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JCO invites the submission of articles, technique with minimal formatting. Do not copy the journal
clinics, clinical aids, pearls, and case reports related format or organize your text in columns.
to the practice of orthodontics. Contributions are
3. One file containing numbered, medium-quality
received with the understanding that they have not
figures in Word, PDF, or PowerPoint format. (Do not
been published in print or online, nor are they being
upload individual image files for review.)
considered for publication elsewhere.
IMPORTANT: Although we do not require print-
JCO may limit the number of authors that are included quality images for review, figures must be large and
in an article. Each author must have contributed sub- clear enough for editors and reviewers to see details
stantially to research, patient treatment, or writing. clearly on their computer monitors. After acceptance
of an article, we will request separate high-resolution
Copyright and Disclosures image files. Final acceptance of any article is condi-
Every author must sign a copyright transfer agreement tional upon receipt of print-quality images. See infor-
and disclose any financial or professional interest in mation below on preparing print-quality figures.
any company, product, or service mentioned in an 4.  Table files in Word (preferred) or Excel. Place each
article. The copyright agreement form can be down- table on a separate page (Word) or separate workbook
loaded from the JCO website. (Excel). Note: Tables should not be figures!

Submission of Manuscripts 5.  “Supplemental files”, including Acknowledgments

(in a separate Word document), a cover letter (if
JCO uses a double-blind peer-review system (review- desired), author photos, signed copyright forms,
ers and authors are not identified to one another). signed patient photo release forms, etc. This material
Keep this in mind when preparing your text file so will not be seen by reviewers.
that we can preserve your anonymity.
After acceptance, we will request high-resolution
Use a clear and concise reporting style. JCO reserves digital files to be sent to our office (not to the submis-
the right to edit manuscripts to accommodate sion site). For publication, send high-quality digital
space and style requirements. images, in the most original form possible. Preferred
Manuscripts must be submitted using the online formats are as follows:
interface at After re­­ • Photos, radiographs—TIFF or highest-quality JPG
viewing this Guide for Contributors, please check the format, at least 300ppi at printed size or larger. (Do
Author Instructions link on the submissions site for not attempt to add resolution by resampling.)
specific details about uploading your files into the sub­
mission system. After submitting an article, authors can • Line drawings—EPS format with TIFF preview,
check the progress of the review via the online system. 1200ppi if you are scanning a hard copy.

Please prepare the following documents for uploading • Author photos—TIFF or JPG, 300ppi at a physical
into the online system: size of 2 inches wide. Do not crop closely!
• Do not flatten images if you are adding labels,
1. An author information page in Word format,
arrows, circles, etc., or creating new images with mul-
including, for every author listed:
tiple layers. Save them in PSD (Photoshop) format or
• Complete first and last names in their native form. (Converting them to JPGs will
• Degrees automatically flatten the layers!)
• Postal address • Do not crop photographs closely. A rough crop is
• Current job title and institution, if applicable (or “in acceptable; do not try to match JCO’s cropping.
private practice of ”) • Orient mirror shots and radiographs correctly
2.  A single text file in Word format, including title, before sending.
text, references, and figure captions. Do not include Ideally, digital files for an accepted article should be
any author information or Acknowledgments. Pre­ sent to JCO in as close to their original form as pos-
ferred text style is 12pt Arial type, 1.5-line spacing, sible, with no cropping, resizing, or resampling.



References and Footnotes Interim records should be used to illustrate case prog-
References should be selective and keyed in numerical ress and particular treatment effects if the article is
order to the text. Authors are responsible for the accu- being submitted to introduce a new appliance or
racy of references. Journal references must include approach. Interim records should always illustrate the
authors’ names, article title, journal abbreviation, concepts being presented in the article.
volume number, inclusive page numbers, and year: At every stage, records should be high-quality and in-
1.  Cusimano, C.; McLaughlin, R.P.; and Zernik, focus and should include:
J.H.: Effects of four first bicuspid extractions on •  Facial photos—right profile non-smiling and fron-
facial height in high-angle cases, J. Clin. Orthod. tal non-smiling and smiling
27:594-598, 1993.
• Intraoral photos—upper and lower occlusal and
Book references must include authors’ or editors’ right, frontal, and left buccal, taken in centric occlu-
names, chapter title (if applicable), book title, edition sion
number (if applicable), publisher, city of publication, •  Study cast photos, in three or five views, especially
year of publication, and page numbers (if applicable): if necessary to show articulation or if intraoral photos
2.  Petersen, L.J. and Topazian, R.G.: Psychologic are not available
evaluation of candidates for dentofacial surgery, •  Pre- and post-treatment lateral cephalograms, with
in Surgical Correction of Dentofacial Deformities, cephalometric landmarks clearly visible and in focus
2nd ed., ed. W.H. Bell, W.R. Proffit, and R.P. •  Tracings of pre- and post-treatment lateral cephalo-
White, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1980, grams
pp. 92-97. • Superimposition of pre- and post-treatment trac-
Any product mentioned in the article should be foot- ings, with regional superimpositions if needed to
noted by company, city, state, and website: illustrate particular movements
*XYZ Orthodontic Co., Los Angeles, CA; www. •  Pre- and post-treatment panoramic radiographs (For additional guidance on high-quality case records,
see the February 2004 Editor's Corner in the JCO
Permissions and Photo Releases Online Archive,
Permission of the original author and publisher must
be obtained by the authors for use of previously pub- Special Considerations for Pearls
lished text or images. As many as 100 words can Pearls are simple clinical or management techniques
usually be quoted without permission, provided the that can easily be implemented by busy orthodontic
material quoted is not the essence of the complete practices. Specific guidelines include:
work and appropriate reference is made. • The text should be no longer than about 300 words.
A photo release form must be included for publication • The technique should be explained in clear, step-by-
of any photograph showing a person’s face. A sample step language.
form can be downloaded from the JCO website. If no • The images should be keyed to the text using letters
form is submitted, JCO will mask the patient’s eyes. (A, B, C, etc.); no captions are used.
• The title should summarize the technique in as few
Reprints words as possible.
Upon request, the corresponding author will receive • The number of authors should be kept to a mini-
complimentary copies of the issue in which the article mum (one author is preferred).
appears. Re­­prints can be purchased by the authors or All other guidelines for submission of manuscripts,
by other parties with the corresponding author’s per- including style, footnotes, and references, should be
mission; contact JCO for prices and information. followed.
For assistance or more information, see
Special Considerations for Case Reports or
Ideally, a case report should include records taken at: e-mail
• Pretreatment The online submissions site is located at
• Debonding
• At least one-year post-treatment


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