The Fault in Our Star-Lizbeth Becerra Suarez-5B

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Student: Lizbeth Becerra Suarez

Teacher: Diana Karina Pérez Villacorta.

School: COAR-Amazonas
Grade: 5 “B”
The Fault in Our Stard

The novel published in 2012 and who author is John Green tell
the story of Hazel, a girl that live in United States, Amsterdam,
she has thyroid cancer, since the thirteenth years old. She
attends a support group for people with cancer, to where she
know Augustus Waters, his boyfriend, he lost his right leg. Hazel
has a favorite book titled “An imperial Affliction”, written by
Peter Van Houten. She write any emails from Peter about some
doubt, then Gus gets a ticket to Hazel to see Van Houten, finally
Augustus dead a consequence of cancer, where Hazel feeling
For my written assignment I have chosen to write a formal letter
from the point of view of a reporter, trying to convince Hazel
Grace Lancaster, than things happen for something, also I give
any arguments as a support my point of view and also that a
Peter is a good person for his attitude towards Hazel. As well try
to explain about what happens our daily life.
I will show that the life in some time is very complicated and
easy, Hazel goes through many difficult situations. I have some
recommendations and questions for our dear Hazel. Additionally
I think than Hazel continued with her life alongside friends,
family and others people important for her.
My target audience is connected with all the people, because
this is very interesting and important, have a reflection, so
understanding deep and learn more about this book.
N° of words: 244

370 Rowetil Rd
London 3FTP1
January 03, 2017
Hazel G.
321 Glory Mansions,
Apartment 120
United States, Amsterdam 6HW19

Dear Miss. Hazel,

I am writing this letter because I have been informed about your situation. I am
reporter and I want to help you about the situation in your life, also I have any
questions about how do you feel? I think that is very important and serves as
reflection for many people.
Many people know that you have thyroid cancer, which does not mean that you
have to sad and bad mood. I think that you are a good person, because you try
to get ahead alone, with family, friends and others people. The life in some time
is very difficult and easy, because depends on each one you interacts with the
others. Even we learn a lot from the others, like them from us. Hazel I am
understand what you are going through, your life is very complicated, but serves
as example for many people, where we realize that not all in the life is to be
happy, always exist problems where should have a solution and so feel and be
cheerful. Regarding your favorite book “An imperial Affliction”, whose author is
Peter Van Houten, you have any questions, as other reader.
Well I hope you answer with some questions now. Hazel the first question is,
how do you feel in the course of each day? The second question is how do you
feel when reading your favorite book? The next question is what is your desire
in the future? And the last question is do you consider that the public that you
have the same thing as you? As refers to thyroid cancer. These questions serves
to have a reflection, about different cases in your life. In which you should not
let ourselves fall and much less have some attitude depressed, sad.
I want to tell you about the author of your favorite book, which is Mr. Van
Houten, whoever helped you about Augustus Waters, surrendering a letter.
Useful a Van Houten, I as consider reporter that he try to do good something for
you. Hazel, you are very strongest, persistent, tolerant and good person,
because you treat that nothing is impossible.
I have some recommendations for you, I hope you try to consider, in the first
place, Hazel tries to be calm, things happen for something. Also try to continue
with your studies, continuous activities of the course of the day with your family
and friends. You everything you will surpass, treat that every day be happy and
harmonious. Hazel must avoid problems, it's known that problems are always in
our life, but should walk away of many problems in our society. These are the
some recommendations for you.
The only objective of the life is than always have a smile in our face, make than
the day unforgettable and enjoyable. Besides understand and think about our
behavior, Attitudes with the rest of our environment. Equally this serves to
make people think that not everything in life is easy. That some side of our lives
always suffers. Also I estimate that you Hazel should make people reflect on the
experiences or situations that one happens. One of the aspects of you, is that
you are very consistent with its goals.
So Miss. Hazel I ask you to answer me those questions, I also hope that you
consider my recommendations. Never forget be happy and enjoy in all day, and
try to move forward with your goals, getting help of your family and others.
Lizbeth Becerra Suarez.

N° of words: 600

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