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Ramroop 1

Amisha Ramroop

Mrs. Azan

English 7G

October 6, 2020

IRA- character

Can you imagine finding out that your mother or your father is a god? Can you believe

that there are such things as mortal and immortal people? This all comes to life in the book

Heroes of Olympus, The lost Hero written by Rick Riordan. The novel is about three demigods1

who go on a quest to save Hera, Queen of the Gods. Hera imprisons herself to teach her

stubborn husband Zeus that he and all the gods need their demigod children to save them

sometimes. One of the main characters is a demigod girl named Piper. She is a dynamic character

who starts out as a person who tries to control herself and not show weakness. She begins to

change when she realizes that her boyfriend can’t remember her because of a spell cast on him.

In the end, Piper learns that it is ok to show and tell your emotion and becomes more confident.

At the beginning of the book, Piper is a person who tries to hide her emotions and not

show weakness. She doesn’t want anyone to think she is weak or soft. This quote was said by

Piper “I will be going with them just to prove to you that I can do it,”(62) This quote supports the

idea that she is not weak and will not be showing weakness to anyone.

In the middle of the book, Piper tries to get closer to her boyfriend, Jason who can't

remember anything or anyone. She then starts to wonder if Thanatos, God of Death, might have

taken Jason’s memory. Though he lost his memory, it starts to come back quicker and quicker as

they move closer and closer to the destination where Hera is imprisoned. Piper also starts to get

annoyed with Jason because every time she tries to get close to him he pulls away cluelessly.
A demigod is a child of a God or Goddess
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This quote was said by Jason “I know that you seem to like me and all but I can’t remember you,

Piper Mclean,”(78)This supports how it is hard for Piper to get close to Jason. It is also showing

that Jason can’t remember things. This changes Piper because she realizes she might not be able

to get her boyfriend back. Before his apparent amnesia, he was kind and loving but now he is a

confused and distant person.

In the end, Piper learns that it is ok to show emotions and becomes more confident. This

quote was said by Piper “In case you think I’m not a true daughter of Aphrodite,” Piper said,

“don’t even look at Jason Grace. He may not know it yet, but he’s mine. If you even try to make

a move, I will load you into a catapult and shoot you across Long Island Sound,”(524) This

quote supports the reason that she is now more confident about herself. She has also shown

emotion that she cares for Jason and that she is ok with saying what she thinks. This confidence

boost played a part in helping to get Jason’s memory back from Thanatos.

In conclusion, the book was really gripping and fun to read. The overall message from

this is that you should be more confident and trust yourself when making decisions. The book is

also suggesting that in life you need good friends who you can trust and who will help you

through anything. Ultimately it shows that love and determination can conquer anything, as her

love for Jason is what helped him get his memory back.
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