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Standard I: Visionary Leadership

Goal – Assist in the development and implementtaion of the Baker School Improvement Plan.
Activity – Work with the School Improvement Committee to plan, implement, and monitor current
objectives for the 2019-20 School Year.
Activity – Work with the School Improvement Committee to collect data to determine needs for the
2020-21 School Year SIP.
Timeline – Curent through June 2021
Support Needed – I will need time to collaboarte and recieve feedback from the SI Committee and
building Principal.

Standard II: Cultural & Instructional Leadership

Goal – Sustain school cutlure through a comprehensive, building wide wellness initiative.
Activity – Work with Red Pillar (School culture) Committees to meet objective throughout the school
Activity – Collect data to determine trends in student, parent, and staff perceptions of school culture
and wellness.
Timeline – Current through June 2020
Support Needed – I will need time to collaboarte, plan, and recieve feedback from the Red Pillar
Committees and building Principal.

Standard III: Management of Organization, Operation, & Resources

Goal – Increase my understanding of preparation and implementation of various initiatives within the
district such as MTSS and Equity & Inclusion.
Activity – Volunteer and participate in committee and sub-group work surrounding MTSS and Equity &
Activity – Work with building principal on bringing district level work to the building.
Timeline – Fall 2020 to present
Support Needed – Release time from building responsibilities to meet with committee(s) to continue

Standard VI: Student Success by Understanding, Responding to, & Advocating for Student Learning
Goal – Strengthen a MTSS for Behavior through the collection and analysis of MiBliSi and EWI data.
Activity – Collect and Analyze EWI and MiBliSi data to identify trends of celebration or need.

Activity – Identify, implement, and monitor supports for trends identified in data analysis.
Timeline – Current through June 2020
Support Needed – Time with building principal and Baker staff to discuss data, trends, and supports.
Possibly development of a sub committee.

Standard V: Ethics, Integrity, Fairness, & Practice

Goal – Support staff in analysis of current grading practices in regards to fairness and equity for
Activity – Work with teachers to understand the research behind equityable grading practices by
answering the the question, “How do we measure student learning, rather than compliance?” Provide
teachers reasearch and tools to self assess and plan for change.
Activity – develop professional learning opportunities for teachers to look at differentiation in student
learning and analysis on impact of grading.
Timeline – Fall 2020 to present
Supports Needed – Release time with teachers and planning time with building principal.

Standard VI: Student Success by Understanding, Responding to, & Advocating for
Student Learning
Goal – Develop a staff understanding of MTSS, specifically on what TIER I supports provide for all
students within the building.
Activity – Staff professional learning around MTSS, identifying research and best practices to
Activity – Staff analysis of current TIER I supports within each department and identifying ways TIER I
can be strengthened to provide learning for all students.
Timeline – January 2021 to present
Supports Needed - Release time with teachers and planning time with building principal.

Standard VII: Substantial & Sustained Educational Leadership Internship

Goal – Continuing to participate in different leadership opporutnities within the Troy School district
and County
Activity – Participate in the New Principal’s Leadership Academy through Oakland Schools
Activity – Continue volunteering and participating in different TSD initatives, such as MTSS, Equity and
Timeline – Ongoing
Supports Needed – Release time to participate

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