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Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin

Andrea Kleindienst, M.D., Ph.D, 2Mark J. Hannon, M.D. 1Michael Buchfelder, M.D., PhD.,
Joseph G. Verbalis, M.D.
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

Dept. of Neurosurgery, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Nürnberg-Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany

Consulting Endocrinologist, Bantry General Hospital, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland

Dept. of Medicine, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA
Journal of Neurotrauma

Running title: Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma

Table of Contents title: Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma – Role of Vasopressin

Corresponding author: Andrea Kleindienst, M.D., Ph.D.

Dept. of Neurosurgery, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Schwabachanlage 6, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany

Phone +49 9131 85 34577, Fax +49 9131 85 34551

Journal of Neurotrauma
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)
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Mark J. Hannon, M.D.

Consultant Endocrinologist and Physician

Bantry General Hospital, Bantry, Co. Cork, Ireland

Phone: +353 27 50133

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

Michael Buchfelder, M.D., Ph.D.

Dept. of Neurosurgery, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg

Schwabachanlage 6, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany

Journal of Neurotrauma

Phone +49 9131 85 34566, Fax +49 9131 85 34476


Joseph G. Verbalis, M.D.

Dept. of Endocrinology, Georgetown University Medical Center,

Suite 232 Building D, 4000 Reservoir Rd NW, Washington, DC 20007, USA.

Phone +1 202 687 2818

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Hyponatremia is frequent in patients suffering from traumatic brain injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage

or following intracranial procedures, with approximately 20% having a decreased serum sodium

concentration to <125 mmol/L. The pathophysiology of hyponatremia in neurotrauma is not

completely understood, but in large part is explained by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). The abnormal water and/or sodium handling creates an osmotic

gradient promoting the shift of water into brain cells, thereby worsening cerebral edema and

precipitating neurological deterioration. Unless hyponatremia is corrected promptly and effectively,

morbidity and mortality increases through seizures, elevations in intracranial pressure, and/or

herniation. The excess mortality in patients with severe hyponatremia (<125 mmol/L) extends beyond
Journal of Neurotrauma

the time frame of hospital admission, with a reported mortality of 20% in hospital and 45% within 6

months of follow-up. Current options for the management of hyponatremia include fluid restriction,

hypertonic saline, mineralocorticoids and osmotic diuretics. However, the recent development of

vasopressin receptor antagonists provides a more physiological tool for the management of excess

water retention and consequent hyponatremia, such as occurs in SIADH. This review summarizes the

existing literature on the pathophysiology, clinical features, and management of hyponatremia in the

setting of neurotrauma.

Key-words: hyponatremia, vasopressin, anti-diuretic hormone, acute brain injury, body fluid volume

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Hyponatremia is the most frequent electrolyte imbalance encountered in hospital inpatients and is

especially frequent in patients suffering from any type of neurotrauma, including traumatic brain injury

(TBI), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and following intracranial procedures. Up to 20% of patients

admitted for TBI and over 50% of patients admitted for SAH develop hyponatremia, with about 20%
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

of them experiencing a decrease in serum sodium concentration to <125 mmol/L 1, 2.

Although acute severe hyponatremia has long been known to increase inpatient mortality, recent data

suggest that even mild degrees of hyponatremia may confer an adverse prognosis on diverse patient

groups 3-7.
Journal of Neurotrauma

Given the frequent occurrence of hyponatremia in patients with neurotrauma, prompt and correct

management of hyponatremia is essential in this patient group. However, the causes of hyponatremia in

neurotrauma are diverse, and may only in part be explained by the syndrome of inappropriate secretion
8, 9
of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) . The abnormal water and/or sodium handling creates an osmotic
gradient promoting the shift of water into brain cells , thereby worsening cerebral edema and

precipitating neurological deterioration. Unless hyponatremia is corrected promptly and effectively,

morbidity and mortality increases through seizures, elevations in intracranial pressure, and/or cerebral

herniation 11.

In this review we will explore the pathophysiology of disorders of salt and water balance in

neurotrauma with particular reference to the role of arginine vasopressin (AVP, also known as

antidiuretic hormone, ADH), and provide a brief summary of our recommended management

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The Clinical Importance of Hyponatremia

In a prospective study of hospital admissions, the overall mortality was 28% in hyponatremic patients

(<125 mmol/L) as compared to 9% in normonatremic controls, and increased up to 50% in patients

with serum sodium concentrations <115 mmol/L . In an animal study, even asymptomatic subjects
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

had a subclinical brain edema when the serum sodium was <125 mmol/L . The excess mortality in

patients with severe hyponatremia (<125 mmol/L) extends beyond the time frame of hospital

admission, with a mortality of 20% in hospital and 45% within 6 months of follow-up 14. Interestingly,

recently published data suggest that the excess mortality is not confined to patients with severe

hyponatremia. In a prospective cohort study on 8142 patients, hyponatremia (<135 mmol/L) was
Journal of Neurotrauma

present in 15% of the patients on admission, with an increased risk of mortality even in those with mild

hyponatremia (130–134 mmol/L, hazard ratio 1.38) 15.

The above data documenting the higher mortality seen in patients with various degrees of

hyponatremia is particularly concerning when considering patients with neurotrauma. This is because

hyponatremia is the commonest electrolyte abnormality in neurosurgical patients, occurring in up to

16, 17
50% of cases depending on the underlying diagnosis (Table 1) . Furthermore, patients with an

intracranial pathology are more likely to develop complications, such as hyponatremic seizures, even at

higher serum sodium concentrations than usual 2. Although hyponatremia is an important determinant

of outcomes, its importance is often overlooked 18.

Neurological symptoms in patients with acute hyponatremia occur as a result of cerebral edema, as

water moves from the hypotonic plasma across the blood brain barrier (BBB) resulting in progressive

brain edema. The clinical manifestations of the accompanying increased intracranial pressure vary from
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nausea and malaise, which may be seen when the serum sodium concentration falls below 125-130

mmol/L. Headache, lethargy, obtundation and eventually seizures, coma, and respiratory arrest can

occur as the serum sodium concentration progressively falls below 115-120 mmol/L. However, the

degree of cerebral edema produced is also dependent upon the rapidity of the fall in serum sodium

concentrations, and deaths from acute hyponatremia during endurance exercise events has been
documented with sodium levels in the 120-125 mmol/L range . Brain herniation ultimately remains
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

the greatest risk in acute severe hyponatremia and in patients with intracranial pathology .

Noncardiogenic pulmonary edema has also been described 21, 22.

Pathophysiology of Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma

Journal of Neurotrauma

The pathophysiology of hyponatremia following brain injury may involve excess secretion of AVP,

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) insufficiency, or the hypothesized cerebral salt wasting (see

Table 2) 8, 9. Symptoms appear to correlate best with the interplay between a net increase in brain water

versus a loss of brain solutes 23. The differential diagnosis of hyponatremia is broad, and is summarised

in Table 3.

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

Frederic Bartter and William Schwartz first described SIADH in a presentation to the American

Society for Clinical Investigation in 1956 24, detailing two patients with lung carcinoma who developed

severe hyponatremia. Once radioimmunoassays for the measurement of arginine AVP became

available, their index clinical description and pathophysiological hypothesis was substantiated by
papers which reported elevated plasma AVP concentrations in the syndrome . However, the
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differentiation of SIADH from other causes of hyponatremia remains important in order for the correct

treatment to be instigated. Our understanding of the regulation of water metabolism has been greatly
26, 27
advanced to the cellular level by the discovery of aquaporin (AQP) water channels . AQP channels

have been localized to several organs in the body, including kidney and brain. Experimental data

demonstrate that AVP regulates AQP2 activity and expression with subsequent water reabsorption at
28, 29
the kidney . Prolonged excessive AVP release is associated with an “escape” from antidiuresis,
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

with down-regulation of AQP2 mRNA and protein expression. In the brain parenchyma, AVP
stabilizes fluid osmolality at the cellular level , most likely through a vasopressin V1A receptor-
mediated regulation of AQP4 expression . The pathological event of acute brain injury, ischemia or

hypoxia results in an energy deficit for membrane stabilizing ion pumps creating an osmotic imbalance
Journal of Neurotrauma

between the intra and extracellular compartments, which challenge the AQP and AVP regulatory

systems. Additional systemic hypotension due to cardiovascular regulatory compromise activates the

release of vasopressor hormones, among them AVP, leading to hyponatremia due to SIADH.

The diagnostic criteria for SIADH are outlined in Table 4. The supplementary criteria are of minimal

clinical utility. Plasma AVP concentrations are elevated in many conditions that cause hyponatremia

and therefore results are hard to interpret. Furthermore, the nonapeptide AVP is subject to proteolysis

making it unstable, and radioimmunassays with sufficiently reliable AVP antibodies to provide

meaningful results are not available in a time frame that would benefit patient care. Copeptin is a stable

byproduct of AVP synthesis which is secreted in equimolar concentrations with AVP - measurement of

this peptide may in future serve as a surrogate of AVP secretion 32.

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Vasopressin receptors and specific antagonists

Three AVP receptors are known to differ in localization and in signal transduction mechanisms 33. The

AVP V1a and V1b receptors activate phospholipase C and increase cytosolic free calcium. They

mediate vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, ionotropic stimulation, and myocardial protein synthesis

(all V1a) and pituitary ACTH secretion (V1b). Vasopressin V2 receptors are found predominantly in
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

the principal cells of the renal collecting duct, act through activating protein kinase A and AQP2 water

channels to mediate the antidiuretic effects of AVP 34. The increased urine output produced by the V2

receptor antagonists is quantitatively equivalent to that of diuretics such as furosemide but the

excretion of urinary solutes is not augmented, i.e. they are aquaretic 35.
Journal of Neurotrauma

The development of these specific AVP receptor antagonists represents a novel therapeutic option in

SIADH. Four V2 receptor antagonists have been studied in clinical trials. Conivaptan is a combined

V1a and V2 receptor antagonist, while lixivaptan, satavaptan and tolvaptan are selective V2 receptor

antagonists. At present in the US, tolvaptan and conivaptan are approved for clinical use. In Europe,

just tolvaptan is approved. There is a growing database of randomised prospective trials showing a

predictable and consistent benefit over placebo in patients with euvolemic or hypervolemic
hyponatremia caused by chronic heart failure, cirrhosis, or SIADH . However, patients with acute

hyponatremia, including head trauma and postoperative conditions, were ineligible for these studies,

which limits the evidence base in neurotrauma.

The V2 receptor antagonists have the potential to replace water restriction as first-line therapy in

SIADH (Table 5), but their current use is limited by cost considerations. Reported side effects are

uncommon and although the literature documents the potential for overly rapid correction, there have

been no documented cases of osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS) in patients in whom the vaptans
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have been used appropriately, within clinical guidelines. A recent multicenter trial (TEMPO3:4)

investigating the usefulness of tolvaptan in polycystic kidney disease 39 raised concerns with regard to

liver function - an increase in liver enzymes was more common among patients who received tolvaptan

when compared with placebo. The US FDA has issued safety warnings that tolvaptan should not be

used for longer than 30 days and should not be used in patients with liver disease, based on the data

above. However, this warning is not effective in Europe.

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

40, 41
Data on the specific use of this class of medications in patients with neurotrauma is limited .

Nevertheless, given that treatment options in this situation are limited and treatment duration would be

for a relatively short period, the appeal of a physiologic AVP antagonist is obvious.
Journal of Neurotrauma

Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency

In patients with hyponatremia following neurotrauma, it is important to distinguish euvolemic

hyponatremia due to ACTH deficiency from SIADH. The biochemical presentation of acute

adrenocorticotropic insufficiency is almost identical to that of SIADH. Although apparently

euvolemic, ACTH deficient patients may have a subtle degree of volume contraction leading to
baroregulated AVP secretion . The elevated plasma AVP concentrations in patients with ACTH
deficiency and hyponatremia are independent of whether they have a secondary glucocorticoid
deficiency with preserved mineralocorticoid secretion or Addison’s disease . Vice versa,

glucocorticoids exhibit a functional AVP antagonism and normalize low serum sodium concentrations
. In a rat model of adrenal insufficiency, high plasma AVP concentrations are reported, even after
water loading . However, in rats with adrenal insufficiency and central diabetes insipidus, urinary

output did not rise in response to a free water load, indicating that both AVP and cortisol are necessary
to enable maximal water excretion . Considering the high prevalence of anterior pituitary
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insufficiency following brain injury 48, an acute glucocorticoid deficiency should be considered as the

potential cause of hyponatremia in any patient with neurotrauma.

The diagnosis of ACTH deficiency in the acute care setting is often particularly difficult. A review

advocated a random plasma cortisol cut-off of approximately 15 μg/dL (414 nmol/L) for the diagnosis
of ACTH deficiency in intensive care patients (with normal plasma binding proteins) . The Critical
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

Care Medicine Taskforce has recommended a very conservative random total plasma cortisol cut-off of

< 10 μg/dL (276 nmol/L), or a delta total plasma cortisol of <9 μg/dL (248 nmol/L) after
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (250 μg) administration, to make the diagnosis . However, this

recommendation is intended to cover all intensive care patients, and there is a lack of normative data in

neurotrauma patients upon which to base an appropriate cut-off.

Journal of Neurotrauma

Cerebral salt wasting syndrome

Another potential cause of hyponatremia in the setting of neurotrauma is the cerebral salt wasting

syndrome (CSWS). This clinical syndrome was first described in 1950 by Peters et al 51 and it has since

been described in association with a spectrum of intracranial pathologies, including SAH 52, clipping of

intracranial aneurysms 53, and TBI 54. The original researchers hypothesised that the cerebral pathology

directly attenuated renal sympathetic innervation, causing natriuresis and diuresis, with resultant

hyponatremia and blood volume depletion. The possibility of a potential condition separate from

SIADH that could cause hyponatremia in neurotrauma was revisited in 1981 after a report of 12
unselected patients, who had developed hyponatremia following SAH and TBI . Hyponatremia

developed in association with natriuresis and inappropriate urine concentration in 10 patients with good

evidence of a reduction in plasma volume and total blood volume. The authors concluded that there

was clear evidence that hypovolemia precluded the diagnosis of SIADH by standard criteria, and raised
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the possibility of CSWS. Two subsequent studies further stressed the possibility of CSWS. Wijdicks

and colleagues found only 25 out of 134 SAH patients to meet diagnostic criteria for SIADH, whereas
55, 56
97 patients were felt to be suspicious of CSWS . The evidence to support a syndrome of cerebral

salt wasting has not been universally accepted, however, with speculation that the diuresis and

natriuresis simply represents an escape from SIADH-induced antidiuresis 57.

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

A microdialysis study determined the local AVP release in the hypothalamic region around the third

ventricle – in the supraoptic (SON) and paraventricular (PVN) nucleus where AVP is synthetized –
following experimental SAH . This study found a dissociated AVP release into blood, and into the

extracellular fluid of the SON and PVN. This release occurred specific to SAH without a contribution

of baroreceptor activation. A sustained AVP release was especially generated within the PVN known to
Journal of Neurotrauma

have descendent projections to the sympathetic nervous system, including a renal-hypothalamic reflex-

loop promoting urinary sodium excretion after activation. A proof of concept study, showing that renal

sympathetic innervation causing natriuresis and diuresis, with resultant hyponatremia and blood

volume depletion is the pathophysiological cause of CSWS, has yet to be performed. One reason is that

the sodium excretion following experimental SAH was not robust enough to investigate the additional

effect of renal denervation 59.

Hyponatremia following Traumatic Brain Injury

Following TBI, approximately 15% of patients develop hyponatremia, usually within the first 5 days

after the injury 1. This development is almost always transient and self-resolving 54, 60
. Assessing the

AVP pro-hormone fragment copeptin (cut-off 15 pmol/L) early after TBI, 45% of patients

demonstrated an increased release on day 1 32, thereby supporting the idea that hyponatremia following
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TBI is primarily due to SIADH. However, this study found that the strong correlation between serum

sodium and urine excretion (p=0.003) on admission no longer existed on days 3 and 7. Furthermore,

copeptin levels did not reflect the individual 24 hr urine excretion or serum sodium levels, suggesting
an uncoupling of copeptin/AVP release and renal water excretion . Hence, SIADH may not be the

exclusive cause of hyponatremia following TBI.

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

The existence of an ACTH deficiency following TBI in general, and as a reason of hyponatremia in

particular, is still a matter of debate. Almost all previous studies on a corticotropic insufficiency relied

on the assessment of cortisol at a single time point, providing only a “snapshot” of the patients’
pituitary function . Since plasma cortisol levels are highly dynamic in the days following TBI,

protocols with only a single time point for testing may underestimate the true incidence of injury-
Journal of Neurotrauma

induced pituitary dysfunction 62, 63. Following repetitive assessment for a corticotropic insufficiency in

the acute phase following TBI, an incidence of up to 78% was suggested, and 15% of this cohort
developed transient hyponatremia . On the other hand, a very high urinary excretion of cortisol

metabolites early after TBI is not consistent with such a high incidence of corticotropic dysfunction 48,

and some doubt in the relevance of post-TBI hypopituitarism has recently been raised 68. Nonetheless,

the presence of hyponatremia, hypotension and hypoglycaemia might indicate the presence of an acute
69 65
ACTH insufficiency in TBI victims and, if present, should be further investigated . Chronic

hyponatremia is rare following TBI, and if present another cause should be sought 54, 60.

Hyponatremia following Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Hyponatremia is far more common following SAH than TBI. The aetiology of hyponatremia following
SAH is diverse and includes SIADH, CSWS, and acute ACTH deficiency, as well as the more
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general causes of hyponatremia outlined in Table 2. However, there is a considerable dispute as to

which of these diverse aetiologies most commonly cause hyponatremia following SAH. A number of
56, 71-73
small studies have suggested that CSWS is the most common cause , due to the finding that
71, 72 74
plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptic (BNP) concentrations both

rise following SAH. However, SIADH also has been associated with elevated ANP levels as a result of

water retention 75, and recent data suggested that the presence of elevated plasma BNP concentrations
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

could not be regarded as a reliable predictor of either blood volume status or the development of
hyponatremia . Elevated plasma BNP concentrations may therefore not necessarily mediate the

development of hyponatremia. Some recent retrospective studies 2, 17 have failed to substantiate CSWS

as a cause for anything more than a minority of cases of hyponatremia following SAH, and strongly
Journal of Neurotrauma

support SIADH as the predominant cause of hyponatremia. Another retrospective study found that only

35% of severe hyponatremia (<130 mmol/L) was considered to be due to SIADH, with a substantial
proportion of 23% considered to be secondary to CSWS . However, this patient cohort had more

severe SAH and only those patients with serum sodium <130 mmol/L were analyzed in detail.

A weakness in all of the retrospective studies is that there was no routine assessment of cortisol levels,

so the authors were unable to comment on how many patients with apparent SIADH had their

electrolyte abnormalities as a manifestation of glucocorticoid deficiency. It is now apparent that acute

ACTH deficiency may be more common than previously recognised following brain injury 78. Recent

studies by Klose et al 79 and Parenti et al 80 reported that between 7% and 12% were cortisol deficient

immediately following SAH, and studies involving repeated measurement of plasma cortisol have

found far higher rates of ACTH insufficiency 81. In a recent prospective study that involved repeated

assessments of both serum sodium and plasma cortisol levels, hyponatremia occurred in 50% of SAH

patients, and the commonest cause of hyponatremia was SIADH (71%), followed by corticotropic
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deficiency (14%), and 29% of these had steroid-remedial hyponatremia . However, another

prospective study utilizing a ghrelin test estimated only a 2% incidence of ACTH insufficiency in the

acute phase of SAH 83.

These data have to be appraised carefully, as the assessment of a corticotropic deficiency in the acute

phase following neurotrauma is difficult. First, basal cortisol levels are inconclusive, and the methods
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

of dynamic testing are either contraindicated following SAH (e.g., insulin tolerance test as the gold

standard), have a high rate of falsely normal results in the acute setting (e.g., glucagon stimulation test,

short synacthen test) or are primarily indicated for evaluation of growth hormone deficiencies (e.g.,
ghrelin test) . Second, in the acute phase after SAH, there is a discordance of total and free plasma
cortisol with a five-fold greater increase of free versus total cortisol . Hence, the prevalence of true
Journal of Neurotrauma

adrenal insufficiency may be small, and caution is advocated in assessing adrenal function by total

cortisol measurements in this population.

In aggregate, the data to date strongly suggest that SIADH is the most common cause of hyponatremia

following SAH, with acute corticotropic insufficiency also playing a role. Although CSWS does occur,

it is a relatively rare event following SAH. None of the studies summarized above demonstrated any

significant occurrence of long-term hyponatremia following SAH. Like TBI, this appears to be a

transient and self-resolving phenomenon.

Management of Hyponatremia

Despite ongoing controversy in some areas, what is clear from the prevalence data on neurotrauma is

that hyponatremia is common, the commonest cause of hyponatremia is SIADH, and hyponatremia due
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to all causes increases mortality. Currently, water restriction (0.5-1.0 L/day) is the treatment of choice
for the management of hyponatremia . However, directly counteracting the effects of excessive

AVP release utilizing AVP receptor antagonists has emerged as another therapeutic option.

In order to provide appropriate management, a distinction must be made between the severity of

hyponatremia based on serum sodium levels versus neurological symptoms. Many patients with
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

chronic hyponatremia are able to tolerate substantial lowering of serum sodium to “severe” levels (i.e.,

serum sodium <120 mmol/L) because adaptive volume regulatory mechanisms prevent cerebral edema
. On the other hand, a rapid drop in serum sodium concentration – such as seen in patients with

neurotrauma - may produce seizures and diminished consciousness at more moderate serum sodium

concentrations (120-129 mmol/L) that generally present little neurological threat in chronic
Journal of Neurotrauma

hyponatremia. Therefore, for the purpose of management, severe hyponatremia refers to hyponatremia

associated with severe neurological symptoms, regardless of the serum sodium concentration, which is

almost always due to an acute (< 48 hr) decrease in serum sodium concentration.

Treatment of symptomatic hyponatremia is difficult. Untreated severe hyponatremia, especially when

13, 89
associated with evidence of cerebral irritation, such as seizures, is potentially fatal , and recovery

may occur with permanent brain damage. On the other hand, treatment itself is hazardous under some

conditions, since overly rapid correction of hyponatremia leaves the patient vulnerable to the risk of

ODS (also known as central pontine myelinolysis), which is characterized by spastic tetraparesis,

cranial nerve palsies, pseudobulbar palsy, potentially resulting in a “locked in syndrome”. Osmotic

demyelination predominantly affects the pontine area, but up to 10% of cases also involve the
cerebellum, thalamus, midbrain and lateral geniculate body . The risk is highest when chronic

hyponatremia is corrected overly rapidly, particularly in patients with other risk factors for ODS (serum
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sodium ≤105 mmol/L, hypokalemia, alcoholism, malnutrition, liver failure 88). It has traditionally been

advised not to correct the serum sodium by more than 0.5 mmol/L/hr 91 – in other words, not more than
12 mmol/L over twelve hours . If serum sodium is corrected more rapidly, intracellular sodium and

potassium concentrations are restored immediately, but organic solutes may take 5-7 days to normalize
. This results in a hypertonic extracellular compartment that causes movement of water to the myelin

sheath outside the neuron with subsequent intramyeline edema, osmotic endothelial injury and local
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

release of myelinotoxic factors, precipitating oligodendrocyte failure and death . An additional

mechanism is osmotic disruption of the blood-brain barrier 95, which allows an influx into the brain of
complement and other immune factors that are toxic to oligodendrocytes . These changes generally

occur over 2-3 days, but symptoms of ODS can begin within hours of an overly rapid correction of
Journal of Neurotrauma

hyponatremia. The mainstay of diagnosis of ODS is clinical suspicion and examination, aided by T1

weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that may have the classic appearance of a hypointense

pons on sagittal imaging but a hyperintense pons on coronal sections. Prognosis is variable, but often is

poor with persistent neurological deficit 21.

Recently, expert panel recommendations on the management of hyponatremia have been updated 88. In

contrast to traditional guidelines, they do not recommend that the correction in serum sodium be evenly

distributed across the first 24 hours. In fact, as severely symptomatic hyponatremia is a medical

emergency with significant associated morbidity and mortality, there is a need for a rapid initial

correction to reduce cerebral edema. Published experience with hypertonic saline to treat symptomatic

acute hyponatremia has shown that a 5 mmol/L increase in serum sodium can reduce intracranial
pressure and resolve the neurological symptoms of herniation by nearly 50% within an hour .

Therefore the suggested approach to hyponatremia with severe neurological symptoms is to elevate

serum sodium initially by 3-5 mmol/L over 2-4 hours. This will reverse cerebral edema, reduce
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intracranial pressure and prevent seizures. For severe symptoms, a 100 mL bolus of 3% saline should

be given over 10 minutes, repeated three times if no clinical improvement. This regimen has been

successful in a small cohort of runners with acute symptomatic exercise-induced hyponatremia 98. The

remainder of the targeted increase in serum sodium can then be distributed over 24 hours. For mild to

moderate symptoms with a low risk of cerebral herniation, 3% saline infusion is again recommended

but at a slower rate of 0.5-2mL/kg/hr. These treatment recommendations are summarized in Table 5.
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

The second recommendation of the expert panel is a change in the targeted increase in serum sodium

concentration. There have been reported cases of ODS with increases in serum sodium between 8-12

mmol/L 99. Although these cases are rare, it is now recommended that the targeted increase in serum

sodium concentration is ≤8 mmol/L over the first 24 hours of therapy. Recognition of the difficulty in
Journal of Neurotrauma

avoiding overshooting this tight target however, a 12 mmol/L increase was retained as the maximum

rise in serum sodium that should be accepted. The target in groups with associated risk factors for
ODS is recommended to be ≤6mmol/L with a maximum of 8 mmol/L . Overcorrection of

hyponatremia can be reversed by the administration of intravenous dextrose, parenteral desmopressin,

or both. Although there is little evidence to determine which of these is preferable, re-induction of

hyponatremia in animals with rapid overcorrection of hyponatremia has been shown to reduce

mortality 100.

In patients without acute severe hyponatremia, the key to management is an accurate diagnosis of the

underlying cause, as outlined in Table 3. However, this may not be easy in clinical practice. The

diagnosis of ACTH deficiency is often particularly difficult, especially in the acute setting of SAH or

TBI since normative data are missing. Whenever a corticotropic deficiency has been documented
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unequivocally, treatment with parenteral glucocorticoids usually leads to a rapid resolution of

hyponatremia due to ACTH deficiency.

Treatment with sodium chloride solution either orally or intravenously is the specific therapy for
CSWS . It is often necessary to give large volumes to keep up with urinary losses. As CSWS is

invariably self-limiting, aggressive treatment with intravenous fluids is usually only required for a few
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

days 102.

The first line management for chronic SIADH (> 48 hour duration) is generally fluid restriction.

However, in the management of many cases of neurotrauma, patients are often aggressively hydrated to

decrease the risk of cerebral vasospasm. Therefore, it is very often impossible to implement an
Journal of Neurotrauma

adequate degree of fluid restriction. Hypertonic saline can be used as described for acute symptomatic

hyponatremia, but requires prolonged intravenous administration. Demeclocycline, a tetracycline

antibiotic that reduces the responsiveness of the collecting tubule cells to AVP, can be used in the

management of SIADH, but has an unpredictable response rate and a slow onset of action. It can also

lead to nephrotoxicity and a photosensitive skin rash. Lithium is an even more problematic treatment

for SIADH, with very erratic response rates and a wide range of side effects. Urea has been shown to
be effective but is not widely available and is very unpalatable. Sodium chloride tablets,

fludrocortisone and loop diuretics have all been used for treatment of SIADH in this setting but there is

no physiological rationale for their use. Consequentially, all conventional treatments for chronic

hyponatremia are suboptimal in patients with SIADH due to neurotrauma.

Vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists, also known as “vaptans”, show a predictable and consistent

benefit over placebo in non-neurotrauma populations 36-38, though a recent review emphasized the need

for head-to-head trials with other established, though less well validated, treatments for hyponatremia
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. Vaptans have the potential to replace fluid restriction as first-line therapy in SIADH (Table 5).

Although the literature documents the clear potential for over-correction using these agents to correct

hyponatremia, there have been no documented cases of ODS in patients in whom the vaptans have

been used appropriately and within clinical guidelines. An additional benefit of using vaptans is that

they enable use of other necessary therapies. An example of this is that when patients with neurological

disorders are volume expanded with isotonic saline to prevent vasospasm, any underlying SIADH
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

causes retention of the water component of the isotonic saline with resultant worsening hyponatremia.

Vaptans prevent the water retention, thereby enabling use of high volumes of isotonic saline without

the complication of hyponatremia. Whenever vaptans are used, they should not be combined with

either fluid restriction or hypertonic saline, to decrease the risk of overly rapid correction 88. Given that
Journal of Neurotrauma

treatment would be of a relatively short duration in most cases of neurotrauma, the appeal of an

effective and safe AVP antagonist is obvious.

Based on currently available literature and clinical guidelines, the following points can be proposed for

management of hyponatremia in neurotrauma patients.

The treatment of acute symptomatic hyponatremia is indicated if:

 The duration of hyponatremia is less than 24 to 48 hours; or

 An intracranial pathology or an increased intracranial pressure exists; or

 Seizures, obtundation or coma are evident despite the duration of hyponatremia.

The goal of the management of acute symptomatic hyponatremia is:

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 Urgent correction of serum sodium by 4-6 mmol/L to prevent brain herniation and

neurological damage from cerebral ischemia.

Sodium deficit can be calculated as:

 Sodium deficit = sex * normal weight (desired serum sodium – serum sodium).

 Male = factor 0.6, female = factor 0.5.

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

 Patients with SIADH have a dilutional hyponatremia from water retention, and therefore

do not have a sodium deficit as the cause of their low serum sodium level.

The recommended treatment for hyponatremia due to SIADH is:

Journal of Neurotrauma

For severe symptoms, 100 mL of 3% NaCl infused intravenously over 10 minutes x 3 as


 For mild to moderate symptoms with a low risk of herniation, 3% NaCl infused at 0.5-2


 The rate of correction need not be restricted in patients with true acute hyponatremia, nor

is re-lowering of excessive corrections indicated (Figure); however, if there is any

uncertainty as to whether the hyponatremia is chronic versus acute, then the limits for

correction of chronic hyponatremia should be followed;

 Alternatively, an AVP receptor antagonist can be given without any fluid restriction:

tolvaptan 7.5 – 15 mg po 88; or, in the U.S. only, conivaptan, 20 mg iv bolus infusion over

30 min 105;
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 With any active therapy of hyponatremia, serum sodium levels should be monitored at

least every 6 hours during the first 24-48 hrs of therapy, and even more frequently (every

1-2 hrs) with use of hypertonic saline solutions 88.

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

The frequent occurrence of hyponatremia following TBI, SAH, and pituitary surgery, and the

associated increased morbidity and mortality, requires the involved physicians to be familiar with the

pathophysiology, differential diagnosis and treatment options for hyponatremia. At the moment, fluid

restriction is the treatment of choice for treating hyponatremia due to SIADH. However, directly
Journal of Neurotrauma

counteracting the effects of the excessive AVP secretion by utilizing vasopressin V2 receptor

antagonists offers a novel new and mechanistically appealing approach to the management of SIADH,

which offers some distinct advantages in the management of patients whose hyponatremia is due to



AK received a grant by Otsuka Pharma. JGV is a consultant to Otsuka Pharma and has received a

research grant from Otsuka Pharma.

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Tables and Figure Legends

Table 1. Incidence of significant hyponatremia (serum sodium <130 mmol/L) in patients admitted to

the neurosurgical unit in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin between January 2002 – September 2003 (adapted

from 17 with permission).

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

Table 2. Etiology of 187 cases of hyponatremia (serum sodium <130 mmol/L) documented in 1,698

admissions to the Irish National Neurosciences Centre at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin between January
2002 and September 2003 (adapted from with permission). SIADH, syndrome of inappropriate

antidiuretic hormone secretion; CSWS, cerebral salt-wasting syndrome.

Table 3. Causes of hyponatremia. Adapted from , with permission. SIADH, syndrome of
Journal of Neurotrauma

inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone.

Table 4. Diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone


Table 5. Treatment of symptomatic hyponatremia (adapted from 88).

Figure. Recommendations for relowering of serum sodium concentration ([Na+]) to goals (green) for

patients presenting with serum [Na+] <120 mmol/L who exceed the recommended limits of correction

(red) in the first 24 hours. With permission from Verbalis, Goldsmith et al. 2013.
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All Patients

Pituitary surgery

sodium <130mmol/L
No. of patients with plasma





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Pathophysiology Number of patients %

(Total = 187)

SIADH 116/187 62

Previously on carbamazepine 7/116

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

Subgroups of Previously on desmopressin 10/116

Previously on selective 14/116
serotonin-specific re-uptake
Journal of Neurotrauma


Neurotrauma 85/116

Hypovolaemia 50/187 26.7

Inappropriate intravenous fluids 9/187 4.8

CSWS 7/187 3.7

Mixed SIADH/ CSWS 5/187 2.7

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Clinical Signs Urinary Na+ < 20 mmol/L Urinary Na+ > 40 mmol/L

Hypovolemic Dry mucous Gastrointestinal losses Diuretics

Mucosal losses Addison’s disease

Decreased turgor
Pancreatitis Cerebral salt wasting
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

Sodium depletion post Salt wasting nephropathy

Hypotension diuretics


Raised urea, renin

Journal of Neurotrauma

Euvolemic Underlying illness Hypothyroidism SIADH

SIADH with ongoing fluid ACTH deficiency


Hypervolemic Peripheral edema Cirrhosis Cardiac failure with diuretic

Ascites Cardiac failure

Raised venous Nephrotic syndrome

Primary polydipsia

Pulmonary edema

Underlying illness
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Essential Criteria Supplemental Criteria

1. Hyposomolality; plasma osmolality < 280 Abnormal water load test


2. Inappropriate urinary concentration (Uosm >

100 mOsm/kg)
Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

3. Patient is clinically euvolemic Plasma vasopressin concentration

4. Elevated urinary sodium (> 40 mmol/L),

with normal salt and water intake

5. Exclude hypothyroidism and glucocorticoid

Journal of Neurotrauma

deficiency – particularly in patients with

neurosurgical conditions
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Goal Urgent correction by 4-6 mmol/L to prevent

brain herniation and neurological damage from

cerebral ischemia

Recommended Treatment

 Severe Symptoms 100 mL of 3% NaCl infused intravenously

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

over 10 minutes x 3 as needed

 Mild to Moderate Symptoms 3% NaCl infused at 0.5-2 mL/kg/h

with a low risk of herniation

 SIADH Fluid restriction or vaptans

Journal of Neurotrauma

Rate of Correction

 True Acute Hyponatremia Not restricted, nor is relowering of excessive

corrections indicated

 Uncertainty Whether the Hyponatremia Increment of serum sodium 4-6 mmol/L within

is Chronic 24h, relowering of excessive corrections

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ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone

ADH antidiuretic hormone

ANP atrial natriuretic peptide

Hyponatremia in Neurotrauma - The Role of Vasopressin (doi: 10.1089/neu.2015.3981)

AQP aquaporin

AVP arginine vasopressin

BBB blood brain barrier

Journal of Neurotrauma

BNP brain natriuretic peptide

CSWS cerebral salt wasting syndrome

L liter

mmol millimole

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

ODS osmotic demyelination syndrome

SAH subarachnoid hemorrhage

SIADH syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone excretion

TBI traumatic brain injury

V1 vasopressin 1 (receptor)

V2 vasopressin 2 (receptor)
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