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Technological Institute of the Philippines

1338 Arlegui St. , Quiapo, Manila

College of Engineering and Architecture

Industrial Engineering Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course

IE 001 - Engineering Management

"The Assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedure through

Fish Bone Diagram"

Submitted by:

Bartolome, Jay-r N.

Hipolito, Claire Jasmin A.

Punzalan, Christopher

Submitted to:

M/Engr. Maria Jessica Ebio

March 11, 2020


This research is about the assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedures through the use of Fish bone

diagram. Doha Bakers is a local bakery, located at Las Piñas City that need additional manpower to make their

business function. This deals on the staffing procedure that they use to hire new employees, application of the staffing

steps that will be beneficial to them to hire new and quality employees. 10 questions was asked to the owner and the

result will undergo a series of assessment which is the fish bone diagram and why-why analysis, the interpretation of

data will be able to provide the nature of the study.

Based on the gathered data, the staffing procedures that she uses is recruitment and selection. She recruits

through referrals from employee and those current employees sometimes recommend relatives and friends who may

be qualified for the job. She selects by first evaluates employees through interviews and chooses qualified employees

based on experience with their past job/company. She also focuses on providing them benefits for their own welfare.

And regardless of the minimum wage, she offers her employees a house to live and free meals that they may


Based on the findings of study, the researchers concluded that the reason for having a lack of manpower of

Doha Bakers is due to the way of their staffing process, benefits and salary of its management does not meet the

demand and standards of the employees and applicants. The owner of Doha Bakers has his own way of staffing

procedure to hire new applicant and because of this, they don't fill the desired number of employees they want.

Key words – Fish Bone Diagram, Why-Why Analysis, Staffing, Recruitment, Selection


The researcher would like to express their thanks of gratitude to the following persons who helped complete the study.
To Engr. Maria Jessica Ebio, our dearest professor, who gave us the opportunity to conduct this research
and provide to us valuable suggestions and guidance throughout this research.
To Mrs. Maria Lourdes Bedra, the owner of Doha Bakers, for granting our request in conducting the research
at Doha Bakers and participating on our research despite of the hectic schedule that without her this research wouldn't
be possible.
To the researchers' family and friends, to their prayers, inexhaustible patience, valuable suggestion, words
of encouragement, unconditional love and full support that made us less difficult to accomplish this research.
To all the names not mentioned for giving us encouragement, full support and being with us throughout the
conduct of this research.
And above all, to the Almighty God for giving the life to cherish, wisdom, guidance, strength, healthy body,
healthy mind and the people mentioned above to make this all happened.


Table of Contents

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................................................... 1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 2

APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................................................... 6

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6

BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ................................................................................................................................................. 7

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ................................................................................................................................................ 7

OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................................................................... 8

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................................................................. 8

SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Relevance of the Study ..............................................................................................................................................................13

Conceptual Framework ..............................................................................................................................................................13

Research Paradigm ...................................................................................................................................................................14

Definition of Terms ....................................................................................................................................................................14

CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 16

RESEARCH DESIGN ................................................................................................................................................................16

RESEARCH LOCALE ................................................................................................................................................................16

SOURCE OF DATA ...................................................................................................................................................................17

PROCEDURES .........................................................................................................................................................................17

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT .......................................................................................................................................................18

DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT ............................................................................................................................................18

CHAPTER 4 ................................................................................................................................................................. 19


FISH BONE DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................................................................................21

WHY-WHY ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................................................................21

CHAPTER 5 ................................................................................................................................................................. 22

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS .........................................................................................................................................................22

CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................................................23
RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................................................................................................................................................23

References: ..............................................................................................................................................................................24

Questionnaire: ............................................................................................................................................................ 27

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................................... 29

CURRICULUM VITAE..................................................................................................................................................... 33


For today’s business to become competent, productive and successful in industries, proper staffing is

especially necessary. Acquiring employees is a must to achieve this kind of goal and to help the businesses in terms

of lacking manpower. Staffing may define as, filling and keeping filled, positions in the organizational structure (Koontz

and O’Donnell, 1955). The importance of having employees and staffing in building a business is to help you in

discovering and obtaining competent and personnel for various jobs, to improve the quantity and quality of the output

by putting the right person on the right job, improve job satisfaction of employees, facilitate higher productive

performance by appointing right man for right job, reduces the cost of personnel by avoiding wastage of human

resources, facilitates growth and diversification of business and provides continuous survival and growth of the

business through development of employees.

Doha Bakers is a local bakery, located at Las Piñas City, is indeed in need for additional manpower to provide

goods and services to the community. For the bakery to operate efficiently, manpower is needed to function. A

process of filling up identified positions with the most qualified persons available must be done which is called Staffing.

Staffing is a process concerned with putting the right person in various positions within his area of concern. The

process involves a series of steps which are human resources planning, recruitment, selection, induction and

orientation, training and development, performance appraisal, employment decision and separation. Along the way,

based on the facts that, as the faced challenges become more complex, there must be continued improvement of the

organizations. And they can only improve through the effective and efficient use of their resources one of them is

manpower. Manpower refers to the total number of individuals who are employed in a company or available for a

particular project assignment or work.

This research looks into one aspects of management which is staffing. Staffing is an engineer manager

function that refers to putting the right person in various positions within his area of concern. Every industry, like the

local bakery of Doha Bakers needs to have an exact number of manpower to do the job and for an organization to

function. This research will help the organization to fill up the positions with the right persons available. The purpose

of this study is to help the bakery to solve the issue about lack of manpower so they can provide good and services

efficiently to the consumers.

The Bedra Family started as a small pastry business named Doha Bakers. Its operation started last February

8, 2006. It is currently located at 45 Admiral, Talon Tres, Las Pinas City. Doha Bakers is a 24 hours operating


Mrs. Bedra stated that the reason why they decided to put up a pastry business was because she wanted to

make use of her talent in baking at the same time looking for a way to earn extra income. The building where Doha

Bakers is located, started as the family’s house then soon converted into a business type building after moving out.

After a few years of operation, Doha Bakers expanded by branching out their business. As of today, they have a total

of 2 branches. The other one being located at Talon Uno, Las Pinas City.


Most organization structure encountered a problem with lack of manpower leads to exceeding the time given

to complete a task. It is mostly occurs in small enterprises and Doha Bakers is one of the example who experience

this problem.This research will educate the company regarding staffing procedure, benefits and salary.

This study focused on the following inquisitions:

I. Does the owner have enough knowledge about staffing procedure?

II. How the Doha Bakers use the staffing step to hire employees?

III. Why is Doha Bakers have a problem in manpower?

For the success of any work, there must be a reason behind the task. The objectives of the study are as


• To give additional knowledge about staffing procedures to the owner.

• To find out if the Doha Bakers is using the staffing steps to hire new employees.

• To find out the problems involve with lack of manpower, and know how to exceed the problems.


The Company

This study will help assess the problem of lack of manpower, through the process of staffing. Assessment of the

identified problem will help eliminate unnecessary expenditures and waste of time in finding the right employees.

The Industry

This will be significant to small-medium enterprises, not only to a local bakery but also to those who manage their

own business. This study will help owners in assessing the correct approach in hiring employees that would contribute

to the company’s growth and development in the industry.

The Institution

To directly translate to the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom. And for sustainability and development

The Students

Students may use this study to have an idea on how staffing procedure commence. They will also have an idea on

what the perspective of an owner in the process of hiring employees.

The Future Researchers

Future researches may help contribute what needs to be improved in the scope of this study. Future researchers may

be of help in providing what needs to be enhanced in the staffing procedure.

The intent of this study includes staffing and staffing procedures that relates to benefits and salary which is

recruitment, selection, performance appraisal and employment’s decision. The study was made to help the owner of

Doha Bakers about the problem of lack of manpower and staffing procedures as the basis of human resources

planning. The researcher’s constructed Fishbone diagram, Why-Why Analysis and theowner’s evaluation in a depth

interview with a prepared questionnaire was the basis for this research.

The study is delimited only to solve the problem that are connected on the lack of manpower of the bakery

whether they practice the staffing procedures, and if the salary and benefits are enough to satisfied the needs of the

employees of the bakery, and only limited on evaluating the owner’s staffing process in Doha Bakers located at 45

Admiral, Talon Tres, Las Pinas City, excluding the human resource planning, training and development, and



This chapter presents the related literature and studies gathered by the researchers in understanding the

study. This chapter will also present the significance of the study, conceptual paradigm to completely understand the

root of this study, and for the improved comprehension of definition of terms.

Bakery as Business

According to Meyer and von Solms (2018), a bakery may be a source of income and employment by

developing an environmentally favourable and cost effective solution from renewable energy. This development was

then turned into a solarized bakery that helped the economic and social improvement of a community.

The popularity of bread making is increasing at this time. Owners tend to develop strategies that would help

them produce high quality goods that consumers would support. (Destari and Wahyuni, 2018)

According to (Isa, Jayaraman, Kiumarsi, and Varastegani, 2014) Small-Medium Enterprises primarily

engages in the bakery business, but cannot compete with the branded bakery Industry. Findings reveal that SMEs

have disorganized marketing strategies and improvements in the areas of production of bakery products must be

focused too. Analysis also reveals that more coverage of selling points for bakery products, and proper incentives to

the agents may definitely improve the marketing of bakery products.

Operating a bakery can be a difficult enterprise with start-up equipment costs, production deadlines, adhering

to safety and maintenance regulations and heavy local competition for customers (Mooney, n.d.). Having control over

a retail business which can be developed and expand when time allows is very beneficial for bakery owners.

Bakery Operation

Accurate sales forecasting and inventory control challenge store managers in reducing wastage of supply.

Sutrisno and Yang (2018) stated that the sales in a single day can be predicted through utilizing the number of sales

in the first few hours. A second replenishment strategy was arranged; this strategy was meant to move products

among multiple stores in the middle of business hour.


According to Deker (2019), bakeries may be identified as a local neighborhood store or those large stores

packed with busy operations. Upon opening a bakery, considering first how many staff to acquire is a first. Fewer

staff may work for bakeries considered as a small-medium enterprise. But one must consider as the load of work

starts to nurture, more staff is needed to perform specific role to keep the bakery up and running.

Regardless of organization size, hiring new employees is a time-consuming and expensive process that

includes recruiting, processing, eliminating, and selecting applicants (Fernandez-Araroz, 1999).

(Durani and Rajagopa, 2016) stated that ineffective hiring can lead to low employee morale due to job-

employee misfit, poor employee performance, loss of business opportunities, and high employee turnover.

Referrals from employees help companies decide to hire new employees, whether it is a friend or family

member (Hoffman, 2017). This could be beneficial in terms of lower turnover, possibly higher productivity, lower

recruiting costs, and beneficial commonalities related to the shared employee values. But disadvantages may also

be considered when hiring through referrals is done. Under-represented minorities, entail greater firm costs in the

form of higher wages, lead to undesirable commonalities, and reflect favouritism.

Finding the right person for each job can be difficult, and new hires often fail to meet employers’ expectations.

Hiring of an individual who did not meet competency criteria indicated a number of issues, including that the

individuals lacked knowledge in required subject areas or displayed negative character traits such as aggression or

a lack of specific necessary workplace skills. While individuals may possess desirable skills, it cannot be assumed

that they are a good fit for an organization in terms of culture and environment, nor do they necessarily possess the

determination or drive to excel in a position. (Hart-Hester, Jackson, Richey and Rudman, 2016)


As mentioned by Basu and Nandy (2018) employee benefits are stated as non-wage compensation offered

to employees despite their monthly salary. Most of the countries place taxes onto some benefits. Examples of benefits

include lodging, insurance (health, dental, life, etc.), day care, disability income protection, retirement benefits,

vacation (paid and non-paid), student loan contribution; conveyance expenditure due to office job, domestic help

(servants) and other specialized benefits. The purpose of employee benefits is to increase the economic security of

staff members, and in doing so, improve employee retention chances and enhancement of employee motivation

across the organization.


According to Akhtar, Guohao, and Iqbal (2017), to enhance employee motivation which will increase the

employee productivity, the relationship between pay practice and job satisfaction is very important.

If any organizations want to succeed in the market place it has to maintain desired levels of benefits, attractive

salary packages, maintain a good organizational culture, and satisfy their employees as much as they can. This will

increase the employee loyalty and higher retention rates.

The rationalized salary and welfare system can fully mobilize the work initiative of employees. Appropriate

increase in salary and benefits can reflect the importance a company attaches to talents. Staff may use the quality of

the compensation and benefits issued by the enterprise to measure the value of their existence in the enterprise. The

compensation and welfare system of the enterprise can fully display the value of the employees of the enterprise.

(Song et al. 2018

Production of Bread

Bread color development can be affected by different surface of ovens. Oven surfaces have significant effect

on the color development which makes selecting the type of oven surface for the process of baking important.

(Ibrahim, Salleh, and Zhou, 2013)

Destari and Wahyuni (2018) stated that the number of baking producers that have different types of quality

bread time is growing. Consumers’ expectations and positive feedbacks helped improved the product quality of

breads. Fail to reach their expectations would affect bread production.

As stated by Ibrahim, Salleh, and Zhou (2013), color is one of the most important attribute for bakery products.

It can be critically accepted by the consumers if along with its color, the texture, aroma, nutrient profile, and shelf life

is given of importance too.

During the making process of every types of bread with different flavors, defects from the products were

identified which makes the defect products into reject products. The defects were recognized as burnt, sodden bread,

and shapeless breads. Weakness factor such as these defects should be acknowledged to help improve the quality

of production and being superior amongst competitors. (Fitriana, Luthfiana, and Saragih, 2017)

Relevance of the Study

The review of related literature and studies provided the researchers facts and knowledge that can be used

in considering the assessment of Doha Bakers in staffing procedure. In previous studies, it was shown that different

methods of hiring, qualifications upon hiring staff, what the management should consider in hiring and the production

of bread may have an impact in assessing the staffing procedure of Doha Bakers. Studies will be relevant on

presenting data or results that will support the null hypothesis or alternative hypothesis of this study.

Conceptual Framework
Doha Bakers is located at Las Piñas City. The flow of the study is shown by the research paradigm. Profile

of the Doha Bakers will be collated upon the conducted interview with iits owner. With the help of the conducted

interview from the owner of Doha Bakers, researchers will be able to learn the problems that the bakery is currently

experiencing. One of those is the lack of man power. Lack of manpower could be crucial to small bakeries like Doha

Bakers. In this study, the researchers would then focus on the assessment of Doha Bakers’ staffing process. The

accumulated data from the interview would help support this study. The said assessment would assist Doha Bakers

in solving the problem regarding the lack of manpower. Implementation of the said strategies would then commence

for the betterment of Doha Bakers. This study would also benefit those who are in Small-Medium enterprises.

Research Paradigm
Input Process Output

Profile of Doha Prepared Survey

Bakers Questionnaire to be Assessment of Doha
Articles Questioned via In- Bakers in Staffing
Depth Interview Procedure through
Journals Fish Bone Diagram
Questionnaire Observation

Figure2.1. (Research Framework on Assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedure through Fish Bone


Definition of Terms
Assessment – Evaluation of Doha Bakers hiring procedure.

Baker – The one who bakes bread for Doha Bakers.

Bakery – A business in the food and retail industry wherein breads are sold along with other merchandise.

Benefit – It may be of monetary value or not, employees of Doha Bakers are entitled of benefits aside from receiving

their salaries.

Bread – A product of Doha Bakers made by its bakers and being sold to its consumers.

Customer - a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business.

Employees – People who made daily operation for Doha Bakers possible.

Enterprise - a business or company.

Equipment – A machine, like an oven, used in producing the breads of Doha Bakers.

Feedback - information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis

for improvement.

Income - money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.

Interview - a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.

Manpower - the number of people working or available for work or service.

Procedure – A way of showing how the owner of Doha Bakers hires her employees.

Production – An enhanced way of producing the breads in a good quality.

Profile - a short article giving a description of a person or organization.

Profit – Accumulated from the sales made by the breads and other merchandise

Recruitment - the action of finding new people to join an organization or support a cause.

Salary – Payment given to the employees of Doha Bakers in return of their service.

Staffing – Can be associated with hiring. It is also a way for Doha Bakers owner to accumulate and evaluate aspiring,

qualified people who will be working for the bakery.

Selection - the action or fact of carefully choosing someone or something as being the best or most suitable.

Welfare – The wellbeing of Doha Bakers’ employees being honoured.


The research design focuses on the assessment of a local bakery called “Doha Bakers” in staffing process.

It is a qualitative type of research since it focuses on the staffing procedures and benefits on the said bakery.


The study was conducted at a local bakery in Las Piñas. The place was selected because a bakery is known

of daily mass production of breads and since our topic is about the assessment of Doha Bakers in staffing process,

the researchers were interested to know about how their staffing procedures and how they comply and assess despite

the lack of man power.

The data in this research was collected firsthand by the researchers through the most common technique

which is a self-administered survey. There were ten questions about the said topic that was answered by the

interviewee which is the owner of the bakery.

On this qualitative research, the self-administered survey answered the ten questions regarding staffing

procedures. After the survey was conducted, the answers were assessed and the researchers reviewed if they were

able to answer the said objectives of this study. Then from there, the researchers can make a conclusion with the

data collected.

The research instrument used was a questionnaire asking the following questions regarding Staffing


1. How many employees do you have?

2. What is your desired or target number of employees?

3. How do you recruit employees?

4. How do you select employees?

5. What are the benefits that you provide for your employees?

6. In what ways do you distribute the salary to the employees?

7. How do you pay your employees?

8. What is the salary range of your employees?

9. How do you deal employees who violates the rules in your bakery?

10. What kind of employment do you demand in your company?


The data gathered by the researchers was obtained through a person to person semi-structured interview

conducted by the researcher. The data gathered will be assessed if it defines the objectives of the study and if the

goal of the research was met.


This chapter indicated the results of the researchers’ methodology. This chapter showed the constructed Fish

Bone diagram method and why-why analysis, and also presented the results of the survey questionnaire with the

analysis of the data gathered and the corresponding interpretation, based on the problems formulated in chapter 1.


INTERVIEWER: How many employees do you have?

RESPONDENT: Doha Bakers has 6 regular employees.

INTERVIEWER: What is the desired/target number of employees?

RESPONDENT: My target number of employees should be 7, considering the store is open 24/7. There’s a shifting

schedule of my employees. Morning & Evening shift.

INTERVIEWER: What do you think is the reason why you did not reached your desired/ target number of employees?

RESPONDENT: Many are applying but some are not qualified for some reasons, example some are requesting for

stay out and demands for high salary.

INTERVIEWER: How do you recruit employees?

RESPONDENT: I recruit employees through the help of my current employees, then recommendations especially

from my relatives.

INTERVIEWER: How do you select employees?

RESPONDENT: I select employees with their past/previous experience.

INTERVIEWER: How do you deal with the employee who violates the guidelines in your bakery?

RESPONDENT: I do reprimand them, give warnings and suspension (but very seldom).

INTERVIEWER: What kind of employment do you demand in your company? (Regular employment, Casual

employment, etc.)

RESPONDENT: Regular employment. Most of them stayed with me more than 3 years.

INTERVIEWER: What are the problems that you encounter with your employees?

RESPONDENT: Not listening, and following some rules. Back biters, and sometimes no good relationship with his/her


The researchers’ respondent, the owner of Doha Bakers narrated how she recruits employees. She also said

that she recruits some of the employees through referrals from employees. And those current employees sometimes

recommend relatives and friends who may be qualified for the job. The respondent also told the researchers that she

first evaluates employees through interviews and chooses qualified employees based on experience with their past



INTERVIEWER: What are the benefits that you provide for your employees?

RESPONDENT: Benefits that i provide for my employees, they have SSS, Philhealth, Pag-ibig, Birthday leave, and


The owner of Doha Bakers proudly discussed to the researchers that despite of being a local bakery, she

also focuses on providing them benefits for their own welfare.


INTERVIEWER: In what ways do you distribute salary to your employees? (cash, ATM, etc)

RESPONDENT: I distribute salary on a cash basis.

INTERVIEWER: How do you pay your employees? (By cut-off, By monthly-basis)

RESPONDENT: They receive their salary every 15th/30th of the month.

INTERVIEWER: What is the salary range of your employees? (Below minimum, Minimum, Above minimum)

RESPONDENT: Below minimum, because I provide them a staff house to live and free meals.
Salary of the employees of Doha Bakers are being distributed by the owner every 15th or 30th of the month

through cash basis. Regardless of the minimum wage, she offers her employees a house to live and free meals that

they may consume.


Figure 4.1. (Fish Bone Diagram on Assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedure)


PROBLEM The Doha Bakers didn’t meet the desired number of employees

WHY 1 Because the owner has a unique way of staffing

WHY 2 Because she allocated a dwelling place just for the employees

WHY 3 Because that’s the owners way in exchange of paying them a

below minimum wage

Because she already offered benefits that would level the

WHY 4 below minimum wage she’s paying her employees and still
there were no attracted applicants to fulfil the target number
of employee of Doha Bakers

WHY 5 Because of the below minimum wage no applicants were

attracted, which resulted of their lack of manpower problem

Figure 4.2. (Why-why Analysis on Assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedure through Fish Bone Diagram)


Based on the results and findings in chapter 4, the reason why the Doha Bakers have a lack of manpower is

due to the misunderstanding and things that are not settled with the agreement between owner and employees. This

could be beneficial in terms of lower turnover, possibly higher productivity, lower recruiting costs, and beneficial

commonalities related to the shared employee values. The fishbone diagram shows the cause and factors that would

affect lacking of manpower of Doha Bakers and in why-why analysis indicate the problem and show the causal root

of the problem.

We conclude that the reason for having a lack of manpower of Doha Bakers is due to the way of their staffing

process, benefits and salary of its management does not meet the demand and standards of the employees and

applicants. The owner of Doha Bakers has a unique staffing procedure to hire new applicant and because of this,

they don't fill the desired number of employees they want.

We recommend that Doha Bakers should conduct monthly meetings together with the owner’s employees

not only for sales update but also regarding to the employees issues to maintain harmonious relationship in workplace.

The owner must have high knowledge in terms of staffing procedure to ensure the quality of her employees and also

for her company to give her higher profit. The Doha Bakers should follow the proper staffing steps and to manage the

lack of manpower, they must set standard that would fit to their requirements. Below isour proposed staffing



1. Widen advertising.

• Make lifestyle part of recruitment offer.

2. Find out what positions are to be filled and match it to the applicant capabilities.

• Find out what the going rate is.

3. Offer benefits that would fit to the employees.

• Emphasize the benefits your small business offers.

• Fitness Opportunities would be great for the bakers.

• Flexible work.

4. Training and development for non-experienced applicant.

• Offer the training by reimbursing some of the costs for them to take appropriate courses or workshops


5. Incentives program and insurance.

• Offer signing bonus deal with certain length of employment.

• Discounts from neighbouring establishments.

6. Separation pay.

• Show empathy and support.


A. Journals

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B. Articles

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1. How many employees do you have?

2. What is your desired or target number of employees?

3. How do you recruit employees?

4. How do you select employees?

5. What are the benefits that you provide for your employees?

6. In what ways do you distribute the salary to the employees?

7. How do you pay your employees?

8. What is the salary range of your employees?

9. How do you deal employees who violates the rules in your bakery?

10. What kind of employment do you demand in your company?



“Restaurant human resource managers’ attitudes towards workplace diversity, perceptions and definition of
ethical hiring.”

Human resource (HR) managers play a vital role in hiring new employees. We administered a web-based

questionnaire to a convenience sample of HR managers’ who were members of the Council of Hotel and Restaurant

Trainers (CHART) to assess their attitudes towards workplace diversity, perceptions of ethical hiring within their

organization, and their definition of ethical hiring. Significant differences were observed between attitudes towards

ethical hiring and HR managers’ ethnicity, and between organizational size and perceptions of ethical hiring within

organizations. Given the diversity of today's labor market, findings from this study have potential for impacting training

of HR managers and hiring of foodservice personnel.


“The value of hiring through employee referrals in developed countries”

Firms can benefit by hiring employee referred candidates; however, there are potential drawbacks that must be

Companies frequently hire new employees based on referrals from existing employees, who often recommend friends
or family members. There are numerous possible benefits from this, such as lower turnover, possibly higher
productivity, lower recruiting costs, and beneficial commonalities related to shared employee values. On the other
hand, hiring through employee referrals may disadvantage under-represented minorities, entail greater firm costs in
the form of higher wages, lead to undesirable commonalities, and reflect nepotism. A growing body of research
explores these considerations.

A growing body of research suggests that firms may experience significant benefits from hiring through employee
referrals. However, the benefits are certainly not without costs (e.g. in terms of less diversity, higher wages, or bad
homophily); as such, this article does not intend to suggest that firms should only focus on hiring referred candidates.
Rather, firms should carefully examine how referrals are (or are not) adding value to their organization. In addition,
firms should examine whether more can be done to improve the quality of referrals. Given the tendency for homophily
in the referral process, one potential course of action is that firms could encourage referrals from their highest ability
employees. Having said that, the evidence indicates that referring employees often have higher ability to start with;
thus, it is possible that this advantage is already built into the referral process.

Firms that encourage referrals should make sure that their referral program is equitable, and is not just perpetuating
the “old boys’ club.” Diversity is important for firms for many reasons (e.g. various studies suggests that diverse teams
may perform better). To avoid a referral program leading to less diversity, a firm might encourage referrals of women
and under-represented minorities to ensure that strong women and minority candidates are not left out of the referral
process. As an example, the professional services firm Accenture announced in early 2016 that it would use
“enhanced” referral bonuses for successful referrals of blacks, Hispanics, women, and veterans.

Finally, researchers and practitioners should continue to explore the value of hiring through referrals. As highlighted
herein, there remain many important open questions. While this article has focused primarily on developed
economies, the value of hiring through referrals in developing countries is also a very important issue.


“Research on the Impact of Salary Benefit on Employee Stability”


Song Xia-zi, Wang Yan, Cheng Qian-wen, Song Xia-zi

Corresponding Author

Song Xia-zi

With the continuous development of the times, the scale of enterprises is getting bigger and bigger,

and the difficulty in personnel management and business management has increased. The large

number of staff turnover is the major problem, which will directly lead to insufficient staff stability.

Salary and benefits are often an important factor affecting the stability of employees. This paper will

take the issue of corporate compensation and benefits as a research entry point, then give a brief

overview of compensation and benefits, after that, it explore the effect of compensation and benefits

on employees, and further study the impact and effect of compensation factors on employee stability

are given. Finally, feasible measures to improve the stability of employees through

compensation and welfare management are proposed.


Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) MLA
Address:B2 L15 moscow st BF international Las pinas
Cellular No.:+639651484997

Passionate student studying BS Civil Engineering at Technological Institute of the Philippines. Aiming to utilize my technical
skills for achieving the target and developing the best performance in the organization.


• The Assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedure through Fish Bone Diagram - March 2020
• Evaluation and Integration of Fire Safety in Doha Bakers – March 2020


• Kitchen Staff
Chowking Fastbytes
Northgate, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
January 01, 2014 - January 31, 2015
o Responsible for dishwashing, maintaining the cleanliness of the kitchen, and kitchen equipments like: chiller
and freezer equipments.
o Responsible for frying, steaming, boiling, stir frying food.
o Responsible for preparing ingredients and condiments.
• Kitchen Staff
CAA, Casimiro, Las Piñas City
March 01, 2015 - October 31, 2015
o Responsible for dishwashing, maintaining the cleanliness of the kitchen, and kitchen equipments like: chiller
and freezer equipments.
o Responsible for frying, steaming, boiling, stir frying food. Responsible for preparing ingredients and
• Kitchen Staff
Robinsons Mall, Las Piñas City
January 01, 2016 - May 31, 2016
o Responsible for dishwashing, maintaining the cleanliness of the kitchen, and kitchen equipments like: chiller
and freezer equipments.
o Responsible for frying, steaming, boiling, stir frying food.
o Responsible for preparing ingredients and condiments.
o Responsible for reporting of incoming stocks (wet and dry).

Having graduated from TIP with its orientation towards outcome-based education, I have acquired and can demonstrate the
following student acquire outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary to the practice of the computing profession:
Analyze complex problems and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate for solution.
Use modern techniques and tools of the computing practice in complex activities.
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional


• Knowledgeable of Microsoft Office Estimation

• Committed to every task given; eager to be of service
• Good communication skills, can speak and write in fluent English I can work on more than one task at a time.
• I am organized and fast learner.
• I can be a team player or a leader.

Regina Dichoso
Customer Service Representative
com 09361016244

Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) MLA
Address:Ph7B Blk 38 Lot 47 Pkg 2 Brgy. 176 Caloocan City
Cellular No.:+639282770964

Energetic, dedicated and compassionate engineering student seeks challenging opportunity to apply my skills and
knowledge learned from my experienced and academics to the field I am in.


• The Assessment of Doha Bakers in Staffing Procedure through Fish Bone Diagram - March 2020


Having graduated from TIP with its orientation towards outcome-based education, I have acquired and can
demonstrate the following student acquire outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary to the practice of
the computing profession:
Analyze complex problems and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate for
Use modern techniques and tools of the computing practice in complex activities.
Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities relevant to
professional computing.

• Association of Civil Engineering Students - Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers SY (2016-2017) Member
• Association of Civil Engineering Students - Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers SY (2019-2020) Member


• Construction Sustainability and Green Civil Engineering
Dr. Teresita Quirino Hall, Arlegui Campus August 29, 2019

Knowledge in Microsoft Office (Excel,Powerpoint,Word), can work under pressure and can get along with people

Ms. Paula Joie Dela rosa
Ground Stewardess, Pagss Air Company
Powered by TCPDF (

Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) MLA
Address:195C Magsaysay Street Tondo, Manila
Cellular No.:+639959534632

To obtain a position that will utilize my experience, knowledge and skills and to fulfill the needs, goals, vision and
mission of the company.


Having graduated from TIP with its orientation towards outcome-based education, I have acquired and can
demonstrate the following student acquire outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) necessary to the practice of the
computing profession:
• Analyze complex problems and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate for solution.
• Use modern techniques and tools of the computing practice in complex activities.
• Understand professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities relevant to professional


• AMOSUP?s 55th Anniversary
MOA Arena, Pasay City
November 01, 2015
• History of Ships
Manship Company, Makati City
October 01, 2015

• Can communicate and deal well with the different people.
• Listen attentively; openly express ideas.
• Provides and ask for feedback regarding to my work.
• Cooperates and works well with others.
• Can operate CAD.
• Coordinates and completes tasks.
• Manages projects effectively and meet deadlines.
• Leads and directs others.
• Help team members set and achieve goals.

Geoffrey Roeder Rivera Arjin Bartolome
Outbound Sales Representative Hr Controller
Acquire Asia Philippines Concentrix
09051679891 09163109668
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Bartolome, Jay-r N.
The study of staffing procedure plays an important role to us student in Engineering which need to study on how
individuals, groups and organizations recruit, select and give performance appraisal to satisfy the needs and wants
of the employees. I learned from this subject that some of the factors that may influence the issue regarding lack of
manpower of a certain company are the benefits, salary and management conditions. Those of the factors are vital
when using them to apply in staffing process.
With completing this research study, I was able to benefit from a variety of new things and learn the importance
of staffing procedure.
The biggest hurdle in the class for me was time management. I am a procrastinator and always have been,
some completing assignments on time was and still is a challenge for me. I have not come to a full solution to this
problem yet, but I did make changes in my life as to how I can manage time management. I found that it was easier
for me to focus on homework if I was outside of house, because when in house, I would usually mess around on the
internet or take naps. I don't think realistically I will get over procrastination anytime soon, but I can manage it.
With hurdles came hidden strengths I discovered about myself. I've never thought of myself as a good student,
but because the class used group projects and group thinking. I communicate my ideas to the group and just go with
the flow in class. Obviously this benefits me no matter what career I decide to go into, because as a good student it
is a valuable asset that I have.

Punzalan, Christopher

Staffing procedure plays a vital role not only in the field of Engineering, but in every field that requires
manpower. As a student, I was able to go deeper into the topics regarding staffing procedure. With the help of this
course, Engineering Management, we were able to understand staffing procedure

Upon the completion of our research, I was able to recognize more from the staffing procedure. I learned a
lot of things, thanks to Doha Bakers. I may have a working background but I had no idea that that’s how things work
for employers. As an employee, I just did what I have to do. Avoid committing mistakes, following orders, and wait for
my salary. But now that I am already studying, I had some realizations. There will always be some basis on why
things work this or that way.

Performing this research was troublesome at some point. Most of our group mates weren’t available or won’t
even respond to our messages and then one day, they would just pop-out when everything was already finished and
be furious that why didn’t we informed them or something. We reached out to them, but they still didn’t do anything.

My takeaway for this research is; no matter how good the benefits you offer for applicants, they would still
refuse upon knowing that you give your employees below minimum salary. In my honest opinion, people should grab
every opportunity they could have. In what we are experiencing today, it is better to have that low salary than to have
nothing and be bum. Gaining experience would be one of the factors you should consider when you are having doubts
in taking a certain job. But of course, that’s just for me. I know that we should also consider applicants that would
have to feed and provide for his/her family, which also led them looking for a job in the metro. It’s a tough world.

Hipolito, Claire Jasmin A.


Doing this research, I learned about the importance of Staffing in establishing an effective business. It’s

important in every field that requires a quality manpower. It is important for us, the students, who are enrolled in

Engineering Management, because this research deepen our knowledge and understanding about the staffing

procedure; how human resources planning, recruitment, selection, induction and orientation, training and

development, performance appraisal, employment decision and separation must be applied properly.

Upon finishing of this research, I was able to know the benefits of an employee. It prepares me for the future

when I get employed by a company. How to follow the rules, how to act as an example employee for my organization.

How to deal with my co-worker and how to compromise.

While doing this research, we encountered a lot of challenges because we are a group of six that have

different schedule of loads and it results difficult for us to communicate and to make it organized. We make decisions

that might hurt other’ feelings but have to be made to finish this research on time. A proper time management and

decision-making is used for this research to become successful. Thank you for my classmates and to the Doha

Bakers’ owner for their participation.

To totally sum up, a problem with lack of manpower will occur due to how they follow the staffing process

and how they treat and give significant of their employees and the needs of their employees.


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