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Outline- Disadvantages of education system in Vietnam

Names :
1. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh
2. Nguyễn Thu Hà
3. Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Anh
4. Đoàn Vũ Minh Nguyệt
5. Nguyễn Thị Xuân Mai
6. Vũ Ngọc Tiến
7. Nguyễn Thịnh Đạt
Topic : The disadvantages of education system in
 Introduction

1. Attention-getter : Imagine of difference between then

and now in our life
 Car
 Mobile phone
 Teaching
2. Reason to listen
Education is necessary part in our life.Without
education human will be ignorant so the society can’t
develop.Everybody needs knowledge because have
knowledge is have everything.
3. Thesis: Today, we will point you to the
disadvantages of education system in Vietnam
4. Preview : First, we will describle the reality of
education system. Then, we will show you the
disadvantages, their reason and their consequence.
Finally, we’ll talk and discuss the solution to improve
quality of education in Vietnam.

 Body
As a high school student, what do you think about the role
of grades in the learning process?
2. Reality
Accidentally , scores create a huge pressure on each
student, forcing students to be determined to study at all
costs, possibly even cheating in exams. Parents compare
their children's scores with that of people making students
self-deprecating dare not show. Teachers evaluate
students according to a common standard but each student
is good in a different way.
3. Reason
* With teachers: - Not confident with the knowledge we
have - Lazy thinking, refusing to explore, create to
develop, exploit many good points of students
* With students - Partly because the assessment of
learning capacity has been modeled, little attention has
been paid to the special creativity of the learner, which
causes the student to follow that pattern. - Being taught
by a teacher in a pattern makes students depend on the
suggestions given by teachers - Lazy development,
learn your own special ability
4. Consequence
The pressures surrounding current learning can lead to
the most serious consequences which is the depressive
syndrome among students. Many students also suffer
greatly from their mental and physical health due to the
pressures of study. For example, the condition is
constantly getting sick, not gaining weight, height, being
staid, having abnormal physiological manifestations. And
there are more and more such as:Learning results are
declining day by day. Fear to go to class, afraid to face
teachers, friends. Appears acts of opposition, causing
social evils. Using stimulants, alcohol ... and even suicidal

5. Example
Let have some example, Albert Einstein once said,
"Everybody is a genius ... Ifyou judge a fish by its ability to
climb a tree, it will believe in its lifetime that it is an idiot."
While studying, Edison did not focus on answering the
teacher's questions but often posed many difficult questions
for teachers. Therefore, he often wore books and was
laughed at by his friends. Edison's teacher once said about
him: "This student is crazy, not worth sitting longer". Even
the principal wrote the comments: "Mr. Edison, your son, is
a fool, lazy and naughty. It is better for him to raise pigs
instead because we feel that he has If you study more, then
you should not play anything ... "If Edison believed this
comment without trying to learn himself, would there be a
scientist like this?
6. Solution
-Using electronic devies in learning and teaching
- Create opportunities for students to be creative
- Do not put heavy pressure scores

 Conclusion
1. Review thesis and main points : Today we have
shown some disadvantages of education system in
Vietnam so that your vision will be clear about education
in Vietnam. We talked a little about the reality, the
reason, the consequence and the examples. We finished
with discussing the solution to improve the quality of
education in Vietnam.
2. Provide closure : If you not learn, you will die
clinical trial. So be the change you wish to see in the
 Activity for audience : Discuss these question
1.What do you think about the school system nowadays ?
(Especially in Viet Nam) 2.If you can change the school
system in Viet Nam,what would you change ? 3.What can
we learn from the best educational system like in Finland
or Singapore?

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