison ?

Because you intentionally poisoned a river or

water-source in your previous life.

You intentionally poisoned a water source to

poison beings, whether is it to poison fishes or
human, so long the intention and deed is done,
you suffer the same fate. However, if you
frequently cleanse the environment to reduce
pollutants, this bad karma can be reduced.

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Why in this-life you are forlorn and friendless ?

Because you were unfaithful and deceitful to

others in your previous life. Because you plot to
harm others in your previous life.

In your previous life, when you see others having

a warm and happy family, or enjoy wealth, you
will be greedy, and try to plot to get their money,
hence causing the family to have conflicts or
deaths amongst them. Hence, in this life, you will
be poor and lonely.

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Why in this-life you are born as a dwarf ?

Because you have read and written sutra on the

floor in your previous life. Because you look down
on servants in your previous life.

In your previous life, you look down on the three

treasures (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), and jeer
at small built people, or look down on poor
people, hence you are born as a dwarf.

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Why in this-life you spew blood ?
Because you have eaten meat while praying
in your previous life. Because you try to
create discord among others.

In your previous life, you frequently create

discord among family and friends, causing
them to be enemies, and leading to sickness
or spew blood. Hence in this life, you will
suffer the same fate.

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Why in this-life you are deaf ?

Because you have attended Buddhist instructions

with levity in your previous life.

You have heard about Buddhism teachings in your

previous life, but chose not to believe in it, and
obstruct others from following, causing them to
lose the opportunity to learn and practice
Buddhism. It may be also caused by turning a deaf
ear to your parents, or harming others hearing.

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Why in this-life you are afflicted with ulcers ?
Because you have offered meat before the Buddha's altar in your
previous life. Because you tortured animals in your previous life.

In your past life, you were fierce and cruel. You

frequently bully the weak, or hit animals like
cats, dogs, pigs, cow, sheep, causing them to be
hurt badly and suffer from their wounds. In this
life, you will be afflicted with ulcers and suffer
from pain.

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Why in this-life you have bad bodily odor ?

Because you have sold incense with

dishonesty in your previous life. Because
you were jealous of others achievements
in your previous life.

In your previous life, you were jealous of

others achievements, fame, fortune and
popularity, and could not stand others
being better than you.

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Why in this-life you die by hanging yourself ?

Because you hunted animals by using ropes and

nets in your previous life. Because you benefit
yourself by harming others in your previous life.

In your previous life, you frequently benefit

yourself by harming others. When others lose the
will to live, and hanged themselves, you took the
opportunity to benefit yourself, or cause others to
hang themselves, thus reaping this bad karma.

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Why in this-life you are bereft of a spouse ?

Because you have been unduly envious and jealous

in your previous life. Because you do not love your
spouse and children in your previous life.

If you do not treasure the people around you, or is

unkind towards them, frequently abusing your
spouse and kids, the good karma from your
previous life will diminish very quickly, and your
family will leave you, leaving you to be lonely when
you grow old.

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Why in this-life you are struck by lightning or
burnt by fire ?
Because you have committed dishonest trading
with customers in your previous life. Because you
accuse monks of not spreading the correct
Buddhism in your previous life.

By accusing monks of not spreading the true

Buddhism, you have caused you to lose the merits,
thus landing yourself in hell after death. Hence in
this life, you will be struck by lightning or be burnt.

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Why in this-life you are wounded by beasts or
snakes ?
Because you have created enemies in your
previous life.

In your previous life, you have done wrong to

another being. The wronged party made a
revenge vow at their death bed, and this hatred
leads them to be born as a fearsome beast in this
life, who will seek you out and wound you.

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Whether you reaped or you sowed ......
If you suffer in hell, blame yourself for what
you did in your previous life.
If you in this-life recite the cause and effect sutra.
You will be respected by many people in
your next life.

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If you in this-life print and distribute the Cause
and Effect Sutra free to all ......
You will become a leader to humanity in
your next life.

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It is good to cultivate giving to the Triple Gems.
You will be rewarded in return ......

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If you doubt that eating vegetarian is
cultivating charity.
Witness the happy and prosperous people around you.

If you carry the Cause and Effect Sutra ......

You will be free from disaster and calamity.

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Do not think that the Cause and Effect is fallacious.
It will manifest either immediately / later in your life ......

If you spread the truth of the Cause and Effect Sutra.

You will be wise and intelligent in life-after-life.

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You are a Minister or an Officer in this-life ......
You gain the fruits because you cultivated with
pains in your previous life.
If in this-life you transcribe the Cause and
Effect Sutra ......
The generations will be smart
scholars and lived happily.

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If you in this-life insult the Cause and Effect Sutra ...
You are no longer a human being in your next life.

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If you recite and act according to the Cause and
Effect Sutra ......
Whatever you do will be witnessed by the Buddha
and Bodhisattva.

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It is impossible to exhaust the speaking of the
Law of Cause and Effect.
The generations will be smart scholars and
lived happily.

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The good cause you have accomplished in you previous
life will be the foundation of your good fortune.

The good seeds you have planted in this-life will give

you good fruits in your next-life.

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If you doubt the efficacy of Cause and Effect ……
See how Maugalyana could save his mother from

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The Cause and Effect must not be treated as a small matter.
The Buddha's words are truth, you must not slight.

If people deeply believe in the Cause and Effect Sutra ......

this will bring them together to the land of Ultimate Bliss.

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The Buddha Says:
To understand your previous-life, Look at what
you have in you present-life.
To have a preview of your next-life, Examine
your daily act in this life.

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The Merits of Producing Buddhist Teachings
and Buddha Images
1. One's light karma misgivings will dissolve, while heavy ones lighten.
2. One will be protected by divas, and be unharmed by natural and man-made disaster.
3. One will always be free from the suffering of hatred and vengeance.
4. One will be unharmed by yaksas, evil spirits and wild beasts.
5. One's mind will be at peace, free from harm and nightmare.
6. One's complexion will be radiant.
7. One will be full of auspicious energy.
8. One who practices the Karma whole-heartedly will have adequate living necessities.
9. One's family will be harmonious and be blessed with fortune and wisdom.
10.One who practices what one preaches will be respected and loved by all.
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The Merits of Producing Buddhist Teachings
and Buddha Images
1. One who is dull-minded will gain wisdom.
2. One who is ill will gain health.
3. One who is poor will gain wealth.
4. One who is female will be born male in future lives if one wishes to.
5. One will be free of being reborn in the negative realms.
6. One will be able to help others grow in wisdom and gain great merit in doing so.
7. One will always be able to learn the Karma, till one's wisdom and spiritual
penetrations are fully grown and becomes a Buddha.

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