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K.D. 3.




Teks Narrative Legend 1

Once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants
crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to

Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant's chief and request him to guide his herd through
another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant's king apologized and agreed to take another route.
And so the lives of the rats were saved.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the
elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd,
which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.

The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the
elephant's herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.

1. What type of text is the above text? It is …

A. A narrative text 
B. A description text
C. A recount text
D. An anecdote text
E. An expository text

2. What helped the elephant's herd free?

A.The elephant-hunter did
B. The hunters did
C. The trapped elephants did
D. A group of king did
E. Entire group of rats did 

3. What is generic structure of "once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace"?

A. Identification
B. Orientation
C. Complication
D. Resolution
E. Description

4. At the end of the story, how was the elephant's herd?

A. Angry
B. Sad
C. Happy
D. Dead
E. Disappointed

Teks Narrative Legend 2

Once upon a time in west java, lived a writer king who had a beautiful daughter. Her name was Dayang
Sumbi. She liked weaving very much. Once she was weaving a cloth when one of her tools fell to the
ground. She was very tired, at the same time she was too lazy to take it. Then she just shouted out

Anybody there! Bring me my tool. I will give you special present. If you are female. I will consider you
as my sister if you are male, I will marry you sunddenly a male dog, its name was Tumang came. He
brought her the falling tool. Dayang Sumbi was very surprised. She regretted her words but she could
not deny it. So she had marry Tumang and leave her father. Then they lived in a small village. Several
months later they had a son. His name was Sangkuriang. He was a handsome and healthy boy.

Sangkuriang liked hunting very much, especially deer. He often hunted to the wood usying his arrow.
When he went hunting , Tumang was always with him.

One day Dayang Sumbi wanted to have deer’s heart so she asked Sangkuriang to hunt for a deer. Then
Sangkuriang when to the wood with his arrow and his faithful dog. Tumang, but afher several days in the
wood Sangkuriang could not find any deer. Then where all disappeared. Sangkuriang was exhausted and
desperate. He did not want to disappoint her mother so he killed Tumang. He did not know that Tumang
was his father. Tumang’s heart to her mother. But Dayang Sumbi knew that it was Tumang’s heart. She
was so angry that she could not control her emotion. She hit Sangkuriang at his head Sangkuriang was
wounded. There was a scar in his head. She also repelled her son. Sangkuriang left her mother in

Many years passed and Sangkuriang became a strong young man. He wandered everywhere. One day he
arrived. at his own village but he did not realize it. There he met Dayang Sumbi. At the time Dayang
Sumbi was given an eternal beauty by God so she stayed young forever. Both of them did know each
other. So they fall in love and then they decided to marry. But then Dayang Sumbi recognized a scar on
Sangkuriang’s head. She knew that Sangkuriang was his son. It was impossible for them to marry. She
told him but he did not beliave her. He wished that they marry soon. So Dayang Sumbi gave very
difficult condition. She asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night! She said she needed
that for honeymoon.

Sangkuriang agreed. With the help of genie and spiritis, Sangkuriang tired to build them. By midnight he
had completed the lake by building a dam in Citarum river. Then he started making the boat. It was
almost dawn when he almost finished it. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi kept watching on him. She was very
worried when she knew this. So she made lights in the east. Then the spiritis thought that was already
dawn. It was time for them to leave. They left Sangkuriang alone. Without their help he could not finish
the boat.
Sangkuriang was angry. He kicked the boat. Then the boat turned upside down. It, leter, became
Mounth Tangkuban Perahu. Which means an upside-down boat. From a distant the mount really looks
like an upside down boat.

5. What is the story about?

A. A wrath son

B. West java’s tales

C. Tumang a Dog husband

D. The legend of Tangkuban Perahu

E. Dayang Sumbi’s rejection to marry Sangkuriang

6. According to he story, Tumang was….

A. Actually a handsome prince

B. Married to Dayang Sumbii

C. Sangkuriang pet dog

D. Good at hunting deer

E. In fact Dayang Sumbi’s father

7. What did Dayang Sumbi look like?

A. She liked weaving clothers

B. She looked for the heart of a deer

C. She was beautiful

D. She was looking at her fallen tool

E. She and her son were alike

8. What made Dayang Sumbi stay young?

A. She set up conditions in doing things

B. A young man fall in love with her

C. She married a dog

D. She knew how to take care her body

E. God gave her an eternal beauty

9. Who are the main caracthers in the story?

A. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang

B. The king Dayang Sumbi, the dog and Sangkuriang

C. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog, Sangkuriang, the ganie, and the spiritis

D. The king, Dayang Sumbi, the dog, Sangkuriang, the mount, the boat, the genie, and the spiritis

E. The king, Dayang Sumbi, sister, daughter, the dog, a young man, Sangkuriang, the mount, the boat, the
genie, the spiritis and God

10. What moral value can we learn from the story?

A. People must keep their words all the time

B. Do not make a promise to easily

C. Never be reluctant to do good things

D. We should not hate our decendants

E. Just do what we have planned

11. “He brought her the falling tool”. The underline word “He” refers to……

A. Samgkuriang

B. Tumang

C. Dayang Sumbi

D. The king

E. Father
12. “ if you are male, I will marry you’ (paragraph 2). the sentence mean that the one who helped
Dayang Sumbi became her….

A. Husband

B. Maid

C. Boss

D. Son

E. King

13. The complication starts when….

A. Sangkuriang arrived at his own village

B. Tumang came bringing Dayang Sumbi fallen thing

C. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to find deer’s heart

D. Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang fellinlove and decided to marry

E. Dayang Sumbi asked Sangkuriang to build a lake and a boat in one night

14. “once upon a time, in west java, Indonesia lived a wise king who had beautiful daughter.” (paragraph
1). What is the function of the above sentence?

A. A crisis

B. A complication

C. An orientation

D. A reorientation

E. A resolution

Teks Narrative 3

once when a lion was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down upon him; this soon awoke the
lion, who placed his huge paw upon him, and open his big jaws to swallow him. “Pardon, O king,” cried
the little mouse, “Forgive me this time, I shall never forget it; perhaps I may be able to do you a good turn
some of these days.”

The lion was so tickled at the idea of the mouse being able to help him. Then, he lifted up his paw and let
him go.
Sometime after, the lion was caught in a trap. Some hunters, who wanted to carry him alive to the King,
tied him to a tree while they went in search of a wagon to carry him in. Just then, the little mouse
happened to pass by and see the sad plight in which the lion was. The little mouse went up to him and
soon gnawed away the ropes that bounded the king of the beasts. Soon after the little mouse had finished
gnawing away the ropes, he asked the lion to run away.

15. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To entertain the readers

B. To persuade the readers that something should or should not be the case

C. To inform the readers about the events of the day which are considered newsworthy

D. To explain something

E. To present at least two points of view about an issue

16. What is the moral value of the text?

A. Don’t look at someone because of his clothes

B. It is best for prepare for the days of necessity

C. Common people may prove great ones

D. United we stand, divided we fall

E. Honestly begins at home

17. Paragraph three mainly tells us that ……

A. The little mouse asked for forgiveness

B. The hunters carried the lion alive to the King

C. The lion was tied to a tree by the hunters

D. The little mouse could prove that he could help the lion

E. From the first, the lion believed in what the little mouse said

18. What did the little mouse do to prove his words?

A. He would never forget the lion

B. He tried hard to help the lion free

C. He ran up and down upon the lion

D. He asked for apology to the king of the beast

E. He tied the lion to the tree so that the hunters could carry him

Teks Narrative 4

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled in Teberu Lombok, who had a beautiful daughter called
Puteri Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princes and kings from other kingdom around Teberu wished
that she would be their wife. Six of them came to Teberu and ask for her hand of marriage. They were
Prince Bumbang, Prince Aryo Johor, Prince Singa Trasak, Prince Daria Loka, Prince Gunung Piring and
Prince Bungsu. Each prince wanted to win the hearth of Puteri Mandalika.

Her father, the king of Teberu, was very confused and did not know what to do. If he chose one prince
instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be war against his kingdom. All the
princes were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed his daughter to make her own choice. But
Puteri Mandalika was confused too and she also knew the dangerous risk that her kingdom and people
would get, if she chose either one of the princes.

After several days of serious thinking, Puteri Mandalika met her parents and asked her permission to
announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Teberu the next day in the beach. Early
next morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a gentle breeze with small waves breaking
softly across the shore. Everybody was looking at Puteri Mandalika, waiting for her announcement.

Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one. Then in a loud and clear
voice, Puteri Mandalika Said, ”Oh my beloved mother and father, all the princes and especially the people
of Teberu Kingdom. Today I would like to announce that I will not give myself to any one of the princes,
but rather to all people of Teberu and my own kingdom.” Then Puteri Mandalika threw herself into the
sea from the top of a hill and disappeared. Everybody desperately search for her but she could not be
found and people believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called “nyale”. .

19. The second paragraph is called ……

A. Orientation

B. Complication

C. Resolution

D. Identification

E. Conclusion

20. Why was it hard for the princess to choose one of the princes?
A. She loved all the princes.

B. All the princes were handsome.

C. All the princes were powerful.

D. She was afraid of the dangerous risk.

E. Her father permitted her to marry.

21. “Six of them came to Teberu and ask for her hand of marriage.” (Paragraph 1) The underlined phrase
can be replaced by …..

A. Intend

B. Admit

C. Promise

D. Accompany

E. Propose

22. From the text we may conclude that ………

A. Putri Mandalika sacrificed herself to the sea for the sake of her people.

B. Putri Mandalika was a selfish princess.

C. One of the princes won the heart of Putri Mandalika.

D. The war happened against the kingdom due to the princess’ decision.

E. The people of Teberu kingdom hated the princess.

Teks Narrative 5

The old witch locked Hansel in a cage and set Gretel to clean the house. She planned to eat them both.
Each night the children cried and begged the witch to let them go.

Meanwhile, at home, their stepmother was beginning to wish she had never tried to get rid of the children.
“I must find them,” she said and set off into the forest.

Many hours later, when her feet were tired from walking and her lips were dry from thirst, she came to
the cottage belonging to the witch. The stepmother peeped through the window. Her heart cried out when
she saw the two children.
She picked up the broom leaning against the door and crept inside. The witch was putting some stew in
the oven when the stepmother gave her an almighty push. The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother
shut the door. ‘Children, I have come to save you,’ she said hugging them tightly. I have done a dreadful

I hope in time you will forgive me. Let me take you home and become a family again. They returned to
their home and the stepmother became the best mother anyone could wish to have, and of course they
lived happily ever after!

23. The story is about….

A. Two children went to school for the first time

B. A witch who is really kind

C. A father who begged a witch for money

D. A stepmother who saved her children from a witch

E. Two children saved their stepmother from a witch

24. Which statement is FALSE about the witch?

A. She locked Hansel in a cage

B. She planned to eat Hansel & Gretel

C. She fell into the ocean

D. She hated the children

E. She set Gretel to clean the house

25. “The witch fell into the oven and the stepmother shut the door.” (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word can be replaced by the word…

A. Marked

B. Painted

C. Opened

D. Polished

E. Closed

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