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Alright, well as a guy who recently got out of a relationship

because my LTR of 2.5 years (who was bi, and yeah awesome
during the threesomes) decided she wanted to be with a girl I can
respond to this...

I don't think it's really a DHV story. I mean, when it first happened
to me I talked about it, but girls don't dig that. You sound like
you're whining. It's try-hard. It shows the opposite of pre-
selection. And the fact that she cheated on you in front of your
face shows that you're basically a huge pussy. No offense, I'm just
seeing it from a girl's point of view. There must be reasons that
she cheated on you in front of your face. You must have low

That being said, you can turn this around. Open with the question
if you want, then go into your story but really blow it up. Make it
sound crazy, like how she cheated. Something like this:

"We were in the middle of this party and she was dancing with this
girl on the pool table. Some guys yelled to make out, and they
did, and one thing led to another and they were full-out ripping
each others clothes off and having hardcore girl sex right on the
pool table. I mean, hard core... they were not holding back!
Everyone thought it was awesome and they were congratulating
me on having such a sexually crazy and hot girlfriend. It was cool
for a minute, but then I realized that it wasn't cool, because even
though she was really hot and great in bed, there are just some
things that are private. Being sloppy-drunk is no excuse, and
having sex in the middle of a party is really insecure and attention
hungry. I just had to break up with her. Looks and being good in
bed are one thing, but there are way more important things as far
as I'm concerned..."

After you say that, you follow it up with "I mean, look at you. You
seem like you're a pretty nice girl, but I mean there are a lot of
nice, pretty girls out there. What makes you special?"
Now you've turned the story around. You dumped her, she was of
lower value. You were preselected by a hot girl that everyone
agreed was super hot and you were really lucky to have. But you
walked away. You're not needy and she didn't control things.

After you ask her what makes her special, she will, if things are
going your way, begin to qualify herself for you. If she does than
you should quickly have the IOIs to move on to kino escalation and
a number close. In order to be congruent, if using the above story,
I would not try for a full-on make-out K-close as you said the girl
you left was try-hard for her public displays. Remember, that's a
turn-off. Maybe a discreet kiss goodnight, or if you can bounce to
a private location go for it.

Now, if I might delve into the subject of bisexuals for a moment.

Let me begin by saying that I have many friends of both sexes who
are gay or bisexual and I have no problem with them. The girl I
was with for 2.5 years and was very much in love with was

I took our breakup very hard and I felt like it was my fault, and
that I drove her to being with women. Well it's now been about 3
months and I have had time to think, reflect, and talk with some
of my friends, particularly my lesbian friends, and finally reconcile
with my ex.

Through all of this, what I have learned from my friends is that

dating bisexuals is simply dangerous. My ex is not a lesbian; she is
bisexual. She will always be bisexual. A lesbian friend finally drove
this home to me when she explained she went through the same
thing with a girl that was bi. It occurred to me then that my ex
would most likely leave her girlfriend at some point for a man,
just like she left me for a woman... it is just the way they are.
Now I don't mean to offend anyone when I write this, and I don't
mean to stereotype or say that everyone fits this model. But it's
just my attempt to save all of you from some emotional trauma,
should you consider an LTR with a bisexual partner. I will not deny
that threesomes are an amazing experience that everyone should
be so lucky to experience, however, it might be something to
pursue with an FB, not an LTR.


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