Final Assessments Spring 2020: Answers Ans1

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Zackary Barrington Gillon

BBA – 2F – 1911358

Final Assessments Spring 2020

Program: BBA Class: 2A/2F

Course Name: Islamiat/ Ethics Duration: 3 hrs
Instructor’s Name: Saba Nadeem Total Marks: 40
Course Code: Date:


Q1) Explain Muslim’s contribution to science. Elaborate with reference to any two Scientist. (10
Q2) What does moderation of behavior means in Islam? Explain with examples. (10
Q3) Explain the Islamic concept of the rights of spouses.
(10 marks)
Q4) Write a short note on Waqf.
(10 marks)



The growth of Islam in the seventh century was a real golden age of scientific discovery to
the Muslim nations as it was Building on the wisdom of ancient civilizations,
Many scientist and great scholars arose which brought about a change in the current world.
Which included the setup of libraries by all great scholars who’s doors were open to all for
the knowledge was free for everyone who wanted to learn on any subject matter. There were
many advancements in astrology and medicine in particular which I find the most interesting.
Al-Biruni was an innovative astronomer, mathematician, physicist, Physician, geographer,
geologist and historian. He discovered seven different ways of locating the direction of the
north and south, and discovered mathematical methods and techniques to determine exactly
the beginnings of the season. He also wrote about the solar system and sun and its
movements and the eclipse. In furthermore, Al-Biruni invented some astronomical
instruments. Al-Biruni claimed that the earth rotated on its axis and made accurate
calculations of latitude and longitude.
Another great example of a Muslim scientist is Al-Zahrawi who was considered the greatest
surgeon of the era who invented a wide range of instruments such as forceps, pincers,
scalpels, catheters and specula etc. all these instruments were carefully illustrated in his
writings. His had certain recommendations on pain-reduction techniques, such as the use of
freezing cold sponges. One of his best and most unique innovations was the use of catgut for
stitching up patients after an operation, a practice that is still in use today.
Muslim scientist was the first to come up with scientific mathematical and medical ways
which was later followed by the world. They were the first to take an interest in science and
share their discoveries to the world.
Moderation in all things is the most significant in Islam and the Muslim country is a center
country as in it utilizes its full force in building, changing, picking up benefits, instructing
and educating with no carelessness or lavishness. It accomplishes a harmony between the
individual and the gathering, among life and religion, between the intensity of the psyche and
the intensity of the body, among vision and authenticity, among otherworldliness and realism.
he Prophet (SAWS) was the best example for all human beings; he was a role model for
anyone seeking righteousness and fairness, for Example; Moderation basically means to
avoid any extreme in any matter. The action of just avoiding the excessiveness or taking a
step which may lead to any future harm or bad should be avoided. If an individual has the
ability to let, go and settle any situation they should immediately without conflict. we
normally take tell lies while being sarcastic and consider it appropriate whereas we consider
it only wrong being in serious conversation. Islam urges us to argue with politely so that no
violence is created and no grudges are kept that would disturb the relationship or well-being
between 2 individuals.
Allah says, “Believers, argue only in the best way with the People of the Book”
The true concept of keeping balance in one`s life in the light of Islamic principles is a lot
whole different than the common perspective. One must not become too much indulged in the
materialistic world that it forgets the remembrance of God and its other religious and moral
Moderation is basically, the idea of balance in Islam ties one to receive feeling of
equalization in each activity, regardless of whether it is strict or social, individual or group. It
is the key to a happy peaceful and balanced life, a life with minimum harm and violence and
maximum peace and autonomy in the Islamic society.


According to Islam, the family works as a social unit that is a part of a society. Islam has
charged upon the spouse obligations towards his significant other, and the other way around,
and among these obligations are some which are shared by both a couple. Both spouses have
shared values and norms which they must follow such as dual conjugal roles in which the
work is divided equally between both partners. Caring for children, providing for their health,
training their bodies and souls, and educating them in knowledge and morality are shared
duties of fathers and mothers. This necessitates their cooperation and mutual deliberation and
diligence. A father has a greater responsibility in this matter, but the role of a mother is more
sensitive and constructive.
Married couples must watch each other's wants in tidiness, attire, the style of their hair and
facial hair, and so on. Islam exhorts ladies at home to apply beautifying agents and enhance
themselves for their spouses, wear their best garments, be flawless and clean, and apply
fragrant aromas. Imam Sadiq has declared. Women moreover also have certain
responsibilities towards their husbands, some of which have been indicated in various Hadith.
All these responsibilities can be comprised in one phrase, taking good care of one’s husband.
Amir al-Mu’minin. Similarly, a man has these duties toward his significant other; he should
be slick and perfect, perfumed and sharp looking, he should style his hair and face
consistently, and make himself attractive for his better half. Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad.
Both must live in harmony and peace shall be in their household taking care of one another
and helping each other.
The privileges of a spouse in regards to her better half are that he should give her sustenance
and garments and should not appear to her with an appalling appearance. In the event that he
does these, by Allah, surely he has satisfied her rights. Moreover, Family affairs must be
performed by mutual agreement, consultation, and cooperation of the husband and wife.

Ans4: WAQF
The exacting significance of the word waqf is 'confinement'. In the lawful setting, waqf
implies detainment of a property with the goal that its produce or salary may consistently be
accessible for strict or beneficent purposes. At the point when a waqf is made, the property is
kept or, is 'tied up' everlastingly and from that point becomes non-transferable. Which means
and different sorts of waqf are characterized in this task. There is an article behind making a
waqf. Office of administrator is significant. There are numerous modes to make waqf, which
are managed in this undertaking. Waqf is authoritative and enforceable by law, it has
legitimate results which are managed in this task. The law of waqf is the most significant part
of Mohammedan Law for it is intertwined with the whole strict, social, and financial
existence of Muslims.
Waqf Act 1954 claims that, “Waqf implies the lasting commitment by an individual
purporting in Islam, of any ardent property for any reason perceived by Muslim Law as strict,
devout, or beneficent.”
Waqf actually signifies 'confinement' stoppage or tying up, which means along these lines
that the responsibility for property is detracted from the individual creation waqf and moved
and kept by God. Subtleties are given in old messages about waqf made by the prophet. At
the point when Muslim an individual who is working for an altruistic reason under strict
confidence and notions and for the advantage and upliftment of the general public, has given
his property for the sake of Allah is called waqf.

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