Group 2 Ied 126 Charmedimsure Designbriefand Rubric

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Project 1.2.

6 Charmed I’m Sure Design Brief

PLTW Engineering

Charmed, I’m Sure Design Brief

Client Individual Customer

Target General public


Designer(s) Josiah Lieb Eric Leib, William Lao

Opportunity The company has an opportunity to improve brand loyalty. Using 3D printing
Statement technology, the company can quickly manufacture customized products based on
customer needs and deliver the products in a short time. It is proposed that we test the
process to design and manufacture personalized backpack charms (or luggage tags)
for individual customers. The proposed process includes:
1. Customer submits a description of the person for whom the charm will be
designed to include any characteristics they would like reflected in the charm
2. A company designer generates three unique concepts for the charm design
(concept sketches).
3. The customer reviews and provides feedback on the designs.
4. The designer creates a final design proposal (multiview drawing).
5. The customer approves the design (signature required).
6. The final design is manufactured and delivered to the customer.

Design Our design wanted to incorporate representation of an organization in this case it

Statement would be our school. We chose a small and compact design that minimizes damage
and helps with structural integrity. Which is why the cube was selected as our parent
shape. Acting not only as a portable charm but could be used as a handy paperweight
as well. The logo in future variation would give our consumer more options in
customizing the piece to their liking.
Criteria 1. The design must include either a hole to accept a ball chain or other
attachment system
2. The charm must allow easy attachment to a backpack (or luggage).
3. An edge distance of at least 0.25 inches must be maintained between the
edge of the charm and any hole or slot.

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© 2020 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Constraints 1. {Manufacturing Process} The charm (or luggage tag) will be manufactured
using an additive manufacturing process (3D printing).
2. [Material] The charm (or luggage tag) will be manufactured from PLA or ABS
3. {Material} Due to limitations in production, the maximum volume of material is
3 cubic inches.
4. [Time] A final design must be submitted for customer review by 3/19/21.
5. {Time} A 3D design file must be submitted by 3/19/21.
6. (Optional) A 3D printed model must be submitted by 3/22/21.
Deliverable ❑ Initial conceptual sketches – at least 3
❑ A rough isometric sketch of the selected design idea

❑ A multiview drawing detailing the final design

❑ (Optional) A 3D-printed product

❑ Documentation of total material volume and print time for prototype

Project Grading Criteria:

Project (100 pts): Yes Kind of... No

1. Are all established project criteria met? 20 13 0

2. Are all established project constraints met? 20 13 0
3. Are all deliverables submitted by the deadline? 20 13 0
4. Is the concept/theme appropriate? – Will the target client(s), 20 13 0
consumer(s), and/or user(s) approve? (Is it creative/original…?)
5. Is the presentation/project completed with the utmost 20 13 0
attention paid to overall organization, understanding and professionalism/craftsmanship?
Total =93 /100%
Final Score = Advanced, Proficient, Average, Needs Improvement, or Incomplete??? Why?

Justify your teams final score here:

● All deliverables, criteria, and constraints have been met with full team commitment and
attentiveness to the product. The target client was supposed to be anyone with an affiliation to
any organization and group. If given more time we proposed that the website or even company
itself in fact would get both the commision and the job to make the charm.

Presentation (100 pts): Advanced Proficient Average Basic Incomplete

1. Define the Problem 10 9 8 6.5 0

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© 2019 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

a. Completed Design Brief

2. Generate Concepts 10 9 8 6.5 0
a. 3 concept sketches from each team member
b. Isometric sketch with dimensions
c. Volume calculations
d. Justification for teams selected design
e. Teammate signature(s)
3. Develop Solution 10 9 8 6.5 0
a. 3D model of final charm design
b. Multiview drawing with annotations
4. Construct and Test 10 9 8 6.5 0
a. 3D print of charm
b. Test data and analysis
5. Evaluate Solution 10 9 8 6.5 0
a. Cost Calculations
b. Evidence that solution meets criteria and
constraints or recommendations for revision
6. Completed Team Project Reflection Questions 10 9 8 6.5 0

Total =90 /100%

Final Score = Advanced, Proficient, Average, Needs Improvement, or Incomplete??? Why?

Justify your teams final score here:

● Our team did a really good job on this presentation with everyone committing to
get it done on time and to complete it with it looking nice and professional. Also
we have all the things in the presentation that we needed.

Project Team Reflection:

As a team, reflect and answer the following prompts:
1. Reflect on your work and consider ways that the final product or process could be improved.
■ Does the final product align with your design statement?
● Yes, it did align with the design statement goal and wishes. With the final product
having good representation of any organization and displayed the user belonging to
that affiliation.
■ Did you meet all of the criteria and constraints?
● Yes. we met all of the criteria and constraints presented by the manufacturer and
commissioner. While the price was a bit high to manufacture we would like to make
changes such as hollowing out parts of the product to reduce cost and increase
structural efficiency.
■ Was the customer satisfied with the final product?
● Yes, the customer, who was a parent who wanted to be affiliated with the school, was
satisfied that the charm represented the school in such a prominent way. With the

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© 2019 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

added bonus of reaching a secondary objective as a paperweight novelty item. So

the product is dual used for desktop and luggage items.
■ Could resources (time or material) be used more efficiently at any step of the process?
● Yes, Materials could have been more efficiently used in the final calculations of the
product. Such as the final cost to manufacture our prototype and the initial time it
took to design the final piece and print it. We want to have more customer feedback
on what the usage for the charm was and we seek to improve it in that certain area.

2. Review the Modeling Overview resource. Describe each model you produced during the design

We have developed a conceptual model when we made our sketches and thought about what we
wanted our design to be. Also we used a graphical model when we made our 3D model of the charm.
Then when we 3D print our charm we will do the prototype model since we will have a physical
prototype and the mathematical model when we can test and analyze the charm.

3. Review the list of goals you created at the beginning of the project. Did you achieve your goals?
Why or why not?

The list of goals we made at the beginning of the project was first we wanted to create something with
team spirit or organization representation of some type. Also something simple with good representation
that has a compacted design with a simplistic range of motion but also uses. I think we did a pretty good
job with achieving our goals since we have it representing our school and it is a pretty simple and
compact design.

4. What did you learn during this design experience that would inform the company’s plan to
develop a process to design and manufacture personalized backpack charms (or luggage tags)
for individual customers?
○ For individual customers we would look at their affiliation and in what way they want to
be represented so that the side of the charm could be designed to their liking. As the
customer gives us feedback we would take that feedback and have it customized on the
initial prototype of the charm. Like how much they want to represent for size and in what
way like a slogan or a logo imprinted on each face. We learned that the piece itself
needs to be hollowed to save cost but also structurally sound to last longer.

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© 2019 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

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