Chapter 1 Student Answers 2020 1

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Cole Jasmin

Introduction to Business
Chapter 1 ~ Managers and Managing
Review Business Management Terms - Answers
1. l
2. b
3. d
4. i
5. e
6. j
7. r
8. k
9. a
10. o
Review Business Management Concepts – Answers
11. d
12. b
13. a
14. c
15. b
16. d
17. d
Apply What You Know – Answers
18. “Managers are responsible for making things happen in business.”
Since management is “accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of
people and other resources,” it is easy to say that a manager’s job is to make things happen
since they get paid to accomplish the goals of their company.
19. Which of the five management functions most directly affects the daily work of employees?
Leading most directly affects employees as it is the function that describes when a manager
motivates their employees and makes sure they have the resources they need.
20. What is the major difference between the classical theory of management and the
administrative theory?
The major difference between the two theories is that while classical management is focused
on increasing their employee’s productivity and efficiency, administrative management is
focused on “improving the overall management of growing businesses.
21. How will the changing diversity in the US workforce affect the characteristics of managers in
the future?
Managers in the future should be even better than managers are now. With a workforce that is
expected to grow from 150 million people to 200 million people by 2050, and with more people
getting education past high school, there are more people to choose from in general but also
more educated ones.
22. What are some ways to prepare for management careers of the future?
To prepare for management careers in the future, it is necessary to gain an understanding of all
the “phases of business planning and operations.” Future management careers may look
different than they do now, but business is all about change, and it has always been necessary
to be agile and ready for change as a manager.
Case In Point ~ Thinking Critically ~ Answers
1. Analyze Amber’s and Travis’s views toward management. With what do you agree or
I completely disagree with Travis’ first statement about how all a manger needs to do is make
sure that all of the work gets done, because that is simply just not true. There are so many
other things that a manager must do to make sure that a company runs smoothly. I did agree
with what Travis said about how classes won’t do you much good in becoming a better
manager “if you aren’t the right type of person.” I think that it takes a certain kind of individual
to do this kind of work, and some traits cannot be taught.
2. Do you believe that managers spend most of their time working with employees? Justify
your answer.

No, I do not think that managers in general spend most of their time with employees.
Managers have to fulfill the five functions of management on a regular basis, and only two of
these involve interacting with employees. These two are Leading and Controlling, while the
other three can be completed independently or with other supervisors. Due to this, I would not
say that Managers pend “most of their time” working with other employees.
3. What characteristics are common to all managers’ jobs? What are the types of things
that would be quite different from one manager’s job to another?
Managers no matter what will always have to fulfill the five functions of management to some
capacity on a daily basis. And although every manager’s duties can fall in these lines, some
aspects can change drastically from one manager to another. Because there are different layers
in management, this can change the roles of a manager a lot. Executives top the hierarchy, and
these managers spend a lot of their time making decisions that impact the entire company.
Supervisors are low-level managers, who spend the majority of their time directing employees
and interacting with them constantly.
4. If you were responsible for developing a training program for managers, what would
you include?
If I was going to develop a training program for managers, I would include some specific things.
Firstly I would have training for leadership. I think this is essential for a Manager to have as
they are the leader of the team they are working in, and all of their employees are looking to
them as the model. Secondly I would have training for communication. I think it would be
important for Managers to know not everyone communicates the same way, and not everyone
communicates at the same level, but it is the manager’s responsibility to bridge that gap.
Lastly, I would have training for organization. Since everyone is relying on the managers for
assistance, guidance and things like that, it is important for managers to keep their thoughts,
workspaces, and work organized.

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