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Transducers and industrial electronics


SERIES Pitagora

Version 1.19
dated 31/01/07



Hardware versions Firmware versions Manual versions

PIT MA V0 V.1.0 V 1.1
PIT MA V0 V.1.0 V 1.2
PIT MA V0 V.1.6 V 1.3
PIT MA V0 V.1.6 V 1.4
PIT MA V0 V.1.6 V 1.5
PIT MA V0 V.1.6 V 1.6
PIT MA V0 V.1.6 V 1.7
PIT MA V0 V.1.9 V 1.8
PIT MA V0 V.1.10 V 1.8
PIT MA V0 V.1.11 V 1.8
PIT MA V0 V.1.12 V 1.8
PIT MA V0 V.1.12 V 1.9
PIT MA V0 V.1.12 V 1.10
PIT MA V0 V.1.12 V 1.11
PIT MA V0 V.1.12 V 1.12
PIT MA V0 V.1.13 V 1.13
PIT MA V0 V.1.15 V 1.14
PIT MA V0 V.1.16 V 1.16
PIT MA V0 V.1.17 V 1.17
PIT MA V0 V.1.17 V 1.18
PIT MA V0 V.1.17 V 1.19

C:\Documents and Settings\silvio.DSEUROPE\Documenti\DSE lavoro\MANUALI\Pitagora_multi\Inglese\PitMulti_UK_V1r19.doc - 04/02/2007 20.15.46

Notice: The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.

DS Europe shall not be liable for technical errors or omissions contained herein, nor for incidental
or consequential damages resulting from the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
This manual contains information protected by copyright.
No part of this manual may be photocopied, or reproduced in any form, or translated without prior
written consent from DS Europe.

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


1. This manual is integral part of the shipment and it is supplied with the product even if not listed
in the invoice.
This manual can also be sent during purchase negotiations on Buyer’s request provided that the
Buyer states end application of the Product.
Except as expressly requested by the Buyer, only one copy of this manual may be attached to
shipments consisting of more than one unit of the Product.
Additional or updated copies of this document may be found on our web site at the following

2. The products, which are the subjects of this manual, are designed and manufactured for general
use; therefore, being not possible to specify limits of use for all applications, the Buyer shall
introduce safety measures in order to avoid personal injuries, damages to property or damages
due to plants stoppage etc.
In case of use that can cause risk of damages, the Buyer shall immediately a notice the Supplier
in order that It can suggest safety solutions or can decide to reject the order and not deliver the

3. Series Pitagora instruments are not certified instruments; it is Buyer’s responsibility to check
instrument suitability to the requirements of the specific application.

4. Series Pitagora instruments, even when connected to transducers or other equipment, are only
parts of more complex systems and plants; they are sold in thousands pieces. Every year, for
most different applications which shall meet as many different norms that are not always known
to the Supplier.
For these reasons, DS Europe is obliged to disclaim all responsibility concerning the use of the
instrument; however, a list of most elementary and basic precautions for the correct use of the
instrument is given in this manual.
Besides, the need of a complete and specific insurance is highlighted, especially when systems
and machinery are to be installed in Countries like United States or Canada.

5. Series Pitagora instruments are designed and manufactured by DS Europe conforming to the
highest quality standards; the instruments are rugged and designed to the highest possible
safety and reliability: limitations and precautions listed in this manual are aimed to draw
Buyer’s attention to the importance of avoiding damage.

6. During manufacturing process, series Pitagora of instruments are submitted to several

intermediate tests and to a final test including performance test of all functions.
Electrical, temperature and mechanical sampling tests are periodically carried out to check
conformity of manufactured items to Product specifications.

For the above mentioned reasons, It is hereby certified that the delivered Product is
completely operating.
Via F. Russoli , 6
20143 - MILANO - ITALY
Tel. +39 02 8910142 Fax. +39 02 89124848 8910145
Internet : E-mail :

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


1 CE CONFORMITY DECLARATION .......................................... 6
2 Electrical connections ...................................................................... 7
2.1 Rear terminal boards .......................................................................................................7
2.2 Power supply connections................................................................................................7
2.2.1 Accepted power supply................................................................................................7
2.3 Connection of I1 single channel input card for 80 mV differential signal ......................8
2.4 Connection of I2 two channels input card for 80 mV differential signal ........................8
2.5 Connection of I4 single channel input card for 0-5 V and 0-10 V signals ......................8
2.6 Connection of I6 single channel input card for 4-20 mA and 0-20 mA (2 wire) signals 8
2.7 Connection of I10 single channel input card for Start-Stop digital signal......................9
2.8 Connection of output cards O1 = 0-5 V and O2 = 0-10 V...............................................9
2.9 Connection of output cards O3 = 4-20 mA and O4 = 0-20 mA .....................................9
2.10 Connection of D0 card, two relays alarm level..............................................................10
2.11 Connection of D1 card, four optically insulated alarm levels .......................................11
2.12 Connection of external contacts.....................................................................................12
2.13 Connection of grounding for CE regulation ..................................................................12
2.14 Connection of RS232 serial port (COM1) .....................................................................13
2.15 Connection of RS485 (RJ-11b connector) serial com port............................................13
2.15.1 Terminator Resistances ..............................................................................................14
3 Menu setting – general sequence .................................................. 14
4 Display............................................................................................. 15
5 Instrument setting .......................................................................... 16
6 AdC setting (I1 or I4 input cards)................................................... 18
7 dAC setting (O1, O2, O3, O4 analog output cards)....................... 21
8 Md setting (Modbus communication setting) ................................ 22
9 LEV alarm level setting .................................................................... 23
10 MAG setting (I10 Start Stop input card) ......................................... 24
11 LCD display setting........................................................................ 25
12 Return to Measure modality ......................................................... 25
13 Introduction to measure modes .................................................... 26
14 Two channel summing unit (MD=1)............................................. 27
15 Three channel summing unit (MD=2) .......................................... 28
16 Four channel summing unit (MD=3)............................................ 29
17 Four channel summing unit – analog output (MD=4) ................ 30
18 Four channel summing unit (MD=5)............................................ 31
19 Four channel summing unit – analog output (MD=6) ................ 32
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20 Sample breaking test (MD=7) ....................................................... 33

21 Four I1 input channels - high sampling rate (MD=9) ................. 36
22 Single channel 0-10V measurement (MD=10) ............................. 37
23 Two channel summing unit – analog output (MD=11) ............... 38
24 Eight channel summing unit (MD=12)......................................... 39
25 Three channels summing - analog output (MD=13) ................... 40
26 Four channel summing unit – analog output (MD=14) .............. 41
27 Two channel summing unit – analog output (MD=15) ............... 42
28 Single I1 channel – analog output (MD=16) ................................ 43
29 Double channel I2 (MD=17) .......................................................... 44
30 I4 input – D0 relay card (MD=18) ................................................ 45
31 Two I2 input + I1 input + OPTO output (MD=19) ..................... 46
32 Two high sampling rate I2 input channels + analog output
(MD=20) .......................................................................................... 47
33 Fast two I1 summing unit + analog output (MD=21).................. 48
34 Fast two I1 summing unit + analog output + relay (MD=22)..... 49
35 Four chiannels + 4 relay (MD=23)................................................ 50
36 Four channels (2 high sampling rate channels) (MD=24) .......... 51
37 Six channels amplified input – 4 channel summing unit(MD=25).
......................................................................................................... 52
38 Six channels summing unit(MD=26) ............................................ 53
39 Serial connection ............................................................................ 54
40 Sales conditions .............................................................................. 55
40.1 WARRANTY.................................................................................................................55
40.2 DAMAGE RESPONSABILITY: ..................................................................................55

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Applied Council’s directives: EN 61326

Conformity to standards:

EN 61000-6-4 (2001)
EN 61000-6-2 (2001)
EN 55011 (1998)+ A1 (1999) + A2 (2002)
EN 55014-1 (2000) + A1 (2001) + A2 (2002)
EN 61000-4-2 (1995) + A1 (1998) + A2 (2002)
EN 61000-4-3 (1996) + A1 (1998) + A2 (2001)
EN 61000-4-4 (1995) + A1 (2001) + A2 (2002)
EN 61000-4-5 (1995) + A1 (2001)
EN 61000-4-6 (1996) + A1 (2001)
EN 61000-4-8 (1993) + A1 (2001)
EN 61000-4-11 (1994) + A1 (2001)

Manufacturer: DS Europe srl

Address: via F. Russoli, 6 Milano (Italy)

Equipment type: Indicator conditioner

Model: Pitagora

Year of registered mark: 2003

The equipment has been tested in the typical installation configuration, as described by the
instruction manual of the product.

DS Europe Srl certify that the above defined equipment meets the requirements of above mentioned
EMC directives.

Milan, 27/11/2003 DS Europe srl

Technical department.

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


2 Electrical connections
2.1 Rear terminal boards

1 1 1 1

CanBus 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4

RJ-11B 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6

5 4 3 2 1

9 8 7 6
5 4 3 2 1

Fig. 1: Rear terminal board view.

2.2 Power supply connections

Terminal Description

AC or DC power supply – No polarity

AC or DC power supply – No polarity

EARTH Earth connection / Grounding

2.2.1 Accepted power supply

• From 10.5 to 40 Vdc.

• From 9 to 28 Vac.

Power supply generator must be in position to provide at least 10W power (depending on the
number and type of connected transducers).

On terminal connector is available the earth terminal for instrument grounding (see par. 2.11).

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2.3 Connection of I1 single channel input card for 80 mV differential signal

Terminal Description Notes DS Europe colour code
1 + signal input from transducer 0 to ± 80 mV, differential WHITE
2 - signal input from transducer GREEN
5 - power supply to transducer BLACK
+ 5 Volts, use only power supply from
instrument to power transducers
6 + power supply to transducer RED
Terminals 3-4 are not connected

2.4 Connection of I2 two channels input card for 80 mV differential signal

Terminal Description Notes DS Europe colour code
1 + signal input from transducer 0 to ± 80 mV, differential WHITE
2 - signal input from transducer CH0 0 = Bridge 1 GREEN
3 + signal input from transducer 0 to ± 80 mV, differential WHITE
4 - signal input from transducer CH0 1 = Bridge 2 GREEN
5 - power supply to transducer BLACK
+ 5 Volts, use only power supply from
instrument to power transducers.
6 + power supply to transducer RED

2.5 Connection of I4 single channel input card for 0-5 V and 0-10 V signals
Terminal Description Notes DS Europe colour code
1 + power supply to transducer + power supply for amplified transducer. RED
2 + signal input from transducer Example: ±10 V in put, maximum voltage WHITE
3 - signal input from transducer ± 18 V YELLOW or BLACK
Between terminal 1 and 6 It is available
6 - power supply to transducer the power supply fed to the instrument (i.e. YELLOW or BLACK
+24 V)
Terminals 4-5 are not connected

Allowed inputs to this card are: 0 to +5 V, 0 to +10 V, ± 5 V and ± 10 V.

2.6 Connection of I6 single channel input card for 4-20 mA and 0-20 mA (2 wire)

Terminal Description Notes DS Europe colour code

3 LOOP PLUS + power supply to transducer. RED
6 LOOP MINUS - power supply to transducer. BLACK
Terminals 1-2-4-5 are not connected

IMPORTANT NOTE: Power supply fed to the transducer, with current loop, is the same that is
provided to the Pitagora instrument.

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2.7 Connection of I10 single channel input card for Start-Stop digital signal
Magnetostrictive transducer
Terminal Description
DS Europe series PCX-ss
1 + RTX Brown
2 - RTX Blue
3 - TXD Yellow
4 + TXD White
5 + 24 Volt ( + Power supply ) from external power
supply generator
6 GND ( - Power supply ) Black

IMPORTANT NOTE: power supply fed to the magnetostrictive transducer is the same provided
to the instrument.
Power supply is to be:
• Not lower than 18 V, if connection cable to transducer is long no more than 20 mt.
• Not lower than 24 V, if connection cable to transducer is long no more than 100 mt.
• In case of longer distances, verify that at least 18 V are powering the connected
Calibration and measuring functions of magnetostrictive transducers are like all other types of
transducers (load cells, pressure transducers etc.).

2.8 Connection of output cards O1 = 0-5 V and O2 = 0-10 V

Terminal Description
1 Voltage analog output 0-5 Volt ( O1) 0-10 Volt ( O2 )
3 AGND Common for power supply and signal
Terminals 2-4-5-6 are not connected

2.9 Connection of output cards O3 = 4-20 mA and O4 = 0-20 mA

Terminal Description
2 Current analog output 4-20 mA ( O3 ), 0-20 mA ( O4 )
3 AGND Common for power supply and signal
Terminals 1-4-5-6 are not connected

Note: under request this card can be supplied with optional voltage and current output, at the
same time, with the same setting.

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2.10 Connection of D0 card, two relays alarm level

Terminal Description
1 Relay 1 Normally Closed contact Relays technical specifications:
2 Relay 1 Common contact - Maximum Vdc: 30 Vdc.
- Maximum current: 2 A.
3 Relay 1 Normally Open contact
- Maximum power: 1W.
4 Relay 2 Normally Closed contact - Switching time: 2 mS.
5 Relay 2 Common contact
6 Relay 2 Normally Closed contact

Fig. 10: Connections of D0 card, with 2 alarm levels.

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2.11 Connection of D1 card, four optically insulated alarm levels

Terminal Description
1 Optically insulated output 1 ( open collector) Opto insulator technical features
2 Optically insulated output 2 ( open collector) - Maximum Vdc: 70 Vdc.
- Maximum current: 50 mA.
3 Optically insulated output 3 ( open collector))
- Maximum power: 150 mW.
4 Optically insulated output 4 ( open collector) - Switching time: 18µSmax.
5 Emitter, common output - Insulation: 3000 Vrms
6 Not Connected



1 +24V


Slot A o B



24V Common

Above figure shows the typical connection used for PLC “SINK” type connection.
It is to be considered that this is an “open collector” setting and that emitters are connected
together to terminal 5 of the instrument. Internal protection diodes are applied, for reverse
polarity protection.

I max 50 mA

4 V_Relè

Slot A o B

External relays, connection to optically insulated outputs (same connection for the other 3).

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2.12 Connection of external contacts

Pitagora instrument has 4 optically insulated input contacts, whose functions are described in the
operating modes descriptions of this manual.
External contacts are on the terminal board labelled as “INPUT”.

Terminal Description Notes

2 Input 1 ( KEY 1 ) +28 Volt maximum voltage
3 Input 2 ( KEY 2 ) +28 Volt maximum voltage
4 Input 3 ( KEY 3 ) +28 Volt maximum voltage
5 Input 4 ( KEY 4 ) +28 Volt maximum voltage
1 EXGND ( insulated voltage reference )


+24Vdc 1

2 KEY1
2 KEY1
3 KEY2
3 KEY2
4 KEY3
4 KEY3 +24Vdc
5 KEY4
5 KEY4

Fig. 1a: Insulated connection Fig. 1b: Not insulated connection.

Above figures (Fig.1a and Fig.1b ) show the connection for push buttons use (same for relays,
TTL, transistors etc.).

A voltage, between 12 and 28 Vdc, is to be fed in order to activate the opto-insulator LED’s.

Opto insulator main specifications:

• Insulation: 3000 Vrms

• Switching time: 18 µS ( max )
• Release time: 18 µS ( max )

2.13 Connection of grounding for CE regulation

In order to achieve best immunity in case of electrical noise, It is advisable to:

• Negative of power supply is to be grounded.

• Connect EARTH terminal to closer grounding in case Pitagora instrument is powered by
power supply generator that is separated from the other generators of the application.
• Analog outputs, RS232, RS485 etc of Pitagora are all grounded: be careful not to have
ground loops.
• It is advisable that all power supply negative (GND) connections are referred to the same
earth connection for the whole machinery.
• Electrical signal cables are not to be cabled together with power cables.

In case of low electrical noise environments this connection can be avoided.

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2.14 Connection of RS232 serial port (COM1)

RS232 port can be used either for setting the instrument parameters and for getting Its measured values, in low electrical
noise environments, and It does not allow a digital communication with a cable longer than 3 m (the distance can be
optimized by modifying the baud rate).

Instrument Computer

TX ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯> RX
RX <⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ TX
GND ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ GND

Usual connections for RS232 communication, between Instrument and computer are (standard straight serial cable):

Pitagora - RS 232 Computer

9 pins female connector 9 pins connector 25 pins connector
TX 2 2 2
RX 3 3 3
GND 5 5 7

2.15 Connection of RS485 (RJ-11b connector) serial com port

RJ – 11b Cable colour Description DS Europe serial adapter Mod. 658-5-x

1 Brown Not connected -
2 White Data + ( A ) 5
3 Red Data – ( B ) 4
4 Blue GND 1

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2.15.1 Terminator Resistances

MULTI-DROP connection (as RS485) requires to apply two terminator resistances (if not already applied): one
on the remote electronics (computer, PLC etc.) and one on the last connected Pitagora instrument
(Pitagora instrument are not supplied with internal terminator resistor but it can be applied, under request).
The resistance is to be 120 Ohm, ¼ watt.
This resistance is to be applied only on the last connected instrument, in order not to lower too much the overall
line impedance (figure 11 ).

fig. 11 : Multi-drop connection of several instruments.

3 Menu setting – general sequence

This chapter describes the procedure to set instrument’s working parameters.
This sequence is valid for all the instrument’s menus.

▼ Down arrow: It allows to scroll all the possible choices of a menu or to decrease a
parameter’s value.
▲ Up arrow: It allows to scroll all the possible choices of a menu or to increase a
parameter’s value.
E Enter: It confirms modified parameter and stores the value on the instrument.
C ESC: It allows to exit from a menu without confirming any change to the parameter’s
value or to zero (dynamic zero) the value shown on display when Pitagora is in normal
working status.

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These push buttons can have additional functions, depending on the chosen operating modality.
Push button can be damaged, if sharp objects are applied (screwdrivers or similar).

By keeping pressed the E button, when modifying a parameter, allows to show on display (prior to the
button release) the numeric index corresponding to the parameter (i.e.: P03501). The index can be used
to modify the parameter by means of digital serial communication.


4 Display
Pitagora instrument is has an LCD display, with backlight, able to show the following data:
1. Main 7 alphanumeric digits display, 8 segments, plus polarity able to display numbers up to ±
9999999 or words (capital or small letters).
2. Secondary display, with 14 alphanumeric digits, used to show information referable to the
measured value displayed on the main displayed or used to provide additional indications
during instrument customization.
3. Bar display, with central zero, to display the behaviour of the measured value.
4. MENU indication, active when Pitagora instrument is used during Customization procedure
with a numeric value that indicates the active personalization level.
5. Serial communication and data transfer activity.

When Pitagora instrument is switched on it will show, in sequence, the following information:
1. Pitagora Name of instrument
2. Pt 401 Hardware version
3. V 1.00 Installed firmware version
4. SN. X Serial number of instrument
5. MD 1 Active measurement modality

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5 Instrument setting

Personalization menu is protected against unwanted accesses.

Switch on the instrument, keeping pressed at the same time ▲ and C push buttons.
Instrument will allow to setup the card eventually installed into slot A.
SLSET will confirm on the display that personalization menu is active (SLot SETup).
“MENU 1-” indicates that setup procedure for the chosen card is on the topmost level of the main
personalization menu.

When push button are released display shows on upper alphanumeric line the type of menu (SLOT
SETUP); main display line indicates the name of the installed card to be customized.
Firmware uses the following syntaxes, when setting card parameters:
1. Slot reference: a letter, followed by a decimal point, to indicate the reference position of the
card installed on the instrument (real card) or to indicate virtual card reference.
2. Function/parameter reference: 3 or more letters that identify the function/parameter to be set.
If an A/D card (mod. I4) is installed in slot C, setup menu will refer to It as C.AdC (C. to indicate
slot number = C; AdC to indicate card type = A/D converter); B.AdC indicates that an A/D card
is installed on slot B.

The following type of cards may be considered by Pitagora instrument:

• Real card: cards installed on slots from A to D, on the rear of the instrument.
• Virtual: are peripherals applied in the instrument, like serial communication ports or like
functions that allow to perform calculus, alarm levels that will activate relays outputs or will
send status messages through serial connection or complex functions like P.I.D or softP.L.C.
Menu structure, used to configure the Pitagora instrument, will be defined by the position and type of
active cards on the instrument.
Menu parameters can be set in the following ways:
Prefix Menu parameter
Card setting A letter, used to identify: Corresponding function or feature
> the card slot, on the rear of the LEV indicates the alarm levels.
> a virtual card
C. for slot number C
H. for virtual slot number H
Channel A number, to identify the channel of the Corresponding function or feature
setting card (I/O cards with several VLO, to display the LO parameter.
Available sub menus, for each card, can be accessed by pressing E push button.
To return to the main menu from a sub menu, press C button.

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Example: menu structure of an instrument so

Slot A (physical) = mod. D0 or D1 relay card.
Slot B (physical) = empty.
Slot C (physical) = I1 or I4 input card, with A/D
Slot D (physical) = O2 analog output card.
Slot F (virtual) = Modbus digital output.
Slot H (virtual) = alarm level

By pressing C pushbutton Pitagora instrument exits

customization menu entering into normal measure
modality, after having saved parameter (SAVE is
displayed) and after a software reset.
Menu structure: this customization menu structure is
dynamic as It depends from the type and position of the
installed hardware cards and is supplied just as example.
NUL, with the reference of the selected slot, will be
shown (example: b.nul) if no physical card is installed
on the selected slot or if no virtual function is available.

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6 AdC setting (I1 or I4 input cards)

This menu allows to set the working parameters of any card with A/D converter.
It is possible to set the behaviour of one or two A/D converter parameters, allowing the conversion of
the measured voltage signals into the chosen engineering units.
In order to convert measurements into displayed numeric values in engineering units Pitagora need to
store two measured voltage signals, to be associated with the corresponding known values in the
desired engineering units.

Hereafter is indicated the sequence that allows to set the A/D parameters of an input channel.
A/D channels are identified by a numeric index, displayed as prefix of the parameter to be set.
• Channel A/D 0 (CH0) = setting of parameters 0.AdSP, 0.VLo, 0.VHI, 0.VtAr, 0,PSdP
Transducer connected to this channel is identified as Bridge 1
• Channel A/D 1 (CH1) = setting of parameters 1.AdSP, 1.VLo, 1.VHI, 1.VtAr, 1,PSdP
Transducer connected to this channel is identified as Bridge 2
When a new parameter is set and stored, by keeping pressed E push button, a numeric index is shown
prior the release of the push button (i.e. P03501), to indicate the parameter’s reference.
This index reference is useful when Modbus serial utility is used, as it allows an easy understanding of
the parameter’s dictionary to be used with a remote connection (serial connection) allowing an
advanced use of the unit.

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The indicated A/D converter setup structure applies to channel 0 and channel 1 of a two channel A/D
input card.
A multi channel Pitagora unit, with two I4 input cards, will have the following parameters to be set:
Slot (example) Type of setting Available channels Settings
B B.AdC Ch0 0.AdSP
CH1 1.AdSP
C C.AdC Ch0 0.AdSP
CH1 1.AdSP
It is important to note that the AdSP settings for a summing unit are to be the same for all the channels,
so that the result of the sum is obtained using measurements that can be related each other on a time
Cont (Continuous) parameter allows to set the instrument in order to:
Cont = 0 Pitagora samples values from channels CH0 and CH1, from selected A/D converter.
Cont = 1 Pitagora samples data solely from CH0, from selected A/D converter.

AdSP value, for Continuous = 1 Continuous = 0

single channel
0 3840 Hz 320 Hz
1 1920 Hz 160 Hz
2 960 Hz 80 Hz
3 480 Hz 40 Hz
4 240 Hz 20 Hz
5 120 Hz 10 Hz
6 60 Hz 5 Hz
7 30 Hz 2.5 Hz
8 15 Hz 1.25 Hz
9 7.5 Hz 0.625 Hz
Note for AdSP setting: the parameter sets the update rate of the measurements provided by the A/D
converter with reference to the corresponding measurement resolution.
Sampling rate and resolution are inversely proportional: increasing the frequency rate will correspond
to a decrease of the available measurement resolution. This is a consequence of the fact that by
increasing the frequency rate the A/D converter will reduce the filtering on the input signal so that
more noise will be sampled and measurement will consequently be less stable than one obtainable with
a lower frequency rate. This behaviour is typical of the used Sigma Delta A/D converter and has not
to be considered as a defect.

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7 dAC setting (O1, O2, O3, O4 analog output cards)

This menu is to be used for setting all types of analog outputs.
Card ZERO reference = DAC-LOW Full Scale reference = DAC-HI
O1 0V +5V
O2 0V + 10 V
O3 4 mA 20 mA
O4 0 mA 20 mA

Note: the analog output card, whenever installed, is active with all operating modes of Pitagora

Current output will behave in the same way.

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8 Md setting (Modbus communication setting)

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9 LEV alarm level setting

Pitagora instrument, with installed alarm level cards, allows to set the level switching values (LEV),
their hysteresys (HYST) and the way they operate (SET).
It is herewith described the procedure to set the parameters of alarm level 0 and this procedure can
be used for all the other available alarm levels (0.LEV, 0.HYST, 1.LEV, 1.HYST, etc.)
The parameters to be set are to be entered as integer number, without any decimal point, using the
same number resolution considered when A/D converter calibration parameters have been entered
for input cards setup (Example: if I1 input card has 0.VLO and 0.VHI values expressed with grams
resolution, then also 0.LEV has to be set with the same grams resolution, without decimal point).

Card Relays Parameters


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10 MAG setting (I10 Start Stop input card)

Pitagora instrument, with installed Start Stop card (I10), allows to acquire measured measurements
from a DS Europe linear displacement magnetostrictive transducer.
VLO and VHI parameters have to be acquired and stored, by pressing E push buttons, having the
transducer’s cursor in the mechanical positions, along the transducer measuring rod, to which it is
needed to associate the corresponding position value (expressed in mm, inch or other engineering

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11 LCD display setting

If Pitagora instrument has installed an LCD display, it is possible to set background light intensity
and contrast, in order to optimize measurement’s readability, accordingly to the ambient light

12 Return to Measure modality

After having completed all settings it is possible to get back to the measurement modality.
From the topmost level of the main configuration menu, press C push button.
Pitagora instrument saves set parameters, displaying SAVE.
A software reset is performed and then current measured value is displayed.
Note that all parameters are saved on a EEprom memory to hole them after power off of the

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13 Introduction to measure modes

Pitagora instrument allows a modular configuration of its hardware (input and output cards).
Consequently all internal configuration menus and operating measurement capabilities are dynamic
and will reflect the existing hardware configuration.
Also the available measuring functions will reflect the installed hardware and the internal function
configuration performed by DS Europe, prior shipment of the unit, in order to fit different
measuring needs.
In the following pages are listed some of the most common hardware configurations, matched to
their software operating modes.
Additional software and hardware configurations can be developed by DS Europe accordingly to
Customers’ needs.
Virtual channels allow to handle, mathematically, signal values measured by input channels (I
cards) through sums, subtractions and all most common mathematic operators.
For multi channel configurations it is possible to change the sequence used to display data or to
transmit their values by digital connections to remote devices, using instrument’s internal
communication ports.
All the listed measurement modes are to be considered as a reference for order definition, since
instrument is configured in our Factory, as hardware and function configuration, accordingly to
Customer’s needs, so to simplify the installation and use of the unit.
DS Europe is ready to develop additional measurement modes that may be needed by Customer for
their measurement purposes, starting form one of the existing measurement modes, considering all
possible mixes of hardware input/output cards, measurement functions or data displaying required.
In order to develop a new measurement mode for a new application, we need a detailed description
of the behaviour required from the measurement system, considering the technical characteristics of
the different I/O cards that can be installed on the unit. New I/O cards can be developed.
On the following modes the Measure table indicates all the available measurements performed by
the instrument, that can be displayed in the indicated sequence.
When several measurement are available press the  pushbutton to obtain the required
measurement value, indicated on the LCD display by the corresponding labels that appears on the
secondary display. Displayed measurement are shown using a closed loop display sequence.
Example: with a 3 channel summing unit, as for MD = 2, displayed value when Pitagora is
powered on is NET SUM.
Pushbuttons Sequence Main display Secondary display label
Power on 1 Net sum of 3 channel measures = C.ADC0 + NET SUM
C.ADC1 + D.ADC0)
 is pressed 2 Minimum peak value of Net measure PEAK MIN
 is pressed 3 Maximum peak value of Net measure PEAK MAX
 is pressed 4 Measure from channel 1 = C.ADC0 P.C.0 NET VALUE
I2 input card installed on C slot
 is pressed 5 Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC1 P.C.1 NET VALUE
I2 input card installed on C slot
 is pressed 6 Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0 P.D.0 NET VALUE
I2 input card installed on D slot
By pressing  again, display will indicate point 1 of the display sequence.

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14 Two channel summing unit (MD=1)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
C I2 (A/D converter) for CH0 and CH1 inputs of C.ADC.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog outputs).

Measure • NET (sum = C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)

• POSITIVE peak (of NET value)
• NEGATIVE peak (of NET value)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push button • DYNAMIC ZERO = current measured value
buttons ( value not stored, lost when instrument’s power
supply is switched off)
• E push button • Swaps between NET, POSITIVE peak and
NEGATIVE peak measured values.
• push button • Alarm level settings
• push button • No function
Inputs • Key 1 • Sets TARE = current measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the current measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Peak function activation
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function
Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.
Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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15 Three channel summing unit (MD=2)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 3 channel measures = C.ADC0 + C.ADC1 + D.ADC0)

2. PEAK MIN (Minimum peak value of Net measure NET SUM)
3. PEAK MAx (Maximum peak value of Net measure NET SUM)
4. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = C.ADC0)
5. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC1)
6. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off)
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 6.
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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16 Four channel summing unit (MD=3)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 4 channel measures = C.ADC0 + C.ADC1 + D.ADC0 + D.ADC1)
2. PEAK MIN (Minimum peak value of Net measure NET SUM)
3. PEAK MAx (Maximum peak value of Net measure NET SUM)
4. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = C.ADC0)
5. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC1)
6. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0)
7. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off)
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 7.
• Push • Alarm level settings

Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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17 Four channel summing unit – analog output (MD=4)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
B I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 4 channel measures = B.ADC0 + B.ADC1 + C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)
2. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)
3. P.B.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = B.ADC1)
4. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)
5. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = C.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off)
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 5
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted .
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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18 Four channel summing unit (MD=5)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 4 channel measures = C.ADC0 + C.ADC1 + D.ADC0 + D.ADC1)
2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = C.ADC0)
3. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC1)
4. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0)
5. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off)
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 5
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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19 Four channel summing unit – analog output (MD=6)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
B I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 4 channel measures = B.ADC0 + B.ADC1 + C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)
2. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)
3. P.B.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = B.ADC1)
4. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)
5. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = C.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 5
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function
Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.
Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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20 Sample breaking test (MD=7)

This operating mode (set MD=7) measures the breaking force and displacement of a sample during
a rupture material test.
At the end of the test are displayed the stored breaking force, as well as the elongation of the sample
when rupture happened.
This operating mode needs to have installed the following cards:
Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Card.
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
C I1 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
D I10 (Start-Stop) input card for DS Europe magnetostrictive
position transducers model PCS /PCR
LCD display
Secondary display
123.4 MM Shows the displacement
measured by DS Europe
displacement transducer model
PCS / PCR, with 0,1 mm
It is possible to set engineering
units different from “mm” (4
characters, by serial

Main display It shows the tension /
compression force measured by
the DS Europe load cell.
It is possible to set Kg or
Newton engineering units.

Calibration procedure of sample breaking test modality

Calibration procedure of the input card (I10) for magnetostrictive transducer is similar to that one of
the connected load cell ADC card (model I1 or I4 input cards).
To convert the measurement from magnetostrictive transducer Pitagora needs to store the measures
(LO and HI) to be associated with the chosen point of Zero (VLO) and Full Scale (VHI) on
transducer’s measuring rod, expressed in the engineering units and resolution required.
For magnetostrictive transducers model PCS or PCR, VLO and VHI values have to be entered with
0,1 mm resolution. Secondary display indicates displacement measurement having a fixed position
for decimal point, accordingly to 0,1 mm resolution.
Display could eventually show other types of engineering units as set during the calibration
To enter into the calibration procedure, while powering on the instrument, keep pressed push
buttons ▼ and C on the front panel.

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Operating mode
Measure • Force (main or alternative engineering unit) and displacement.
• Force peak at sample breaking (main engineering unit or alternative)
• Displacement peak at sample breaking.
Display • NET force = (GROSS force – DYNAMIC ZERO force).
• NET displacement = (GROSS displacement – DYNAMIC ZERO displacement).
• Lev 1 indicator blinks, to indicate that test is running and relay RL2 is active.
• Lev 1 indicator is switched on, continuously, when test ends; displayed force and
displacement measurements, corresponding to sample breaking, have been stored.
RL2 is inactive.
• Lev 2 indicator, when switched on, indicates that measured force is ≥ to the alarm
LEV 1; RL3 is active.
Push C push • Stops the test cycle and RL2 is inactive.
buttons button On display Lev1 indicator is switched off, to indicate that test cycle is on
hold. Force and displacement measures are possible.
E push • Begins a new test cycle.
button Force value, shown on main display, is zeroed (=DYNAMIC ZERO).
Displacement value, on secondary display, is zeroed (=DYNAMIC
Relay RL2 is activated and Lev1 indicator blinks on display, till RL2 is
• At breaking of sample (force reduction ≥ DELTA) display shows force
and displacement values when sample broke.
Lev1 indicator is switched on, continuously, to indicate that test end due
to sample breaking; RL2 is deactivated.
push • Allows to swap between all available measures performed by Pitagora
button (make reference to tab. 2, for types of available measures).
push • With KEY1 open, DELTA value of breaking can be set. (see Tab.3)
button • With KEY1 closed values of DELTA, UNIT, LEV1 and HYST can be
set (see tab. 4).
Inputs Key 1 • Refer to push button 
Key 2 • Same functions as E push button.
Key 3 • Deactivates the front panel of Pitagora instrument (no pushbuttons
Key 4 • No function
Relays RL2 • Refer to push button E
RL3 • Level 1 functions
Active when measured force (load cell) is greater then the alarm level 1.
Lev2 indicator is switched on, till measured force is greater or equal to
the value of Level 1.

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By pressing  push button, the following sequence of measures performed by Pitagora is

available (closed loop of visualization):
Measure visualization sequence [Tab. 2]
Sequence Showed on main display
1 Currently measured NET load, expressed in Kg, measured by load cell.
Dynamic Zero of load cell (test TARE).
This value is set each test sequence, by pressing the push button.
3 GROSS minimum peak load, measured by load cell during test cycle.
4 GROSS maximum peak load, measured by load cell during test cycle.
NET position value, measured by connected position transducer (mod. PCS / PCR
magnetostrictive transducers).
6 NET instantaneous value, expressed in Newton, measured by load cell.
7 NET breaking load measure, expressed in Newton engineering units.
8 NET breaking load measure expressed in Kg engineering units.
Press  push button to scroll between the available measurements and to return to combined
force/displacement measurement, so to start a new test cycle.

push button, with KEY1 open, activates SETUP sequence [Tab. 3]
Sequence Main display Description
DELTA Sets the DELTA breaking reference value.
Pitagora instrument stops the test when measured force decreases
1 of an amount greater or equal to the DELTA reference value,
having broken the sample. Delta value is to be set accordingly to
measurement’s resolution set for the main display.

Pressing  push button, with KEY1 closed, activates extended SETUP sequence [Tab. 4]
Sequence Main display Description
DELTA Sets the DELTA breaking reference value.
Pitagora instrument stops the test when measured force decreases
1 of an amount greater or equal to the DELTA reference value,
having broken the sample. Delta value is to be set accordingly to
measurement’s resolution set for the main display.
UNIT Sets the engineering units of the measured force.
2 0 = Kg
3 LEV1 alarm level load, in Kg, for relay RL3
4 HYST1 Hysteresys value for relay RL3.

Press  and  to scroll between the listed parameters and to return to combined
force/displacement measurement, so to start a new test cycle.
Press C to come to the force / displacement measure modality.

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21 Four I1 input channels - high sampling rate (MD=9)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A I1 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
B I1 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
C I1 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
D I1 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.

Measure 1. P.A.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = A.ADC0)

2. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = B.ADC0)
3. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)
4. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = D.ADC0)
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
•  push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 4
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • No function
Relays • RL2 • Not applied
• RL3 • Not applied

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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22 Single channel 0-10V measurement (MD=10)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
C I1 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to P.C.O

Measure 1. P.C.0 Net Value (NET Measure from transducer 1 = C.ADC0)

2. P.C.0 Gros Value (GROSS Measure from transducer 1 = C.ADC0)
3. PEAK MIN (Peak minimum measure from transducer 1 – NET measure)
4. PEAK MAX (Peak maximum measure from transducer 1 – NET measure)
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
•  push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 4
• push • Alarm level settings (not available, board not installed)
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • No function
Relays • RL2 • Not applied
• RL3 • Not applied

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23 Two channel summing unit – analog output (MD=11)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
C I2 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from transducer 1 = C.ADC0)

2. P.C.1 NET Value (Measure from transducer 2 = C.ADC1)
3. NET SUM ( sum of 2 channel measures = C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)


Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
•  push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3
• push • Alarm level settings (not available, board not installed)
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • No function
Relays • RL2 • Not applied
• RL3 • Not applied

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24 Eight channel summing unit (MD=12)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
B I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.a.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = A.ADC0)

2. P.a.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = A.ADC1)
3. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = B.ADC0)
4. P.B.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = B.ADC1)
5. P.c.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 5 = C.ADC0)
6. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 6 = C.ADC1)
7. P.d.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 7 = D.ADC0)
8. P.d.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 8 = D.ADC1)
9. NET SUM (sum of 8 channel measures = A.ADC0 + A.ADC1 + B.ADC0 +
B.ADC1 + C.ADC0 + C.ADC1+ D.ADC0 + D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 9
• push • Alarm level settings (no relay available)
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.

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25 Three channels summing - analog output (MD=13)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
B I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 3 channel measures = B.ADC0 + B.ADC1 + C.ADC0)

2. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)
3. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = B.ADC1)
4. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK measurement, if active.
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
•  push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 4
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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26 Four channel summing unit – analog output (MD=14)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
B I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 4 channel measures = B.ADC0 + B.ADC1 + C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)
2. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)
3. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function
Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.
Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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27 Two channel summing unit – analog output (MD=15)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 2 channel measures = C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)

2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = C.ADC0)
3. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC1)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


28 Single I1 channel – analog output (MD=16)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
C I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET value

Measure 1. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from load cell = C.ADC0)

2. PEAK MIN (Minimum peak value of Net measure NET value)
3. PEAK MAx (Maximum peak value of Net measure NET value)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 5
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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29 Double channel I2 (MD=17)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from load cell = C.ADC0)

2. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from load cell = C.ADC1)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 2
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


30 I4 input – D0 relay card (MD=18)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
B I4 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I4 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I4 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.c.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC0)
3. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off)
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3.
• Push • Alarm level settings

Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


31 Two I2 input + I1 input + OPTO output (MD=19)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D1 (4 optocoupled output) OptOut1 to OptOut4.
B I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC0)
3. P.c.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC1)
4. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = D.ADC0)
5. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 5 = D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off)
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3.
• Push • Alarm level settings

Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
OptOut • 1 • 0 alarm level function
• 2 • 1 alarm level function
• 3 • 2 alarm level function
• 4 • 3 alarm level function
Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.
Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
2.LEV 2 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
2.HIS 2 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
3.LEV 3 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
3.HIS 3 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

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32 Two high sampling rate I2 input channels + analog output

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
B I2 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signal from load cell.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output)

Measure 1. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC0)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = currently measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
•  push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 2
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • No function
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


33 Fast two I1 summing unit + analog output (MD=21)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
B I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC0)
3. NET SUM (sum of 2 channel measures = B.ADC0 + C.ADC0)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • Not active
• RL3 • Not active

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


34 Fast two I1 summing unit + analog output + relay (MD=22)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
B I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D O1, O2, O3 or O4 (analog output) corresponding to NET SUM

Measure 1. P.B.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC0)
3. NET SUM (sum of 2 channel measures = B.ADC0 + C.ADC0)

Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated

Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 3
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function

Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.

Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


35 Four chiannels + 4 relay (MD=23)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
A D0 (relay card) with relays RL2 and RL3.
B D0 (relay card) with relays RL0 and RL1.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = C.ADC0)

2. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC1)
3. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0)
4. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 4
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • 0 alarm level function
• RL3 • 1 alarm level function
• RL0 • 2 alarm level function
• RL1 • 3 alarm level function
Press  push button to enter the alarm level setting menu.
Tab. 1 – Alarm level setting menu
Parameter Description Default Allowed values
0.LEV 0 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
0.HIS 0 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
1.LEV 1 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
1.HIS 1 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
2.LEV 2 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
2.HIS 2 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50
3.LEV 3 alarm level threshold 1000 ±999999
3.HIS 3 alarm level hysteresys 0 From 0 to 50

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


36 Four channels (2 high sampling rate channels) (MD=24)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
B I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I1 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.b.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = C.ADC0)
3. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = D.ADC0)
4. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 4
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • Not active
• RL3 • Not active

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37 Six channels amplified input – 4 channel summing unit(MD=25)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
B I5 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I5 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I5 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. NET SUM (sum of 4 channel measures = B.ADC0 + B.ADC1 + C.ADC0 + C.ADC1)
2. P.b.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)
3. P.B.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = B.ADC1)
4. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)
5. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = C.ADC1)
6. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 5 = D.ADC0)
7. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 6 = D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 7
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • Not active
• RL3 • Not active

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


38 Six channels summing unit(MD=26)

Hardware settings
PITAGORA card slots Cards
B I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
C I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.
D I2 (A/D converter) input signals from load cells.

Measure 1. P.b.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 1 = B.ADC0)

2. P.B.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 2 = B.ADC1)
3. P.C.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 3 = C.ADC0)
4. P.C.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 4 = C.ADC1)
5. P.D.0 Net Value (Measure from channel 5 = D.ADC0)
6. P.D.1 Net Value (Measure from channel 6 = D.ADC1)
7. NET SUM (sum of 6 channel measures = B.ADC0 + B.ADC1 + C.ADC0 + C.ADC1 +
D.ADC0 + D.ADC1)
Display • NET (GROSS – DYNAMIC ZERO) and PEAK, if activated
Push • C push • DYNAMIC ZERO = measured value
buttons button ( value not stored on permanent memory, lost when power supply is
switched off )
• E push • Press button to show measure 1 on display
• push • Press button to swap measures shown on display, from 1 to 7
• push • Alarm level settings
Inputs • Key 1 • TARE = currently measured value
• Key 2 • Hold of the measure
• Key 3 • PUSH BUTTONS blocked
• Key 4 • Activates the peak function. Previously stored positive and negative
peak values are deleted.
Relays • RL2 • Not active
• RL3 • Not active

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


39 Serial connection

Serial connection between Pitagora and remote computer allows to handle, graphically, the
measured data, to save measurements into the computer hard disk as TXT or XLS format files and
to print the graph or test reports.
A data acquisition software (see above as example) for computer can be ordered to DS Europe.
Additional information can be downloaded from web site
Contact DS Europe to obtain indications about possible customization of this software tool to Your
measurement’s needs.

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07


40 Sales conditions
(for all DS Europe products)

Several electrical and mechanical tests carried out during the manufacturing process an the final test carried out on
each unit warrant that the delivered Product is free from defects in materials, workmanship and performance.
During the warranty period of six months from delivery, at no additional charge, Product rendered defective under
normal use will be repaired or replaced at DS Europe factory.
The normal Product shall be forwarded at Buyer’s expenses concerning shipping, insurance, customs duties or any
other charges associated with transportation of the product.
This Limited Warranty does not extend to any product that has been damaged or rendered defective as a result of
accident or misuse.
Moreover, in case of heavy non-reparable damages, the product may be rendered disassembled to the buyer if the
cost f re-assemble of the Product will not be paid.

The Product contains firmware that is provided on an “AS IS” basis: essentially, firmware is in accordance with
the description of the Product manual.
Except as expressly set forth in this warranty, DS Europe makes not other warranties, expressed or implied,
including any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particle purposes, concerning hardware and
firmware of the Product and its relevant documentation.
This limited warranty does not extend to any semiconductors: integrated circuits, transistors, diodes,
microprocessors, memories and whatever else not covered by semincoductor Manufacturers’ warranty.
The Buyer shall check the delivered Product within 10 days from receipt; after this limit, the Product shall be
considered accepted.
DS Europe liability is limited to the above; DS Europe is not liable for any personal injuries, damages to property
or damages to stoppage of machinery or plants caused by the installation and use of supplied Product (including,
without any limits, any lost profits, lost savings, stoppage of activities, lost information or any other economic


DS Europe Products are parts of more complex systems and plants; these are sold in thousands per year, for
thousands different applications with thousands of norms and precautions concerning installation and use that are
not known to the Manufacturer.
In case of installation or use that can directly or indirectly cause personal injuries, damages to property or
damages due to stoppage of machinery or plants, before installation the Buyer shall immediately advise DS
Europe that will stop purchase negotiations or suspend deliveries of the Product.
However, to minimize or to avoid risk of damages, DS Europe is available, without any responsibility, to suggest
solutions and protections accessories, test certifications, competent Bodies or consultant Institutes.
Moreover, It is recommended to read carefully installation and use instructions attached to the Product delivered.
These instructions can also be sent during purchase negotiation on Buyer’s request.


Even if not expressly mentioned, these “Terms of Sale” are integral and complimentary part of any bulletin,
invoice or instruction manual.

Terms of Sale N°140998 of September 14th, 1998.

Pitagora instruction manual V1 r 19 - 31/01/07

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