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Iris Magana


English CP 4


Violence and Social Media

Violence in different sectors of the world’s economy has been manifested in certain

inhumane acts towards humankind. Such acts involve the use of physical force to damage or

abuse another person who may be vulnerable. On the same note, violence can also be manifested

on online platforms that don't necessarily involve the physical contact of the individuals. Social

media involves the online platforms used to communicate information from one source to the

expected receiver. Such platforms include Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, among others. This

paper explores and gives recommendations on the implementation of violence on social media

by broadening the perspective of ideas to be adopted by society.

Firstly, Social media campaigns against domestic violence create awareness against

abuse. On many occasions, domestic violence has been the secretly unnoticed form of violence

among individuals within households. Some social media platforms may instigate differences

between people from households by creating absolute supremacy (Medie 41). As a result,

conflict may arise amongst the individuals, which may result in violence. For instance, in a

family setup, some people may end up practicing retrogressive acts that may result in violence

from certain specific advertisements and stories from the media. Involving the target audience in

multiple and inclusive campaigns rectifies such domains that may result in domestic violence.

Social media campaigns create models for change within the community as open and free

dialogues are conducted to solve unfair and unjust situations.

Media advocacy lobbies for policy change on the retrogressive practices resulting from

the society. Most of our current societies have experienced increased forms of gender-based

violence. With great concern, pictures of young naked women are being shared daily on the

platforms without their consent. The media has propagated violence against most women in a

real-life situation which has created several unaccepted issues within the societies (Medie 30).

Our societies have been depicted as tolerant to these retrogressive practices by accepting such

acts to be done. Nevertheless. Media advocacy creates media literacy which challenges an

individual to consider the information he or she is obtaining from the media. The development of

non-passive consumers of the media information is always evident due to advocacy (Medie 24).

Besides, involving the stakeholders in the active change of policies on some retrogressive

societal eradicates social crime example, rape and child pornography. Media advocacy develops

the urge to speak out on occasions that require keen interventions, especially on matters of

women and violence.

Furthermore, media mobilizes communities and creates local leadership for the

management and eradication of violence. Social media is the great connector of the different

sectors of the world. Almost all households within a specific community are connected to the

social platforms except for a few who come from the marginalized area in one way or the other.

It is with great concern that the effectiveness of the media strategies to mobilize the individuals

are becoming limited. On the same note, the strategies are believed to be sustainable. Social

media mobilization involves involving the communities in supporting, organizing, developing,

and implementing creative strategies for corrective change within the community (Jaffe et al.10).

These mobilizing efforts create capabilities for eliminating the structures that are purported to

cause violence within the community. Social media builds support among the key stakeholders to

actively participate in developing programs that actively create social networks within the

community on matters of violence.

Media education has fueled sustainable interventions towards the eradication of violence.

The greatest concern among the growing nations is the high numbers of media violence. The

political spheres of the world are taking a large part of the apprehension about the perpetration of

this kind of violence in the countries. Education about media violence is of the strategies that

help create a concrete stand against violence within our societies (Field et al. 10). Some

instances within the media create a sense of exclusion of some specific individuals within the

development spheres of the world.

An example is the mentioning of names and excluding others in media reports limiting

their participation. Therefore, the media need to conduct educational activities for the listeners

and the followers of programs to eliminate violence. Education is an important tool toward

eliminating illiteracy among individuals, which is often caused by our retrogressive cultural

practices (Field et al. 4). Meta-analyses have noticed that violent media are most appealing to

males with high sensation and aggression. Some audiences and users of the social media

platforms need to be educated as they enjoy the suspense and drama on the media of violent

media programs.

Social networking through the media creates a broader perspective of ideas to solve

issues of violence. Social media creates an interaction of different stakeholders from different

institutions to share knowledge on the appropriate way to solve violence (Stuart 15). For

instance, platforms such as WhatsApp and telegram create the opportunity for people to connect

via group messages. The children rights activists urge that a collective approach toward violence

against children is appropriate for eliminating such malpractices within the different spheres of

development. For instance, child pornography is a growing silent killer in the moral and mental

growth amongst children. It is one of the social impediments brought up by the introduction of

social media. In addition to this, child trafficking is also another issue that has resulted from the

media's growth. These are associated with the irrelevant information that is obtained from social

media platforms that are misleading. Therefore, a collective approach is required through a

designed and planned intervention (Stuart 15). An example is where the United Nations and

other charitable children institutions interconnect through social media platforms to brainstorm

and give their recommendations on such vices affecting the country. Social media networks

create a wider resource base for addressing violence issues within the country and world at large.

Finally, social media initiates strong monitoring and evaluation strategies on

non-violence intervention. Institutions and non-governmental organizations can monitor the

interventions initiated in the communities to address violence through social media platforms

(Mizock et al. 4). For instance, the performance of women-based projects in marginalized

communities can be evaluated as either solved by gender-based violence or not through an

inclusive interrogation of the victims and survivors on social media platforms such as Facebook

WhatsApp. Reports clearly show that violence-related problems such as mental health and

suicidal thoughts. It is clearer than most of these victims are women instead of their minorities,

who are males (Mizock et al. 20). Issues can be monitored through social media, and alternative

actions can be taken with immediate effect. Therefore, it is important to say that a sustainable

intervention is largely reliant on inclusive social media monitoring and evaluation, especially

during pandemic times that force us to work from home.

In summary, violence is a vice that can be eliminated in our current societies. On the

same note, social media can be a source of perpetrating and instigating violence among people in

the area. Contrary to this statement, it is important to note that social media platforms can act as

important implementation sources of violence for positive development. It is every individual's

responsibility to take care of one other and avoid adopting retrogressive practices that may result

in violence. Social networking, campaigns, inclusive monitoring and evaluation, and sustainable

community mobilization are important aspects of social media in eradicating violence within the

societies for the attainment of sustainable development goals (SDGs).


Works Cited

Field, Erica, et al. "Training Local Leaders to Prevent and Reduce Domestic Violence in their

Communities." AEA Randomized Controlled Trials, 2018.

Jaffe, Peter, et al. Preventing Domestic Homicides. Academic P, 2020.

Medie, Peace A. Global Norms and Local Action: The Campaigns to End Violence Against

Women in Africa. Oxford UP, USA, 2020.

Mizock, Lauren, and Erika Carr. Women with Serious Mental Illness: Gender-Sensitive and

Recovery-Oriented Care. Oxford UP, USA, 2021.

Stuart, Forrest. "Code of the tweet: Urban gang violence in the social media age." Social

problems 67.2 (2020): 191-207.

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