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Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614

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Erosion-corrosion behaviour of aluminum alloy 6063 hybrid composite

Sunday Aribo a,b,n, Adeyemi Fakorede a, Oladeji Ige b, Peter Olubambi b
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Engineering Technology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Aluminum alloy 6063 (AA6063) composite with varying proportion of snail-shell-ash (SSA) and silicon
Received 1 September 2016 carbide (SiC) reinforcement has been developed by stir-casting. Hardness and erosion-corrosion char-
Received in revised form acteristics of the composite were studied. Erosion-corrosion behaviour of the composite was studied in a
28 December 2016
mono-ethylene glycol (MEG)-water environment with 20% v/v of ethylene glycol and 0.1 g/L silica sand
Accepted 10 January 2017
particles using a re-designed miniature submerged impinging jet rig. SEM-EDX of the as-cast composites
showed the presence of the particulates distributed in the matrix. The hardness of the aluminum alloy
Keywords: was enhanced up to a maximum value (with the addition of 7.5 wt % SiCþ 7.5 wt % SSA). However,
Aluminum composite hardness values declined when (10 wt % SSAþ 10 wt % SiC) was used as reinforcing phase. Erosion-
corrosion studies showed that erosion component dominates the total material loss and the composite
Snail-shell ash
with highest hardness displaying better erosion-corrosion resistance. Also, addition of MEG to the slurry
resulted in lower erosion-enhance corrosion and total material loss due to erosion-corrosion. SEM
images of the damaged composite showed that the damage mechanism is dominated by ploughing and
& 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction result of reducing the use of the more expensive traditional re-
inforcements [4,14].
Aluminum matrix composites find applications in aerospace Alaneme and his co-workers [15,16] reinforced AA6063 with
and automobile manufacturing because of the several advantages rice husk ash and alumina. Corrosion rate of the hybrid composite
they offer [1–3]. These advantages include high strength to weight was found to increase with increase in the volume fraction of rice
ratio, elevated temperature toughness, low density, high stiffness husk ash [16]. Emenike [17], investigated the corrosion behaviour
and high strength compared to its monolithic counterparts [4,5]. of cast Al-Mg alloy A535 composites containing fly ash reinforce-
However, application of this class of composite has been hindered ment using weight-loss and electrochemical corrosion tests in
by the high cost of producing components of complex shapes [4]. NaCl solution at room temperature. The findings showed that
Techniques used for the development of these composites include unreinforced A535 alloy has lower corrosion rate in fresh water
stir casting [6], powder metallurgy [7,8], spray atomization and co- and seawater environments than the composites at all the tested
deposition [9], plasma spraying [10], squeeze-casting [11] and pH values. It was concluded that the corrosion rate of the com-
compo-casting [4,12]. However, casting technology seems a pre- posites increased with increasing fly ash content [17]. Erosion-
ferred method with stir casting and compo casting receiving more corrosion performance of metal matrix composites is linked to the
attention [4].The commonly used metallic matrices for composite hardness of the matrix phase and the capacity to absorb impact
production include Aluminum, Magnesium, Titanium, Copper and energy. However, microstructural constituent of the composite
their alloys. Reinforcements commonly used include fibers, whis- respond to the erosion-corrosion process in a different ways.
kers and particulates of SiC, Al2O3, B4C and TiC [4,8,13,14]. How- Erosion has been reported to produce materials loss in MMCs as a
ever the use of agro and industrial wastes as single or com- result of plastic deformation and mechanical removal of the matrix
plementary reinforcement to the more conventional reinforcing and by brittle fracture of the unprotected reinforcing phase [18].
materials such as alumina and silicon carbide is attracting much Al alloys have been widely use in the production of heat ex-
attention [15,16]. One reason for this choice is cost reduction as a changers, radiators, engine and transmission oil coolers [1,2,19].
However, Al alloys are relatively soft metals and can be susceptible
to erosion-corrosion in the automotive cooling system, where
Corresponding author at: Department of Metallurgical and Materials En-
gineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria.
ethylene glycol has been used as a coolant. Moreover, coolant in
E-mail addresses:,, aircraft heat exchanger is said to be contaminated with chloride (S. Aribo). [20,21] and when such occurs the erosion-corrosion of the alloy
0043-1648/& 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Aribo et al. / Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614 609

Table 1
Chemical composition of the AA6063.

Element Si Fe Cu Mn Mg Cr Zn Ti Ni Sn Pb Ca Cd Na V Al

Wt% 0.400 0.222 0.010 0.068 0.400 0.039 0.211 0.0120 0.010 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.0005 0.0007 0.001 98.62

Fig. 1. SEM-EDX and point analysis (composition) of the snail shell ash.

become more complex. It has also been reported [22] that Alu-
Table 2
minium alloy experiences erosion–corrosion in the presence of Designation of the different volume fractions of cast composites.
inhibited ethylene glycol coolants, especially when the coolant is
contaminated with solid particles from the corrosion product. Al 2.5/2.5-Al 5/5- Al 7.5/7.5- Al 10/10-Al
Moreover, erosion-corrosion of an aluminium alloy composite is
Monolithic 2.5 wt% 5 wt% 7.5 wt% 10 wt%
expected to be more complex than that of a monolithic alloy. Even Al 6063 SiC þ 2.5 wt% SiC þ 5 wt% SiC7.5 wt% SiC þ10 wt%
so, the hybrid system employed for this research has an agro based Snail shell ash Snail shell Snail shell Snail shell ash
additive that may change the erosion-corrosion characteristic of ash ash
the aluminium alloy. This research will therefore investigate the
erosion-corrosion characteristics of Al alloy matrix composite re-
inforced with SiC and snail shell ash- an agro based reinforcement.

2. Experimental

2.1. Materials and equipment

AA6063 with chemical composition shown in Table 1 was used

for this research. Silicon carbide and snail-shell ash particles were
used as the reinforcing phase. The snail shell was burn into ashes
in the presence of air in accordance to the work of Alaneme et al.,
[16]. The ashes were then conditioned at a temperature of 650 °C Fig. 2. Submerged Impinging Jet (SIJ) Rig.
for 3 h in an oven to reduce the carbonaceous and volatile con-
stituent of the ash [22]. Ash obtained was ground and sieved to impinging jet rig shown in Fig. 2. The rig has a glass-reservoir of
obtain ashes with size below 50 mm. SEM-EDX and point analysis 1.5 l capacity and powered with a 0.5 Hp water-pump. This is a
(composition) of the snail shell ash is shown in Fig. 1. miniature rig with a single nozzle modified based on the rig used
by Aribo et al., [23]. Speed of the pump is controlled by varying the
2.2. Composite development input voltage into the system. The impinging speed was calibrated
before the experiment was carried out. Meanwhile, variable
The AA6063 was melted in a gas-fired crucible furnace at a speeds of 2 m/s and 3.5 m/s were used for the experiment while a
temperature of 750 °C. The liquid melt was then cooled to about sand loading of 0.1 g/L was adopted for the total weight loss and
600 °C (semi-solid state) and the reinforcement phase added and erosion-enhanced corrosion characteristics. Erosion-corrosion was
stirred manually for 5 min. Meanwhile, the mixture of the re- carried out in aerated conditions with 20% (v/v) mono-ethylene
inforcing phase was pre-heated to 250 °C to eliminate dampness
glycol þ80% (v/v) tap water. A set of experiment was also con-
and to improve wettability. The composite slurry was then su-
ducted with 20% (v/v) mono-ethylene glycol þ80% (v/v) distilled
perheated to 780 °C and the second stirring was performed with a
water þ1 wt% of NaCl. Also, some experiments were carried out in
mechanical stirrer at a speed of 300 rpm for 10 min. The mixture
pure tap water and a mixture of tap waterþ 0.1 g/L silica sand.
was then poured into the prepared mould and allowed to solidify.
Four volume fractions of the reinforcing phase were employed Silica sand of average particle size of 200 mm and particle size
(Table 2). distribution shown in Fig. 3 was adopted for the experiments. All
experiments were carried out at ambient temperature of (ap-
2.3. Erosion-corrosion proximately 25 °C) and open to air. The weight loss was taken after
1 h of each experiment and each set of experiment was repeated
Erosion-corrosion tests were carried out in a submerged three times.
610 S. Aribo et al. / Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614

% Weight

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Particle size (µm)

Fig. 3. particle distribution for the silica sand.

2.3.1. In-situ corrosion measurement

Tafel polarisation tests were conducted to measure the changes
in corrosion rate under impingement conditions. Tests were con-
ducted with VersaSTAT4 potentiostat using a Ag/AgCl reference
electrode and a platinum counter electrode. The surface of the
working electrode was polarized from  250 mV to þ250 mV with
respect to the OCP at a scan rate of 0.25 mV/s. Meanwhile the OCP
was allowed to settle for 30 min prior to each experiment. The
corrosion current density was determined from the Tafel plot as
the intersection between the extrapolated anodic and cathodic
branches of the potential scan. The corrosion current determined
was then used to calculate the corrosion rate in g/

3. Results and discussion

The hardness values and the micrographs of the as cast com-

posite are presented and discussed. Erosion-corrosion behaviour
of the samples was considered by determining the total erosion-
corrosion rate and in-situ corrosion rate. Fig. 4. SEM-EDX images of 10/10-Al composite.

3.1. Hardness results and SEM images of the composite as cast

Table 3
SEM-EDX images of the composites showing the presence of Hardness results of the composite.
the particulates in the Al alloy matrix Fig. 4. There is enhancement
S/N Material Vc (1) (HVN) Vc (2) (HVN) Vc (3) (HVN) Average (HVN)
in hardness with the addition of the reinforcing phase (Table 3).
The hardness of the AA6063 was enhanced with the addition of 1 AA6063 60.0 69.4 63.1 64.2
the reinforcing phase up to 7.5 wt% SiC þ7.5 wt% SSA. Increase in 2 2.5/2.5-Al 72.7 67.6 66.5 68.9
hardness could be due to the effects of differences in thermal 3 5/5-Al 98.4 100. 99.0 99.0
4 7.5/7.5-Al 99.2 132.5 114.9 114.9
expansions between the particulates and the aluminium alloy.
5 10/10-Al 72.8 74.6 69.6 72.3
Thermal expansion coefficient differences would lead to the
creation of strain field and eventually dislocations pile up [4,24].
Uniform distribution of the particulates would also provide Or-
owan strengthening [4,24]. All these would help in the increase of method).
mechanical properties of the composite. However, the hardness Ve is the combined pure-erosion and the corrosion-enhanced
dropped with the addition of 10 wt% SiCþ 10 wt% SSA. This is erosion (erosion component). This has been determined mathe-
thought to be due to the particulate-to-particulate interaction matically from Eq. (1).
which marred the properties of the alloy. Vc is taken to be the in-situ corrosion (that is the static corro-
sion and the erosion-enhanced corrosion; static corrosion has
3.2. Erosion-corrosion been found to be negligible for Al alloy especially in MEG þwater
environment [1]. This was obtained by electrochemical method
Erosion-corrosion rates for the composite system and the (determination of current density from Tafel plot) as illustrated in
monolithic alloy at 2 m/s and 3.5 m/s are shown in Figs. 5 and 6 Section 2.3.1.
The research approach the erosion-corrosion mechanism by 3.2.1. Total erosion-corrosion rate (Vt)
using the expression in Eq. (1) This has been determined by using weight loss method under
Vt =Ve +Vc (1) sand impingement in the electrolytes. Addition of 0.1 g/L of silica
sand to the tap water resulted in higher erosion-corrosion rates for
Where, the all the composite systems. The sand particles destrupt the film
Vt is the total erosion-corrosion rate in the presence of the thereby exposing the bare metal to the medium. In each case,
erodent and the corrosive medium (determined by gravimetric higher impinging speed resulted in higher material loss for all the
S. Aribo et al. / Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614 611

Fig. 8. In-situ corrosion rate of the composites in different media at 2 m/s im-
pinging speed.
Fig. 5. Erosion-corrosion rate of the composites in different media at 2 m/s im-
pinging speed.

Fig. 9. In-situ corrosion rate of the composites in different media at 3.5 m/s im-
pinging speed.
Fig. 6. Erosion-corrosion rate of the composites in different media at 3.5 m/s
impinging speed. monolithic Al alloy and the composites. Addition of 1 wt% NaCl
could be said to enhance more material loss for most of the
composite system. Of all the composite systems, 7.5/7.5-Al com-
posite (with the highest hardness) seems to have the highest re-
sistance to erosion-corrosion except in the chloride environment
at 3.5 m/s. The resistance of this composite system is comparable
to the monolithic alloy. However the resistance of the other
composite systems seems poor compared with the monolithic

3.2.2. In-situ-corrosion rate (Vc)

This has been determined by employing Tafel plots as shown in
Fig. 7. Corrosion current density was determined for the compo-
sites under sand impingement in the electrolytes. This was then
converted to mass loss using the expression in Eq. (2).

1 mA/cm2 = (8.95 M /n) g /m2 .day (2)

where n is the no of electrons/ions; M is the atomic mass in g/mol

From Fig. 7 it is seen that corrosion potential became more

negative and corrosion current density increased with addition of
silica sand. This as a result of the depassivation of the passive film
by the sand particle which is more dominant compared with the
Fig. 7. Representation of Tafel plots used to determine in-situ-corrosion rate of the film formation as a result of oxidation. When MEG was added to
composites in different media at 2 m/s impinging speed. the slurry the corrosion potential became more positive and cor-
rosion current decreased in accordance with the work of Zhang
environments with or without sand particle. There is an apparent et al., [25].
effect of the impact on the oxide formed on the working electrode Figs. 8 and 9 show the component of erosion-enhanced cor-
at higher speed in the presence of sand particle. This is in line with rosion (in-situ corrosion). This component is very low compared
the work of Zhang et al. [1]. Effects of MEG on the erosion-cor- with the erosion component. This shows that the total material
rosion rates seem to be of inhibition as earlier reported by [25–27]. loss is predominately by erosion and corrosion-enhanced erosion.
At both speeds (Figs. 5 and 6) addition of 20 wt% MEG to the However, it can be inferred from Fig. 9 that higher impinging
water-sand system led to lower erosion-corrosion rate of the speed resulted in higher in-situ corrosion loss. At higher
612 S. Aribo et al. / Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614

Erosion component Corrosion component

Erosion component Corrosion component
Percentage contribtion (%)


Percentage contribution (%)

60 70

50 60

40 50

30 40
20 30
Tapwater Tapwater+0.1 Tapwater + 0.1 Tapwater +0.1 10
g/L Sand g/L Sand + 20 g/L Sand +20
wt.%MEG wt.% Sand+1 0
wt.% NaCl Tapwater Tapwater+0.1 g/L Tapwater + 0.1 Tapwater +0.1 g/L
Sand g/L Sand + 20 Sand +20 wt.%
wt.%MEG Sand+1 wt.% NaCl

Erosion component Corrosion component Erosion component Corrosion component

Erosion component Corrosion component
90 100

Percentage contribution (%)

Percentage contribution (%)

Percentage contribution (%)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 Tapwater Tapwater+0.1 g/L Tapwater + 0.1 g/L Tapwater +0.1 g/L
0 Tapwater Tapwater+0.1 Tapwater + 0.1 Tapwater +0.1 Sand Sand + 20 Sand +20 wt.%
Tapwater Tapwater+0.1 g/L Tapwater + 0.1 Tapwater +0.1 g/L wt.%MEG Sand+1 wt.% NaCl
g/L Sand g/L Sand + 20 g/L Sand +20
Sand g/L Sand + 20 Sand +20 wt.%
wt.%MEG wt.% Sand+1
wt.%MEG Sand+1 wt.% NaCl
wt.% NaCl

Fig. 10. Contribution of each component of erosion-corrosion rate of the composites in different media at 2 m/s impinging speed (a) AA6063 (b) 2.5/2.5-Al (c) 5/5-Al (d)7.5/
7.5-Al (e) 10/10-Al.

impinging speed, higher kinetic energy of the sand particles will 3.2.3. Erosion component (Ve)
result in higher destabilisation of the surface of the working The erosion component that comprises of both pure erosion
electrode and hence higher current density. and corrosion-enhanced erosion was determined from the ex-
Addition of MEG led to a decrease in the material loss. This is pression in Eq. (3).
due to the inhibitive behaviour of MEG as reported by [26]. With Ve =Vt −Vc (3)
addition of MEG the solution conductivity is said to be reduced
[25] and consequently higher ohmic drop is expected. Con- This component dominate the damage mechanism accounting
sequence of the inhibitive behaviour of MEG is also seen in the for more than 95% of the total weight loss in some instances
Tafel plots (Fig. 7). Apparently, lower anodic current density is (Figs. 10 and 11) as it has also been reported by other authors [1]. It
recorded for the environment containing 20 wt% MEG compared can also be inferred from the figures that the addition of MEG
with the environment without MEG addition. reduced the contribution from corrosion signifying its inhibition
It may also be argued that the oxide film formed in the pre- capabilities. Also, a critical look at the percentage contribution
sence of alcohol has characteristics not fully understood though it shows that when sodium chloride was added to the slurry, the
has been reported [25] that such oxide will be less stable albeit in contribution from corrosion is enhanced as expected from a more
the absence of oxygen. It seems that the complex oxide comprising corrosive environment.
of Al-alcohol film, Al-oxide film and other complexes contributed
to the resistance of the alloy/composites to erosion-enhanced 3.3. Degradation mechanism
corrosion in the MEG þwater solution. This is however open to
more investigations. Degradation mechanism followed the classical mode. Near the
Addition of NaCl to the MEG þwater slurry led to higher elec- stagnation zone, indentation mechanism dominates (Fig. 12a). The
trochemical activity of the electrolyte as expected and hence an wall jet zone and near the edge of the sample (Fig. 12b), cutting
increase in the erosion-enhanced corrosion. The sand particle ex- and scratching as a result of the lower angle of impingement is
poses the substrate alloy to the corrosive medium containing noticed.
chloride ion apart from the other species in the electrolyte.
Chloride ion has been known [28,29] to be detrimental to passive 3.4. Conclusions
film formation thereby enhancing pit propagation. This is evident
from Fig. 7 as higher anodic current density is seen with the ad-
dition of 1 wt% sodium chloride compared with the solution 1. The hardness of the aluminum alloy was enhanced up to a
without chloride ion. maximum value (with the addition of 7.5 wt% SiCþ 7.5 wt% SSA).
S. Aribo et al. / Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614 613

Fig. 11. Contribution of each component of erosion-corrosion rate of the composites in different media at 3.5 m/s impinging speed (a) AA6063 (b) 2.5/2.5-Al (c) 5/5-Al (d)7.5/
7.5-Al (e) 10/10-Al.




Fig. 12. SEM showing the damage mechanism of the composites (a) near the stagnation zone- both indentation and ploughing (b) near the edge- more of cutting and

2. Contribution of corrosion component to the total material loss is 4. Addition of MEG to the slurry resulted in higher solution re-
much less than the contribution from erosion component. In- sistance, lower anodic current density and lower material loss
situ corrosion component contributed very marginally to the due to erosion-corrosion.
total erosion-corrosion loss. 5. SEM images of the damaged surface of the composites showed
3. Composite with the highest hardness showed better erosion- that the damage mechanism is dominated by ploughing and
corrosion resistance compared with other composite systems. indentation.
Its erosion-corrosion resistance is however not better than that 6. Future studies will take into cognizance the impact of ohmic
of the monolithic alloy. drop in the system with relation to the solution chemistry.
614 S. Aribo et al. / Wear 376-377 (2017) 608–614

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