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True or False

1. globalization is a phenomenon.
2. regionalism refers to a political process by economic policy if cooperation and coordination are
present among countries.
3. revolt against secularism, where in localized uprisings go up against the state's less moral
authority to govern.
4. Nationalization constructs a link between the nation and church.
5. Global South is a metaphor for interstate inequality and a product of Western imagination.


1. Who stated “states that “globalization stands for quite a large public spread across the world as
one of the defining terms of the 20th century social consciousness.”
2. It is described as something comprised of multiple sameness and interconnectedness the
3. refers to regional concentration of economic flows.
4. wherein there is an expansion of range and depth of conflict between the secular and religious
5. It is a facet of contemporary political globalization that seeks to form collaboration among
nation states through the establishment of intergovernmental organizations


1-5 Five dimension of Global Cultural Flow

Answer key:

1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True

1. Schottle
2. Globalization
3. Regionalism
4. Global War
5. Global Interstate system


1. ethnoscapes
2. technoscapes
3. mediascapes
4. financescapes
5. ideoscapes

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