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Keyword in statement Keyword in text

1 Possible impact Adversely affecting

Sedentary lifestyle Lack of exercise
Children perform Academic performance
Classroom At school
worrying Alarmingly
2 Recently Long-held
Discovered Conviction
Exercise Vigorous physical activity
More beneficial Much better than…
More effort
3 Unclear Obvious
Dr Aric Sigman Dr Aric Sigman
Thinks Message
Schools and parents Schools and parents
Should do Should devise ways…school time
4 Lot of people Those, no doubt there are
Disbelieve Sceptical
Dr Sigman’s theory This
5 Researchers
Discover Found
Between levels of fit-ness Male teenagers in Sweden
Swedish teenagers Those who were fit were more
Their IQ likely to have a high IQ
6 Dr Sigman Dr Sigman
Do physical exercise Physic activity
Experience less.. Decrease stress
Chemical change Increases levels of chemicals
Increased blood and oxygen flow to Increasing blood and oxygen flow
brain to the brain
7 Other researchers Other researchers
Professor Art Kramer Art Kramer
Some parts of brain become bigger Increase the size of crucial parts of
the brain
8 Fit children Children who are fit
Better Better
Unfit children Unfit friends
Doing complicated Multi-tasking
Mental thought Difficult mental tasks
9 Scientific Their findings
Used Used
10 Benefit Help
Fighting memory loss Combat memory loss
Keeping the skills Retain problem-solving skillin old
Solve problems age
11 True
Professor Art Kramer Kramer
One particular type Aerobic exercise
More effective Best for this
12 Neuroimagining work Neuroimaging work
Exercising physically With exercise
Alters Change
Brain Brain networks and structures
13 Doing this
Eating less Restricting people’s diets
Certain days Every other day

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